Houshin Engi by Fujisaki Ryuu, adapted from the novel by Ano Tsutomu published by JUMP Comics; Shueisha, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ 34. Buseiou's Rebellion 6 -Kingou's Paopei- ------------------------------------------------ [007] 34. Buseiou's Rebellion 6 -Kingou's Paopei- [008] Taikoubou: Are Bunchuu's men doushi from Kingou...? Sipuxiang: Goushujin, are those two using paopei? Sipuxiang: Their shapes are really strange! How are they used? [009] Taikoubou: Kingou Islands are a different sect from us. I'm not sure how they are used either... Taikoubou: Tenka! Take these... KouTenka: ? Taikoubou: In case of anything, you can use this secret weapon... Sipuxiang: What are you guys whispering about? Sipuxiang: What secret weapon?! Goshujin, I want to know too! Taikoubou: So, it's like this...like that...and then this and that and it will all be fine! Taikoubou: So, when something happens to us, you can save us! KouTenka: Okay...but are you sure this thing works? Taikoubou: Of course! It was made in the Senkai after all! KouTenka: Okay... [010] Fuurin: Buseiou! ChouKeihou: Never in my life would I have believed that you would betray Chouka. Because I thought that you would definitely stay with Bunchuu-sama to protect the country. KouHiko: Chou Keihou... Taikoubou: Buseiou, do you know them? KouHiko: Yes...they are men of the commander of Seiryuukan. From Chouka to Seiki, there are three passes to get through, Seiryuukan is one of them. KouHiko: In the Yin Dynasty, there are a lot of doushi like them who are loyal to Bunchuu, and who follow his orders... Among them, these two are the most well-known. But, I don't really know what sort of people they are... [011] KouHiko: He actually sent these two here, I guess that means... Bunchuu really wants to kill me... Taikoubou: So you don't know what their paopei are either... Then, let me take the point attack! Taikoubou: Hopefully, the Dashinben will be of some use!! Taikoubou: Burn! Burst forth, flames!! Fire-User Taikoubou, is here!! Taikoubou: Bwa~~~hahahaha Sipuxiang: Goshujin has gone insane... [012] ChouKeihou: Taikoubou, stop moving!! Taikoubou: What!? Taikoubou: Why can't I move any more!? Taikoubou: My body...My body won't move!! ChouKeihou: Fuurin!! Fuurin: Right! [013] Fuurin: Take that!! Sipuxiang: Goshujin has been eaten up!! [014] Fuurin: Taikoubou, you can't get out now! This paopei "Koushu" and Brother Keihou's Paopei "Koumeikon" are a pair. Taikoubou: I see! You only have to call a name and the person won't be able to move any more... This is a paopei which can influence the nervous system... Taikoubou: (hahahaha) But it looks really silly! ChouKeihou: ........... Why are you here, a person who is meant to be in Seiki? ChouKeihou: I had already decided to battle you in Seiki... We had intended to arrest Buseiou and his family first, then attack Seiki afterwards. Taikoubou: Attack Seiki? [015] ChouKeihou: Seiki's influence is too strong! So, Bunchuu-sama felt that Seiki will inhibit the expansion of the dynasty. Sipuxiang: Hey----you creeps!! Return Goshujin to me!! Sipuxiang: Or else, you're going to get it from me!! Fuurin: .......... ChouKeihou: What is the name of this reijyuu? Fuurin: I think it is "xiang-something xiang"... Taikoubou: He is called Sipuxiang! ChouKeihou: Oh...is that right? ChouKeihou: Sipuxiang!! Stop moving!! Sipuxiang: AAAAHAAAH!!! [016] Sipuxiang: Goshujin... Sipuxiang: You idiot! Why did you tell them my name!? Taikoubou: Aaaha~~ sorry, you'll have to accompany me now!! Fuurin: They seem to be arguing... But it's too soft, I can't hear... ChouKeihou: If this continues, we will be able to capture everyone quickly. [017] ChouKeihou: Kou Hiko, Tenroku, Tenshaku, Tenshou, Hihyou, Hihyuu, Tenka, Kou Koun, Shuu Ki, Kou Mei, Go Ken, Ryuu Kan!! Stop moving!! (everyone named): .......... ShuuKi: Wahh~ I don't want to be captured like this!! [018] ChouKeihou: Ah... We're all done here, finally... ChouKeihou: Eh!? Who is that? ChouKeihou: Hurry, capture him!! Bukichi: Oii~! Oiiii~~!! Is this a battle of the sennin?! This is great!! ChouKeihou: .......... This guy can run really fast.... Fuurin: It would be easy if we knew his name... Taikoubou, tell us again, all right? Taikoubou: Do you really think I'm that stupid!? Fuurin: Then I'll step on you! Taikoubou: Eeeeee~ Okay, I'll tell you! [019] Taikoubou: His name is Hitoukonyokudekaebara! Fuurin: Brother Keihou, he is called Hitoukonyokudekaebara! Ebara!! ChouKeihou: Hioukonyokudekaebara! Stop moving! Bwaha~HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Fuurin: I'm going to step on you! Taikoubou: Ai yah~~~ ChouKeihou: Damn! Fuurin, we've been had!! (me too) Fuurin: He is the most mischievous doushi in the Senkai. Fuurin: Forget him, I have so many "Koushu" anyway... [020] Fuurin: We will just have to cut him off!! KouTenka: Heheh--don't forget about me~! Bukichi: Tenka!? KouTenka: This...this is the secret weapon that Shishu gave me earlier. (Earplug) *flashback* Taikoubou: Tenka! Their paopei may be related to sound... If that's really the case, you can use this! [021] Taikoubou: These are the most effective earplugs I used for sleeping in the days when I was training! *end flashback* KouTenka: So, I didn't have to hear that idiot's voice! Bukichi: But...this won't do... KouTenka: They have so many hostages, but we lack power... ChouKeihou: Let's not worry about them! ChouKeihou: Our goal was to capture Buseiou and attack Seiki. So, let's move on to Seiki! Fuurin: Eh? Fuurin: It looks like there is something flying towards here... [023] ChouKeihou: What is going on?! Nataku: Destroy everything!! o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o Translation (c) 2000 Koushi - all rights reserved. No part or whole of this document may be broken up or published on a web-page without the express permission of the author. It may be freely distributed for _personal_ use ONLY on the condition that it is distributed in its entirety and no changes of ANY KIND are made, leaving all original author and copyright information intact. o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o