Hanazakari no Kimitachi e original story by: Nakajou Hisaya English translation by: Tetris no Miko From issue #20 of Hana to Yume comics magazine. =page 1= Izumi: So I guess you wouldn’t mind kissing ME, then, huh….? =page 2= *blussssh* Mizuki: What…! Wha….what did you just say….Sano… =page 3= *doki!* =page 4= Mizuki: Huh?…. Wha…what should I do?…. What should I do?…Sano’s…What should I do?…. How should I…?! I mean….his breath…is on my lips… =page 5= *perk* =page 6= Mizuki: Uh….I….made you mad again, didn’t I…. Waaaah!….what should I doooo?…. You were…worried about me, weren’t you. I…I’m always out of it and I’m not that dependable…. I can’t hold back my tears… *drip* so… =page 7= . Mizuki: …Huh? Ahahaha~… *drip, drip, drip* oh crap! …damn, why’m I crying just because of this?… I was just…really scared. Hahaha. I’m serious…..Aaaaah…Jeez!….because I’m like this, I make you worry all the time, huh! I can’t stop… =page 8= Mizuki: …even though I don’t feel like crying at all… *pat…* Sano: …Sorry I startled you. =page 9= Sano: …..Ashi…. *click* Nakatsu: Heeeeey, do you have a kanji dictionary?… I left mine at school… WHAT?! HE’S CRYING!! Mizuki: Ah… =page 10= Nakatsu: WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU, MIZUKI!!! *whap!* Mizuki: Uh…well, er…ehehe. Nakatsu: ….IZUMI MADE YOU CRY, DIDN’T HEEEEE! Mizuki: Y, You’re wrong, that’s not it… *frantic, frantic* Um, I got some gunk in my eye, you see…and then Sano took it out for me….I’m fine now. =page 11= Sano: I’m gonna go walk Yuujirou… Mizuki: Oh…okay. *slam* Mizuki: Ah…oh yeah, Nakatsu, you wanted a kanji dictionary? *stompstompstomp* Nakatsu: Uh…yeah. =page 12= Sano: ….Why the hell’m I acting so childish…! I got jealous of Gil, made her cry… =page 13= Sano: …I didn’t want to make her cry.…Dammit!… *rustle* But I can’t help it if I care….I love her so much I can’t stand it… =page 14= Yuujirou: *woof! Woof! Woof!* Sano: …And because of that… okaaaay, good boy, good boy. Yuujirou: *pant, pant* *wag, wag* Sano: …I made the girl I love cry…I’m such an asshole. Kadoma: Sano-senpai sure is taking a while, isn’t heeeee. =page 15= Mizuki: He’s probably at the park with Yuujirou. Kadoma: Ohhhh, I seeee! Mizuki: ……. ….Why did things go that way back there….I guess Sano’s been worried about me….And then there was that incident at my part time job in the summer with Makita…. That pissed me off, too….But of course that would make anyone mad; kind of the idea that a person could kiss someone else so freely… =page 16= Mizuki: That really scared me. I was so excited that he might actually kiss me. I thought….that I was about to turn back into a girl again…and that scared me…. I felt that Sano was a man by his skin… =page 17= Mizuki: *blush* Ca, calm down! calm doooooown! *perk* Hm? *gasp!* I JUST REALIZED, THERE’S A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JAPANESE KISS AND AN AMERICAN KISS!!! =page 18= flashback: didn’t you….just kiss that guy named Gil…!! Mizuki: What he meant by that waaaas….!!!! Sano: Yo. Mizuki: *DOKIN!* H….Hi!… I…I can’t look at himmm…! Sano: *duhhhhh* ……………. A, About what just happened… *whooooosh* *click* Kadoma: Ah! Thank you so much for handling Yuujirou’s walk, Sano-senpai!! and thank you for letting me use the bathroom, also! Sano: don’t mention it… =page 19= Kadoma: Ashiya-senpai! Would it be acceptable for me to make my bed now? Mizuki: Yeah, go ahead. *ding dong, ding dong* teacher: Ooookay, collect them from the baaaaack! Nakatsu: Arrrrgh, that was pretty sneaky giving us a pop-quiz… arrow: World history quiz Nakatsu: I didn’t understand NOTHING! Mizuki: The Poeni war was in the year 264 BC, right? So what happened in 800 BC? ?: Atena Sparta’s beginning. ?: Oh, really? ?: When was Rome’s absolute monarch? Sano: 284 AD. =page 20= Mizuki: Arrrrrrgh, I missed 8 problems! arrow: Out of 20 Mizuki: Why the hell do people in history have such long names… *whap!* Ah, a rag got left out… sign: cleaning time =page 21= *tap* Mizuki: AH! Sano: …. Mizuki: A….Wa….A…. O…okay, Sano, thanks…. Sano: No…no problem…! Nakatsu: ….. Mizuki: For…for some reason, ever since then, I can’t let him stare at me or I go blank… *wobble* Nakatsu: Hey…Mizuki. Mizuki: Whaaaat? =page 22= Nakatsu: DID SOMETHING HAPPEN BETWEEN YOU AND IZUMI? *SLASH!* Mizuki: …He’s good! Uh….nothing really… Nakatsu: ARE YOU SURRRRE? *you’re acting weird* *slam* Mizuki: *sighhh* ….I can’t look at Sano anymorrre… =page 23= Mizuki: But!! It’s his fault for getting mad because he doesn’t understand the difference between a kiss between friends and a kiss between lovers! Waaaah! Sano thinks that the kiss between Gil and I was a kiss between lovers…..so that means he must think I’m a queer who’ll kiss any guy…! Waaaaaah! I’ve gotta clear this up somehow!… Sano: What the hell’re you doing? Mizuki: …H…Hi! Mizuki/Sano: …Hey…! =page 24= Sano: ..You first… Mizuki: no, you go first…! Sano: Well….it’s about yesterday…. Mizuki: *dokin!* Sano: ….well, you see *click* Kadoma: Senpai, I’m back! Mizuki: Oh, hi, Kadoma…! Kadoma: Heyyy, the washing machine on the first floor is broken and everyone is mad about it. Mizuki: reallllly? Good thing I did laundry yesterday. =page 25= Sano: Lemme talk with you for a minute. Kadoma: Senpa…? Sano: You stay here, Kadoma. Kadoma: Uh…Yes, sir! Mizuki: Sano…! Where’re you taking me?… Hey, SANO! *bam!* =page 26= Sano: …I’m sorry about what happened yesterday…! And…I wasn’t trying to make you cry…! I just got carried away and….went too far; trying to kiss you and all…and, uh… =page 27= Mizuki: *squeeze*….it’s my fault, too…. I didn’t realize there was a difference between Japan’s kiss and America’s kiss….and I said some pretty weird stuff…like that I’d do it with anyone….I don’t know what Gil told you, but…. We’re not dating or anything…!! we’re just friends!! I know this may sound strange to you, but I don’t want you to think I’m gay or anything…. Sano: Gil….that sneaky bastard =page 28= Mizuki: [something that the copier blurred….^^;] ah, even I don’t really get what I’m saying now, but… Sano: *giggle* I understand, okay? Mizuki: Wha! =page 29= Sano: It’s getting cold. Let’s go inside now. Mizuki: Oh…okay. ….Even more than before, I get nervous around Sano….I wonder if I’ll be okay…..we do share a room, after all… sign: the next day. Kadoma: THANKS FOR HAVING US OVER!! arrow: the construction ended. Nakatsu: Ah, good riddance! Mizuki: …….But…this…this….this is so sudden……!!!! To be continued….if someone sends me the next issue ^_- [1]