From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #280, May 14, 92 20:27:00 Subject: Guyver 5.1 Created by Yoshiki Takaya "Tall House, Fine Tree" Chapter 5: Crisis ----------------- Darkness had descended over the city. In a metropolis, illumination in the night often came in the form of a tall, rectangular structure whose brightness was about the only general benefit that came from the great quantities of power it consumed. Near the top of one such pillar of light, a man in a lab coat was dispassionately explaining the result of the latest project to his superior. Subordinate: This special enzyme will cause Guyver's outer shell to decompose. However, reactions with air molecules will neutralize this effect, so it can not be used like Bubu's solution. The man in the lab coat had short, curly black hair. He was present when Inspector Lisgar became the doomed Guyver-II. He had survived the fall of his former master and had proven his worth to the new lord during the first calculated attack on Guyver. Now he had just completed another grievous assault against nature. The creature was suspended in the middle of a large rectangular tank. A myriad of wires ran from the top and the bottom of the container to various regions in the monster's body. Its form was decidedly simian. One side of the tank was totally transparent, and it was from that side Richard Gio and the man viewed the new weapon for Khronos. Subordinate: Glands have been implanted in the experimental type to allow secretion through teeth, claws and tail. Gio: How long will the 'concoction' take? Subordinate: It should be done before tomorrow morning. But, to finish in such a short time... Gio: That's alright, this is only an experiment. We don't yet know the effect it will have on the two Guyvers. Richard Gio directed his attention briefly to the least simian part of the creature. Two antannae grew from the monster's head, on which rested two eyes that would not be out of place on an insect. The large, mishappened mouth resembled a cavern with overgrown stalagmites and stalactites. Gio: However, if it can damage one of them then its mission would be accomplished. Don't you think so, Michael? --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #281, May 14, 92 20:28:00 Subject: Guyver 5.2 Gio turned to the young man who stood at attention in the shadows. Michael: Yes, chief. Gio: You are very calm. You likely will not suffer the fate of your stepfather. Michael: He....was only a pawn to secure my position. When father's business failed, he offerred to pay for the debt in exchange for me, so I would become his pawn. There was never any love between us. Gio: [With the hint of a smile] True. You attend the same high school as they do? Michael: Yes, I am the head of the student council. Gio: Mmmm...Lure them into the trap tomorrow. Michael: Yes sir. Gio: It should be noted that the man in the lab coat wore shades at all times. * * * Morning... Clark: [Running to catch up to Luke] Hi! Luke: Clark... Both waited for the light of the pedestrian crossing to change. Clark: Now Anne had been involved. I had a hard time convincing her. Luke: Sorry, I... Clark: Don't apologize, you idiot! Luke: But... At the lockers... Clark: Oh yeah, we should all go home together today. Now that they know Anne we have to watch out for her. Luke was surprised to find a letter in his locker. Clark: What? Somebody wrote you a love letter? Luke: Mmm...take a look at this. --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #282, May 14, 92 20:28:00 Subject: Guyver 5.3 Clark took the paper from Luke. The letter read: If you do not want innocent people to become involved, then come to the site of the explosion immediately. Khronos * * * In room 2-5, Anne was thinking about the events last evening. Anne: Girl: Anne? Anne? Anne: Hmmm? Girl: What are you daydreaming about? Anne: Oh, nothing. Anne opened her book, then turned to look out the window just in time to see Luke and Clark sneaking out of the schoolyard. Anne: [Surprised] * * * In the woods... Clark: Wait, Luke! I'm going with you! Luke: No. They picked a mountain few people go to. It must be a trap! Besides, that letter was for me. Clark: No, they want me! The only way to guarantee my safety is to come with you. Let's go together, okay? Luke: Clark... After a short walk up the hill, they arrived at a clearing decorated with a deep, large hole. Two months ago an explosion occurred here, and a thing called the 'Unit' fell before the two youths. Clark: Luke, what kind of explosion do you think it was? "A mini-bomb," said someone from the bushes behind them. --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #283, May 14, 92 20:29:00 Subject: Guyver 5.4 A dishevelled man walked out from the bushes. His face was unshaven, there were bags under his eyes and his clothes had definitely seen better days. He looked like someone from the city who had gotten lost in the mountains. Island: An experimental type escaped from our organization with the Units. And you...are the ones who picked up Unit G. Both Luke and Clark looked rather dumbfounded. Luke: You are... Island: Head of the Japan branch of Khronos, but that was three days ago. Luke: Head of the Japan branch? Island: Because of you, I've lost my position. Now... Island's shirt began to rip at the seams and he started to sweat profusely. Veins bulged on his forehead. Island:...I have become a guinea pig for the experimental enzyme against Guyver... The hands turned into claws. Antannae grew from his head and his teeth became long and sharp. A long, spiked tail extended from the rear. Island:....A beast soldier! The youths' mouths went agape. Island: [Dashing towards Luke with a claw raised] It's your fault. You caused me to lose prestige and status! Luke: Guyver! The biobooster closed around Luke just before the claw reached his chest. The fingertips buried into the chest plates and Guyver's shell seemed to melt. Luke screamed. Clark: Luke! Guyver: [Looking at the five holes on his chest] Can the biobooster...dissolve? Island: Heh, now you can't use the chest particle cannons. Resign to your fate! Because I was concocted only for a short time, I have only a week to live. Even if I receive additional operation after capturing you this will always be my body. The former head of the branch has fallen to this! Island swang his arm for another attack. --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #284, May 14, 92 20:30:00 Subject: Guyver 5.5 Island: You are responsible for everything that has happened! Die! A beam from Guyver's forehead hit Island in the right shoulder, causing the swing to miss and chop through a tree instead. The top of the tree barely missed Clark when it fell. Guyver managed to dodge Island's bite, but was unable to block the subsequent slash which drew blood from his left inner thigh. Before he could react, the spike cut the right side of his head. Behind the bushes, a group of Khronos agents were monitoring the progress of the battle. Agent: [Into a radio] The experimental type is obssessed with killing Guyver. Gio: Let him. Do not interfere. However, don't let the other escape. Agent: Yes sir! Occupied with his friend's struggle, Clark discovered the band of uniformed men behind his back a little too late. Luke was surprised to discover that the holes in his chest had almost repaired. Guyver: A scream came from behind Luke. Guyver: [Turns around] Clark!? Taking the advantage of the distraction, Island clamped his mouth on Guyver's left elbow and bit through the arm to the shock of both Luke and Clark. Island: Now you die! Weakened by the loss of limb, Luke was unable to dodge the spiked tail that pierced his body. After waiting for a few seconds for the enzymes to take effect, Island sharply withdrew the tail from Luke's body. Blood poured from both ends of the penetrating wound. Clark: Lu...Luke! [Tears rolling down] Luke coughed a great deal of blood, then fell to his knees. Island: Prepare to face your Maker, you miserable kid! [Laughs] Gio's presence was suddenly in the monster's head. Gio: Island reached for the orb on Guyver's forehead, the armour began to dissolve around the device. --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #285, May 14, 92 20:30:00 Subject: Guyver 5.6 Clark: Clark: [Shouting] No! Not that! Don't! With a bloody 'pop', the device was pulled from Guyver's head. The body fell to the ground. Clark was restrained from running to his friend by the agents. Clark: Ah...Ah...Lu...Luke! Guyver began to 'age'. An agent took the control device and placed it in a box held by a colleague. Agent: Control device retrieved. Guyver now resembled an emaciated man and started to dissolve. Incredibly, the dying form stood up and grabbed island from the back. It roared. Agent: Chief! Guyver is still... Gio: At the last command, Island's body was ripped in the middle and in the midriff, splattering Guyver with blood. The biobooster made a vain, last struggle. Agent: Guyver tried to stand, but its form was too weak. The blade at the top of the head was the last part to vanish. Agent: [To radio] Both the experimental type and the biobooster have completely disappeared. --- * Origin: Magrathea, Now open for business (1:243/42) From: Michael Liu To: All Msg #286, May 14, 92 20:35:00 Subject: Guyver 5.7 Radio: Good! Now return! Clark: [Turning to take a last look at where his friend had been] Luke... Guyver-III coolly watched from behind a tree as Clark was led away by Khronos agents. Guyver-III: --End of Chapter-- p.s. For some reason this part wasn't sent as part of Guyver 5.6, sorry for the extra message.