Academy Files: Terror of the Haunted House!? N: Ee~k! p.110. Sign: Saint Chapel Summer Fes-- 2) Sign: Ghost House [in both Japanese and misspelled English] 3) Hohoho! At last, the annual Academy Summer Festival! Our class' "Haunted House" is going to send everyone screaming! 4) I can't wait to get started frightening people! FX: Wriggle Tremble [in excitement] H: Natsuko! (Mutter) She's really getting into it! 5) Honey! 6) Honey! Look, look! 4) H: Huh? Girl: Please, take some. S: Sure thing! 8) Hey, Seira! p.111. FX: swivel Yes? 2) FX: *DOOM* S: Gya~~h! 3) Boo! 4) We did it! A four-star performance! Yay! If this came out so well, the guests will be scared out of their wits! 5) Forgive us, Seira! We worked so hard on the masks that we couldn't wait until the real show before testing them. (Fade) We didn't mean anything bad. (Offstage) N: Boo! Girl: Eek! p.112. But the expression on your face was priceless! Hee Hee FX: *STUN* 2) Let's both give it our all for this one day, OK? 3) You won't get away with this...I'll make you rue the day you laughed at my fear. 4) Let's see if I can inject some real excitement into your third-rate charade! 5) FX: beep 6) Oh, Prince Zera? Can I ask you a favor? p.113. It looks like they're really packing them in! Signs (right to left): Yoyo--; Ice; Oden $3, Takoyaki $3, Yakisoba $2; Fortune Telling Booth 2) Would you like some takoyaki? 3) Seiji! Over here! 4) Here we are! N: Honey, don't take off your mask like that! 5) Seiji, you're late! If you'd come just a little earlier, we could have scared you inside! 6) Hahaha! Yeah, just my loss. 7) ?: Everyone seems to be in high spirits today. p.114. Principal!...and Miss Miharu! (Fade) together P: Oh, I see that young Hayami has also come. 2) We thought now was the perfect time for a visit. This "Haunted Mansion" looks interesting. M: Umm...Surely the headmaster doesn't intend to take notes from the inside!? 3) What's with you, Ms. Miharu? Don't tell me you're scared. M: Moi? Why, p...p...perish the thought! 4) S: Let's go in together. M: Kisaragi. You can't really die of excessive fright, can you? H: It's perfectly safe! (Sotto voce) at least I think so. 5) In that case, let's go. H: Seiji: Seiji, I don't want you to get frightened and turn into a quivering blob of jelly, so I'll accompany you. S: Ah, Shaddup! P: Hey, hey! Would you pipe it down? (Mutter) You're ruining the mood. 6) FX: sneer p.115. FX: Graa Whoa, this creature looks real! 2) Gyah! I'm scared! FX: *snuggle* 3) It's OK, lady. You're safe with me. FX: Duh-heh, Duh-heh! FX: glare 4) I'm so glad! FX: SQUE~~EZE S: Urk! 5) Hey, Seiji! Will you quit fooling around, and break it off already? Lech. FX: Squeeze Squeeze S: (Fade) I can't breathe... (normal) What do you think I'm trying to do? 6) I'll never let you free. p.116. You're mine now. *Cackle* 2) Mwrow~~ 3) Eeeee!! I wouldn't taste any good! H: Ms. Miharu! 4) Wha...What's going on? We didn't make any monster costumes like that! (Background) Gyah! Eek! 5) Eeya~~~! Girl: That was an impressive scream... N: Everyone's doing a great job! Yup, Yup. p.117. Those...Those are...!! 2) Hee Hee. I asked for two or three frightening creatures, and was given the monster-creating Ghost Panther instead! Lord Zera, you're too good to me! 4) Wah! Gyah! FX: Thud. p.118. FX: *Gong~~* Principal...H...Help me. 2) Aaaah! Monster! M: Why are you running? 3) My dear, sweet children. Now let us end this by killing the humans of shock. 4) Panther Claw!? Even here...! That does it! 5) Honey~ Flash!! p.119. FX: Ta-dah! Hey, I've got something for you, ghosts! This will suck you all up, spic and span! FX: Hwhoo~~ 3) FX: Zoom~~ 4) Pop! p.120. Our Father in Heaven watches over us always. Repent, yon stray lambs! I hereby exorcise all evil spirits! FX: *Sheen* FX: Shwoo... 2) You dare assault my fetches? I swear that the claws of Ghost Panther will rend you to pieces! 3) FX: SHRED Eek! (Mutter) (Normal) What blasphemy! By striking against a disciple of God, you incur Divine Retribution! 4) No avoiding it. It's past time I wrapped this up. p.121. Sometimes I'm the wandering ghostbuster Vacuum Honey...Other times, I'm the missionary of Love, Sister Honey...but my true form is ever... 2) Cutey Honey, maiden wielder of Love's Light! And I'm going to rock your world! p.122. You wretched little slut, this ends with your death! 3) Honey~Lighting~Fla~re!! FX: Oowhoo~~ 4) You did it, Cutey Honey! H: Gyah! P: Even in the midst of strife and chaos, you shine as brightly as ever. FX: *HUG!* M: Uh...Principal... p.123. FX: *K.O.* 2) Hey, I'm not sure what just happened, but it was really cool. Guy 2: They looked just like real ghosts. H: This Haunted House thing got out of control, but it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Maybe we'll do it again. Caption: That wasn't nice, Honey. Even the supporting cast is subject to your wrath. [I'm guessing from context here] 3) Damn you, Cutey Honey! FX: Tap Tap S: Hmph. 4) What's your problem? You're bothering me! (Mutter) Can't you see I'm lost in thought? 5) FX: *GONG~* P.124. FX: *Crack* 2) Uhh... FX: Ker-thunk 3) FX: *doff* 4) Love sometimes carries its own trials. 5) In this way also does my love manifest itself. (Mutter) Is this the extent of my role? 6) U~~gh... end of Academy Files Back to Manga page