Houshin Engi by Fujisaki Ryuu, adapted from the novel by Ano Tsutomu published by JUMP Comics; Shueisha, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ 24. The Future Seer's Dialectique II ------------------------------------------------ [149] Kongrong Mountains Snail Cliff Hakutsuru: ! Hakutsuru: Shishu!! Taikoubou: Hey, Hakutsuru! Taikoubou: I came back regarding a little matter. Is Master Genshi Tenson around? Hakutsuru: A litle matter? 24. The Future Seer's Dialectique II [150] 24. The Future Seer's Dialectique II Taikoubou: Regarding the Houshin Project.... I have a query! [151] Taikoubou: Sipu, you can have the day off! Have a good rest here in the Senkai. Sipuxiang: Good...good rest? Taikoubou: Yes! Sipuxiang: Oh, thank you very much! I will be back tomorrow afternoon!! Sipuxiang: Where should I go? [152] Dokouson: It's a reijyuu... Hakutsuru: Everyone in the Senkai are saying that Shishu has been performing well... Taikoubou: Are Nataku, Youzen and the others all doing well? Hakutsuru: They are all well. Hakutsuru: You can meet up with them after you're done here. [153] Hakutsuru: We are here, Shishu. Here is the place to seek audience with Master Genshi Tenson. [154] Genshi: Taikoubou... Taikoubou: Master Genshi Tenson, First Disciple Taikoubou pays his respects... I have a question to beg of Master, so I have returned. [155] Genshi: Oh...? It's been a long time since we last met! This place isn't bad, don't you think? The audience chamber was constructed with the help of the Twelve Sennin! Taikoubou: Master Genshi Tenson... Genshi: Yes? Genshi: Ohhh... I heard that you have been performing well in the Human world! Continue to work hard!! Taikoubou: Master Genshi Tenson---!! Genshi: Uh.... [156] Taikoubou: Why did you lie to me? If your answer cannot satisfy me, then I will quit! Genshi: Actually, the Houshin Project is... Genshi: I did indeed order you to capture Dakki and her minions, a total of 365 individuals. This is the truth! Genshi: But, perhaps you've also realised this... This Houshin Project is actually more complicated than you thought... If the problems can be solved by defeating only Dakki, then things wouldn't have been so complex! [157] Genshi: But, if such an influential person as Dakki was defeated, others will invade the Yin Capital, and this will result in massive chaos... Whatever the cost, we must prevent this from ever happening. Taikoubou: In other words, we must also be concerned with the aftermath of defeating Dakki... Genshi: Exactly! In order to prevent anarchy, we must use a new influential person. And the best choice for this new influential person is Seihakukou Kishou! Genshi: To let Kishou become the new king, we must first defeat Dakki, then, the people will support the new king. Genshi: Taikoubou! You must follow this principle to help Kishou defeat Dakki! Taikoubou: ......... [158] Taikoubou: This will cause heavy casualties for the citizens, won't it? Genshi: This is unavoidable, of course. This is a war in the Human world, after all! Genshi: If Chuuou and Kishou fight it out, this will result in many soldiers and innocent people dying. Plus Dakki's minions as well... even us in the Senkai will suffer casualties too. Genshi: I know you have been working hard to minimise the casualties of innocents... But...this is something you can't help from happening either. Taikoubou: But........ Genshi: Taikoubou, you are too persistent! The sacrifice of people is unavoidable in times of war! [159] Taikoubou: I know this, of course... No matter how many are sacrificed, peace in the Human world is still something that they have to fight for themselves. Taikoubou: And all I can do is help them from aside... Genshi: ........... Genshi: There is one more matter regarding the Houshin List... Genshi: There are many who are sealed into the Houshin-dai that we cannot forsee, so I had estimated about 365 or so... The sendou and humans that we can forsee now are about 180... Taikoubou: I see, so this is the reason Kyouhi's soul flew to the Houshin-dai, rigiht? [160] Taikoubou: I'm getting a headche... How can it be like this...? Genshi: So, do you still wish to continue? Taikoubou: Of course, I'll continue! Since I've already started! Taikoubou: But it seems like you are more worried about what will happen after defeating Dakki... If we can defeat Dakki right now, wouldn't everything be done faster? Genshi: I'm not doing it! Taikoubou: Ahhhh....but why? [161] Genshi: There is still Shinkouhyou at Dakki's side! They would become invincible if they joined forces!! Taikoubou: You...you damn old man! Aren't you sabotaging me then!? Genshi: You silly idiot! You better watch your own back! Hakutsuru: Master Genshi Tenson, you've forgotten another powerful enemy... Hakutsuru: A doushi of the same level as Dakki and Shinkouhyou... But he's almost under Dakki's orders, that is, he serves Chuuou... Hakutsuru: His name is... Bunchuu!! [162] Sipuxiang: Yeah~~~~ the air in the Senkai is really fresh! It's so relaxing~~~!! Taiitsu: Eh? Taiitsu: Hey~~ aren't you Sipuxiang? Why are you back~~!? Sipuxiang: Ah!! [163] Sipuxiang: Taiitsu Shinjin!! Sipuxiang: Eh? Where's Nataku? Taiitsu: In there! *Let me out!* Taiitsu: He's disobedient, so I locked him up inside. He still won't change his nature. Taiitsu: Well, since I'm not busy right now, take me for a ride around!! Sipuxiang: Then, you're just going to leave Nataku alone? Taiitsu: Not a problem! Let him sit in there for three days and three nights to contemplate. [164] Taikoubou: Who is Bunchuu? Genshi: A doushi serving as Taishi of Yin. He received his training elsewhere from Kongrong, he is a real prodigy! (Taishi : Military Strategist) Genshi: Taikoubou... you have to watch out for him! He's not like Dakki or Shinkouhyou, his character is very strict! Taikoubou: I seem to have heard his name before... Taikoubou: But what is the origin of this powerful person? [165] Borders Land of Hokkai Chouka Army Fort Bunchuu: Time has really flown by... We have been stationed here for a few years now! Kokukirin: Actually, you only had to use your paopei to deal with the unrest in the borders! Why didn't you do that, Bunchuu-sama? Bunchuu: Kokukirin... We must be fair when we fight the humans! Bunchuu: But... [166] Bunchuu: If our opponents are of the Senkai, that's a different matter! [167] Bunchuu: Dakki...Shinkouhyou...or any sennin of Kongrong... Taikoubou... None of them will be allowed to invade the Yin capital, or to harm His Majesty, Chuuou! Bunchuu: I won't let them off! Bunchuu: I think it is about time I returned to Chouka! o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o Translation (c) 2000 Koushi - all rights reserved. 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