Translated by WING( Proofreading and Revision by B-ko 1998 Mission 2: "The man called Boris" P1. *DDDD* Boris: I am the only suriviver left today....Again... P2. *CLIP CLOP...*(sound of boots on hard floor) Micky: Mmm...He must be the only surviver of the fourth squadron! Shin: That's Boris. Shin: He's an ex-squadron leader from RAF. He's a genius at surface attack! Micky: Oh Micky: Is it true that he sleeps with the lights on? Shin: He says that being in the dark makes him feel like he may never come back to the world of daylight. He fears it. Micky: Gee, that's a weird idea! Shin: Well, each pilots here have some sort of circumstances in their background, because we all comes from different countries. McCoy: Yo, Shin! you're still alive today! Shin: McCoy! I am glad to see you are alive, too. McCoy: Aw, quit kidding! I won't die that easily! McCoy: By the way, I got hold of some really cheap sidewinders! Would you like to buy them!? Micky: You'll go to hell if you stuff your pockets that way! McCoy: Hehehe...your name's Micky, is it? McCoy: This is Area88, and it's right on the middle of hell! How much farther down do you think I can go from here?! Shin: That's true. Well, let's get back to your story. How cheap are they? McCoy: Wanna buy them? It's 1000 bucks for 50 shells! Shin: 20 bucks each!? That's REALLY cheap! Shin: Aren't they inferior ones? Shin: They're no use if they don't fly! McCoy: Do not tell me crap like that! Have I ever sold you a missile that doesn't fly?! P3 Boris: They did fly but one didn't explode when it hit the target! McCoy: Boris...Keep your nose out of my business! Boris: They're no use if they don't explode. McCoy: Only sometimes! Not all of them... Shin: Sorry, but no deal. McCoy: Hey! wait a minute... McCoy: Oi, Boris! Why the hell are you interrupting my business!? Boris: Our lives are at stake here. Boris: Blind shells are fatal to us...So, don't take this badly, McCoy! McCoy: You!...damn Boris! Boris: (word outside wordballoon) Hahaha! (walks away) McCoy: There's nothing wrong with dealing with me, they're fools... Micky: McCoy! McCoy: m? Shin: 8:30pm, sunset... Shin: Right! let's move! *Whiz* P4. Blue1: Blue 1, take off! Control: Control Tower to Blue 2! Start rolling for take off! Shin: Output to full power! Shin: Afterburners on! *Boom* P5. *Whiz* Shin: Go! *GOOOOOOOO* Micky: Shin! Do you think enemy fighters will come up? Shin: No idea! Today's target is a supply base with a huge number of anti aircraft missiles. Boris: Usually, bases don't use fighters if they have missiles as their main defence. Shin: (Talking to himself) Boris... Boris: Now we must decrease altitude to come in under their anti airs. *Whiz* P6. Shin: This is Blue 1 to base! Shin: We've entered their defence range! Target in sight! Shin: The enemies are welcoming us by sending up flares! Shin: To avoid their anti airs, we will attack the target by maintaining low altitude flight! pilots: Roger!! Pilot: Hehehe... I'm gonna blast the rebel mammoth supply tank! Pilot: That's rubbish! The $20000 reward is mine! Pilot(Greg?): No, that's mine! Pilots: Attack! Pilot: God, please grant me 20000 bucks! pilot: Amen...! Pilot: hehihihi...(thrilled laugh) P7. operator: Enemy fighters coming in at low altitude, Mach 1! officer: They're damn good! Must be the mercenaries from the foreign unit! officer: Don't let them enter our territory! officer: Launch the fang! *ROAARR* officer: Now! *PING* *WHOOOSH!!*(sound of fang discharging from the desert.) Pilots: Wooough! P8. *BOOM!* *BANG* *KABOOM* Officer: Hahahah! How's that, mercenaries! P9. Operator: Two enemy fighters still approaching! They broke through our perimeter! Officer: No...that's impossible!! *Blam*(sound of cannon) *WHIIIZ!!* P10. Shin: There's no other plane in the world that can fold its wings while flying except F8E Crusader! *ROAARR!* *PING* *DOOM!* *Kaboom!*(huge explosion of suppy base) Shin: We made it! P11. *Blam* Shin: Oh! *VROOOM* Shin: Yo, Micky! Nice work! Micky: Damn, I'm exhausted! Boris: Were you guarding our backs up above? Micky: That's right! I let you go after the big game, and I swatted the flies overhead! Micky: You owe me big time for that one! Boris: I see, that's why no enemies were attacking us from above while we were flying vulnerably with folded wings! Boris: I thank you for that, Micky! P12. Shin: In that case, we'd better split our $20000 reward three ways. *Whiz* Boris: .... Boris: can't! The reward must be split only between two of us! Shin: Boris! We would never have reached the target without Micky's help! Shin: Without him, we would have been annihilated! Micky: It's ok Shin, If that's how he feels about it, I don't need a mere $6000! Shin: Then, I won't take the money, either. I don't want to get a reward by ignoring Micky's effort. Shin: The reward will be all yours, Boris... Boris: (outside wordballoon) Hahahaha Boris: You silly bastards, don't jump to conclusions! huhuhu... I was telling you to split it between you two, except me! Shin: ! Micky: ? Boris: It seems like two or three anti-air shells got into my air intake... Boris: One hit my stomach and the other jumped around inside the engine. Shin: Boris! Boris: Having friends is nice... Boris: Especially, when you share deadly danger with them. You can not have such friends many times in your life... P13. Boris: But...such friends must die when the others are still alive in war... It's so painful to be left alone. Boris: For that reason...I never wanted to make friends... Boris: I had enough loneliness surviving alone.... Boris: When I sleep with the lights turned off, I see their faces one by one...They say, 'Hi, Boris, how's going?'...I couldn't stand it. Boris: But...That's all over...Now, I can sleep peacefully at last... Shin: Boris! Shin: Boris! Draw your stick! Shin: Pull up, quick! *Whiz* Boris: Shin, when you get back, turn off the lights in my room for me, will you? Shin: Boris! Shin: Boris! *BOOM!* P14. *Bong* *WHIIINE*(the sound of hatch opening) Saki: As you destroyed the base, the frontline rebel units have no more supplies and are begining to withdraw. Shin: Saki... Saki: 15 fighters for sortie, and 8 have not returned... Saki: Next operation will be the day after tomorrow. Shin: All right... Micky: I wonder when he will become a human. Micky: Well, I must give McCoy a good scolding! Shin: Did he sell you second rate stuff? Micky: I bought his bargain missiles and... Shin: They didn't explode when they hit the target, right? Micky: No, they went off like gangbusters!! Shin: Then, what's your problem? Micky: The fuse was rotten! It exploded before hitting the target! Micky: 100 meters in front of enemy fighter! Of all the Goddamned things! P15. Shin: So, this is all Boris left behind. crew: Yes, but... crew: He does not have a beneficiary. We'll keep this at headquarters. Shin: Good night...Boris... *CLICK* narration: There is no graveyard for pilots fighting in Area 88. narration: They will choose to die at one spotted coordinates on the map. narration: The crash point, AR-16-B7. The man was called Boris...My fellow mate Boris... End of chapter2...