Houshin Engi by Fujisaki Ryuu, adapted from the novel by Ano Tsutomu published by JUMP Comics; Shueisha, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ 47. One's Own Present, Past and Future 2 -Nataku's Paopei-Hunting and Genshi Tenson's XXX- ------------------------------------------------ [085] Genshi: Hakutsuru... Genshi: I asked Taiitsu Shinjin to make something for me... Will you fly there to get it for me? And so... Hakutsuru Douji set of towards Kengensan, where Taiitsu Shinjin lived. 47. One's Own Present, Past and Future 2 -Nataku's Paopei-Hunting and Genshi Tenson's XXX- [086-087] 47. One's Own Present, Past and Future 2 -Nataku's Paopei-Hunting and Genshi Tenson's XXX- Hakutsuru: Sleeping... Hakutsuru: Oh!! [088] Taiitsu: Wait a minute!! Taiitsu: Wait, Nataku!! Give me back my paopei~~!! Nataku: Shut up!! I want to get more paopei to defeat that masked guy!! This is not enough!! Nataku: Eh?! [089] Kintaku: Hey! Nataku! It's not good to take things which belong to somebody else! Nataku: Who are you!? Taiitsu: Ohhh!? It's you guys!! Nataku: Fine! Give me your paopei too! Kintaku: All right! Mokutaku: Oi! You're not serious, are you!? [090] Kintaku: But, you must first defeat us! The rules are simple, We fight in this 10-feet boundary, whoever is pushed out of the circle first loses! Nataku: No problem! Mokutaku: Oi! Kintaku, we can't win Nataku one-on-one! Kintaku: It's all right! Mokutaku! We'll take him one-on-one and I know Nataku's weaknesses too! Kintaku: Come on! Nataku!! Paopei "Tonryuutou" Paopei "Gokuken" [091] Kintaku: Nataku!! Your weakness is that you only consider your paopei as flying devices!! Kintaku: So, in close-quarters combat, you won't win!! Hakutsuru: Ahh~~ Is it okay for the three brothers to meet like this for the first time? Taiitsu: Er........... [092] Nataku: Uh....!! Mokutaku: Aaah! Mokutaku: You've been kicked out of the circle!! You've lost!! Nataku: There's no boundary in the sky! Mokutaku: This... won't do... even in the sky... you can't... [093] Aaaaaaaaahhhhh~~~~ Hakutsuru: ........... Taiitsu: .............. Taiitsu: So then, Hakutsuru, you have come for that thing? (I didn't see a thing.) Hakutsuru: Yes... Taiitsu: Heheh... it's not bad! Hakutsuru: What is this? Taiitsu: An experimental paopei! [094] - Peak of Kongrong Mountains - Youzen: I wonder if Master Genshi Tenson received my note? Note: Master Genshi Tenson: I humbly request your help in training. A week from today, eight o'clock in the morning, I will wait for you at the peak of Kongrong Mountains. Youzen! Youzen: It's almost time, why isn't he here yet... [095] My master, Gyokutei Shinjin, said... Gyokutei: Youzen... Your combat ability has already exceeded that of the Twelve Sennin, I am no longer a match for you. Youzen: Now, the only person on Kongrong Mountains who is a match for me is Master Genshi Tenson! I, too, feel that it is disrespectful towards the Leader of Kongrong Mountains, but I must train myself to be stronger. Youzen: In order to defeat that man!! Youzen: ! Youzen: Is it Master Genshi Tenson? [097] Youzen: Bunchuu?! Youzen: Uh... Youzen: Damn it!! How could Bunchuu be at Kongrong!? [098] Bunchuu: Hm.. I'm going to destroy Kongrong! Youzen: What... Bunchuu: Move aside, Youzen!! There is no way you can defeat me!! [099] Youzen: Well... Youzen: How can you know if you've never tried!! [100] Bunchuu: Youzen! You truly are a genius!! You will surpass me soon enough, or even reach the level of Shinkouhyou!! Bunchuu: But, right now, I'm still more powerful!! Time can never narrow our differences!! Whatever it is, the period of time I've trained will always be more than yours!! Bunchuu: To cover that difference in one or two years is impossible! Bunchuu: ! Youzen: Bunchuu... Bunchuu: Yes? [101] Youzen: Your wig is crooked.... Youzen: ........... [102] Hakutsuru: It's Master Genshi Tenson! Genshi: Oh... Hakutsuru! Hakutsuru: You couldn't fool Youzen after all... Genshi: Due to a minor slip from the start. Genshi: But, the Kinben Taiitsu Shinjin made is not bad too! But, its power is only one-tenth of the real thing... Hakutsuru: If you use the real Kinben, Master Genshi Tenson's power will be sucked dry by it... Genshi: Yes! That's true... Hakutsuru: But, will Youzen understand Master Genshi Tenson's lesson? Genshi: He is not stupid, I believe he will understand! [103] Genshi: Now is not the time to just let Youzen himself become stronger, More importantly, we must help Taikoubou defeat the strong enemies! Youzen: There's no need to explain that... I know very well! Youzen: The upcoming days will be long... o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o Translation (c) 2000 Koushi - all rights reserved. No part or whole of this document may be broken up or published on a web-page without the express permission of the author. It may be freely distributed for _personal_ use ONLY on the condition that it is distributed in its entirety and no changes of ANY KIND are made, leaving all original author and copyright information intact. o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o