Dragon Half March Dragon, 1992 Version 1.0: 06/22/92 Artwork and story by Ryuusuke Mita Translated by Curtis Hoffmann and Kiyoshi Takenaka English word balloons by Bob Angell Cover How Many Days before New Year's? (note) (Oe Oe) (This is from a children's song.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 -2 Kathleen Paul. Is the coast still far away? -3 Paul Ahh... no, we will reach it soon. -4 Kathleen Has the mugshot of Mink, the half-beast that's been bothering Mig, arrived yet, Zabeal? -5 Zabeal Not yet, Kathleen-sama. Kathleen [Whack] Ho -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 113 -1 Zabeal [Ow ow ow ow ow] Yarghhh--- -2 Kathleen [Growl] I TOLD you not to say my one's real name!! Use the nickname, the nickname!! -3 Zabeal Forgive my rudeness, Petite (heart) Kathy. Kathleen Good. -4 Zabeal ... Now. In what way will you plan to bury Mink? -5 Kathleen I heard she was stronger than anyone else, but I myself used to be called "Grassy Plains and White House Kathy." ... I'll fight fairly. Zabeal No!! What do you mean! -6 Kathleen First, I will disguise myself in a dress, and then have ten thugs attack her from behind. When she is on the verge of death... I'll kill her fair and square!! Zabeal ...... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 -1 Mink That's... The Island of the Demon King. -2 Pia Over there is where my father and the others are being held... Rufa They might not be on the island, or even in this world. -3 Both [Punch hit kick] Baka -- What are you saying!? Mink Again -- Hey, no brawling! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 -1 Mink ...... A flask and a holy sack. -2 Mink The Royal Queen told me about the Great Demon King's "Torment Magic." Anna Preparation for the battle is... -3 [GRUMBLE ----- !!] (Sounds like 'good'.) -4 Mink Yes... That's "good", Pia... Pia [Grumble] No, that was my stomach. -6 Mink Delicious (heart) Both [Consume/grumble] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 -1 Paul Then, my ax cut into Ramia's leg. Barkeep Ramia doesn't have legs, old man. -3 Rufa What a loud, silly old man, Woman Ah --... that's just old Paul, bragging away. -4 Paul [Leap] What!? You want to hear my tales of valor, daughter-san!? Pia Wow -- he heard you. Rufa No, I, do, not, want, to, hear, them. -5 Paul Well then... ha ha -- I will tell you of the time I slew 300 hobgoblins in one day! Rufa ...... [.....hey] -6 Paul [Point] [Swing swing] There I was, surrounded. The hobgoblins gathered in waves like crashing breakers. Calmly, I hefted my favorite axe... All told, I left 500 corpses behind me!! -7 Rufa You just said there were only 300!? Paul Oof. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 -1 Paul Ha ha... 4 run away, 5 more show up -- they still totalled 500. Rufa You lie! -2 [Ka-blam] -3 Guy 1 Ahhh!? Guy 2 What is it!? What is it!? -4 Kathleen [Loom] Hello... I've come to buy wine for the Demon King's Army. Although I look strong... I'm just Petite (heart) Kathy! -5 Kathleen One dozen bottles on Dom Periogn (I can't spell this.) Woman [Thud] Ye... yes ma'am. -6 Kathleen [Walk] Thank you. Woman Ah... I'll be very happy if you pay your bill. (heart) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 -1 [Crash] -2 Kathleen Did you say something? Woman [Spill] Gasp... nothing, it was nothing... -3 Kathleen Hey, Paul. Paul Gulp... Yes!! -4 Kathleen We will take our time returning to the island. Have the ship ready. -5 Kathleen We will leave in 30 minutes. Paul [Shudder shudder] Yes, ma'am. Understood, ma'am. -6 Mink Grandmother, are you all right!? Woman [Heart pounding] Wheeze -- I thought I was going to be raped... -7 Rufa What was that silly old man going on about with his story? He's nothing but some demon's boot licker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 -1 Woman That's just Paul. He was different, long ago. -2 Woman He had been a popular, strong fighter. Single-handedly, he kept this town free of the dark hordes. -3 Woman Now, he's a simple braggart. The townsfolk just ignore him. Rufa Big sister -- It looks like that old guy is taking a ship to the Demon King's Island. -4 Mink Yes... If I ask him, he may take us there!! Woman What!? Whyever would you WANT to go to the Demon King's Island? -5 Mink Well... to defeat the Demon King. -7 Woman Your spirit is equal to Paul's. (Thinks: Both lying braggarts.) Mink (Thinks: I'm NOT lying...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 -1 Pia Aha. -2 Rufa Mink, there's the man we just met! Mink It is! -3 Paul Hmmm... what's this, what do you want? -4 Mink Well... we're sorry to bother you. We need to reach the Island. Will you take us? -5 Paul Huh--? You WHAT!? -7 Paul [Wahahaha] [Slap slap] A masterpiece! Nice joke -- nice joke! Mink No, we really are going to the island. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 -1 Paul Maybe you're not kidding... You wouldn't happen to be the incredibly strong half-beast, Mink...? Mink Well... perhaps I am. -2 Paul [Wahahaha] Again -- again -- nice joke! Mink ....... -3 Paul That person called Mink... is a twit. -4 Mink Eh!? -5 Paul [Loom] No matter how strong you are, you can not topple the Great Demon King. Trying to defeat him is like grabbing a cloud. You can't do that, and hence you are just a big fool. -6 Rufa Dammit! Mink is not stupid, although she is a lesbian!! Mink I'm not a lesbian, either. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 122 -1 Paul On the contrary, look at me. -2 Paul Kathleen is a seasoned soldier in the Demon King's Army. I can not defeat her. That's why I don't attack her. -3 Paul I am a wise old samurai... who knows that nobody can catch the clouds. -4 Rufa You are an idiot, old Man!! You have aged and rotted inside, Mink is way better than you!! Pia That's right! That's right! Paul Gulp. -5 Kathleen [Boom] Hey, Paul! Why are you loitering around... Paul !! -6 Mink ! -7 Zabeal [Run] Petite (heart) Kathy-sama!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 -1 Kathleen Ho... the picture of that Mink has arrived... What a plain, ordinary-looking girl...!? Wait a moment, I've seen this face... -2 Kathleen [Silence] Eh? -3 Kathleen MINK -- !? -4 Kathleen [Sweat] Gulp -- !! By the noble gods of Thunder, Flame, and Destruction, YOU are Mig-sama's match in fighting -- Kaiser Dragon-Half?!! -5 Guy 3 [Wow ---] Ehh -- !? Hey, that's Mink... Girl Ooh -- really!? Guy 4 Great, she's the famous half-beast that protects justice. -6 Woman All the same, I wish I was in there with them (confronting Kathleen.) [Arrow -> Lie.] -7 Paul [Oh oh] Why didn't you TELL me who you are!? Mink I DID tell you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 -1 Kathleen Gulp... this is unexpected. My original plan is not going to work!! -3 Kathleen I see (heart.) Well, how about this? Why don't you let me kill you, and I give you this beggar in return? Zabeal [Choke] Mink No. -4 Kathleen Hrrmph!! What... what... Even if you do defeat me... you will be killed by the Great Demon King-sama!! -5 Mink Well... I am going to try, you see!! -7 Rufa I heard that you used to be a good fighter. Once. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 -1 Kathleen [Run] Iieee -- If you try to attack me, I swear I'll take innocent women and children... Mink Boo. Kathleen as hostages, and fight fairly. People Shrieks -3 Paul To grab the clouds. -4 [Swish] -5 Paul W... wait. Ah-ah-I... I challenge you. -6 Kathleen What's this? Paul, have you gone mad? Petite Kathy is superior to you, you fool. -7 Paul ... that may be. Then I'll just die trying. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 -2 Mink Really... -3 Mink You fought well. -4 Paul Hah --- !! Pia You were great, Paul! Girl 2 He's so cu -- te (heart.) Girl 1 You were brilliant, Paul -- ! -5 Paul [Shake] I feel like my old self again. I've regained a precious thing today. Rufa You've grown a lot, Uncle!! -6 Paul Ha ha... I am Paul -- killer of 1000 hobgoblins! Rufa ... then again, maybe not. Sidebar Let's send lots of fan letters to that cool soldier, Paul. (Paul) Cut that out. (Note: the above was said by Paul, with the reply written either by Mink, or the author.)