The Final Chapter: Farewell, Cutey Honey!! Love's Light is Eternal Written by Iisaka Yukako Translated by David Soler and HTMLized by Shawn M. Robinson VER. 1.0 p.66. Honey~~!! p.67. Even if this shatters this mortal frame, 2) I. WILL. see you sealed, Panther Zora. 3) So lend me greater strength, Air Alchemy, for I will not be vanquished by man's darkest urges. 4) On behalf of all tomorrow's!! 4) Wh...What? FX: fizzle p.68. You base-born bitch~~~! Eeyaa~~~ FX: ZZZAKKK... p.69. Rrrumble... 3) Wh...What happened? It looks like we've returned to normal space. 4) Honey!? Where are you, Honey!! 5) The darkling energies are...dissipating. p.70. 3) It can't be...! Honey... 5) You can't be gone! Not after saving us...Where's the justice in that!? p.71. HONEY~~~!! 3) Seiji? 4) Eh? p.72. I'm back! 3) Seiji...Yike! p.73. You idiot! You worried me half to death...! 3) I did? I'm sorry. 4) Well, at last it's ended. 6) Or maybe that's wrong... p.74. Maybe this is really the long-awaited beginning...of all our tomorrows. p.75. FX: tromp tromp tromp tromp 2) Honey Kisaragi!! Natsuko Aki!! 3) Cutting class is a violation of school regulations! 4) Hold it right there! (Fade) You still have afternoon classes! p.76. Unfortunately, spring sales only last until today. Who has the time to attend classes? 2) Yup! Yup! Forgive us, Miss Miharu! 3) We were going to buy you that book about that prettyboy idol you like as a souvenir! Ms. M.: (whisper) Prettyboy idol? (Normal) really mean it. 4) *Gasp* After all I've done to you... 5) You two! It's 100 raps upon your return! p.77. 2) Carrying on like this, the past days spent battling Panther Claw seem like a dream. 3) Oh, Ho~~ney... FX: *blow* What thoughts are making you stare dumbfounded at the moon? H: Eek! 4) Duh-hee! Duh-hee! Might they include a certain down-on-his-heels detective? (Fade) Ah, a lovestruck maiden! Isn't it romantic? H: Natsuko! p.78. Ohh!...As if I'd spare a second thought to Seiji! N: Whoa, Whoa, no need to blush! I grant that he's a cool guy...although not quite cool enough to take the place of your best friend! 2) As far as I'm concerned, as long as you're happy, that's good enough for me. FX: Beam (Fade) Since I know you'll always lend a hand when the going gets tough. 3) Well, pleasant dreams! H: Natsuko. 4) My good and generous friend, always looking out for me. (Mutter) You really are a quick sleeper, aren't you? You've already nodded off. FX: Zzz... (Normal) Pleasant dreams, Natsuko. p.79. The time will surely come...when I'll be able to speak of all that's happened to date. I'll be on the lookout for that day...Someday for sure. 2) FX: rap rap 3) FX: creak p.80. 2) Prince Zera...! 2) I came to bid you farewell. H: Eh? 3) I thought I'd go take a closer look at this world you saved, since I'm going to spend the rest of my days defending it. 4) The future will be decided by the humans you love and believe in...I would ascertain which hopes and yearnings will guide Tomorrow...Thus will I ensure that Panther Zora will never again be resurrected. p.81. That is the only destiny open to me after being reborn through the grace of the love you all bore me. 2) Twilight Prince... TP: Hmph. 3) I'm no longer your prince of anything. Not when you have such a splendid knight in your service... 4) One otherwise known as Seiji Hayami. Don't you agree? FX: Gulp 5) We shall meet again...someday. H: W...Wait, Twilight Prince. 6) Um... p.82. It is you... 2) Who are the bearer of Love's Light. 3) (Voiceover) Wherever I may be, I will pray for your happiness. (End V.) p.83. 2) Seira!! 3) What's the matter? Not taking the day off from classes, are you? (Sotto voce) Not that I can talk. 4) Actually, I wanted to have a word with you. H: Oh? p.84. Will you follow Prince Zera...? 2) FX: nod 3) He's already left. The truth is that he really wanted to stay and watch over you, but his past as one of Panther Claw will always weigh heavily on him. 4) So that's why I've decided to go after him. p.85. Even if his heart never turns toward me, it will make no difference in my feelings. 2) I...I love him. 3.) Seira... 4) But don't think I won't come after you if you screw up! Now more than ever, you've got to give it your all, Big Sister. 5) Byebye! H: Ah. 6) Take care of yourself! (Slow Fade) Be sure to call occasionally! Be sure to eat three meals a day! And...let me see... S: Give it a rest already! p.86. Give 'em hell, precious younger sister! 2) Ah-hah. So Seira's... 3) Everyone's gone. 4) Honey... p.87. What am I, chopped liver? I'm not going anywhere. 2) I'll always stand by your side. 3) Seiji... 4) Gotcha! p.88. FX: Squeeze FX: Jolt 2) FX: swivel swivel p.89. FX: RUSTLE 2) Huh? What was that sound? H: D...Don't ask me! 3) FX: Cough. OK, let's try that again... a-one, a-two... p.90. ILLICIT INTERACTION WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX IS FORBIDDEN!! FX: BWOING~~ 4) FX: doom doom doom doom FX: Squish! p.90. Ms...Ms. Miharu!?...with Natsuko and the gang, too. What are you doing here? 2) Hahahaha! Ya got me! Just making a little profit... FX: ZOOM I mean, prepping an article! 3) YOU! S: Huh? 4) Just what do you think you were doing to one of my precious students!? FX: *GLARE* 5)! I just...I would never...really! Guy 1: Spit it out! Guy 2: I won't let you have Honey! Guy 3: You go, Ms. M! Girl: Sheesh. p.91. Enough already! You're all a bunch of interfering busybodies! 2) FX: SHBOOM Honey~Flash!! 3) Seiji! 4) Huh? Ho...Honey... (Mutter) In front of everybody? Ms. M.: Who might you be? Natsuko(!?): Whoa, what a cutie! Guy 1: Looks nuttin' like her! Girl: This is so awesome! p.92. Run for it, Seiji! FX: *grip* S: Huh? Whoa~! 2) Hey, he's making off with the wrong girl! Ms. M.: Ah-hah! So you were trying to fool around with Kisaragi! End of Chapter Back to Manga page