Dragon Half (C) Ryuusuke Mita (Trilogy vol.II (C) 1997-8) URLs where the scripts are located: Main URL: http://www.swb.de/~zahara/dh/dh.html This translation by: Masato ASADA ----------------------------------- APPROXIMATE TRANSLATION OF Dragon Half (New Edition) 3 Part 41 The Demon King Strikes! p. 9 1. Demon King... Azatodeath!! 2. ... Eeek, how scary 4. G... giant... W... we're gonna killed... 5. Nice to meet you all "bow" 6. What? p. 10 1. You are... Mink-chan, right? 2. Now 3. To make my son... Migu take a lot of time to finish you you're strong, gal 4. Oh... you just go on please!! I'll watch you kill each other here! 5. S... somehow he's... very relaxed... Well... yes... p. 11 1. Say Migu... is he really the dreaded Great Demon King...!? I had a totally different image in mind... 2. You fool! My father is extremely changeable!! Go on, go on 3. He suddenly loses his temper and scares you!! 4. Fuck, I told you to go on, didn't you hear me!! 6. Geeeek!! 7. Now! just go on See Really p. 12 1. Well... 2. Be... prepared, Mink! 3. ... Now that Father is watching, no mistakes are excusable... If I fight poorly... I... I'll surely be killed... 4. You hold the sword upside down Oops!? 5. Th... this won't do... I'm not quite myself... This... this'll do 6. You shall die, Mink!! Ugh 7. Mink is over there!! Here goes!! 8. What you think you're doing, Migu? p. 13 1. Mink, now is the time!! Oh 2. The Great Demon King is very relaxed Now is the chance of sealing him up!! 3. Oh Yes, it is!! 4. Now say in a loud voice the sealing spell I've taught you!! Oh... yes!! 5. Now...!! 6. "Great Demon King, Sha-ba-da-dew-wah!!" Good bye, Azatodeath!! p. 14 3. It... can't be Why!! Why can't I seal him up!! 4. Oho? What are you doing secretly... you might be killed for it 5. Oops... now we have no choice but to fight without fearing death!! 6. Don't we, Mink Well... yes... p. 15 1. What? Do you mean to fight with me? 2. If you say such nonsense... "hair" I'll take off your pants 4. Oops Eek!! 5. It was a close thing!! "shit" What are you saying!! p. 16 1. What do you do, you sukebe hentai, fool, blockhead, etc. 2. queer what? 4. Who is queer!! 5. Ouch!!! p. 17 1. Oh!! Mink!! 2. ... ... well, I'm impressed 3. You been struck with four of my hair and you're still alive 4. Ooh!! Eeeeek 5. ... right! I'll spare your life with your potential abilities in mind In a few years you'll turn out something that I can enjoy killing! 6. If Mink is no match, I'll just have to take it seriously and finish him!! Don't say such nonsense, let's run p. 18 1. Say, Mink... make sure you return to me when you are stronger 3. Until then I'll take these hostage Oops!? 4. Oooh 5. Bye-bye No, Dad, Mom!! 6. Ha... Great Demon King... Now that I'm serious 7. You're cornered!! "how cool No, that's us p. 19 1. Die, you gonna die, Mink!! Stop it now!! 3. ... but why did she fail to seal the Demon King... Ooops!? 4. No!! The spell I taught Mink was just slightly wrong!! What!? 5. ... then What's the true spell ...? 6. It's "Gourd, gourd, come on in"!! It was totally wrong!! Part 42 Dragon Half - tragic destiny!? p. 22 2. After her ecdysis Mink is now... stronger than I, a kaiser dragon... 3. And that she is done with just four hairs... Incredibly strong... that Demon King is 4. What will become of our parents, who're kidnapped... They'll be killed 5. But ... don't worry I'll become your father instead 6. As a first step why don't you take a bath with me!? p. 23 1. Oh Mink... are you still alive? 2. I'll rescue their parents without fail!! 3. You rescue them? Don't try it, it's impossible This time you'll be killed just like trash!! 4. You can't tell before trying it!! 5. Right!! 6. Take a look at this! p. 24 1. You were just miserable today... Migu!! 2. Sorry... 3. Well... it's over! But what you said is true!? 4. Yeah... Brother Rogu said it, it must be 5. Mink grows stronger day by day! And... after the second ecdysis p. 25 1. "After the second ecdysis..." "she acquires a power far stronger than that of the Demon-Gods" 2. The upper half of this bronze board which have been passed down among us the dragons!! 3. H... how great, Mink!! I admire you!! 4. ... then... there is some possibility that I can beat the Demon King!! You have fair chance!! 5. "Yippie" Ha... you're glad, aren't you... You have only heard only the first half, the first half... 6. Ha... first half 7. ... ... Grandpa, what does the latter half say? 8. What!! You wanna listen to the forbidden latter half!? I didn't tell you... You still want to listen!! Then I can't resist, I'll tell you!! ... p. 26 1. At the momont of the ecdysis changes will take place in your body... Then appears an ugly black monster with ten legs and four eyes 2. What!? 3. What!? Does that mean... Mink will turn into a monster!? 4. It can 5. Wh... Wha... p.27 1. No!! No no!! How pitiable... 2. Even with unmatched strength... 3. if you become an ugly monster... 5. UGLY... 6. Mink... 7. That's why I told you many times... that you can't mate a human and give birth!! 8. This is the first time I ever heard of this!! Oh.. is that so? p. 28 1. Well... is there any means to prevent the ecdysis? Let me see... 2. There isn't!! 3. No, it's a joke 4. This necklace is a secret treasure... which controls the increase of strength!! 5. If you're equipped with this item, you can prevent ecdysis!! Yes 6. But you still have to fight against strong enemies And in order to seal up the Demon King, you have to do some damage to him first... 7. In such cases you turn off this switch and increase your power to some extent!! p. 29 1. Then you have to watch the figure in the center When it is turned off the figure (or Mink's power) increases rapidly... and reaches 999, when she sheds skin!! 2. So much for explanation... why don't you wear it Well... yes!! 3. ? Grandpa... this seems a bit too short... 4. Shit!! you just have to force it on, or you'll become an ugly monster Y... yes... 5. It's... choking... Is this really a necklace 6. Joke It really is a bracelet p. 30 1. ...then 2. You have the next measure in mind, don't you!? Well... of course 3. So you're a good boy Shit, why do I have to endure a human girl making fool of me!! 4. That picture... If only that picture didn't exist... 5. What!? 6. Ch... chance!! 7. Hey!! Oops p. 31 1. Ha, I made it You talked big, didn't you Vena!! In reparation... well 2. why don't you show me a s... ss... strip show!! ... ha 3. Just in case... I have printed more 4. Then... I just do this So what!! 5. Sorry 6. Show me a strip show! Yes, ma'am p. 32 1. ... it's 95 2. Yes... you still got some 900 to go 3. Now... it's late Take a good sleep and start next morning 4. And... before going to the island of the Demon King You have to meet Neptunes!! 5. ... Neptunes? p. 33 1. Can't tie the string once cut... 2. It's not shaky fingers The cut-off end is too far off... 3. How sad!! Oh... my manager 4. What a song!! It's Schubert's, isn't it No... it's mine p. 34 1. It told me of the sorrow of having no parents ... 2. I was forgetting... When you have some time tomorrow you'll go as usual, won't you 3. Here you are... a list of the dragons in this region 4. I appreciate your cooperation... as always Don't think of it!! Slaying dragons is my aspiration too 5. "slam" 6. Father, Mother I'll never fail to revenge you two p. 35 1. In this storehouse lies a secret magic weapon... If I join forces with the giant, Mink has no chance 2. I can easily kill Mink as she is on my own... 3. But I want to make it doubly sure 4. But Migu... 5. You look foolish talking seriously without your clothes That That's because you made me strip!! p. 36 1. This is the secret magic weapon!! 2. Th... this is it!! 3. Now... are you stunned? Great, a magic weapon that can turn invisible!! 4. What? "invisible?" 5. Oops, the magic weapon is gone!! What... isn't it one of its functions!? 6. Someone has stolen it!! "Damaramu was here! "Bui (V for victory)" Who can it be!? Part 43 Ultra Mecha-God Damaramudeath (I) p. 38 2. No!! It hurts!! 4. What a shame I'm a great fan of yours 5. Here is a fan club membership card!! Ah... is that so!? p. 39 1. This chance meeting is too good to be true... won't you sing me a song!! What? then just one song... 2. Red wings fly to the Baron Castle... 3. No!! it was a joke, joke 4. In the first place, you have a grudge against the dragon that killed your parents!! Against that single dragon!! 5. Because I don't know who it is, I'll eradicate alll the dragons!! I... I know who it is!! 6. What? p. 40 1. Next time Mink doth shed her skin She turns into un ugly monster 2. Monster, monster, pop goes she 3. Wait, Rufa What's that song!! Masterpiece, isn't it It's entitled "the day Mink becomes a monster" 4. I specially composed it for you Why don't you pay me for it 5. This is the price Thank you so much!! p. 41 1. Wait Mappie!! 2. Hurray 3. Pia is... cheerful as ever Till yesterday she kept crying "Dad, Mom" 4. As the saying goes, "Naita Karamatsu Moo Takutoo" (Karamatsu, who have cried, Mao Tsetung) *Karamatsu is a character of Akatsuka Fujio's famous gag manga/anime Osomatsu-kun, one of the starring sextuplets. All of them have "-matsu (pine tree)" in their names. Mita's puns are almost always negligible, or the two words/phrases are too remote to figure out the pun. But somehow they turn out funny sometimes. No, It's "Naita Karasu ga moo warau (The crow who has been crying is now laughing)" 6. To think of it... What? p. 42 1. Why didn't your parents accompany us ... don't know 2. They said something like... they got things to do in the Dragons' Home 3. Well... I don't care 4. That's allowed me... to be alone with you Wait 5. Stop it Be generous 6. Let me join you!! 7. Good, Pia You hold Mink No Hurray "tug tug" p. 43 1. Ha ha... having a ball, Mink 2. What!? 3. G... Great Demon King... Azatodeath!? p. 44 1. Ha!! Damaramu is here!! 2. What's the matter You can't suppress your admiration and awe with my pitch-black super-body in sight, can you!! 3. Now!! my archrival Mink!! 4. Feel free to get paralyzed!! Fall unconscious out of epilepsy because of the fear of being attacked by this giant body of mine!! p. 45 1. Oh, it's just Damaramu I thought it was the Demon King How lucky What 2. Ha... it's too early to rejoice Listen carefully 3. The body with an extra-dimensional pocket with 396 kinds of weapons inside... This is the treasured secret weapon of the Demon-Gods!! *I hope you know Fujiko Fujio's Doraemon. The pocket obviously refers to the 4-dimensional pocket, one of Doraemon's items. 4. Wh... why do you have such a splendid weapon!? Stole it 5. You fool!! The proud Damaramu never steals!! 6. I just borrowed without consent!! Same thing p. 46 1. Who was it!? 2. that killed my parents!! 3. Don't be impatient It's an important piece of information 4. Well... let me see Sing 500 songs in duet with me!! 5. No, joke, it's a joke 6. It was a kaiser-dragon named Titan p. 47 1. who betrayed the Neptunes and 2. killed your father King... and your mother!! 3. And his descendants are his daughter Mana and granddaughter Mink 4. ... what!? You say Mink? 5. Know her!? Yes... I've fought her several times! 6. Right... 7. (sings) Slay them, hated three kaiser-dragons with Saucer Special!! Go go, L, O, V, E, Lovely Saucer!! p. 48 3. How's that!? Can't do anything Ugh... Gasp, gasp 4. Oops!! He's strong, even though he's that old Damaramu!! p. 49 1. You have no choice but turn off your bracelet and let your power increase!! Oh... yes 3. When the figure reaches 999, I'll shed my skin again... 4. Monster, monster, pop goes she Stop that little ominous song of yours 5. Whatever you do is useless! For Master Migu says these magical weapons are 6. many times stronger than the Demon King Azatodeath himself!! 7. Whay!? H... how many times stronger!? 8. one-hundredth stronger!! p. 50 1. What a fool 1/100 means you're hopelessly weaker!! Oops, I didn't notice that It's Damaramu's lifetime blunder!! 2. However ... huh!! I got 396 kinds of super-strong weapons 3. Damaramu Sword!! 4. Doesn't that look like a missile? Sure 5. Dumb How can this be a miss... 7. Huh... It's a perishable sword... p. 51 1. Then ... 2. Damaramu Hammer!! 3. This time it's a bazooka Right 4. No!! Shut up!! 5. When I say it's a hammer, it's a hammer!! p. 52 1. Oh? 2. Here goes 4. Gasp gasp 5. I made little of her ... That was Damaramu's lifetime blunder!! 6. Ah!? Just with this the figure is over 200!! 7. Monster, monster, pop goes she Stop that song, I say!! Part 44 Ultra Mecha-God Damaramudeath (II) p. 54 1. Huh I don't feel anything with that punch of yours!! p. 55 1. Glimpse... 2. When the figure turns 999, I shed my skin and become an ugly monster... 3. Monster, monster, pop goes she 4. ... I mean take it easy, Mink Even if you become an ugly monster, we're freinds!! 5. I'll sell you to some museum at the highest price possible THANKS A LOT p. 56 1. Damn, Damaramu... 2. to steal my treasured magic weapons!! 3. Stay cool Woah 4. Wh... what do you think you're doing You better go retrieve it while you're making such fuss, Winnie Pooh!! p. 57 1. It's Damaramu who's controlling it Better hurry, or it'll self-destruct no matter how excellent 2. Oops... you're damn right 3. ... ... that magical weapon is what Dad gave me for my 5th birthday 4. I've decided to wear just like Dad on my coming-of-age ceremony!! "Now you're 20" "Right, Dad" That way of thinking sucks very much 5. In the first place Damaramu can't possibly deal with 396 kinds of weapons That many!? 6. Then I bet 7. Either he takes a whip for a skipping rope or a morning star for a kendama (cup and ball) He can't go that far... p. 58 2. Now you surrender, don't you Mink!! 3. Nope... How foolish...? 4. Huh... I know you won't 5. I vaguely noticed that this attack is not VERY effective after I kept skipping for 5 minutes!! Better notice it earlier 6. What does this pocket mean!! Skipping rope and ball and cup, why all these craps!! p.59 1. Isn't it lucky Damaramu is the operator Yeah... these weapons all look formidable 2. Oh!? 3. Here goes!! Wah 4. Right, at last I've found a decent weapon!! 5. Oops... The figure's rising again... 6. Monster, monster... You're so pertinacious!! p. 60 2. Sister Rosa ... I'm still scared... What!? 3. Shame!! Ah 4. Take courage!! Believe in yourself, Lydia!! 5. R... Rosa 6. I'm sorry I'll... I'll fight, Rosa!! I'm glad you finally understand 7. whay p. 61 1. Got ya ... ya Oops 2. Rufa, help me with your Rod of Lightning Right 3. Oh 4. Wait, Rufa "thump thump thump" If I allow Mink to become a monster... I'll make easy money by selling her to some museum I can live a dream life, surrounded by pretty boys... 5. Ooh, suddenly I have a lame hip Maybe I'm aging Cut it p. 62 1. Oooh... 2. Here!! 3. What!? 4. DRAGON KICK!! p. 63 1. Ugh 3. No "It was a close thing" What does that mean 4. ... Ha You fight well... against the invincible giant soldier Damaramudeath!! 5. ... wh... what shall I do This way I'd shed my skin and ... 7. Oops 8. What!? p. 64 1. Hurry 2. hurry... Shut up, I'm hurrying 3. Or he'll destroy my treasured magic weapons 4. Then pop goes the dream of wearing just like Dad on my coming-of-age ceremony... You go so far as to call it a dream... 5. Oh faster, much faster Ugh 6. What do you think you're doing, Winnie-pooh!! Eeek!! p. 65 1. Yeah, I hit him 2. I did it, Sister!! You cry-baby... Don't cry! 3. Rosa!! Lydia!! 4. Who the hell are you!? 5. We're... fighters of the Neptunes 6. What!? That Neptunes are what we're searching for!! 7. You seem to be friends with Mink, but how rude to attack me without warning from behind!! I, the warm and tolerant Damaramu, cannot but feel indignant!! p. 66 1. I'll teach you the manners of fighting!! Sit right here!! 2. Oh 4. Oops 5. I... wonder if I've sat upon something awful... This is Damaramu's ... 6. Now everybody together 7. "lifetime blunder!!" p. 67 2. Thank you very much 3. for helping me... Pleasure's mine 4. Ouch!? Ah Wh... what you do, you half-fish!! 5. Don't take me wrong I just send that guy away in order to kill you with the hands of us Neptunes 6. You Mink, granddaughter of Titan the Traitor!! p. 68 1. Oh!! 2. Too late... my... precious magic weapons are... 3. Say... What? 4. Damaramu is also very ashamed... because he couldn't win with such a powerful weapon 5. How about forgiving him just for this time? Ha... ... maybe you're right... 6. Oh, how disgusting these useless weapons!! 7. You've handicapped me with those foolish weapons!! How about this, how about this I'll kill 'im Part 45 Saucer, Prince of the Neptunes!? p. 70 1. You shall die 2. Mink, granddaughter of the Traitor!! W... 3. wait a minute 4. You attack her too, Lydia!! Right, Sister Rosa!! 5. Here 6. Here 7. !? That... that's impossible... impossible!! "No..." p. 71 1. Impossible!! Lydia!? 2. that my ... my Screw-Crusher Punch is useless!! Easy, Lydia!! 3. No, she's too strong Can't beat her!! 4. Shame on you!! Ah 5. It's no shame to be beaten by your opponent but it is to accept it without trying!! R... Rosa... 6. I'm so sorry I'll fight together with you!! Right, that's what my sister has to be What kind of girls are those two... p. 72 1. Sorry for interrupting you but... We have something to ask you... 2. Right, I have something to ask you!! 3. How do mermaids make love with those bodies!? Don't be secretive but tell me 4. Not that Oh... am I wrong!? 5. I mean... What kind of person was Titan ... my grandfather? 6. ...what!? You don't know the particulars... ... then I'll tell it to you!! 7. 15 years ago... We Neptunes and the Dragons were united to slay the Demon-King p. 73 1. But the plan didn't work... the very night before the showdown A dragon betrayed us!! 2. That dragon was Titan this fact was discovered just a couple of hours ago, though 3. He slayed the King of the Neptunes, also the Queen and severely wounded the infant prince Saucer!! 4. What... Saucer!? 5. ... that is to say, the dragon that slayed Saucer's parents was Mink's grandfather? p. 74 1. Besides the fact that she's likely to become an ugly monster... "Monster, monster, pop goes she" 2. Her beloved one's parents' bane was her own grandfather 3. Mink, you got loads of misfortunes on your back!! "She's lost her consciousness with too much shock" 4. Now you know it, be slain by us ... while you're blaming it on your doomed blood!! 5. Here 6. Oops!? D... Double Screw Crusher Punch is also useless...!? 7. Shame!! Ah 8. Make friends with your courage I know it, Sister!! "She's still unconscious" p. 75 2. What a surprise, it was THAT Titan that killed Dick Rick, the previous king and also my elder brother... 5. But how can... THAT guy have betrayed us 6. I haven't heard of ... a dragon called Titan You know... far more than I do 7. I haven't either p. 76 1. Have you ... guys? Yes... Master Gill 2. Titan was the kaiser-dragon who was a close friend of the former King Rick 4. ... close friend? 5. Majesty... I've been concerned about something... You take too much time 7. ...... 8. How? That's how!! p. 77 1. This comic is supposed to be gag-oriented why don't you speak in time What!? 2. ...... 3. If you want to point it out, I have something to tell you too!! Anna!! Wh... what can that be!? 7. I want Perochoo (??) for today's snack What? p. 78 1. "Still unconscious" 2. Lydia... now we have no choice but Mermaid Attack!! Right 3. Mink, Mink!! That damage was too much... 4. Yes, I'll make her happy 7. See!? you're happy, aren't you!! Why do you enjoy yourself!! p. 79 1. Here we go, Sister!! Okay, Lydia!! 2. MERMAID ATTA ... 3. CK 4. Whay... 5. We did it, Sister Stop crying, Lydia!! 6. Stop it, Rosa, Lydia... p. 80 2. Ah!? Ss... Saucer 3. What!? 4. Long time no see, Mink Ah... 5. Ha... take it easy I have no grudge against you for your grandfather's killing my parents 6. What!? What a surprise!! p. 81 1. Far from it, I'm... in love with you!! 2. Oh!? "Happiness" It's a double surprise!! 3. So you two... you've got to stop attacking Mink "Whay" What!? 4. We can't 5. True Master Saucer is the former Prince... Privately we're great fans too... But how can we overlook one of the clan of the Traitor 6. If you do, I'll give you some of my private photos 7. I'm so happy, Sister I'm glad that I'm alive!! Now I know you understand p. 82 1. So... we'll go "This photo is exciting" "So is this" What? Whereto 2. You want to go to the castle of the Neptunes, don't you? ... to see the King 3. Oh... but why do you know that? That's because I'm Saucer!! 4. You... you don't have to come Because I'm the very Saucer!! ? 5. "The Castle of Love" 6. Wh... what a cheap-looking castle... p. 83 1. "The true castle" 2. Come to think of it, where's our son Sonic? He said he was going to the Land... 3. I bet he's after some young gals 5. !? 8. I hope ... he'll share one with me Cut it p. 84 1. Say... 2. When will the King come? In no time 3. So... you better remove your armor Saucer thinks so 4. Ah... yes Here goes!! Eek!? 5. You must not resist because I'm Saucer... What!? Part 46 Neptune Castle Full of Love and Hate p. 86 2. Is it okay... Mink 3. Yeah... 4. ... oh ... 5. Aha Saucer 6. I love you, Mink is so excited Do it more, more to me!! p. 87 1. They're doing it now 'cause they've entered that 2. Never In the first place Mink can't say "Do it more, more to me!!" 3. Ha... ... you're a kid ... 4. S... say 5. What? my Mink Is this really the castle of the Neptunes? 6. Oh!! you suspect me, Saucer!? Saucer is a bit offended!! 7. I think I'm going to love you no more No, that was a joke I believe you, I believe you p. 88 1. Right!! The King'll come in no time You better take a shower Saucer thinks so 2. Shower... is it? 3. Yes!! go right away Or Saucer's gonna love you no more Y... yes 4. Ha... 5. "To slay the Demon-King you have to acquire the secret spell" p. 89 1. I wonder... the King will teach me the secret spell... 2. ... oops 3. Come to think of it, I intend to slay the Demon-King so that Saucer won't hate me... now that he says he loves me, I don't have to... but maybe I should for world peace... 4. Saucer's gonna come in Eek!? 5. No you can't!! Why, I'm Saucer why don't you show me your naked body 6. No!! Show me!! Eek 7. What? p. 90 1. Master Migu!! let's go kill Mink a.s.a.p. If you have me, you got 100 manpower!! 2. Cut it that'd mean 100 manpower less!! 3. I feel very much honored to hear that!! You don't!! 4. Migu... have you done with Mink? Oh... Brother Rogue 5. The fact is he hasn't after all these two are too stupid That's you p. 91 1. That's not good... I said she was dangerous, didn't I We've got to deal with her right away 2. Can't be helped... 4. My pets, Flame-God-King and Thunder-God-King I'll lend you these two, go kill her at once 5. We don't need 'em Damaramu and Master Migu are enough!! 6 ... what's this? this strange head Ha 7. I'm the one Master Migu has acknowledged as his "true friend" When, when did I!? p. 92 1. Aha... I say something ... Migu If you fail this time, I'll chastise you 2. Oh... yes 3. So... you two you'll obey Migu faithfully Yes 4. "slam" "grin" 5. Say, Migu go buy some ice I prefer strawberry-Daifuku* with a cup of Culpis-water** *Daifuku is a kind of traditionally Japanese cake, rice cake stuffed with sweet bean jam. Ichigo(strawberry)-Daifuku was invented by some confectioner 10-20 years ago. It became a hit as a mixture of Japanese and Western confectionery. This cake is now fairly popular around Japan. *"Karupisu" is a kind of soft drink invented, I think, in Meiji Era. It's condensed yoghurt-like sweet-sour liquid you mix with water before consumption. It established itself as one of Japan's popular beverages. When they first thought of importing it, "Karupisu" was rendered "Calpis". Only then they realized that in English this name has some very embarrasssing association, i.e. with calf piss. These days it seems they're spelling it "Culpis". I don't know how their business is going abroad. !! ... What are you saying!? You guys 6. The only ones stronger than us are the Demon-King Azatodeath nad Master Rogue We only flatter the guys stronger than us 7. Go buy Daifuku right away!! p. 93 1. Bomber Lachrymal-Gland Spice Wave (Tears dripping Tabasco Weep)!! 2. "Explanation: This spell attacks you with the stimulus you feel when you drink 10 bottles of Tabasco sauce at once" Eeeeek!! 3. You better imprint the name of Migu in your brains, which seem extremely small though!! 4. Oh... he's something Shit, what the hell he does I'll report it to Master Rogue and ask him to chastise you 5. How about some icecream!? I got Ichigo-Daifuku and Culpis-water too p. 94 2. Mink is late, isn't she Right... "Mew" 3. Saucer is a popular singer... 4. maybe he's accepting her encore "Do it again" We'll go over there and play together, Mappie 5. I'm back Oh!! Mink is back 6. What was his encore? Was it a ballade, or a rock'n'roll? What the hell do you mean p. 95 1. Oh!! 2. He's not Saucer What!? 3. Ha ha... nice to meet you all I'm Sonic, Saucer's cousin 4. ... that means you approached Mink pretending to be Saucer Ha ha ha 5. So? how far did you go with this guy Don't be stingy but do tell me Nothing, he wasn't Saucer after all... 6. Don't say it You thought you'd enjoy youself even if he's not Saucer himself, his face is Saucer's, didn't you? Never!! p. 96 1. There really was nothing at all? 2. To tell you the truth... Mink is a dirty gal She voluntarily ****ed my **** with her finger and put her tongue tip to my **** and ... 3. There was no such thing You show us to the castle right now 4. Then ride this *In a popular Japanese/Chinese legend, the turtle is the vehicle you take when you go to the Sea God's Palace (Ryuuguujoo). 5. Won't we drown if we enter the sea aboard this!? 6. The turtle creates a magic air curtain, so you don't have to worry "This is it" Really!? 7. I never lied to girls in my life You did just now!! p. 97 2. Welcome home, Prince Sonic 3. What!? is he a prince!? S... seems like it Whay 4. Sonic You were after girls, weren't you we've finally discovered who the traitors were!! 5. One of them, Mink is just around the castle!! 6. Oh you're Mink!? Ah... nice to meet you, ma'am p. 98 1. Sonic... what d'you think you're doing!? to let one of the clan of the Traitor into the castle 2. You say something, Majesty 3. Sonic ... 5. You've got a cute gal 6. I... I hear my grandfather did something awful... I'm so sorry 7. If you are, you leave this palace right away Mom 8. It was the guy called Titan who betrayed us, wasn't it This granddaughter of his has nothing to do p. 99 1. She wants to know the magic spell of the Neptunes to slay the Demon-King Why don't you teach her 2. ...... 3. Right... then how about this 4. I accidentally dropped my precious ring into this I'll teach you the magic spell if you retrieve it for me "Garbage" Oops 5. What!! that's a garbage lot!! It's nauseating, don't try it, Mink 6. I'll fetch it What!? 7. It's filthy I'll call you Garbage-Mink from now on Garbage-Mink, Garbage-Mink Garbage-Mink, I'll have nothing to do with you any more Shut up, please p.100 1. The stink is awful but the place is not so large... I think I can find the ring soon 2. Foolish girl... the ring is not there Only garbage and that dreadful monster are there!! 3. Come to think of it, Migu and Vena don't attack me these days... 4. Ho ho ho ho ho Wait for us Mink, I'll kill you right away!! 5. My future looks rosy "Mink has a very poor ability of anticipation as always" Part 47 The Most Secret Trick, Sword of Dreamy Meteor (Sonic Special) p.102 1. I'll teach you the spell if you fetch me the ring out of here... 2. "glare" 3. Ring... ring... Ugggghhh!! Eek!? 4. Forgarbage me for suddenly appearing out of garbage!!* *Pun on "gomi" (garbage) and "gomen" (sorry). A very poor kind of pun (as always). I hope the translated joke is as bad as the original. So uttering a little joke enter Doppel-Slime!!** **"doppel" is the German word for "double". 5. Ring, ring p.103 1. Listen What, I'm busy 2. Mind you!? I'm the terrible carnivorous monster who has lived in this garbage lot for a pretty long time 3. I'll tell only you what my secret special art is 4. I can perfectly copy the looks and abilities of the opponent!! 5. Ring, ring ... how wonderful 6. Then I'll put it into practice!! What!? p.104 2. ha... 3. Now I've done with another traitor Mom!? Wh... what does that mean 4. In truth there is no ring in here, only a blood-thirsty monster!! That is, Mink has stepped into my trap!! 5. Trap... you say!? 6. "trap trap trap"* how do you like my pun *pun on wana (trap) and wana-wana, onomatopoeia of shiver or trembling p.105 1. Mink is not a bad gal, didn't I say that!! Shut up!! the very existence of Kaiser-dragons is a sin 2. Right ... 3. My sister-in-law... Theta ... that clan killed her Oops!! she's going to go into her memory sequence!! What cheek, even though she's not one of the main characters 4. When I was a girl... I used to tease her, Theta Give me back my candy, Anna No way, you cry-baby, Theta 5. And one day I got a yummy kid 6. Oh... no way of escaping from me I can run 100 meters in 4 seconds flat 7. Itadakimasu* *Maybe you know, we Japanese are supposed to say this before eating something. Eek... p.106 1. Here goes!! 3. Wh... why? Why... did you save me!? 5. That's a matter of course From that day on we were close friends... 6. "Zzz zzz" ... what ... the end of the memory sequence? Hell with you... p.107 1. Help!! 2. We're under attack!! What!? Whose army is it!? 3. Why do you run before the enemy Ah Who is the enemy!? 4. They say Yowa-ki wa Son-ki (Weak heart is loss) I know it's a Chinese proverb, isn't it* *I think it's a Japanese. Stop holding on to yourselves, tell me who is attacking us 5. It's Migu, prince of the Satan-Gods and ... Vena, the perfect princess!! p.108 2. Copying Mink complete!! 4. I... I can't believe my eyes... I feel as if I was standing in front of a mirror 5. Don't you, especially this irrationally big breast and those fat thighs are true to the original Really ... 6. it isn't Ugh!? p.109 1. Mink!! 2. There's no ring here That woman told you a lie 3. What? 4. She didn't think of teaching you the spell She meant to kill you right here!! 5. Let's leave this nasty castle at once!! But... 6. Then I'll copy Mink again!! This time as like as two eggs, aren't we!? 7. "hush" Oops? "... she's gone" p.110 1. I say, woman ... Fetch Mink It's... rude of you to say that to the queen of the Neptunes Never mind, fetch her 2. Somebody... take this man out of here!! Where are the Neptune cavalry!? 3. Here Oops 4. Then Sonic Where's Sonic!? 5. Here "You're cute, what's your name?" p.111 1. Dumb!! what are you doing 2. Making advances Don't you know that 3. What!! Migu-chan, are you jealous? No, just that I hate those effeminate guys!! 4. Hey kid... mind your words Or I'll hit you with the Dreamy Meteor Sword (Sonic Special) 5. Interesting... do it to me You chick 6. Koku-ban Friction Hell (Blackboard Squeek Squeek)!! Dreamy Meteor Sword (Sonic Special)!! p.112 1. !? 2. Slow playback: "He's only swinging the sword" 3. Great, Sonic Special He dodges going in the shape of a letter "S"!! How skillfully the prince escapes Ha... it's true 4. Dumb!! Sonic Special 5. Fire-God-King and Thunder-God-King, you can destroy this castle Roger p.113 1. Ah... our castle 2. Hey!! Migu Majesty!? 3. I'll say this... 5. You have cute ears 7. I nearly forgot, Neptunes taste good, don't they What!? I haven't eaten one for the past 50 years... I'll eat this S... stop it... p.114 2. Hell 3. Geeeeeeek!! p.115 1. M... Mink!! 2. Wh... why did you save me? 4. It's... a matter of course, isn't it 5. Ah... p.116 1. Hey, Mink 2. You've ... become stronger, haven't you 3. Of course she's many times stronger than before!! You're no match for her now!! Ha... 4. Are you sure!? 5. What!? Part 48 Super-destructive Beast-Man Mig-guirras p.118 1. This is my true self... 3. What's this Now he's got three eyes, he somehow looks more like a monster!! !? 4. Enter the Super-destructive Beast-man Mig-guirras!!* *Comes from Anguirras, one of the colleagues of Godzilla. Don't name me without permission p.119 1. Somehow... he looks formidable 2. Aren't I!! I have mounted a wheeling dual sword on my head!! 4. I didn't mean you, lifetime-blunderer!! Gnu!? 5. I ordered you not to come so you wouldn't be a drag!! Don't say that, you feel insecure without me, don't you 6. Now... 7. I'll show her how terrible I am with this third eye open p.120 2. Now it's started 3. Oh? What are you writing, Rogue 4. It's "chastisement note", Dad Every time Migu makes a blunder, I subtract a point and if he fails to kill Mink, I'll execute... 5. it decides which course he has to forego "Special Course: -800 pts Pine Tree Course: -500 pts Bamboo Course: -300 pts Apricot Tree Course: -100 pts"* *In traditionally Japanese restaurants courses are usually ranked in this way - Matsu (pine), Take (bamboo), and Ume (apricot). 6. In truth I hate chastising because I love peace "ha" 7. Oh, he's missed!! that subtracts 10 points But you look very happy, don't you p.121 1. Go Mink go 2. What? 3. Oops... I... I'm sorry No... Never mind You can root for Mink 4. We'll root for Migu, shall we Right Aha, minus 10 pts 5. But... if Mink is killed what will become of us hostages 6. Then we're useless, so he'll let us go Right, the Demon-King looks fairly gentle, he'll let us go 7. Why should I, I'll kill you all, dumb!! p.122 1. Ugh... "gasp gasp" 2. Ha... 3. Your far stronger, aren't you, Mig-guirras!! Don't call me that 4. Right... I'll take care of the coup de grace 5. Here goes!! 6. Ugh!? 7. Ha ha ha!! That'll be taken care of by me Damaramu p.123 1. Make way, you're no match for her 2. Nope, that's because I didn't expect that counter punch of hers Move over 3. Can't be helped ... I'll 6. Oh-ho Mink has turned off the Monster-timer She means to go for real!! !? 7. Yes, I'll sing you a rooting song!! "Monster, monster, pop goes she" I'd... prefer another song... p.124 1. No matter you do is 2. useless... 3. or!? 4. What!? Mink seems to have become suddenly stronger... haha... that's because she has controlled her power up to now 5. Otherwise she keeps going stronger until she is an ugly monster!! 6. Rufa!! Don't tell her what you shouldn't Oh, sorry I see p.125 1. Don't look away!! Oops 2. Ouch... 3. Dragon Rolling Sobat (??)!! 4. You'll become a monster if you go too far Ooh 6. Oops...!? The figure is already this high!! 7. Monster, monster, pop goes she In... duet p.126 1. Ha... You've become somewhat stronger 2. But... 4. No match for me now that I've got three eyes Ooh!? 5. Shit!! 7. Don't strain too much, or you'll become a monster Ooh p.127 1. Clothespeg Pinching Hell!! Explanation: this spell attacks with the pain of pinching your body all over with clothespegs!! Ugh!! 2. Ooh... 3. Mink, why are you afraid of becoming a monster 4. Why are you afraid of such a trifle You only end your life, always shunned by people without the joy of a woman Rufa!! 5. You'll be a monster You'll be a monster 7. No... I don't want to 8. Die p.128 1. KHZORN SI MAQUA MIG MIG* *The first 3 words are backward reading of the phrase "Akuma Shinzoku" (Satan Gods) in Japanese. 2. Ooh!? 3. KHZORN SI MAQUA MIG MIG Geekk! 4. ? 5. Oh!! This must be the treasured spell that tortures the Demon Gods!? Ah 6. I owe you because you've saved me But don't take me wrong I won't reveal magic spells to the clan of the traitor p.129 1. If you hear and acquire it, it's quite a different thing, though 2. Lady Anna... 3. Migu looks stupid minus 50 pts 4. After all there's no one but me who can slay Mink 5. Here goes Wah 7. ... minus 100 pts p.130 1. Oops!! we'll retreat just for now, Mig-guirras!! Don't call me that 2. Mink... you stink 3. That's because you put her into a garbage lot Someone, show them to the big bathroom* *Reminds you of Japanese-styled hotels 4. and prepare meals too!! It'll be a shame if they spread a bad rumor about this castle outside 5. Say... What? I warn you, it won't be a feast 6. ... thank you so much p.131 2. 780 points make Matsu (pine tree) course 3. Ugh 4. It was a close thing... another 20 points, and you'll have to forego the Special Course ... 5. Really I hate chastisement Th... then please forgive me just for this time I'll try hard next time!! 7. Now, the chastising room's this way No p.132 1. Shit Oh, that rebellious way of speaking subtracts 10 points 2. No, it's not true 3. Lying to your family members subtracts another 10 points That's too much... 4. Oh... it makes eight hundred points That's the Special Course 5. "Chastising Room" Geeeeeeek ... dumb 6. Now!! enjoy the dishes I boast of to your hearts' content!! 7. The Neptunes are basically fish after all Yeah... that explains it Roasted earthworms Part 49 Paul's Miracle Adventures p.134 2. Paul Don't we arrive at the shore yet Yes... in no time 3. The Beast-human that Master Migu has trouble slaying... Xavier, haven't we got Mink's portrait yet 4. Not yet, Master Catherine Hey p.135 1. Uggggh 2. How many times I've told you not to call me that embarrassing name!! Use my pet name, pet name!! 3. I apologize you, Petit Cathy Very good 4. ... but how do you intend to do away with Mink? 5. It seems she's super-strong... but... I am the one known as "Cathy of the prairie and white house" ... I'll fight her squarely Aha!! that means? 6. First I disguise myself as a woman, make tens of my men attack her from behind unawares, and when she's dying... I'll kill her squarely!! ... p.136 1. That's ... the island of the Great Demon King 2. My parents are caught in there... Probably no longer on the island or in this world 3. You fool I just told you the truth Stop fighting, you two p.137 1. ... Now I've got the Sacred Gourd... 2. I've learned the spell that tortures the Demon King from the Queen The preparation for the showdown is... 3. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!! 4. Y... you're right, Pia... No, that's just because I'm hungry 5. Tastes good Goooooooood p.138 1. Then my axe cut off the legs of Ramia Ramia got no logs, Pop 3. Who is that noisy old man? oh-ho, he's Pop Paul the braggart 4. What!? you girls want to listen to my valor!? Oops, he's come this way We don't 5. I see ... I'll tell you about the day I slew 300 hobgoblins... ... "Come on" 6. The hobgoblins that attacked me like a giant wave I dealt with my favorite axe just like fallen leaves and... after a few minutes there was a heap of 500 dead bodies!! 7. You said 300 just now, didn't you!? Ugh p.139 1. ha... rounding the number makes it five hundred What's that? 3. Oh!? What, what!? 4. I've come ... to buy some liquor I'm Petit Cathy, one of the pretty stronger soldiers of the Demon King... 5. A dozen bottles of champagne, please Here ... they are 6. Thanks a lot S... say I'd be happy if you pay for it p.140 2. Did you say anything? N... nothing I have uttered 3. Hey Paul Ah... yes!! 4. We'll go back to the island of the Demon King Get the boat ready 5. I'm leaving in 30 minutes Right, right, I know it 6. Granny, are you all right!? Whhhhay, I thought he'd rape me 7. What kind of braggart is that pop to flatter an underling of the Demon King p.141 1. Paul used to be different when young 2. He was not very strong either but brave enough to risk his life to protect the townspeople from monsters 3. Now he's a mere braggart, nobody takes him seriously But that pop operates a boat to the Demon King's island, doesn't he 4. If we ask him, he might carry us over to the island!! Ha!? What are you going there for? 5. Oh... so that I can slay the Great Demon-King 6. You can get along with Paul "You talk tall too..." It's true... p.142 1. Oh 2. Say, Mink that pop's there Yeah, really 3. Oh... what do you want of me? 4. I know ... it's abrupt but won't you take us to the Demon King's island with you? 5. What? what for!? I want to... slay the Demong King 6. How funny It's a nice joke, a nice joke No, it's true p.143 1. That reminds me... do you know of Mink, the super-strong beast-woman who's resisting the Demon King's army? Well... that must be me 2. Another nice joke ... 3. That Mink must be ... a fool 4. What!? 5. However strong she is, she can't beat the Great Demon-King Azatodeath... To hope to beat the invincible evil god is like reaching for the sky!! ... she must be the biggest fool not to understand that 6. No, Mink is not a fool just a lesbian Not that either p.144 1. Look at me 2. That Catherine is one of the veterans of the army... I cannot hope to beat him So I don't resist him 3. I know I can't reach for the sky... I'm a wise old soldier 4. Ha, you foolish senile pop!! Mink is far better than you, rotten old man!! She's right Gnu!? 5. Hey Paul what are you idling away for !! 6. ! 7. Master Petit Cathy!! p.145 1. Ha... Mink's portrait has arrived at last ... she's such a plain-looking girl... ...!? Wait, I've seen this girl somewhere... 2. ? 3. Mink!? 4. Ooooh!! You... you're the kaiser-dragon half that kicked away Thunder-God King and Fire-God King, and even match Master Mig!! 5. Oh!? he says she's Mink!! Oh really!? Great!! that girl is the rumored righteous beast-woman 6. I knew it... I had the feeling right from the start "it's a lie" 7. Why, why didn't you tell it to me!? I did, I did p.146 1. Ooh... it's so sudden pop goes my clever operation of disguising as a woman and attacking her unawares!! 3. So, how about this? Won't you be killed in exchange for the life of this one? Oops No way 4. Ha!! even if you kill me... you're sure to be slain by the Great Demon King Azatodeath!! 5. Can't tell... before you try it!! 7. You used to be cool, I hear p.147 1. Then I'll take innocent women and children hostage and... fight squarely later Eek 2. It's just like reaching for the sky 3. W... wait I... I'll take care of you 4. What!? Paul, are you crazy? You can't hope to beat me ... You can't tell before I try it, dumb!! p.148 2. Really... 3. You were cool 4. Hurray "Great, Pop Paul" "Cool" "Love you, Paul" 5. I feel I've regained something precious Oh Pop, he's learned a lot!! 6. Ha... Here I am, Paul the Slayer of one thousand Hobgoblins ... Maybe he hasn't after all Part 50 How Do You Do, My Name Is Suzuki! p.150 1. Brother Rogue!! 2. Mink seems to have got to this island!! 3. Why didn't you knock first 4. Ah!! you're assembling another electronic machine soldier Don't do it Your machine soldiers have never worked decently!! 5. Recently your "Sweeping Robot" went wild and blew up a third of the castle!! 6. Don't worry... This time I've made triple sure p.151 1. ... strange? I've got two screws still left ... 2. Now that Mink has acquired the Neptunes' spell... we'll have trouble fighting her, won't we 3. Yes... the framework's ready The Machine soldier for destroying Mink, Navel 08 Say brother, is this the part you forgot to put into it? 4. Oh... you're right 7. "trash" Here it goes Brother!! p.152 1. Finally we're here... on the Demon King's island 2. Right, we try hard and slay the Great Demon King!! Yeah!! 3. Mink... I'll give you this!! The map of the island that I've made up after investigating it on my own 4. Oh!! I appreciate it ha... learn much from the map 6. "Pier" "Wall" "The place around here is most likely" p.153 1. ... What can we learn from this, you useless pop!! Gnu!! 2. I say I don't know the particulars, but I roughly know the place!! At least you can be sure there're no traps around here!! 3. Oops!! 4. ... The problem is this wall 5. This wall... goes around the island to prevent any intruders from going inside 6. Besides... There's a barrier over it p.154 1. That means you gotta slay that gate-keeper to go beyond that wall 2. You've come to see the Great Demon King, haven't you "Recept..." 3. Well... ah... yes Who are you, lady 4. Say... maybe she'll let us go if we use pseudonyms Aha!! you're right 5. This girl is named Mink She's come to slay the Demon King!! 6. ... ... Pop 7. I see... You are Mink... p.155 1. I am Suzuki, the receptionist "smile" Ha!? I see 2. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that I might cause you for OUR convenience but I'll have to ask you to die, lady 3. No... way 4. A single nibble will electrify you!! Lightning Chocolate!! 5. Cut, and it's okay!! p.156 1. We've shot a good one, thanks Glad to hear that You did a great job 2. "Waiting Room - D. Saucer" 3. sigh 4. It's a long time since, Sonic 5. Well, well You notice it 6. I thought of taking your pictures while changing and make money by selling 'em to your fans, but it was a failure ... 7. Anyway... I'm glad you've come to see me 8. What ya do Can't I? p.157 1. Say, Saucer I hear there are 3 Kaiser-dragons that you want to slay Titan, Mana and Mink 2. Right Don't kill Mink 3. ... what!? Mink is a good girl The one that killed your parents was Titan His granddaughter has nothing to do with it 4. Kaiser-dragons are a clan of traitors If I let them, they'll attack people some day 5. ... You're narrow-minded as always Mink is not the kind of girl who'll kill 6. Remember the girl named Laura you danced with at Siva's Castle? p.158 1. Of course ... a very gentle girl was she 2. According to my secret "files of pretty girls"... 3. Mink and Laura both have a blood-type of D they have two moles on the left elbow, another one on the abdomen What... Their height is both 156 centimeters, B/W/H measures 82, 55, 86 cm respectively, underbust is 65 cm and they wear a C-cup bra 4. Their weight, eyesight all the same... There is no mistake that they are one and the same girl 6. Even if ... it's true I still kill Mink 7. Why!! the difference between bust and underbust is 17 cm, 17cm!! So what!! p.159 1. If you kill Mink or Titan, your dead parents don't come back to life, do they 2. You reason that way so heartlessly because it's not you that had parents killed 3. ... You're right ... sorry 4. It was a slip of my tongue ... sorry for interrupting you 5. ... ah ... no ... I apologize It was too much ... I made some tea, please have a cup 6. You don't sit together with this heartless guy, do you Don't say that 7. Oops That camera of yours... p.160 1. This is only my private matter but ... 3. If I succeed in killing you I'll get a special bonus plus a 3-week pay leave!! Eek 4. Ou... 5. Who's she, she's pretty strong!! Even though she wears a printed panty It was the pattern of petit tomato!! 6. Have some green tea Oooh!! p.161 1. How about another cup... 3. I'm angry now!! Eek!? 4. ... Will you... hang on a second 5. ... I really appreciate your strength Therefore ... I'll ... well 6. Here Eeeeek 7. have to resort to the means I'd prefer not to if I could... I hope you'll understand my eagerness to get a precious pay leave p.162 1. Oops 2. !! 3. No!! My Moon Laurent jacket that I had bought by my daddy is soiled!! 4. ... well I'm ... sorry ... 5. I feel all the angrier for it Have a look at my namecard Well... yes 6. Namecard bomb!! 7. Oh!! 8. It was my revenge on the Moon Laurent jacket!! p.163 2. Whay... 3. Well, well, it's a good job you turned the gate keeper away!! At last we can go inside the wall Yeah... 4. There is no way to go inside other than this gate Say 5. What's that!? 6. AH "Main Entrance" p.164 1. Master Rogue, order me to do anything 2. curious fashion for a killing machine soldier but... 3. Apart from it, will there really be no going wild or malfunction? How persistent you are I've fixed the part that I threw away, didn't you see that 4. This machine soldier has something that ... gives me satisfaction ... I assure you it's perfect Navel 08, show us your missile punch 5. Yes 6. Missle Punch!! Good What does that "good" mean Part 51 The Beautiful Assassin p.180 1. Bye Do your best and slay the Great Demon-King 2. Right, pop "By-bye" 3. smile p.181 1. My vikini today Is it a little too bold? What are ya doing 2. Service for readers!! When it comes to color pages, this strategy has been adopted for ages What's that p.182 1. How about this, everyone 2. Oh!! that's my favorite panty!! 3. Strange, how come I'm wearing it? Cut it, give it back right away 4. Navel Beam!! 6. Aha It hit her, Master Rogue Great clap clap clap p.183 1. You said "beam", and it turned out a punch After all it's malfunction!! Anyway it hit her 2. What!? 3. Ah... 4. I still haven't introduced myself My name is Rogue 5. The eldest son of the Great Demon-King 6. D... Demon-King's eldest son!? Say, Mink, look at him!! That man is somehow ... p.184 1. to my liking 2. Now... Navel 08, destroy Mink Yes 3. What 5. ouch p.185 1. In no time you shoot your missile punches 2. Yes 3. Missile Punch!! Oh 4. Close thing... she escaped it quickly I don't think it's the point... 6. Now Ah!? Good, send to the Heavens immediately p.186 1. Mappie!! 2. Don't interfere 3. ... 4. ... but... I am too gentle-hearted to watch even my enemy pass away 5. ... 6. Wait, Navel 08 ... let go ... of her 7. Why ... brother p.187 1. You kill her after molesting her much more 2. Yes Whay 3. How terrible ... fighting is You're much more so 4. Ha... Migu and Rogue, I know they're Great Demon-King's sons, but they do whatever they like... don't like them kids 5. This area is mine Me, Vulcante p.188 3. Oho, Mink power up!! 4. ... what? She's turned off her power regulation It's a bit troublesome p.189 3. She made it Mink is strong after all!! Go, destroy that orange girl, and kill that Winnie-Pooh!! 4. But before killing Rogue, I'll have some trick on him This woman is sick 5. "shut up" To overwhelm Navel 08 in power... It's surprising, it's beyond my calculation 6. Can't help it... We'll destroy her by Navel Sword at once Yes !? 7. Navel Sword!! p.190 1. Hey!? It's malfunctioning again Not a sword but breast missiles are coming!! 2. Oh... how embarrassing That super-powerful (B-cup) missles go after those near-by Near... by ... can that mean... 3. You and ... 4. me 5. Ooooooooh!! 6. Wait, Master Rogue Ooooooooh p.191 1. ... oh? Where's my Rogue!? 2. He ran away somewhere What!? "wiping" 3. ... what are you wiping your face with my panty for How strange 4. Now that those kids are gone, I can kill Mink... But it's already the last page* *when it first appeared on Dragon Magazine 5. You're saved by limited pages, Mink... How lucky you are 6. The main reason was lack of your power Yes I don't think that's the point!! Part 52 Fawewell Mappie p.194 1. Say, Mappie is 2. ? 3. the mouse that's supposed to show us the way to the Demon-King's island so he's finished, you know ... 4. So... so what? 5. Roast him and let's eat him Nope!! 6. You fool, it's a joke How can I roast him whole p.195 1. You don't roast mice, you fry 'em 2. Don't say a weird thing Mappie's Pia's friend!! 3. I see, I envy you! Stop it, Rufa Mink!! 4. What!? 5. My name is Vulcante I've come to kill you 6. Oho... some marginal character of the Demon-King's army has appeared Marginal? ha... you're dead wrong Very well... I'll prove myself... p.196 1. My name is Vulcante!! 2. !? 3. How's that... How can just another marginal character hope for a closeup shot using the upper half of the page!? You realize my true power!! 4. What he says doesn't make much sense but... looks a bit strong Well... yes 5. Not "a bit"... mind you I fought Migu, Demon-King's son thrice and overwhelmed him thrice p.197 1. Oh!! 2. See!! If you don't kill the kids next to you come up and fight me here!! 3. Mink, it ... sounds dangerous D... don't worry, Pia 4. If I take courage, pop rises my power and I can slay any opponent 5. "pop" or "thunder" or "manyomanyo" you can't beat me I don't say "manyomanyo" 6. So... I'll have to go 7. Stick it out I'll pick up your bones (after incineration) 8. ha... p.198 1. That formidable Dragon girl (Dragon Half) is gone It's a chance, lady 2. Oh, a mouse... Today's emono (game) is ee mono (good thing) How do you like this!! 3. O ho Your pun's very good!! 4. Wh... what are these!? M... mouse, you mean Mappie!? 5. Oh... is it Mappie? Today's supper that looks good 6. Oops, if I had known it beforehand we'd have eaten him!! No way p.199 2. I warn you... if you resist 3. I'll kill ya 4. Pia!! I have some good idea!! 5. Mappie, we'll ... not leave him and run away, you know!! 6. Shit... I don't mean that 7. I'll create barrier and take refuge!! 8. Oh, Rufa!? You're great p.200 1. But how can we get in? Ooh 2. Come down quick!! 3. Or... you challenge me into air battle? Do you know what's the result!? 4. T... tell me what!? 5. I have trouble!! 6. What!? 7. I can't fly!! because I have high anxiety!! p.201 2. You can't escape!! Oh 3. If I let my favorite food go ... 4. I feel so bad, I'll be laid up with it (nekonjau) because I'm a cat (neko) How do you like this!! 5. As I'm a cat, how cat I do without eating that mouse How do you like this!! 6. Oh, your puns are superb!! That's so cool even today's young ones will like it too!! 7. ... now that we've had a hearty laugh we'll have a meal p.202 2. This guy is extremely... 3. weak!! 4. Say... can I ask you something... Is it true that ... you beat Migu? 5. Yes ... of course 6. In a card game Ah... that's the punch line 7. Mappie... let go of my Mappie!! "Mew mew" p.203 1. Let's cut it in three Aye aye sir 2. Stop it!! 3. If you want to stop us, use your force Well ... you look so weak you can't possibly do it "ho ho ho ho" 4. Mink said... If I take courage, pop... pop... 5. Rises my power!! What!? 6. Oops!! Is this ... the strength of courage...!? 7. Ah p.204 1. "tomato ketchup" How do you like this That can't possibly be Whay!? 2. Don't... don't... Eek 3. Well then... back to the business 4. "mew mew mew mew" 5. No... 7. No!! 9. I'm home "flap flap" p.205 1. !? 2. P... Pia!! 3. Pia, what's happened!? Are you alright!! 4. Rufa... and... Mappie are gone!! 5. Oh... Mink Pia!! 6. Just... now Cats came up and ... 7. Mappie 8. Mappie is... 9. !! p.206 1. So... Mappie is ... "Mew" 2. What? 4. "Mew mew" Oh, stop it, Mappie 5. But Mink... What? 6. Pia has... taken courage but not that pop rose my power 8. oh it did p.207 1. You took away your helm and put it on Mappie, didn't you 2. Pia is injured but Mappie is saved, isn't he? 3. That means that pop rose your power 5. I see, that's what "pop" means!! Right, that's "pop" 6. "Meantime..." Eek, how disappointing We'll hit the roof and vent our anger upon this Roofa!! Oh it sucks p.208 2. I see... 3. You want to kill Mink so strongly 4. It's grave sin to resist the Great Demon-King I feel all the more indignant because she's my granddaughter 5. Then I don't stop you ... go and kill 'er!! Kaiser Dragon Titan 6. I'm very grateful, your majesty!! I'll rip her limb from limb and kill her without fail Just like I killed that Saucer's parents!! Part 53 The Secret of the Demon-King's Island!? p.210 1. Dragon Kick!! 3. sigh 4. It's the Demon-King's island, there are so many monsters 5. Every ten steps, another monster comes up "Oh, you killed so many of them" Right... p.211 1. "The hero appears!" 3. What's this weird-looking pop...? 4. "A tree monster appears!" 5. "The hero attacks!" 6. "It's a miss!" 7. "damage worth of 20 pts" "damage worth of 45 pts" 8. "The hero has used up his power" p.212 2. "I'm shortly dying" 3. Don't say that... be strong 4. "Look at that" 5. "The graves of the heroes" 6. ... Oh, there are so many of them p.213 1. "So many heroes came over to this island to kill the Great Demon-King" 2. But they were all killed even before entering His castle" 3. "Lady..." What? 4. "If I am not mistaken you are" 5. "Major Bull of the Mongolian Empire, aren't you" No... 6. "To enable the dead heroes to rest in peace do slay the Demon-King with your famed Mongolian kill" I don't know such a trick p.214 1. "Aha... I'm mistaken" ... ah 2. Please feel assured... 3. I'll kill the Demon King anyway 4. Yes, Mink is super-strong, she'll beat him "Oh... is it true!?" 5. "Right... then I'll give you this Put it on" A ring... is it? 6. "Mink is cursed!" Ooops 7. Don't give me such a thing 8. "The problem is that" p.215 1. "In order to go through that fortress, you have to kill him 2. him... who's that? 3. "That's ... ooh" 4. "He's called the Great Demon-King's right arm" 5. "His name... he's named..." 6. "The hero has really used up his power this time" Oh... Mr. Hero!? Oh come on, pop You don't die till you say the most important thing 7. ! 8. Oh, a school girl has come running all naked "The hero is resurrected!" p.216 1. "The hero is looking for the naked woman!" Forget the naked woman... who's that guy!! 2. "Oh... that's a Kaiser-Dragon named Titan" 3. What!? 4. Oh, Titan is... Mink's grandpa!! Well... yes "Wh... what!?" 5. "You!! You're that man's granddaughter... So you're an underling of the Demon-King's army!!" 6. No, I'm... "The hero puts hands on his ears!" 7. "Right... okay..." "Now that I know you're enemy, I'll summon my last power and ... p.217 1. "The hero runs away" 2. Oh... you're mistaken... 3. Can't be helped, this is the law of the monster family Who's in the monster family!! 5. Sigh... p.218 1. What are you sighing for, Migu Brother Rogue is assmbling another electronic machine soldier 2. And? I feel depressed 'cause I'm sure another disastrous machine soldier will come out 3. Migu "knock knock" 4. Be glad, three more machine soldiers are complete p.219 1. Oh!! great Rogue's machine soldiers are excellent Shit... 2. But... I thought someone was talking about me? 3. Oops, no, nobody was!! Is that so 4. "click" "cause I'm sure another disastrous machine soldier will come out" Oops... 5. Geeeeeek "Chastising Room" ... fool p.220 1. These are the machine soldiers that have just been completed 3. From the right, Navel Revised, Dark Cherry, and Apple 5. What!? I don't complain about Navel and the dark one but ... p.221 2. What the hell is this!! 3. Oh... Migu likes Apple, don't you Well... no 4. Then I'll leave Apple to Migu and ... Dark Cherry to Doug 5. Oh, it's a sexy gal 6. ... hurray 7. Rogue, Doug says he prefers Apple I... I like this better ? p.222 3. Saucer's parents' bane And my grandfa... 4. What kind of person is Titan 6. ha ha ha You're coming to be killed by me... p.223 1. My granddaughter Mink... 2. Come quick, Doug Wh... where are we going, Brother Migu 3. With Rogue's machine soldiers we wouldn't win even if we could 4. So we'll go and slay Mink right away! What... 5. But if Rogue notices it... Shut up and follow me p.224 1. Oh? Oops 2. Where are you going? 3. Well... we're... It's... 4. Doug says we're going to go slay Mink 'cause your machine soldiers can't be trusted No way!! 5. How inconsiderate of Doug ... 7. Aha 8. Eeeeeeeeeek Part 54 Strike Back! Three Machine-Head Soldiers (Sisters) p.226 2. The leutenant to the Great Demon King that holds this fortress... 3. should be my own grandfather ... p.227 1. Mink... 4. Ah!? 5. Ha 6. Mink is... scared by Apple's presence Not scared, I say amazed 7. Navel, now Operate the new supersonic attack (V-mix) mode Roger p.228 2. When Navel attacks at a supersonic speed 3. and Mink is distracted by Apple ... 4. it's impossible to dodge Navel!! 5. What? 6. Something flew by just now? Are you sure? p.229 1. To... evade that attack... Hey, she didn't... 2. I made light of Mink That's not the problem 3. It's Migu's machine soldier's turn now Are you listening? 4. Those too insistent should be chastised Go!! Dark Cherry p.230 1. Eek 3. Aha, she's something Quite different from Navel 4. Spinning Hard Kick!! p.231 2. Quite the same 3. Look!! Mink, over there What? 4. Ah Oh... we're found 5. But you're something to beat my machine soldiers so easily Even if you search the whole world you can't find five of such guys, including you Yes, you can, yes, you can p.232 2. But your power is useless against Apple 3. Now... Doug Ah ... yes, Brother 5. Apple has an ultra-precise plasma computer... that can calculate a strategy to beat the opponent 6. at the probability of 99.8%!! p.233 1. She's come up with a superb strategy 4. Apple with its ultra-precise plasma computer ... 5. Its only defect is that she can't put into operation what she's come up with That would be useless!! 6. Oops p.234 1. Ah 2. What? 3. Oh 4. DOUG... DID IT No way!? No, it's you, Brother Migu 5. Doug ... it's not good to tell a lie... It's not good No... it was... 6. Chastisement for Doug when we return Eeek "grin" What have they come for... Well... I don't know... p.235 1. "shudder" !? 5. ! Titan... 6. What!? Is this... my grandfather p.236 1. gasp gasp 2. gasp gasp 3. Stop it!! 4. You... can't... hurt my parents!! 5. You don't want me to kill 'em? 6. Then lie down and beg me 7. I... ask of you don't kill my Father and Mother!! I implore you p.237 1. Yes, I will 3. ... ooh 4. Ooooooooooh!! 5. gasp gasp 6. gasp... 7. To Saucer: Be glad!! I've found where Titan is! Start soon, perhaps tomorrow He's on the Demon King's island! From... p.238 4. Now that... all the three machine soldiers are destroyed... we'll return home What? p.239 1. What... We don't stay and watch that guy called Titan fight Mink? 3. Titan the Kaiser Red-dragon He... makes me sick 4. That's why I say we'll go back Tch... then there's no choice I'll watch Doug chastised instead at home... 5. Strange? Apple has Migu's fingerprint No 7. This is the one... who killed Saucer's parents... 8. Mink... p.240 1. Right... I been looking forward to seeing you, Mink It's Grandpa 2. What!? Part 55 His Name Is Titan p.242 1. "slow slow" We don't arrive at the Demon-King's Island yet? 2. Not yet Won't you listen to my brave deeds again? 3. No, I've heard enough... So will you please... go a shade faster? 4. I'm... quite in a hurry Right... yes! 5. Then... I'll tell you about slaying 500 Cockatrices 6. We'll speed up!! Don't fall down p.243 1. I've longed to see you, Mink... I'm your Grandpa... 2. What... 3. What a smooth talker he is!! You're Demon-King's underdog Right No... you misunderstand me!! 4. I was threatened that I might be tapped on the forehead 300 times and flapped on the back of my hand 500 times then have metal bats screwed into every hole in my body... 5. so that I had no other choice but to pretend to obey him 6. Look, please... trust me Oh... you don't ... p.244 3. Shit... You evade skillfully 4. You coward!! Fool, stupid, asshole, moron!! 5. Say Mink, is he really your grandfather!? Oh... to come to think of it! 6. You're a fake, aren't you p.245 1. Am I a fake? Very well... I'll prove that I aren't 2. My daughter Mana that is, your mother's favorite food is... a bowl of rice scrambled with butter and ketchup, isn't it!! 3. What 4. So is it true? "yuck ..." That's a secret nobody knows but my family... 5. And if it is seasoned with Seiro-gan pills, she likes it still better, doesn't she!! What So can it be true again p.246 1. Aha!! Then Mink, your grandpa got - what's the word - brainwashed!? Ah... right!! 2. You got brainwashing "sennoo" 3. Sennoo nante sennoo (I don't do any such thing as brainwashing) Sucks 4. Rufa Say, mink 5. I've become a subject to the Great Demon King Azatodeath of my own accrod!! p.247 1. Got that!! Oh 2. Therefore those opposing the Great Demon-King 4. I'll slay all!! 5. So you killed Saucer's parents!? 6. ... Yes 7. Ha ha ha... I enjoyed myself when I killed 'em p.248 1. Being royalties, they ran away miserably just like dying rats 2. The kid called Saucer said, don't kill Pa He was crying 3. click 4. beep 5. What? 7. Ha 8. Ooh p.249 2. What ... 3. Can't believe it... Why she's so powerful!? 5. Eek, stop it You mean to kill your own grandfather 7. Stupid girl Ooh p.250 3. Ah 4. You take my time... 5. Say, Mink, as you're my relative, if you surrender right now I'll hire you as a toilet sweeper woman 6. No way 7. Now you got the premium of wiping Demon King's butt only once I hate it all the more p.251 1. Right!! You shall die 2. Ah 3. Wait 4. Titan... I'll take care of you 5. Will it be all right to escape 6. It's no use waiting for Mink to rescue us!! I've made up my mind 7. I'll go forward no matter what monsters await me farther along this passage!! p.252 1. "faint" 2. Ah 3. To think of it, I heard that the Demon King said he'd beat us up if we tried to escape 4. I... don't ... fear such threatening... at all Mario, you look pale 6. ... what!? 7. Oh We've found the way out p.253 1. Oh... 2. We... we've made it!! We've escaped from the Demon King's castle on our own 4. "faint" 6. Here is my secret art... p.254 1. Sonic Special 2. Ah!? you're Sonic!! Yeah, it's a long time since 3. Ooh... shit!! They've run away!? 4. Thank you for saving me You're thankful? Yes 5. Then show it with your body Eek!? p.255 1. I came here ... in order to tell you an important thing "Sorry, I didn't mean it..." 2. Once in the ball at Siva's castle you danced with Saucer calling yourself Laura Well... yes 3. That night I met Saucer... do you know what he said? 4. Today I met a very pretty girl ... called Laura 5. What1? 6. No, that's too much So... what I want to say is p.256 1. he don't hate you very... Sonic As I've told you, what's done is done 2. Ah!? 3. One of the traitor's family, Mink ... 4. I'll kill you today!! 5. Mink... come save us quick Part 56 Great Demon-King's Royal Conference On Air (via sattelite) Titan -- killed --> Saucer's parents | <-- hatred | | ------- Saucer -- friends/cousins -- Sonic grandfather and | granddaughter --> | | love | | | ---------- | Mink <------------------ indirect hatred p.258 1. You shall die, Mink!! 2. No... no... Stop it 3. I've told you Mink is not Titan, who killed your parents... She's a good girl 4. It's certain that she got the traitor Kaiser Red-dragon's blood in her!! That's why... 6. Even if she looks like a human girl p.259 1. She may attack people at any moment!! 5. Rufa!? p.260 1. Sorry, a mosquito was on your cheek 2. ... anyway!! Mink loves you to try to kill the one who loves you... 3. You're so wretched now 4. ... if you still don't understand... 5. Return the candy I gave you 10 years ago I ate it 6. Mink... We have interference this time 7. I'll kill you after I have slayed Titan on this Demon-King's island p.261 1. ... wee ... wee 2. weep 3. Cheer up, Mink if you slay the Demon-King and become human with Pid Potion 4. You're no long a Kaiser Red-dragon Half!! Surely Saucer will not harass you any more Well... will her ... Of course he won't 5. Rufa!! 6. Once you become human, he'll think different ... Really? 7. Right... it's no use crying this way I'll brace myself and slay the Great Demon King!! You're gonna make useless efforts p.262 1. "I repeat" "Those intending to slay Mink are requested to report to the conference room #3 2. Conference room? Whatever is it 3. Ah What? 4. You... guys What d'ya think you're doing in other people's room!! 5. Nothing in particular What d'ya say with rice around your mouths!! p.263 1. What the hell you do... grab what is in the fridge as you will ... No, we are the guests 2. Properly, you should have entertained us with dinner of your own cooking Like meat and potato, miso soup 3. You like white miso, don't you I guess Vena has brought in those queer guys Where's Vena 4. Here I am Woa, when have you come 5. If you are against my way I'll spread your photo around the world to reveal your secret of Winnie Pooh pants 6. And that... p.264 1. Don't be too cross Aren't we friends 2. Then have your way 3. Oh? Ah 4. ... shit!! Migu looks in bad temper I'll be beaten up for the dispersion of his stress!! 5. Ha ... what? 6. I'm pleased you all have gathered here p.265 1. Mink has acquired the Gourd of the Holy and Neptunes' spell And according to Titan's report she has unfathomable strength too 2. I intended to have killed her on my own but ... I thought better because it's a shame if I should be hurt So I expect you to do it in my place 3. I, Rosario, have a superb trick!! Well... say it 4. How about this, Great Demon-King (Azatodeath) Killing Mink... "Genius Tactician Rosario" 5. with your own hands!? Did you listen to him Anything else? p.266 1. This time... I will without fail "Death Emperor Titan" 2. This time I Dad 3. I have grudge on her Let me do it "Slaughter Machine Migu" 4. I will... I'll have Migu cooperate with me but I'll give her the coup de grace 5. Please let me Oh... I want to redeem my honor!! "Pitch-dark Prince Doug" p.267 1. Oops you guys have made him cry When everyone else is killed, I'll have to do it myself "Heartless Gentleman Rogue" 2. What? don't be too proud, kid Ha? Stop quarreling among you 3. Well... the strongest of the Demon King's army seem to be the three over there ... that is to say... 4. I'd make Four Aces of the army You shut up You too, bald one 5. Don't call me bald Oops, my eyes 6. I Rosario have another superb idea Me, me (<-- Doug) I've always disliked you Don't call me bald p.268 1. We can't seem to reach any conclusion!! The conference is over Anyway... anyone, just get me Mink's head!! 2. It was a confused conference, wasn't it 3. Right Ah... what I've always wanted to ask you Why do you want to kill Mink? 4. Didn't I tell you Mink has meddled with my lover Saucer 6. What? p.269 1. That lizard girl should know herself enough not to make advances to MY lover!! 2. Say... do you hear me, Migu? Well... yes 3. Your lover... well... 4. Ah... I have something to do at once! Later... see ya... What? wait... 5. ? ... Strange 6. Oh 7. Brother Migu 8. WHY? p.270 1. Your majesty, Great Demon King... 2. Do you really ... leave it to 'em? 3. Ha... don't make me laugh 4. They're just pawns Other than you alone... Those useless ones including my sons p.271 2. She looks like a human girl but She may attack people any time!! 8. We've made it through the fortress quite easily I was damn sure that Titan was hiding somewhere p.272 1. The Demon King's castle must be nearby Right!! 2. Yes!! I'll slay the Great Demon King and become human!! 3. Yeah, stick it out!! 4. Wh... what's wrong, Mink!? I've said nothing yet Oh... sorry, I just remembered something... 5. Oh... I feel better after crying a bit 6. Right, I'll cheer up and ... slay the Great Demon King 7. Slay him "weeping" Sounds unlikely, huh? Part 49 Showdown! The Demon King's Castle (I) p.274 1. Saucer... don't hate him... 2. What? Something is wrong with him after his parents were killed 3. The traitor's clan... Mink! I'll kill you!! 4. He's a gentle, good guy at the bottom... so ... 5. Of course I never dream of hating him p.275 1. I know Saucer is a gentle man I've been watching him on TV and his great fan for a long time 2. I'm glad... to hear that... 3. And if I become human... he might change his mind!! He won't 5. Ha, I just told the truth... ... what? 6. Ah That's it!! p.276 1. Ha 2. Ha ha ha ha 3. My LOVER Saucer... My LOVER 4. What? Ah 5. What are you watching me for I'm not 6. Bullshit You've been watching me wishfully 7. Shut up, I was not!! 8. Oho... to think of it, Migu p.277 2. Migu Mink is right in front of the castle! 3. What? Ah 4. You two What are you doing at this emergency No... you misunderstand us 5. Well... Migu says he has never kissed a girl so I was teaching him how 6. ... never kissed a girl? ... you may not tell a lie, Migu p.278 1. Talking of kisses I've given you so many, haven't I 2. Oops, is it true!? 3. Of course not ... What kind of a guy is this... 4. Then Migu, get yourself ready for the battle and come to the lobby 5. Ah... but Mink can use the magic spell that we don't like What do we do with it? 6. Don't worry I have an idea p.279 1. We've come at last Right 2. Yes!! let's go Yeah!! 5. What!? This could be... p.280 1. "Welcome to the Great Demon-King's Castle" "...'s Shop" "Hell Association & company" "Thunderous (Chinese Restaurant)" "Satanic World Agricultural Association & company" Don't get lost, man "Souvenir" "Art Stuff" 2. This... could be inside the Demon-King's castle... !? 3. I know it!! It makes you feel secure and... In truth it is a very complicated labyrinth!! 4. Here's the map And a brochure 5. Great Demon King's chamber's this way Well... I see 6. Then... I'll look for Saucer 7. See you later Yes p.281 2. Now things have become more and more uncanny 3. Right 4. Oh 5. Say Rosario Mink has arrived, She has!! Don't worry, kid 6. Who's "kid" Well, listen 7. The one who'll kill Mink is neither Titan nor Rogue but Rosario, the genius tactician p.282 1. The passage that Mink is going through... has my dreadful trap awaiting her!! 2. On the floor are hundreds of anti-tank mines!! an 800-ton steel-needle suspended ceiling falling upon her and killer nuclear guns (Plutonium Buster) 3. With those traps Mink couldn't stay unhurt Oh, she's unhurt 4. ... "glimpse" 5. Well... it's just I've planned up to this point Bullshit 6. Mink, are you all right!? Yes... I was just a bit surprised p.283 1. Then this way 2. That door 3. In a few seconds Mink'll open that door!! One step farther, and there's a pitfall!! 4. The bottom is coated with super-sticky fluid plus maneater eels!! 5. Unable to move, Mink will be raped to death!! Surely eels will penetrate not only her mouth but 6. some other unnamable parts of her body!! How do you like this shuddering, lascivious operation!! His eyes show he's out... 7. click 8. Here she comes!! p.284 1. What? flap flap 2. You can't do without stepping this with your feet Right, this way 3. Oops 4. Eek!! Shit!! 5. But don't worry I've trained the eels, so they'll never attack us!! 6. Is that really true It's really true!! 7. Are you absolutely really sure!? I am absolutely really sure!! 8. Oops!! you liar "munch munch" p.285 1. Wh... what was that... 2. Mink 3. You can't go any farther!! 4. Doug Oh The one that was beaten by Dead Lie's man that Mink had slayed Shurrup!! 5. I've kept up special training since that day 6. Don't make light of me Or you will feel sorry!! p.286 1. The Great Demon King's chamber this way Ooh 2. W... wait, Mink ... 3. Oh, bad loser!! Say that magic spell, Mink Roger!! 4. KHZORN SI MAQUA, Doug, Doug!! Geeeeek!! 5. Oh, he's out I feel sorry for him a bit 6. But you don't have to fear Migu or Rogue with this magic spell, do you p.287 1. ... No 2. Good job, here's some juice Oh... thanks 3. Where did you find that juice? There 4. "Tasty juice" "Help yourself (Especially Mink)" 6. Ah? what? 7. 8. ha ha ha p.288 1. She's trapped into my trick But usually people won't drink it... 2. 3. It's a good job You've managed to enter the Great Demon King's castle, Mink 4. But without the magic spell... Your long journey is... 5. over here!! Part 50 Showdown! The Demon King's Castle (II) "pappara funifuni pappara whay whay pappara funi funi eggs pappara funifuni pappara whay whay Fried 'em 'n' they're charred black" *The ending theme to the Dragon Half video (sung by Ms. Mitsuishi) entitled "Watashi no Tamago-yaki (my eggroll)" "Sau - cer -" p.289 1. Ha... without that Neptunes' spell you're 3. nothing but a baby 4. 5. What are you doin' that for... You're imitating a carp? She can't talk!? Seems she wants to say something p.290 1. 2. Aha... yes! What does Mink say? 3. "I lost my virginity at eight" 4. Ultra Stinky Night-soil Hell (Brown Hole Drib Drib)!! 5. Explanation: this is an awful spell that attacks you with the feel and smell when you fall into a night-soil reservoir headlong!! 6. Hey... come on! 7. p.291 1. Try hard to entertain me!! 3. What? 5. p.291 1. Mink, you're cool!! Ha... 2. I was a bit overconfident 3. Seems 4. I don't have to 5. pull my punches 6. Mink's super-strong!! p.294 1. Ha... don't boast of yourself But you're barely standing 2. Mink seems to have surpassed Migu while we didn't see her 3. Can't be helped... I'm a pacifist but "anxious anxious" if Migu insists, I'll fight her in his place 4. No, I'm not beaten yet Let me have a go 5. If Migu insists, I will Well... no... I'm... 6. If Migu insists! Oh... 7. If Migu does insist! ....... p.295 1. I insist Can't be helped... I will 2. Oh, how I hate fighting Oh yes, I'll pick this weapon 3. Now... I'm disinclined but Here I go, Mink! 4. What is she saying? "I have an itch on the ass" p.296 1. I see... at last Rogue is fighting against Mink... ha ha 2. Very well... Spydor Put that operation into practice Ha ha... ha ha ha ha 3. Shit!! Fuck!! What!? 4. What... the hell you do so suddenly!! 5. I just feel shitty!! never mind You got nothing to do!! Well, don't say I've got nothing to do... "hurts" p.297 1. Say, those magic weapons, are they fixed!? 2. Yes... but we've not tested... We don't need tests, I'll go right away!! 3. With those magic weapons, I'd still be far behind Brother Rogue... But it's me who'll give Mink the coup of grace... 4. You won't, you leave it to Brother Rogue Or you'll get injured Shut up 5. This means... who'll succeed to the Great Demon King!! p.298 2. That rifle that Rogue has, it's uncanny, isn't it Right p.299 1. 2. 3. prick 4. 5. Ha... you were pricked with this poison needle 6. What... poison needle!? Isn't it a rifle? Then what's that opening!? 7. It's used as a lighter p.300 1. Ha ha... this is shaped very elegant but the poison needle is the most dreadful weapon of the world!! 2. "Ooh" ha... it's taking effect See? when you're pricked with the needle 10 times... 3. You'll be stricken with headache, fever, rheumatism, stomachache, lame hip, muscular pain, cough, running nose, nasal congestion for 100 days ... And finally you die after pains and suffering beyond any imagination 4. See? isn't it dreadful? p.301 1. I don't like to see people suffer, even if they're my enemies... 2. Oh!! why am I using such a dreadful weapon!? 3. I feel pity for you, even if you're my enemy!! 4. Oh! I've got an idea 5. Say!! what if we say the magic spell in her place!? Well yes 6. p.302 1. Let me see... how does it go... 2. I think it starts with the sound K, Rufa!! K... K... 3. Oh, I got it It goes like this!! 4. Kool, Krazy 'n' Sexy Rufa!! 5. the successor? 6. The next Great Demon-King will be the eldest son Rogue as it is p.303 1. He is strong, I respect him but he lacks cruelty, so I think... 2. I deserve the title more! 3. Dad ... the Demon-King has to be thinking the same way 4. Ha... your majesty, you're so cruel... 5. To do away with Mink you're killing your own sons, Rogue and Migu... 6. ha ha ha... amusing, isn't it? p.304 1. I can read his thought as if to read an open book 2. He thinks: if I slay the dreaded enemy Mink, I got a huge achievement 3. That would enable him to override the seniority system and appoint me! 4. I'll live up to his expectation Great Demon King (Dad)!! 5. Especially that foolish Migu is very fond of me I can't wait to see him when he knows he's betrayed by me! Part 59 Booby Trap p.306 1. The desperate battle between Mink and Rogue was still raging on!! 2. 3. 4. Frankly, I'm surprised... p.307 1. to see you've become this powerful As Rogue says Mink is strong 2. But there is no guarantee that she'll win in this battle If she is killed... 3. Will the kid, stinky mouse and the beautiful princess Rufa be killed too... No!! Surely Princess Rufa will... What are you doing that selfish narration there 4. Master Rogue!! 5. Oh... timeout 6. You got a message from the Great Demon-King... 7. You're absent-minded p.308 2. Prepare, Mink!! It's me who'll slay you 3. ... and prove myself to succeed to the Great Demon-King 4. 10 years ago... Papa is so strong and cool 5. Say, Migu It's no use for a guy just to be strong You have to be bad 6. I wonder if I can become a great bad guy just like Pa Well... yes I'll give you a test p.309 1. Cruel Atrocious Quiz!! "yeah" 2. Question: An honest-looking villager comes to ask you to be the bodyguard bringing 500 hundred Gamel with him What would you do? "I pray thee" 3. Well... I... I get the money and kill the villager 4. Wrong!! Oooh 5. Answer: You pretend to be the bodyguard, learn where the vilage is rob it of all the precious things, burn down the village, start slash-and-burn agriculture labor the men to death there, rape women to satisfaction and sell them off at high prices saying that they're nobles "Little friends in front of TV, you got the answer?" 6. Oh, yes, Dad You're so atrocious p.310 1. But, Migu, you have something promising Make others suffer... be inconsiderate of them... One bad act per day, and in time you will become 2. the Great Demon King 3. R... really!? Ha ha... I've never said this to Rogue or Doug... You're special! 4. I am special... "Dad" 5. Ha p.311 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You did it, Master Rogue You've driven her into the coliseum 6. This way the Great Demon-King can watch the fight p.312 1. Mink!! 2. 3. Yes, I got her!! What... 4. Sorry, brother!! I'm being impudent but give me the credit of slaying Mink!! p.313 2. The entrance door has been closed 3. Well done, you've weakened Mink... I appreciate it, Rogue... Migu 4. 5. It's time Migu should have cornered Mink Let's go giving the coup de grace!! 6. I'll accompany you, Princess Vena!! p.314 1. This fiery destructive fighter general "invincible" 2. Damaramu!! Well, I must be going 3. It's a long time since, be kind to me I wish I would never see you again 4. I'm busy now I have no time to deal with you!! 5. Aha... this mant... yes, it has some secret in it You do proper conversation p.315 1. How is this!? You long to look what's within, don't you? 2. Not at all Okay!! 3. If you insist, I'll show it only to you!! One word, don't accompany me 4. I hear Master Migu is fighting with Mink Don't follow me 5. Mink is no match for Master Migu 6. You're wrong... 7. A bit childish but Migu is pretty strong I guess by now... p.316 1. What? Migu's photo has... 2. Oops my shoelaces... "mew" 3. ...... 4. Oho! these are lucky signs Damn wrong 5. W... watch me, Dad I'll blow her with the coup de grace You don't have to 6. You all shall die here 8. Ah... p.317 1. I... I don't like it... what a bad joke? I'll let lava flow right now 2. That's why I've driven her in here 3. All the walls, floor and ceiling are made of special metal Oh, I've regained my voice... 4. Magic weapons, exhausted Rogue or Mink would never able to destroy them... ha ha ha Wh... what Wait... let me think 5. I say... I ... somehow I can't seem to make out ... anything out of this... 6. You stupid!? You've just been made use of by me, dumb!! p.318 1. That's impossible... "You're special" You... said... I could be the Great Demon-King! 2. You believed me? I've said the same thing to Doug, Rogue, and all my men 3. I guess you thought you were special and felt happy It's a pity! It was all a lie "You can be the Great Demon King" 4. It can't be, Dad!! 5. Oops, this guy has tears in his eyes It sucks, moron 6. Demon King (Azatodeath)!! p.319 1. YOU suck! 2. Couldn't be the Demon-King otherwise 4. Eek!! 5. Pia... Rufa 7. "I wonder if I can be like Dad" p.320 2. I feel something ominous... is Migu all right I'm anxious too 3. I told you not to follow me!! 4. Aha... this mant... it's got some secret in it Do the conversation Part 60 Crash! Saucer vs. Titan p.322 5. Ha ha ha Everyone's dead... Mink, Migu and Rogue! Very fine, your Majesty 6. Oh!! what's that earthquake!? 7. ... look!? That quake has... bent the iron grate that confines us!! p.323 1. We can escape!! We're lucky!! 2. Oh!? 3. Oops 4. Hurts... what!? What did I trip on... Ah 5. Pi!? Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Pi Ooh... A "faint" p.324 2. Eek 3. Don't approach me, Demon King!! Here Have you awakened? 4. Whay!? 5. Oh... this place is...!? I don't know... I thought we were drowned in lava... to find myself in this place p.325 1. Ah!! you are Migu!! What? do you fight against me!? I won't "what's that footwork of yours..." 2. I've lost the reason to 3. Ah... I remember You're BETRAYED You 4. what... I'm most worried about... Oh... I'm sorry 5. But after all it may turn out well You're no long his man! p.326 1. 'Cause you know... if you're in the Demon-King's army you won't have girls Price of the underworld, I got hell of a lot 2. But I guess you didn't have any allowances in the Demon-King's army!? I got 3 billion Gamel per month 3. However, you have dry centipedes and bats for dinner, don't you!? Every day... Chinese full course* *original note: Chinese court dinner. It would take at least a week to eat all of it. 4. Oh, don't be depressed, smile!! Nikkori, nikkori (smile, smile) 5. Nikkori? aha... the third station from Ueno? Nope, that's Nippori Oops, I've made another mis...* *Puns on the station names of the JR Yamanote Line (Tokyo belt line). What Mink is imitating is a type of Manzai (basically Japanese standup comedy, but usually performed in pairs) 6. take... a ha? 7. Are you fool? 8. What the hell you say... I was trying to... p.327 1. Ha... thanks anyway to cheer me up 3. Pia 4. Oh, my dear Pia Pa, you got a running nose How glad we are to find you safe and sound p.328 1. I am thanks to the armor you bought me Oh yes, that armor provides a matchless defense Mr. Mario, there's someone over there 3. Here are Mink's company who have somehow escaped death 4. Titan!! 5. It's emergent we got to run away before my parents get scared out of consciousness Already... p.329 1. For the love of a man!? You've come to slay the Great Demon King for such a trivial reason What do you say, it's none of your business 2. He's called Dick Saucer... He's such a wonderful man Saucer!? 3. Wait... Saucer must be Vena's lover!? No no no no, it's a lie Just she's saying he is!! 4. Aha ... he's not her lover ... after all... Saucer is really cool ... because... p.330 1. He's an idol singer, a superstar but... He donates almost all of the profit of concerts to orphanages!! What's more!! he voluntarily goes slaying monsters other people wouldn't dare even if they were given whole lot of money, of course for nothing!! 2. I see... I wouldn't dream of doing it at any price 3. Not only those, he got many other good points Oh, no!! wait 4. Why do I have to listen to you talking proudly of your man!! p.331 1. Why shouldn't you I've cheered you up, you deserve it Ha!? what a strange reasoning Hey 2. Migu, when did you make friends with that foolish Mink!? 4. A bit of something... some things and I don't fight Mink any more Brrrrrrr "That's it" What!? p.332 1. Hey gal!! You stole a kiss from my lover Saucer You steal my pet Migu, you thief cat Correction: thief lizard!! How did you do it, ha!! Allowed him to squeeze your tits 2. Don't say funny things!! How can Saucer be your lover, you LIAR!! As the proverb goes, liar is father to assassin* You can't become a decent adult that way!! *Properly: liar is father to thief (Usotsuki wa doroboo no hajimari "liar is the beginning of thief") 3. Here 4. What...!? Da... Damaramu...!? 5. To hear you speak you are both eager to look inside my mant!! 6. ... ...what? p.333 1. It's understandable Out of this mant comes the scent of secret that's hiding astonishment and shudder Anyway you don't match Saucer, you half beast 2. Ha, I'll shortly become human after slaying the Demon King 3. Then Saucer would like me And in time we'd... "fluff fluff fluff" Hey, what's this fluff-fluff Well, if you insist... 4. I'll show especially to you!! my body!! 5. In the first place ... ... what!? ... oh!? 6. Yuck p.334 1. Ah!! 2. True, it deserves the name of matchless defense as hard as plastic, I wonder? ha ha ha Ooh... 3. However... it's not amusing just to kill... ... oh yes!! so that you may suffer more 4. I'll kill your parents!! 6. Stop it!! p.335 1. My parents... Don't hurt them!! 2. ... ha ha ha? This is something I've seen before... ... you don't want me to kill your parents? 3. Then lie down and implore me 4. P... please don't kill my father and mother!! I implore you!! 5. yes I will 7. What!? Who... is it!? p.336 1. Titan... 2. I don't allow you to kill anyone What...!? 3. The ominous deeds you've accumulated up to now 4. you have to repent in hell!! 5. ... oops!! The secret of my body must not be revealed to the readers yet!! "forbidden" In next issue it will come to light in color pages!! Part 61 Saucer Burnt Out p.352 1. I've been waiting for this day to come... p.353 2. To revenge Father and Mother! 3. Don't kill my parents Ha... that kid has come to kill me... 4. It's impossible p.354 1. My armor was given by the Demon King himself the best one in the nether world 2. Quite different from the one that kid was wearing!! 3. You couldn't possibly penetrate this 5. I'll cut you together with your impudence Father, Mother... p.355 1. Good!! try it "watch over me" 2. Saucer Special (Meditative Sword of Regeneration)!!! p.356 1. How about this, Mink!! This new body of Damaramu!? 2. Look!! Give back my body "Navel" 4. It's nauseat... Cool, isn't it!! 5. The two over there has the same opinion!? Without words I know it from the look of your eyes p.357 1. Now Mink!! One on one... 2. I'll battle a manly battle!! Wait, a womanly battle!? 3. This is Damaramu's lifetime blunder!! Shut up 6. What!? p.358 1. Wh... who!? 3. ... ha ha ha you lucky ones... p.360 1. Ugh!? 5. Ah... p.361 2. Tch... it was close 4. You fool!! You destroyed my treasured armor You make me sick even though you're weak!! 5. ... that's... im... possible... p.362 1. Oh? 2. What!? 3. My.. body... has a letter S!? 4. !! 5. Goooogh!!! p.363 1. I don't know how you escaped from the sea of lava 3. You're very lucky 4. to be killed with the hands of the Great Demon King himself!! Part 62 Showdown! Azatodeath p.365 2. Ouch 3. Wh... what's wrong You two are so weak together p.367 1. Well Yes... 2. KHZORN SI MAQUA Azatodeath!! 3. Ooh!? This... is Neptunes'... 4. Now, Mink, your breath!! Right 5. Dragon Breath!! Blackboard Friction Hell (blackboard squeek squeek) with full force!! p.368 1. Ugh "It hurts..." 2. Well, I've forgotten... you use the Neptunes' spell... "ache ache" Oh no You make nothing of our combined attack... 3. Then we have no other choice but gain time by your spell and Seal him up in your Gourd of the Holy You're right!! 4. Well, we'll do that!! But can I say something in advance!? 5. I've dropped it somewhere What p.369 1. Ooh... oooh... 2. You made it!! Saucer is coming round from the edge of the hell My restoring magic (clink) is best of the kind What... 3. Oh... I think I and Titan killed each other and... 4. Titan!! p.370 1. Oh, you're still alive!! Wait, wait, Saucer Eek 2. The one you slayed is lying over there!! 3. Oh... what!! 4. Two ... Titans!? What does this mean!? 5. Clone!? The Demon King (Azatodeath) confined this true Titan and "It's me" 6. He made a copy (clone) of him "Titan's memory + Demon King's characteristics" "clothe him with the armor, and it's complete!" p.371 1. That's him If he does bad things, the Kaiser red dragons will have bad reputation 2. All was the Demon King's plot to disrupt the friendship between us Neptunes and the Kaiser Red-Dragons 3. That... I can't believe... 4. It's truly true The confined one is saying it, it's true!! I was cloned and had a hard time, how do you like this, ha ha!! 5. Got the joke!? It's a pun on clone and kuroo (hard time) ... ha ha!! "twinkle twinkle" The true Titan is a funny guy, isn't he Considerably... 6. Then... that means p.372 1. Mink is not a member of the traitor family Oops!! 2. You've done so many nasty things!! Even though you didn't know!! 3. "Sonic's secret memo" You said her true identity was a savage dragon Attacked Mink ignoring what she said You said she'd attack people because she belonged to the traitor family!! 4. Oh, I apologize, Mink I'll show it with my own death... 5. Dumb Ouch 6. You could be satisfied with it It would make no compensation, you fool p.373 1. You've always been that way! You think you're kind But you just want to keep the morality of your own conceiving You egotist! 3. Hypocrite!! Ouch!! 4. ... But... still 5. You have one way to make up for it What!? 6. What's that!? What's that way... p.374 1. Ooh 2. Ugh 3. Ha... the difference in power is apparent ... say Mink, look into that cage over there 4. What... oh... 5. !? 6. What!! can... this be Rufa!? p.375 1. Quack quack quack quack (Right I'm Rufa, the beautiful and elegant) Quack quack quack quack (Hey, Mink!! As you failed to destroy the Great Demon King right away I've been changed into this!!) 2. Quack quack quack quack (How do you make up for it, Mink You foolish, dumb, retarded, ass, ugly) I can't make out her words, but I sure feel I'm abused ... 3. She was unconscious on the corridor It's not amusing just to kill 'er So I cursed her With the ultimate spell that no other magic can annul 4. She'll remain frog for the rest of her life You!! 6. Ha ha ha, it's useless ... but you're to blame all for this, Mink Geeeeek p.376 1. You thought of becoming human with Pid Potion to gain love of a man and came to me 2. You collected the Three Holy Artefacts... fought my men... overcame all kinds of difficulties... 3. and the result is this Your tresured friend is turned into an ugly toad 4. and you'll die... It's all too pitiable the end of your quest of selfishness p.377 1. The same goes with you... Migu 2. You will be killed by me though you trusted me and you can't resist me Hey you 3. Well, that's the way of the world After all the strong win... You shall die 4. "Gooogh" "Ahhhhh" 5. Ah... ah... 6. Ah!! p.378 2. Ugh!? 3. Your majesty This is your chastisement 4. for my dear brother Migu's sake... p.379 1. Brother, you're still alive Mink!! 2. This is yours, isn't it 3. Ah 4. Oops!? The Gourd!? 5. KHZORN SI MAQUA Azatodeath!! Ugh 6. Now!! p.379 1. Gourd, Gourd 2. Come inside!!! 3. Shit what a blunder!! Part 63 A Drop of Secret Potion p.382 1. Ugh 2. Uuuuuugh p.383 3. ... ah ... 4. I... made it... 5. I made it I've sealed up the Great Demon King (Azatodeath)!! p.384 1. Slay the Great Demon King and get back peace to this Pid!! 2. Stick it out and kill the Demon King, Mink Just do it!! gouge out the Demon King's brain and stuff his head with nukamiso (salted rice-bran paste used for Japanese tsukemono pickles) 3. I'll dance to wish for sealing up Azatodeath 4. And many brave heroes were killed on this island... 5. Work hard, Mink!! 6. I've done it, everyone At last...!! 7. Thus the world is peaceful again!! Congratulations!! And now we call you this: Mink the Heroine!! "We thank you for suppoting us for a long time!!" Finally I can become human with Pid Potion "DRAGON HALF FINIS" p.385 1. Quack (Don't call if finis) 2. Quack quack quack (How about me!! Now I got webs on my hands) 3. This is the Island of the Demon King 4. I'm a bit seasick We took much time creating this sword 5. Holy Sword "Azatodeathbuster" 6. Right we've had much trouble What are you saying, you did nothing all the time 7. You're wrong, I was making advances to gals!! Still worse p.386 1. The knack of it is fish them with buys You make a ring out of a glass ball, call it diamond and they'll follow you immediately How funny Well, we may not need the sword if Mink has already sealed the Demon King 2. But that sword is so powerful Those with evil intentions would feel sick just by coming near it 3. Just by coming near...? Ugh 4. Strange, I know I never become seasick... ... you're... 5. Tell me, Sonic!! 6. What's the only way to apologize to Mink Do tell me!! 7. "Don't shake me" That is... p.387 1. What!? 2. It was you Rogue who's rescued us from the lava!? I intended to have saved only Migu but 3. You were extras 4. I had some feeling that the Demon King might cut off us sons So I've made up some device on the floor 5. I really appreciate it I don't know how to thank you... I've got you to pay for it with your body while unconscious 6. Eek... what!? 7. It's a joke ... p.388 1. Here we are... This is the Demon King's treasure house 2. Here... is ... the Pid Potion that I've longed for... 3. At last I can be human!! "Congratulations, you're human!!" 4. Say, Mink What do you do with this "Quack quack (He's right)" 5. I've got an idea 6. The Great Demon King (Azatodeath) said no magic can annul it but... p.389 1. Pid Potion would be able to turn her into human "both of us together" But there's Pid Potion for one person only 2. What 3. Are you sure this will make up for it? Trust me! What... 4. a fool you are, Mink!! 5. To let... the toad drink it... what are you thinking 6. You have traveled here just to get it, haven't you 7. We'll give up this toad and release it in some brook Quack (What do you say!!) I couldn't do that p.390 1. You'll be shunned by Saucer unless you become human 2. ... yes 3. But 4. ... there's no other way p.391 1. Oh no, the toad has drunk it Sure she's foolish Heh... 4. Ah... I made it, Rufa has regained her shape!! 5. Mink... you... 6. What the hell you did, to turn me into human!! This way I can't use my specialty, magic Why don't you turn me back into an elf instead!! p.392 1. Dumb dumb dumb dumb 2. Just for me... 3. You've given it up... 4. ... thank you... Mink Rufa... 5. Sau - cer !! Eek!? 6. "The mouse in the bag eats rice and goes squeek!! Squeek, squeek, squeek *A well-known Japanese nursery song p.393 1. "Even if Daddy calls even if Mummy calls "there's no listening to it 2. "Who was it that broke the cup around the well" 3. "Now we've sworn" silence 4. Mink... Now will you forgive me ... I wonder? 5. Ooh... 6. Saucer has gone mad!! Oh... what!? p.394 1. Sonic!! what's this You said this way Mink would forgive me... Fool, of course it was a joke 2. Sonic... what on earth... Well... the fact is... 3. Misunderstanding!? 4. I'm so sorry... I've had a wrong idea and... I apologize!! No, you don't have to... 5. Hey, you didn't have to become human after all!! Well... no!! 6. ... Saucer I'll tell you the true way of apologizing to Mink... That's... 7. to grant Mink her only wish What? p.395 1. ... I see name your wish! Anything... I will do gladly!! 2. My... wish...? You'll grant it...!? Saucer's love... 3. Oh this is like hell to heaven Now "Say it frankly" Well... then... I'll... 5. As... always Keep on singing your wonderful songs 6. What's that Don't pretend innocence!! Don't waste my matchmaking efforts Can't you tell him to be your slave p.396 1. Your parents look so kindly Mink 2. You're so... ... Mink Ah... yes!? 3. Mink, I do... Part 64 The Final Choice Mink, I do... love you p.398 1. What!? 2. m... me... 3. eek!? "bomb" 4. Oh, she's so happy she's lost ...!? 5. At last... I've noticed it I've always been attracted to you since that party night 6. You think I'm selfish after so many bad things 7. Will you... associate with me? p.399 1. Yes with pleasure!! 3. I won't approve!! Gugh!? 4. What the hell you say Will you associate with me, love me and lick me all over my body? I'm not saying it!! 5. Dad, what you do all of sudden D... Dad? Ugh 6. Huh ... you've come up with some son of gun while I was unaware... p.400 1. Dad won't allow you to go out with him I'll give you these, so please allow her to 2. Sorry! I've been a bit soft otherwise... You could never buy me as far as my daughter is concerned!! 3. Uncensored live photos of Iijima Hitomi, the adult queen When's your wedding? Tomorrow, or the day after!? 4. You can get married or do anything I've always been permissive!! What are you doing 5. Oh, Mom You made it, Mink! You've sealed up the Demon King!! 6. Is it all right with your timer? p.401 1. Yeah 2. I turned it off to fight the Great Demon King but I stopped it in the nick of time so 3. Timer...? 4. I'll explain it!! 5. If Mink's timer went on and showed 999 she would be transformed into an ugly monster 6. What!? That's true... it was a close thing In exchange she'd acquire unmatched strength but "It's useless if she turns into a monster" p.402 1. Hey, you guys Don't take too easy!! Ah 2. You the fake Titan!! You're not dead!? 3. Don't move, man Or this woman will die 4. Eek!! Oh 5. Ha ha... she got a smooth skin Ah!! 6. What? p.403 1. Hey... ... you've done something you shouldn't have 2. Wait, this guy is too much for you!! I will... "Use the Holy Sword (Azatodeathbuster)" 3. Don't you hear me!! You can't move, or I'll gouge out her eyeballs 4. Try it You'll have lost your head before that 5. Good!! Eek 6. Ooh p.404 1. flash 2. Red... lightning!? 3. Nether-World-Butsumetsu-Sword (Rouce Crash)!! 4. Gugh Saucer Special (Meditative Sword of Regeneration)!! 5. Geek!! 6. This is holy power Can't restore my cells... p.405 1. I stepped in first but it was you that finished him up... 2. What kind of person are you... Oops Hitomi-chan's photos... Ah 3. I'll leave it to you... Great Demon King (Azatodeath)... 4. What!? p.406-407 3. ha ha ha 4.Ugh... What... has happened... 5. Oh... 7. everyone...!! 8. No... that's... impossible... 9. Demon King (Azatodeath)!! Ha Ha ha ha ha p.408 1. You 2. Ouch 4. Shit... I'll never be taken by surprise like last time I've broken my eardrums, your Neptunes' spell is now useless 5. Ah!! 7. Ugh 8. Ha... uh... p.409 1. Now that the Gourd is broken You don't have a chance of 10000 to one to beat me! 2. I'll slaughter you all!! 3. No... there's no other choice... 4. When the timer reaches 999 You acquire a matchless power... 5. No I can't stand becoming a monster 6. Ugh... 7. Ouch... it hurts... p.410 1. Ugh... 2. No... I can't be a monser... I can't... 3. This blow will send you all to hell!! 4. No... 5. Beep 6. ...!? Mink, what are you gonna do!? p.411 1. Mink, you fool You'll be a monster... stop it!! 2. Heh... heh... ... yes 3. Stop that stupid idea, Mink!! Stop it, you're too young!! You have your dream and hope 4. becoming Saucer's love It's already come true 5. S... stop it!! Mink!! 6. You shall die 7. beep p.412 1. Don't forget ... about me 3. Mink!! Part 65 See Ya A-Gain p.414 1. When you shed skin you acquire a matchless power even exceeding that of the Demon-Gods 2. But at the same time 3. Some strange change will take place in your body and 4. A pitch-black ugly monster with 10 legs and four eyes 5. will appear there - from the inscription on the bronze board passed down among the Dragons p.415 2. P... pitch-black monster has... appeared!! 3. On Mink's bottom !? p.416 1. What... the bronze board said "appear" but It means that some pattern will appear on her skin...!! What surprise... "That was it..." 2. I... am relieved... Mink... 3. S... Saucer... 4. I'm so glad you didn't turn into a monster after all So am I!! Hey... 5. Don't ignore me!! 8. Ugh!? p.417 1. You... can't beat me now 2. Ha... you've shed skin and become pretty stronger but 3. I am the Great Demon-King Azatodeath!! The Invincible king that reigns tens of thousands of demon kinds!! 4. To beat the dreaded, matchless, invincible emperor is positively! absolutely!! unconditionally impossible!!! p.418 1. Oops possible!!!! 2. Hurray!! She made it!! 3. Thus the world has (this time really) become peaceful!! 5. And... p.419 1. 2 years later 2. Woa 3. You look beautiful, Mink 4. Even though she's my own daughter... I want to assault and rape her "forcibly" Hey "What are you saying in earnest" 5. Vena, quick The wedding ceremony will start ... hey!! 6. I'll open it No, now I'm... p.420 1. Oops 2. Yuck!? Ss... slime!? 3. Tch... you've noticed it... Right, I am in fact a slime half 4. So what? I've given up Saucer, and become your love!! What are you complaining about "defiant" 5. That... that's impossible I've been going out with her for 2 years and I didn't know that... Ooh... my anger 6. Whither shall I turn it Hither you're turning it p.421 1. Ah 2. Come to think of it, has Rufa arrived? No, she hasn't Ha... 3. Sorry for keeping you waiting long, my archrival Mink I'll shortly kill you!! I've kept threatening Tony the blacksmith and finally completed this Super-Dangerous Damaramu!! 4. Well, today 5. Welcome to our live performance!! 6. Welcome to the wedding ceremony of Saucer and Mink Then... p.422 1. Give the couple big hands Enter the bride and bridegroom 2. "Medetai-yone (we're happy)" 3. "bohoo" "Mink-chan, you're so cute" 4. Saucer... Promisest thou to love Mink while thou art healthy, sick... 5. I do 6. Mink... Promisest thou to love Saucer while thou art healthy, sick... p.423 1. I do 3. Then the kiss for binding the oath "At last it's time" ... Yes p.424 1. It's emergency!! Wow!? 2. Rufa!? Why did you appear from the wedding cake... Never mind, it's emergency!! 3. As a reward of destroying the Demon King (Azatodeath) I've become Queen of Pid and lived a happy, contented life for 2 years But something urgent has happened to this ultra-beautiful Queen Rufa!! 4. 3 days ago a giant called Great Demon King Gigazemus has arrived together with thousands of monsters in my Pid Kingdom destroyed the castle and robbed it of all the treasury!! 5. Great Demon King... Gigazemus!? p.425 1. In order to regain my treasury, and world peace in addition we have to slay it at once!! 2. Well... I'm sure we can't let it be! But the ceremony... You can put it off, we'll leave right now!! 3. Pia'll go too "twinkle" 4. Twinkle and... you can't be Pia!? "what!?" After two years' absence and you look totally different...!! 5. Hurray, adventure, adventure!! How much money can I take with me!? No progress inside 6. Vena!? p.426 1. Now that the ceremony is put off I still have some chance!! Well, I'll go with them and steal Saucer's heart from her!! Well!? then what about me? "who's your partner" You're thrown away 2. If Vena wants to disagree with Mink again, we can't just watch!! That's right I have secretly trained a poison snake that will bite only Mink!! "Munch" 3. If Mink goes out for a fight, we got to help her to show our gratitude!! Yeah!! "Bohoo" General Bohoo looks so anxious 4. We six of us - Siva's Red Lightning and funny husbands and wives will cooperate too Us too...!? "faint" "flap" Gigazemus is right over there "how cool" p.427 1. Let's go, Mink!! 2. Quick!! We'll go, Mink 3. Mink... we'll go 4. ... right!! Shall we "Then the new page of the story begins and..." 5. Mink, you fool!! You shall die right here 7. Oh!? p.430 Then another adventure awaits her FINIS (but a special side story follows) P.S. p.431 1. Dragon Half is complete "yawn" 2. When the series started... 3. Have you heard of the characters moving on their own "I am Mink, nice to meet you" "flap flap" 4. Many manga artists have a kind of illusory experience in which they feel as if the characters acted on their own "aha, you do that" 5. Doctor Tezuka Osamu, whom I respect very much, went so far as to be encouraged by Atom when he was down... "Hi-no-tori (Phoenix)" "Cheer up" "Sensei" I had never had such experience before 6. This experience of characters moving on their own "flap flap" 7. ... but 8. In the middle of the book 2, it visited me too p.432 1. First Rufa... then Damaramu and Rosario And finally Mink too 2. I have no idea of my own but "oh, it's easy and fun" I just make them appear and they speak and come up with gags in my place! "Can you believe it?" 3. In the course of this way of creating the story Mink and Saucer have reached a happy ending 4. And one day when I was in exceptional blues ... "exhausted" "I've given in..." 5. What? 6. Thank you, every one who has followed Dragon Half series "Hey, cheer up, man" Mita is a fortunate one p.433 Once there was a dragon-half girl who had a dragon and a human as her parents Her name was - p.434 Mink In order to achieve her love and also world peace p.435 After a long, long quest she slew the Great Demon King (Azatodeath) and was married to her beloved idol knight Saucer And between the two was... p.436-437 DRAGON HALF Z ... a baby girl born named Pink Special side story to celebrate the completion of the comic series Neither R nor SS! *mentioning Sailor Moon Meet the Mink family after eight years of time!! p.438 1. Hate you!! 2. Both Pa and Ma I hate you very much!! Blah p.439 1. Don't say that... Right! "Father: Saucer"* 2. Would you like to hear Pa sing to feel better!? No thanks, it'd make me feel worse Well! okay "No I don't mean that" *original note: Seems that he's still working as an idol singer... 3. Pink is a pretty girl Ping, Ping, Pink, and Doping 4. What... your looks... 5. You feel much better, don't you Why do you think so!! "pat" p.440 1. "whay" Saucer-san, you're cool Ah! thanks, Mink-kun!! 2. "Mother: Mink"* That!! Thata's the queer thing How many years have you been married Eight years, eight!! *original note: now the strongest house wife ever. p.441 1. In spite of all those years Saucer-san Mink-kun!! so they say What's the matter with my parents!! 2. Encore, Saucer-san My love is Ming ming, Mink and coming soon!! Not listening 3. Anyway, I'll never give this golden rose to Pio!! p.442 1. Pink, you're Pio's close friend, aren't you? I found it, it's all mine 2. How about Mom!? If you were in my place are you absolutely sure you'd give it to her!? 3. .... 4. I wouldn't say absolutely ... ... but p.443 1. See, just as I thought! I like this flower better than Pio ! 2. Pink!! 3. Ouch!? 4. No You can't say that 5. Ouch, it hurts!! "I'll die, I'll be crushed help me" 6. Oops... sorry... How come your tall talk p.444 1. Mama wouldn't give it either!! Oh, Pink 2. two hours before Oh, what a beautiful rose!! 3. Look, Pio Yes Oh!? wait, Pink!! p.445 1. Woa, this is the Golden Rose!! Golden drawers? "What's that" 2. Daughter to the genius necromancer Rufa... Rucha the genius hermit knows it all!!* What kind of flower this is "it's great" 3. What? what? what kind of flower is it!? Tell us, Rucha 4. Hey, Rucha 5. Rucha... 6. Lady Rucha Its another name is the flower of making you bold!! *original note: her nasty character is just like her mother's too. p.446 1. You brew and drink it, and you become instantly courageous no matter what a coward you are 2. Ah!? Then it'd cure Pio of my fainting disease!? Of course *original note: Pio is the daughter of Pia 3. I hear it's hereditary, you got it from your grandpa Right Yes, poor thing 4. pop faint bonk 5. ... and she faints so she got injuries all the time... How sad Then don't do that!! p.447 1. But if I drink it, I'll be cured immediately, won't I!! "hurray" You're lucky, this flower comes out only once in 100 years ... what? 2. ... this flower... There are no other flowers like this? 3. No, give it to Pio right away Ugh... 4. I... thought of making it my hair pin... 5. How stingy! Give it to her Uh... ooh... 6. ah... p.448 1. No... I don't want that That's Pink's 2. I don't mind fainting so much... ... Bullshit You always get bumps and cry!! 3. No... 'cause I don't... 4. I don't need 5. the flower Hey, wait ... p.449 1. ... ugh... what ya do 2. I am disapointed! ... 3. I am disapointed! Pio is your close friend, isn't he 4. Mama would... surely Mama would do... Are you Pink? p.450 1. What? 2. Pink... she said she'd try hard and eat a pimiento dish this time but ... 3. She won't eat it... p.451 1. It's no good I can't educate kids 2. Because I'm still one myself 3. Ah, what shall I do!! You don't have to try what you can't 4. Just be what you are p.452 1. When you were asked if you could give away the flower by Pink You said you were not absolutely sure 2. I know you are but... 4. It's just like you She'll know your kindly way of thinking someday 5. A child is far closely watching us parents than we are apt to think p.453 1. So... you're all right! 2. ... Saucer-san 3. Here!! I'll sing you a song to cheer you up!! "She's strong, she's red" "Red Dragon" Ouch, that song... "ache" "I have a bad memory..." 4. You shall be under my spell!! 5. My most secret spell!! No... p.454 1. Eek!? 3. ... what? 4. Where!? am I? 5. Be quiet!! Ru... Rucha!? Here! p.455 1. Here is the Pid Potion that I've longed for!! 2. What!? "amazed" Mom!? p.456 1. But she's young... Mama in her youth? At last I can become human 2. We've made a time trip to the world 10 years ago* Oh!? what's that 3. Why... Never mind, just look! 4. You... *original note: on page 389 p.457 1. a fool you are, Mink!! 2. To let... the toad drink it... what are you thinking 3. You have traveled here just to get it, haven't you 4. We'll give up this toad and release it in some brook Quack (What do you say!!) I couldn't do that p.458 1. The one who was turned into a toad through curse is my mother Rufa Mink's friend !! 2. You'll be shunned by Saucer unless you become human 3. ... yes 4. But 5. ... there's no other way p.459 1. If you were in my place are you absolutely sure you'd give it to her!? I wouldn't say absolutely but ... 2. ah... 3. Mama... 4. ... far better than a single flower ... p.460 2. ah... I'm back to where I was... 3. Now... go 5. Ah 6. Yes!! thank you you black one!! p.461 5. What!? You gave the golden rose to Pio!? 6. Yes, is it strange? Because you were saying that... 7. Well, I feel hungry Can I eat this? Well, but it's pimiento that you... p.462 1. I know 2. ... PInk 4. By the way! How come you married Dad even though you didn't become human after all? What!? p.463 1. What... who told it to you... Never mind! why!? 2. "glimpse..." 4. That's because... 5. huh huh p.464 1. You turned me back into a human being... 2. I paid back what I owe you to some extent 3. Ha... I've become human but I've learned to weave the magic of time 4. How great I am!! Lady Rufa is a genius!! nothing but a genius Literally perfect 5. Perfectly... Mom has forgotten about me Get me back at once... "The mouse in the bag eats rice and goes squeek!! Squeek, squeek, squeek" *it's suited for this situation because this nursery song is used for hide-and-seek END P.P.S. Cheer up May all my readers become as cheerful as myself Mita Ryuusuke, March 30, 1998