GOKUU Midnight Eye Book 2: The Goddess of Darkness (Yami no Tenjo Hen) Manga Vol. 4, "Yuuko," Part 2 Copyright 1988 by Terasawa Buichi and Scholar This Translation 1990 by Michael House pg.2: Caption: I am Gokuu. There is a miniature computer terminal in my left eye. And it is connected to computers all over the world. Any information at all appears in my left eye in moments. If I feel like it, I can infiltrate the missile bases of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. and cause the destruction of the world. My name is Gokuu. I am the man with the left eye of God. pg.3: Caption: Even in the midst of a Second Great Earthquake, Tookyoo Metropolis in in the year 2014 has made a comeback. Fuurinji Gokuu, a former police officer now working as a private investigator, lives here. Taking advantage of a particular incident, he had an ultraminiaturized computer terminal put in his left eye, which connects him to computers the world over. Genjoo Yuuko, Doctor of Paranormal Physics at Tookyoo Institute of Technology, the so-called Brains of Japan, was pursuing the mystery of a girl who fluttered about in the night sky. To explain this strange phenomenon, she succeeded in getting pictures of it, but she was attacked by a band of ninja, only to be rescued by Gokuu. Taking advantage of the situation, the two of them made love, and were again attacked by the ninja. Who are the "Kuki Clan" and the "Tendoojo," names revealed by the woman leading the group? pg.5: Rock Devil: My body is made of Leta Ceramic. Shockwaves have no effect on me. Gokuu: I don't recognize that one. pg.6: Rock Devil: Where are the photos? Rock Devil: They have nothing to do with you, you son of a bitch. Give them to me, and no trouble about it. Gokuu: No can do. They've been immersed in a bromide bath. That'll be satisfactory enough. Rock Devil: Then in that case, die! pg.8: Display Caption: BATTING MACHINES RB 309--ONLINE Display Caption: UNIT NO. 1--ON Display Caption: UNIT NO. 2--ON Display Caption: UNIT NO. 3--ON Rock Devil: I'll ask you once more: where are the photos I'm looking for? Display Caption: UNIT NO. 4--ON Rock Devil: If you give them to me without a struggle, I'll let you live. Display Caption: *SPEED* 200 K.P.H. MAXIMUM Gokuu: I refuse. You're a numbskull, too. Rock Devil: Stupid man! pg.9: Display Caption: UNIT NO. 1: UNIT NO. 2: UNIT NO. 3: UNIT NO. 4: *FIRE* pg.10: Gokuu: I also learned how to swing a bat through the Hoozooin. Yuuko: Gokuu! Yuuko: Gokuu! Are you all right? Yuuko: Oh no! Are those wounds serious? Gokuu: Don't be silly. It was a hot love scene with a cute girl. Gokuu: Did you contact the guards? pg.11: Yuuko: The guards won't be of any help. They've all been put to sleep. Gokuu: That's ninja for you, all right. They won't stop at that. Yuuko: What's that mask? Gokuu: A miserable man who took a dead ball and died. Gokuu: As things are now, we need the water people more than the guards. Gokuu: We're gonna start doing the crawl to get to the bar, before long pg.12: Gokuu: I wonder what you're gonna say when the owner of the building sees this. Yuuko: Gokuu? I've decided to hire you. Yuuko: I want to investigate this incident thoroughly. Gokuu: This isn't a job for a private eye. Get John Wayne from now on. pg.13: Gokuu: I've changed my mind. Hire me! Yuuko: Wha--? pg.14: Gokuu: Ordinary work doesn't suit my nature. pg.19: Yuuko: Look! It's coming up! pg.20: Yuuko: I've locked it. He can't get out. Gokuu: It's no use. Steel's like soggy crackers to that bastard. Yuuko: Then it really is impossible. You can quit, Gokuu! Gokuu: I won't quit as long as I've been hired. It's a matter of trust. This is the hard part of being a private eye. Gokuu: My terms are: I work from 10 in the morning to 10 at night. 20,000 a day after taxes. Travel and other expenses as well. Yuuko: OK. But when do I hire you? Gokuu: Yesterday. pg.21: Yuuko: It's already past 10 tonight. Let's quit and go home! Gokuu: This thing is overtime. It's on me. pg.22: Rock Devil: Heh heh heh! Gokuu: Shit! You _are_ a monster! Yuuko: Gokuu! Yuuko: Gokuu! You'll be killed! I'll give him the photos! Stop it, already! pg.23: Gokuu: I can't stop. I never learned how. Display Caption: MEASUREMENT OF EXTENT OF ARMOR ENHANCEMENT Display Caption: AVERAGE VALUE OF ENHANCEMENT: 4.8 Display Caption: REGION OF LEAST ENHANCEMENT: 2.5 pg.24: Display Caption: ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SCAN: MEASURE REGIONS OF ELECTRICAL CHARGE TIME OF NEXT ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE AND COMPUTE ANGLE OF ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE Display Caption: ELECTRICAL CHARGE REGION A: 2,500,000 VOLTS ENERGY ACCUMULATING Display Caption: ELECTRICAL CHARGE REGION B: 1,750,000 VOLTS pg.25: Rock Devil: Die! Display Caption: *ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE REGION A* POTENTIAL ENERGY INCREASING 2,700,000 VOLTS...2,800,000 VOLTS... Display Caption: 2,900,000 VOLTS... Display Caption: 3,000,000 VOLTS Display Caption: STRENGTH OF ATMOSPHERIC INSULATION DECLINING Display Caption: *DISCHARGE* pg.27: Yuuko: Gokuu! Gokuu: That was quite a battle, wasn't it... Gokuu: ...between ninja and myself. pg.28: Gokuu: Why? Why were ninja attacking me? pg.29: Gokuu: And who's pulling their strings? And what are they after? pg.30: Station Hop: Fill 'er up? Gokuu: I only know one thing. Gokuu: These photos are extremely important to the bastards. Gokuu: A goddess, dressed in white, soaring through the sky on a night of the full moon! Gokuu: This is my only lead! The bastards' secrets are hidden within this girl! pg.31: Caption: Shinjuku Chinatown Sign: Fortuneteller pg.32: Thug 1: Hold it. Where are you going? Gokuu: To see the fortuneteller. Thug 1: What for? Inscription on Lapel Pin: Hakubikai (roughly: "Gang of Excellence"--MH) Gokuu: I came to do the tango with him. What do you think? Thug 2: Too bad. Our boss has reserved this shop for today. Come back some other time. Thug 1: Hey, you! Didn't you hear? We said beat it. Gokuu: I understood every word. My ears are fine. pg.33: Thug 2: Who do you think we are, asshole? Gokuu: The Blues Brothers? Thug 1: Hey, you! Hold it! Gondoo: Power is as good as ever. pg.34: Gokuu: This is a surprise. Do the Yakuza tell fortunes, Gondoo? Gokuu: Will you divine for me which prison you want to go to? Thug 3: Boss! Hostess: Thank you for waiting. Who is next? Gondoo: Please, after you, my dear Gokuu. Thug 3: Asshole! Gondoo: Hold it. You guys are no match for him. pg.35: Thug 1: Why you let a bastard like that--! Gondoo: It was before you guys joined the gang, so you probably don't know, Gondoo: ...but back when he was still a detective with Tookyoo Megalopolitan Police... Gondoo: ...he singlehandedly smashed the Mafia Family of Don Leo, when it expanded The Island (translator's note: Sicily?--MH) into Shinjuku. Gondoo: He's a scary sonofabitch. Naturally, since Don Leo was my business rival, Gondoo: ...one would think that my business would have been much easier to run since he went to prison. Gondoo: Such isn't the case, but I'm pleased just fine with that bastard Gokuu. Hostess: This way, please. pg.36: En Ju: Family fortunes? Financial fortunes? Or love? I will let you see anything. pg.37: En Ju: This is your first time, is it not. What may I divine for you, I wonder? Gokuu: Take a guess. En Ju: Ah. You intend to test me, do you? Gokuu: En Ju is said to be the No. 1 fortuneteller in Shinjuku. Gokuu: There isn't anything that En Ju can't see through. Gokuu: Rumors persist that it's like fairies or the gods' own clairvoyance. En Ju: Jusei (star of lifespan): Slowly Jisshin (submerged essence): Difficulty Seiki (star history): Young Oregi (broken tree): Status pg.38: En Ju: Your name is Gokuu. Family name: Fuurinji. You are thirty-three years old and single. Up until two years ago, you were the No. 1 detective with Tookyoo Megalopolitan Police. En Ju: At present, you have quit the police force, and opened a private investigations office in a building in Setagaya. En Ju: Now then, what may I divine for you? Gokuu: This. Gokuu: I want to hear who you sold this nanasetsukanaboo to. (Translator's note: nanasetsukanaboo: seven-piece metal club.--MH) pg.39: En Ju: Sold...? I am a fortuneteller. I do not sell weapons. Gokuu: You made this one. Look at it. It's got your signature engraved on it. Kanji on Nanatetsukanaboo: "EN" En Ju: There are 100 men in Tookyoo by the name of "En". It's not me. Gokuu: You play dumb very well. Gokuu: You have connections with gangs and the Syndicate, who come here to have their fortunes told. Gokuu: I know you sell weapons made here to these groups. Gokuu: Also, there's your initial on your made-to-order equipment. En Ju: I don't understand this. Display Caption: RESPIRATION: 20--25 HEART RATE: 72--90 *INCREASE* ADRENALIN: *INCREASE* ********L I E******** Gokuu: You're lying! pg.40: En Ju: How do you know? Gokuu: My own divination. En Ju: It would seem somehow that you are possessed by an evil demon. En Ju: The proof is that you speak of things which are unseen, that are impossible for you to see. En Ju: Allow me to exorcise it for you. Stamped/emblazoned symbol: Buddha pg.42: That is the evil spirit which was possessing you! pg.43: Gokuu: Heh...heh heh heh...Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! En Ju: Wha--what's so funny? Gokuu: Do you think I can stand this without laughing? This place is like Disneyland, you know! Gokuu: You call this fortunetelling? The right tit of that statue contains a camera, and the left one has a holographic projector. Gokuu: You input the client's face with the camera, transmit it with a computer terminal, check it in a databank, and investigate the client's personal history thoroughly. pg.44: Gokuu: And the client's data... Gokuu: ...is projected on that monitor! Gokuu: You're one helluva fortuneteller, you are! Gokuu's Hologram: Don't do it, Miss. pg.45: Gokuu's Hologram: Who was it? Who did you sell that nanasetsukanaboo to? En Ju: I...I can't tell you. If I do, my business and I will both be... Gokuu's Hologram: Well, suppose I tell the police about this arrangement. This computer is illegally intruding into the police databank and the Foreign Affairs Ministry's Records Section! Gokuu's Hologram: Extraction of private data is an information crime! You'll get ten years! Gokuu's Hologram: Or should I tell Gondoo's gang, outside? Gokuu's Hologram: Tell them that all your fortunetelling has been a fraud? Gokuu's Hologram: The Yakuza are real easygoing. Within two hours they'll have you playing with the fishes at the bottom of Tookyoo Bay! En Ju: Stop--stop it! I'll talk! En Ju: I'll talk! But only about that! pg.46: En Ju: But if the person I sold it to asks the bastard who was wielding that nanasetsukanaboo... Gokuu: They can't. He went up like gas struck with a match. En Ju: Wha--! Gokuu: A lightning bolt hit him in the head. En Ju: Here is where I manufacture my weapons. I do not make the likes of ordinary pistols and rifles here. En Ju: Everything is a special product, custom-made. It's all here: needleguns, lasercutters, electric swords, and whatever else. Gokuu: Do you have can openers, too? pg.47: Gokuu: So who'd you sell the piece to? En Ju: Kuki Yoosuke, President of Kuki Electronic Industries. Gokuu: Kuki Yoosuke? The satellite maker? En Ju: The very one. I've finished making an order placed last week by Kuki. En Ju: His orders are noticeably different from the rest of my customers. En Ju: Cross-shuriken with infrared sensors...proximity makibishi... (translator's note: makibishi: roughly, a type of caltrop.--MH) En Ju: I ask you, who would use such things? Gokuu: Ninja would! Ninja use these things! pg.48: Gokuu: How do you deliver the goods? pg.49: En Ju: A young man in my employ brings them personally to the President's Residence. En Ju: I send him to the roof of the Octagon Building to meet with Kuki. pg.50: Pamela Sue: Oh, I was told that a Chinese would be coming. pg.51: Gokuu: I am Chinese. Pamela Sue: Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell. Gokuu: Because I don't wear worker's clothes? Gokuu: The name's Uu Kong. Sung Uu Kong. pg.52: Pamela Sue: I'm Pamela Sue Yamaoka. Do you like the Okutama, Mr. Sung? (Translator's note: Okutama: roughly, "the Inland."--MH) Gokuu: With you to show me around, I'm sure I will, Pamela. Pamela Sue: I'm sorry, but I'm just a driver hired by Kuki Electronic Industries. Someone else will guide you. Gokuu: Well, if my guide is as pretty as you, I can live with it. pg.53: Pamela Sue: You can see it now. Pamela Sue: That's Kuki Electronic Industries. pg.54: Pamela Sue: President Kuki's building site is within the Okutama Region. And here is the heart of Kuki Electronic Industries. pg.55: Pamela Sue: Manufacturing, research laboratories, databanks, testing centers, satellite-launching facilities--it's all here. pg.56: Pamela Sue: That's the Command Center. They control the satellite launchings from there. pg.57: Gokuu: I'd say it was more of a castle tower than a Command Center. This place seems as though it would make a secure stronghold. Pamela Sue: You can get out now. We've landed. Gokuu: Will a sightseeing bus come to take me back, or will you be taking me? Pamela Sue: I will take you if my schedule permits, Mr. Sung. pg.60: Hoogamboo: My sincerest apologies. These are our watchdogs. I hope we did not offend you. Gokuu: Actually, they're cute doggies, but give them something else for lunch, huh? Hoogamboo: Mr. Sung Uu Kong, correct? We received word from Master En that you were coming today. Hoogamboo: I am Hoogamboo, honored to be steward. pg.61: Hoogamboo: I am afraid that the President will miss this occasion, but I think there should be another opportunity. Hoogamboo: Please wait here. This is the President's private apartment. pg.62: Hoogamboo: To tell the truth, there's going to be a presentation tomorrow for the new class of satellite our company has developed... Hoogamboo: ...and the President is completing the preliminary arrangements... Gokuu: The Gauss Satellite? Gokuu: Big names in politics, finance, and the military will probably be crowding in here for that presentation, I bet. Hoogamboo: You are very well-informed, it seems. Hoogamboo: As you say, this is a terribly important presentation for Kuki Industries. Our company's prestige depends on it. Gokuu: And these ladies are your campaign girls? pg.64: Hoogamboo: These ladies are furniture girls. They are fixtures to decorate the President's apartment. Hoogamboo: But they are not simply beautiful. Hoogamboo: Each one is the top woman in her chosen field of endeavor. Hoogamboo: Miss Austin is a jockey, and has won the English Derby three years in a row. Hoogamboo: Miss Asanuma is an Olympic Gold Medalist in figure-skating. Hoogamboo: This is Bomber Yakami, NWA Women's Pro-Wrestling Champion. pg.65: Hoogamboo: And, oh yes, the woman who brought you here, Pamela Sue Yamaoka, is a Formula-1 Grand Prix Champion. Gokuu: President Kuki has a suite of beautiful and talented women around him, doesn't he. Gokuu: It'll be cheaper if he sometimes goes out with stupid women. Hoogamboo: Oh! This is wonderful. Truly the work of Master En. Hoogamboo: I think the President will meet with you himself concerning their use. Hoogamboo: Please rest easy until then. Tanuma: Or shall I take Mr. Sung on a tour of the company during that interval? Tanuma: I am Miss Tanuma, the President's private secretary. I will guide you, if you wish. (translator's note: in case you can't tell by looking at her picture, Tanuma Reiko is, in fact, Yashahime (Princess Yasha).--MH) Gokuu: No need to beg. This place here is hard on my eyes. pg.66: Tanuma: Kuki Electronic Industries was founded in 1992. We develop and manufacture weather and communications satellites. Gokuu: It sure was a surprise, having to ride these jet-coasters just to get around within the company. Tanuma: Shall we walk, then? You can make a tour tomorrow. pg.67: Gokuu: Isn't that the "Hakankuuken" style? (Translator's note: "Hakankuuken": roughly, the fist with the dominant spatial position.--MH) Tanuma: This is the employee sportsroom. Tanuma: What about you? Want to kill some time and work up a sweat? Gokuu: Wha--? Tanuma: Oh, but I'd heard that all Chinese people are experts at Kung Fu. Gokuu: Who told you that? Gokuu: There are those who are Chinese, but who hate Chinese food. pg.68: Worker: There's nothing to worry about. I'll put these protectors and this faceguard on you. You won't get hurt. Gokuu: I certainly hope not. Tanuma: Someone challenge him. Tanuma: Good luck, Mr. Sung. Gokuu: Don't hesitate to throw in the towel whenever it gets dangerous for me. pg.69: Gokuu: I thought this wasn't going to be at all serious! pg.70: Kuki: Heh heh heh...this is the man who you say killed the Demons of the Right and Left hand, and the Rock Devil as well? Hoogamboo: Yes, sir. He has some mysterious power. He did such things as manipulate cars with no one in them to do his bidding... Hoogamboo: ...and operate emergency doors without touching them. We don't understand how he's doing it, but it is certain that he has some kind of special power. Gokuu: Hold it--hold it! Time Out. Gokuu: I can't stand having this thing on--it's suffocating. pg.71: Kuki: Is he psychic too? Hoogamboo: No, I don't think so. Hoogamboo: The powers of the psychics have a striking tendency to maninfest from infancy. Clearly this is different with different people. Hoogamboo: But past events of the type are not occurring in Gokuu's case. Psychic power is not something that manifests all of a sudden. Hoogamboo: Gokuu is not a psychic. Display Caption: SPECIAL POLARIZED MIRROR *LOOK THROUGH IT* Gokuu: So that's Kuki Yoosuke. pg.72: Display Caption: CONTACT: LIP-READING DATABANK Display Caption: BEGIN LIP-READING Lip-reading: KILL HIM. Kuki: Listen, make it look like an accident. Don't let the other workers know. Hoogamboo: Did you hear that, Yazaki? Hoogamboo: Kill him with one blow. Use the "Forbidden Hand" of the Hakankuu. Gokuu: There. Now I'm warmed up. Let's get to the main event. Display Caption: MARTIAL ARTS DATABANK COMPARISON Display Caption: HAKANKUUKEN *HANTSUKIHA TECHNIQUE* (Translator's note: Hantsukiha: Literally, "Half-Moon Crush."--MH) pg.73: Gokuu: "Hantsukiha"? Display Caption: FORECAST THE MOVES OF THE HANTSUKIHA AND DESCRIBE THE PURPOSE OF THE TECHNIQUE Display Caption: CAPTURE THE OPPONENT'S OUTTHRUST RIGHT ARM AND RAISE IT UP ABOVE ONESELF Display Caption: THEN MAKE AN ELBOW STRIKE TO THE OPPONENT'S EXPOSED FLANK Gokuu: The "exposed flank"? Display Caption: THE PHRASE "HANTSUKI" (HALF-MOON) IN "HANTSUKIHA" (HALF-MOON CRUSH) IS A METAPHORICAL TERM FOR THE LIVER Display Caption: *HANTSUKIHA* THIS IS AN OUTLAWED TECHNIQUE WHEREIN ONE CAUSES AN OPPONENT'S DEATH BY RUPTURING HIS LIVER WITH A SINGLE STRIKE FROM THE ELBOW pg.74: Display Caption: FORECAST OF TECHNIQUE TRANSITION FINAL MOVEMENTS IN 1.2 SECONDS Display Caption: POINT OF IMPACT DETERMINED pg.75: Gokuu: And that's that. Game and set. Hoogamboo: What! I can't believe it. His style was like a novice, and yet he saw through the outlawed technique of the Hakankuu! Kuki: Damn! What is he? pg.78: Gokuu: That dandy's the Defense Chief. Gokuu: The guy who's a little smaller than King Kong is the Chief Secretary of the Cabinet. Gokuu: That's the Chief of the Department of Science and Technology... and the Minister of Education. Gokuu: Not bad. Did the Government have a bargain sale today? Tanuma: They've gathered for tonight's presentation of our new weather satellite. Tanuma: The Gauss Satellite Project is incurring enormous expenses. Because of that, we must have the backing of various circles, no matter what. Gokuu: So tonight the dignitaries will collectively judge the value of the Gauss Satellite. Gokuu: Well, then, here's a toast to the Gauss Satellite. pg.79: Tanuma: We need to keep in touch with the Government, too. Shall I introduce you to some of them? Gokuu: Cut it out. If I listen to some stupid politician's talk, I'll get indigestion and diarrhea. Yuuko: Gokuu...! Tanuma: The President is waiting. He said he wants very much to meet with you. Tanuma: Please go inside. This is the President's Office. pg.80: Gokuu: What's that painting on the wall? Tanuma: That's Miss Kuki Reiko, President Kuki's mother. pg.81: Tanuma: She gave birth to Kuki Yoosuke when she was fourteen, and died immediately after. Gokuu: Kuki Reiko! Gokuu: This thing is finally coming together. pg.82: Gokuu: Aren't you going to arrange for me to meet with President Kuki? Gokuu: Somebody was in here before we came in. It hasn't been even a minute since that cigarette went out. Gokuu: He's still here, in this room. Tanuma: The President won't return until presentation is finished. Display Caption: HEAT SENSOR 26 DEGREES C Tanuma: It's just the two of us here. pg.83: Gokuu: On the contrary--it's just the three of us. Gokuu: Is this all right, the President's confidential secretary drinking wine in the President's Office? Tanuma: Ha! A confidential secretary just gets tired of work, and that work is an uninteresting experience. Tanuma: I live by the motto "Calmness and Composure," and work devotedly for the President. It may sound nice, but I'm just a maid. Tanuma: On top of which, my salary is so low it's astounding. Gokuu: I see what you mean. It seems you're so underpaid that you can't even afford underwear. pg.84: Tanuma: Yes...which is why... Tanuma: ...I need a diversion now and then. Tanuma: The presentation will take a good two hours. Do you think that's enough time for us to work up a sweat together? Gokuu: You're a wicked woman, you are. Tanuma: Do you dislike wicked women? Gokuu: Not at all. I think women who lie pathologically are more interesting than women who are always honest. Tanuma: That's what I thought. pg.85: Tanuma: My body is special. You'll be able to see Heaven tonight. Gokuu: Sounds great. I'll write it down in my diary. pg.86: Tanuma: Now, come together with me--to Heaven...or to Hell! pg.88: Yuuko: Gokuu? pg.89: Yuuko: Gokuu: It's me, Yuuko. Where are you? Gokuu: Sorry about this, but letting you cry out would cause problems. Gokuu: I'll bet you're satisfied. Yuuko: What...what was that? Gokuu: A little longer and It would've made me into a balloon. That thing's got a hypodermic needle, through which it pumps compressed air into a person's body. pg.94: Gokuu: What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home. They're trying to kill you. Yuuko: I was invited. Besides, I was interested as a scientist in the new weather satellite, and also I didn't think there'd be any danger here. Gokuu: Oh, there's danger, all right. It's like the hen who walks brazenly into the fox's lair. pg.95: Yuuko: Huh? Gokuu: That's what this is. This is the heart of the whole thing. Take a look behind you. That picture's the evidence. Kuki: Observe, please. This is the Gauss Satellite, developed by Kuki Industries. pg.96: Kuki: Communications, meteorology, navigation, geographical surveys... this multi-function satellite is equipped with the capability for all of those. Umino: But for all that, it is at best a practical satellite. All manner of satellites fly arrogantly through Japan's skies. Umino: This will add nothing new to that number. Umino: And on top of that, I've heard that one of them costs $1.22 billion. Kuki: Chairman Umino, please observe the screen at the rear of that room. Umino: Hunh? pg.97: Kuki: This is the image that the Gauss Satellite is picking up from roughly 1 km away. Kuki: The ultimate forte of the Gauss Satellite is its image-detecting power, which far surpasses exsisting capabilities. Kuki: It can identify the color of a hair on the surface of the earth from 35,000 km in the air. pg.98: Kuki: And that's not all. Heat imaging, superconductors, quantum interference measurement... Kuki: ...all these sensors can scan the earth's surface with the same accuracy as sensors on the surface itself. Display Caption: CARBON: 25% SYNTHETIC GUM: 40% ORGANIC SOLUTION: 35% *DESIGNATION: TSUKEBOKURO* (translator's note: tsukebokuro: literally, a beauty spot.--MH) Dignitary: The spy satellites'll turn green with envy. The Soviets won't leave it alone. Dignitary: They'll do their level best to shoot it down with their killer satellites. pg.99: Kuki: The Gauss Satellite is equipped with automatic defensive capabilities. It will shoot down opposition before it can itself be shot down. pg.100: Yuuko: Gokuu, what are you doing? Gokuu: Checking for fingerprints. Yuuko: Fingerprints? You can't see fingerprints by pasting your eyes to the wall. Yuuko: So why are you checking for fingerprints? Display Caption: POLARIZED FILTER Gokuu: To find the hidden safe. Yuuko: Why are you looking for a hidden safe? Gokuu: I'm no Sunday-School minister. Stop asking me questions about every little thing. pg.101: Display Caption: POLARIZED-FILTER FINGERPRINT SCAN Yuuko: Let me ask just one more question, if you don't mind, Gokuu. Yuuko: Do you prefer that to the real thing? pg.102: Yuuko: Oh no! The alarm! Display Caption: DEACTIVATE PROTECTIONS LOAD DATA-1 Display Caption: GAUSS SATELLITE Gokuu: This Gauss Satellite is one helluva piece of hardware. Kuki: Ha ha ha...The rat. Kill him. pg.103: Speaker: Emergency warning: Spies have infiltrated this facility. Apprehend at once! Ninja: There they are! Over there! pg.105: Gokuu: Yuuko! Where's your car? Yuuko: In the parking area! Sign: EMERGENCY EXIT Gokuu: You go ahead, and bring your car around to the front of the building. Gokuu: You ever been through an emergency drill? Yuuko: No. Gokuu: That's all right. Think of this as a chance to practice. Yuuko: Wha--? pg.107: Yakami: Duck. Gokuu: Wha--? Gokuu: Why? Why'd you help me? pg.180: Yakami: Heh heh heh...Catch you later. Kuki: The Gauss Satellite's usefulness is incalculable. pg.109: Kuki: It will thoroughly verify the authenticity of meteorological observations, and its data transmissions will be in excess of 10,000X what exists presently. Kuki: If there were 100 more of these-- Gokuu: That's all you'd need to conquer the world, right? Kuki: You son of a bitch! Gokuu: Let's make this show more interesting. What say I tell what your real scheme is huh? pg.110: Gokuu: I read the data on the design of the Gauss Satellite. Kuki: You know what'll happen to you for stealing secret industrial data, don't you, Gokuu. Gokuu: Oh, I understand perfectly well. If I make the data in here public, you'll do a stretch in prison. Gokuu: And I'll get a letter of commendation and a nice monetary gift from the Department of National Security! pg.111: Gokuu: That's one helluva weather satellite. Gokuu: The particle-beam weapons and high-energy lasers loaded onboard are an attack system for air-to-ground and air-to-air targets! Gokuu: The main body of the satellite is made of a ferrite alloy (a magnetic oxide), which, because it absorbs enemy radar waves, is therefore invisible to radar. Gokuu: This is what is called a "Stealth" satellite. In addition, it also has long-range surveillance and ECM for jamming radar scanners. Gokuu: To say that this isn't an attack satellite means that tanks and fighters have become household appliances. Gokuu: Why does an industrial concern want to have a military satellite? Why? pg.112: Kuki: You stupid man. What did you think would happen if you made me angry? Gokuu: What did I think would happen if you were angry? Gokuu: That your cheeks would turn rosy and you'd look cute and adorable? Display Caption: CONTACT GAUSS SATELLITE CONTROL SYSTEM *INFILTRATE* Hostess: Please...please calm down! Everything's fine. It's an industrial spy! pg.113: Kuki: You are a truly capable private investigator. Your ideas are also good. But you are not very bright. Gokuu: I bet you say that to all the girls. Kuki: Kill him. pg.114: Kuki: What! pg.115: Gokuu: The Gauss Satellite is already under my control. You can't do anything with it. Gokuu: This is the end, Kuki Yoosuke. pg.116: Kuki: You screwed Tanuma Reiko, didn't you. Kuki: Heh heh heh...Her bodily fluids mix with semen to produce a type of pheromone. Kuki: That pheromone summons the male yellowjackets and drives them mad! Display Caption: CHEMICAL COMPOUND DEVIATION FILTER pg.117: Kuki: You see now, Gokuu! You will be stung to death by the yellowjackets of the Okutama! pg.118: Kuki: Forget it. You can't escape. Die. pg.119: Gokuu: Move it, Yuuko! pg.121: Guard: Gokuu appears to have fallen into the lake, along with the car. Guard: The woman is still breathing, though. pg.122: Kuki: If he's alive, he won't be breathing for long. Kuki: And the yellowjackets will finish him off if he emerges. Kuki: All right! Everybody out of here! Kuki: Bring her with us. I have things to ask her. pg.125: Display Caption: SECURITY SYSTEM *ONLINE* Gokuu: I'm beat... Gokuu: Things haven't been too good of late... pg.126: Guard 1: Heh heh heh...It didn't seem likely, but our patrolling paid off. Guard 2: I bet you've just gone through hell. I'll put you out of your misery. pg.127: Guard 1: You--you--you've betrayed us! pg.129: Kuki Idol: Gokuu is still alive. You let him escape. Kuki: Huh? Kuki Idol: A traitor has appeared in our midst--your pet pro-wrestler. Kuki Idol: She has fled, taking Gokuu with her. Kuki Idol: Find them! Do not let them live! pg.130: Kuki: Will the Tendoojo accompany us as well? pg.131: Mizushima: How's Gokuu? Yakami: Asleep. He's tough, to keep going with wounds like that! pg.132: Yakami: But do you think it will appear, Major? Mizushima: It'll come, you can be sure of it...In fact, it's already here. Agent: We've picked up the signal. Agent: It's the Tendoojo! pg.134: Gokuu: Hmnh? There's an odor here... Gokuu: What is it? Gokuu: It's...jakoo! (translator's note: jakoo: literally, musk.--MH) pg.136: Gokuu: And even though I'd be happy if you kept coming at me at all, right up until the end... pg.137: Mizushima: Here we go! First squad will attack from the side! Mizushima: Second squad, go in through the front! pg.139: Yakami: Kuki Ninja! Yakami: Watch yourselves! The bastards are wearing camouflage gear! pg.143: Gokuu: Well, I guess you didn't come to screw me after all. pg.145: Mizushima: Get behind me. pg.146: Gokuu: It's gone...! Mizushima: Jump! pg.147: Mizushima: Watch yourselves! It's still in the vicinity! Gokuu: How'm I gonna find it? The thing doesn't show up on any of my sensors. Display Caption: INFRARED MODE Display Caption: CHANGE TO SOUND SENSOR MODE Gokuu: Wait...I know! That smell! Display Caption: OLFACTORY SENSOR MODE pg.149: Gokuu: There it is! Display Caption: DISCRETIONARY PERFUME INQUIRY: JAKOO pg.151: Gokuu: What was that? Yakami: The Tendoojo. Gokuu: The Tendoojo? Mizushima: A monster created from the mind of a powerful Conjuror. pg.152: Mizushima: It is an energy form which is also called "nenkon" because it, that soulself, moves as if by will. (translator's note: nenkon: spirit of thought.--MH) Gokuu: You can't call that an energy form. It doesn't show up on any sensors. Mizushima: On the contrary, the nenkon does not register only when it is in motion. Mizushima: When it attacks, it also creates a solid form. When it does, we can also attack it. Gokuu: But even though it looks impressive, attacking it doesn't seem to have any effect, does it. Mizushima: Correct. The only way to dispel it is to find and kill the Conjuror sending it forth. Gokuu: So just who the hell are you guys, anyway? pg.153: Display Caption: CTO SCAN Gokuu: Infrared camera, needlegun with nerve toxin, and radio all built in! Gokuu: In addition to the lighter being able to throw 10-meter jets of flame. Gokuu: Standard JCIA equipment. Gokuu: Don't set my face on fire. Gokuu: That's twice you saved my life. Thanks. pg.154: Trooper: We've picked up the signal, Major. Mizushima: Where is it? Mizushima: As I thought...the Inland Sea! Gokuu: I don't know why JCIA is after the Tendoojo, but there's one thing I have figured out. Gokuu: You sons-of-bitches used me as bait, didn't you. Gokuu: You were waiting for the Tendoojo to come and kill me! Gokuu: I take back that thank-you. pg.155: Mizushima: How did you figure out the Tendoojo's whereabouts earlier? Gokuu: Would you believe me if I told you she was soaked in perfume? Mizushima: Hold it! I won't let you leave here now. Mizushima: We've been working on this for two years. Mizushima: I won't let some private eye come in here and interfere with our work. Mizushima: Just why are you after the Tendoojo? Gokuu: We passed each other in the street and it was love at first sight. pg.156: Mizushima: I dislike joking around. Halt! That's an order! Gokuu: I dislike being ordered around. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to play around with you people anymore. Gokuu: Don't do it. They're not paying you enough. pg.157: Mizushima: Yakami...! Yakami: Gokuu, we have the same enemy as you do. Yakami: We need you. We need your power. pg.158: Kuki: So you're awake. Yuuko: You...you're... Yuuko: ...Kuki Yoosuke! pg.159: Yuuko: What are you going to do with me? Kuki: You are a woman of powerful inquisitiveness. It seems you have been doing a considerable investigation of the Tendoojo. Kuki: So I think I shall endeavor to satisfy your curiosity. Kuki: I'm going to bring you together with the Tendoojo. pg.160: Kuki: It appears she has returned. pg.161: Kuki: Is Gokuu dead? Kuki: Tell me the situation, Hoogamboo. Yuuko: Y...you! pg.162: Yuuko: You're alive! Yuuko: It...it can't be! You should be dead! pg.163: Hoogamboo: Gokuu is still alive. Kuki What! pg.164: Kuki: Well...is even the Tendoojo not infallible? Kuki: Let fly the Eyes, Hoogamboo, and do not lose sight of them. Kuki: I will not allow those who spy into the secrets of the Kuki Clan to live! pg.165: Mizushima: Heh heh heh...so the Eyes have taken off, have they. pg.166: Mizushima: I am Major Mizushima. Mizushima: We are, as you deduced, Special Operatives of the JCIA. (translator's note: JCIA: Nihon Chuuoo Joohoo Kyoku--Japan Central Intelligence Agency.--MH) Gokuu: How do you do. I'm the taxpayer who's playing toy soldiers with you people. Mizushima: For the last two years, we've been investigating Kuki Industries. There have been many suspicions about the development of the Gauss Satellite. Mizushima: And Kuki Yoosuke, the mystery man, and the ninja he controls. There are shadows swirling around him which smell of smoke. pg.167: Mizushima: But Kuki is a very powerful personage. He has political as well as financial influence. We can't question him without decisive proof. Mizushima: So we infiltrated Yakami into Kuki Industries, and she spied on Kuki's activities. Mizushima: Six people were killed in the course of our investigation of Kuki. Mizushima: Each and every one of the important Government officials, as well as the leaders of the Space Center, who were opposed to the launching of the new satellite... Mizushima: ...were killed, along with two members of our own investigation. Mizushima: Who do you suppose killed them? Gokuu: That charming and delightful Tendoojo. Mizushima: Right. That nenkon took the lives of six people! pg.168: Gokuu: What was that you said earlier, about "the Eyes have taken off?" Mizushima: It's the nenkon's weak link. The Conjuror cannot send the spirit to those places and people, or in other words, anything, that the eyes cannot see. Mizushima: Therefore, before sending the nenkon, the Conjuror sends out these robot birds to the site, equipped with cameras that become its own eyes. Display Caption: S 25 DEGREES RANGE: 85 Gokuu: I get it; they're transmitting images back to the Conjuror! Gokuu: Wait...! Gokuu: The Gauss Satellite! So that's it! Mizushima: Right. If that gets into orbit around the earth as a satellite, it will become the ideal Eye. Mizushima: There will be no place the bastard can't see. pg.169: Mizushima: There is no sense of distance to sending the nenkon. It's instantaneous movement. Not even light can overtake it! Mizushima: It will appear where it wants to, and destroy those people and things it wants to! Mizushima: No one will be able to stop it. Mizushima: Kuki will control the world! pg.172: Mizushima: Get out. This is a division of Kawasaki. Gokuu: A division, huh? Do you ride Supers in your spare time? Trooper: Preparations for the assault are complete, Major. Mizushima: Good work. pg.173: Trooper: Major, there's a robot bird keeping surveillance on us from one of the neighboring buildings. Mizushima: Let it keep watch. Let them think we're inside the building. Gokuu: Are we going to the Okutama? How we gonna get there? Gokuu: Kuki's surveillance net is tight. He'll be informed right away. Yakami: We're not going in from above... Yakami: ...but from below. pg.174: Mizushima: Follow me, Gokuu. Gokuu: What's that smell? Mizushima: This is an underground sewage treatment plant. Gokuu: Minisubs...! Mizushima: We will now mount our general assault on Kuki with these. Gokuu: I'd be happier if they didn't look like coffins, you know? pg.175: Mizushima: Up to now, we have not known the whereabouts of the Conjuror, since the Tendoojo's form does not appear on radar... Mizushima: ...but we have detected faint soundwaves before and after the Tendoojo's appearances. Mizushima: Those were the supersonic wave signals that the robot birds transmit. Mizushima: This is displaying the whereabouts of the Conjuror. Gokuu: Supersonic waves? Why supersonic waves, and not radio waves...? Gokuu: Oh, I see! The bastard's in the one place where radio waves won't be received--underwater! Mizushima: Precisely. 30 meters beneath the surface of the Inland Sea! pg.176: Mizushima: This pipeline runs clear to the Inland Sea. Mizushima: All craft, move out! pg.177: Gokuu: Feels like before the Normandy landing, don't it. pg.178: Mizushima: We're closing in. Mizushima: Kuki'll be real surprised, the son-of-a-bitch. By the time he realizes what's going on... Mizushima: ...we'll have our guns at his throat. Mizushima: We've reached it! It's the entrance to the Inland Sea! Gokuu: Mizushima! Is it because of your duties that you want to kill Kuki, or is it because of a score to settle for those subordinates of yours that were killed? Mizushima: It's a grudge. pg.179: Gokuu: Good answer. I like it. Gokuu: All right. Gokuu: I'm gonna bring Kuki's head back. Gokuu: Where is the bastard? Gokuu: There he is! pg.180: Gokuu: This is a surprise! pg.181: Gokuu: That's Tatsumiya Castle! pg.185: Yuuko: Gokuu! Gokuu: Been waiting? The route was confusing. Guards: Interloper! Yakami: Freeze. This building is surrounded by JCIA. pg.186: Gokuu: Yeah, Kuki, what she said! Gokuu: Let's open up the party and go to prison. Kuki: Heh...heh...heh heh...You're some kind of man, you are. Kuki: You're wasted as a private eye. pg.187: Shit: The compressed-oxygen needles! pg.189: Gokuu: Kuki! pg.190: Kuki: All right. I'll show you... Kuki: ...the secret of the Kuki Clan! Yakami: Gokuu! pg.191: Gokuu: The secret of the Kuki Clan, huh? Gokuu: So I'll finally get to meet your Conjuror. Kuki: And the great psychics who command the nenkon. pg.192: Kuki: There it is. That's the Conjuror of the Kuki Clan. Gokuu: What? This is the Conjuror? Display Caption: INTERIOR SCAN Gokuu: That's an Artificial Intelligence Unit! pg.193: Gokuu: So you're a Cyborg, you motherfucker? Kuki: Don't kill him. I still have things to ask him. pg.194: Mizushima: I feel it...a mighty power... Mizushima: It's here! Yakami: Is that it? pg.195: Gokuu: Where is this? Kuki: You might call it a shrine, or a mausoleum. pg.196: Kuki: The spirits of my ancestors in the Kuki Clan are enshrined here. Gokuu: I figured you for a gloomy bastard... Gokuu: ...but you get gloomy, don't you--playing pool with your ancestor's spirits in such a poorly-lit place as this is unpleasant. Kuki: It's not dark. Kuki: Light is piped in from outside via optic fibers. pg.197: Gokuu: I see. You come here when you want a suntan. Yuuko: What is the meaning of this? You did say that that machine up above was the Conjuror, didn't you? Kuki: We, the Kuki Family, were employed by Onga Juumanishi as his Niwabanshi...we are ninja, in other words. (translator's note: Niwabanshi: literally, guards of the inner garden; otherwise known as palace guards.--MH) Kuki: Ninjutsu is what we practice, but our progenitor, Kuki Mondo, possessed another special power. Gokuu: Spoon-bending. Kuki: Powerful psychokinesis. pg.198: Kuki: The final power that man could hold! We most certainly may call Kuki Mondo a psychic. Kuki: But psychokinesis is not an art. One cannot instruct others in its use. The psychokinesis born in Mondo should have been limited to a single generation. pg.199: Kuki: But, on the verge of death, Mondo hit upon a method of imparting that psychokinesis to his descendant. Kuki: He personally transferred his own spirit to his descendant. Kuki: Kuki Denjuuroo, the second generation who carried Mondo's spirit, became every bit the Conjuror that his father was. pg.200: Kuki: In this way, the Kuki Clan transferred their spirits to their descendants for generations... Kuki: ...and passed on the power. Kuki: But there was one problem with this method. Kuki: Simply put, along with inheriting the psychokinesis, one had numerous different personalities coexisting in one's head, at the same time. Kuki: Consequently, one's own personality was destroyed. Kuki: My mother was the most powerful Conjuror of the Clan... Kuki: ...but she had the spirits of seven Conjurors in her head. Kuki: After giving birth to me, she went insane and died young. pg.201: Kuki: But I finally conquered that problem. Kuki: I solved it, not by spirit transfer into a human brain, but by placing them in a gigantic artificial intelligence device. Gokuu: That...AI...up above?! Kuki: Yes. There are eight separate spirits inside it. Kuki: This is the spirit-transference device. Kuki: Death will soon visit me too. Kuki: At that time, I will be resurrected within that AI, becoming pure spirit once again. Kuki: And we, the Kuki, will control the world with this power. Gokuu: I'm amazed. I can't tell you how disgusted I am. pg.202: Mizushima: Here it is! pg.205: Yakami: Who are these guys?! pg.206: Kuki: We will lose our flesh, but our spirits will remain. Kuki: Within the AI, my clan will live forever as pure spirit forms. Kuki: Spiritual release is a wonderful thing. pg.207: Kuki: You will also die. In so doing, you will understand. Gokuu: Spiritual release...I can take it or leave it. Gokuu: Why is it, that when a nenkon appears, it takes on the form that it had when it was alive? Is it an attachment to this life, this transient world? Gokuu: It seems you don't escape the habits you had when you had flesh. Gokuu: That Tendoojo had a nice scent. Kuki: Scent...?! Display Caption: LIGHTING SYSTEM -ONLINE- pg.208: Display Caption: R 17 DEGREES ANGLE ADJUSTMENT R 152 DEGREES Gokuu: I bet your mother liked it when she was alive... Gokuu: Jakoo, I mean. pg.209: Display Caption: PROGRAM EXECUTED Gokuu: A three-cushion shot, right? pg.211: Yuuko: Gokuu! Yuuko: What the hell's wrong with Hoogamboo? Gokuu: The bastard's eyes are delicate cameras. I hit them with intense light and the electric circuits burned out. Gokuu: He himself was the relay base for the "Eye" network. He was transmitting information from the robot birds to the AI. pg.212: Hoogamboo: Lord Kuki! pg.213: Yakami: Gokuu! What are these bastards? Gokuu: Nenkon created by the Kuki ancestors. pg.214: Gokuu: The dead were the Conjurors. The flesh was destroyed, but the spirits lingered on. Gokuu: The Kuki Clan still lives inside that AI. Gokuu: Yakami! Shoot that devil mask! Mizushima: What are you planning to do, Gokuu? pg.215: Gokuu: The only way to defeat the nenkon is to go into the AI and destroy their spirits. Yuuko: But how will you get in the AI? Gokuu: This thing is connected to the AI. Gokuu: I'm gonna turn my spirit into electrons, slip into the AI, and slaughter the bastards. Mizushima: What...! Gokuu: Here I go. Shield me until I get back. Yakami: Gokuu! Yakami: OK, go! We'll protect you here. pg.216: Display Caption: FUSE ENTIRE NERVOUS SYSTEM TO COMPUTER Display Caption: CANCEL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM Display Caption: INVADE CIRCUIT Yuuko: Gokuu! Yuuko: Gokuu...! pg.217: Gokuu: This is a raging stream of information. Gokuu: No! My consciousness feels like it's going to pieces! Gokuu: How'm I gonna maintain my consciousness in the midst of this flood of information...! Gokuu: An image! I'll form my own image! pg.219: Kuki Mondo: What have you come here for, you son of a bitch? Gokuu: It's a sightseeing trip. You know, the sights of Hell. Kuki Mondo: I've seen that stance--the Hoozooin Secret Reverse Five-way Windforest. Kuki Mondo: I, Kuki Mondo, take the challenge! pg.221: Yakami: Hnh? It vanished... Yakami: Gokuu! pg.224: Gokuu: We've met before, haven't we. Kuki Reiko: I thought you would come. Gokuu: There is no one else here now. Only you. I've killed the other inhabitants. Gokuu: Leave. This is not your home. Kuki Reiko: No...I can't. Kuki Reiko: I have to wait here. Gokuu: Your son won't be coming here. Gokuu: I killed him. pg.225: Gokuu: I'm leaving too. Gokuu: This is no place for a live bastard to go. pg.226: Gokuu: Kuki! Gokuu: Kuki! pg.227: Yakami: The nenkon have vanished! Gokuu: Kuki! What's the bastard planning to do? Gokuu: He's disengaged the AI! Gokuu: Where's he going? Gokuu: Damnit! Gokuu: The Gauss Satellite! pg.228: Display Caption: BR-128M KILLER SATELLITE -ONLINE- Display Caption: BR-128M INSTRUCTIONS CONFIRMED LOCKED ON TARGET Display Caption: MISSILE NO. 1 - NO. 2 - NO. 3 *FIRE* pg.230: Mizushima: A U.S. Department of Defense communique came at 2 AM on the 7th, Japanese Time... Mizushima: Concerning the question of the accidental firing of Killer Satellite BR-128M's missiles... Mizushima: I'm indebted to you, Gokuu. Mizushima: The Kuki matter is finished, but the next one will be of interest to you. Gokuu: Cut it out. Don't use the taxpayer's money for trivial things. pg.231: Yuuko: So it's all over now, isn't it. Yuuko: But I still haven't paid your private investigator's fee yet. What method of payment do you prefer? Gokuu: What method indeed. I'll think about that after this. Next: Vol. 5: Bonnie GOKUU Midnight Eye Book 2: The Goddess of Darkness (Yami no Tenjo Hen) Vol. 5: Bonnie Copyright 1988 by Terasawa Buichi and Scholar This Translation 1990 by Michael House pg.234: Pit Crew: Go! Go! That's the way! pg.235: Pit Crew: All right! 480 kph! It's a new record! pg.237: Biker: Heh heh heh...Helluva car. Is it yours? pg.238: Biker: This might be annoying, but how fast does she go? Gokuu: 560 kph. Biker: I don't believe it. Did I hear you right? Did you say 560 kph? Biker: I'd assumed this was a car, but it sounds like a jet. Gokuu: You don't believe me? pg.239: Biker: That's no jet, that's a rocket. pg.240: Bonnie: Hey, boy, don't drool on the carpet, you hear me? Bonnie: I'm glad you came, Gokuu. pg.241: Gokuu: Congratulations, Bonnie. I saw today's test. Bonnie: So it was you, up on the cliff. Gokuu: how long has it been? Bonnie: Three years. Reporter: Congratulations! So the legendary Garuda has done it again. Reporter: You've now broken all the new records... Reporter: ...but what will you do next? Bonnie: Break the record I set today. pg.242: Reporter: You'll be entering the Paris-Dakar Rally in three days. Is there anyone... Reporter: ...that you consider a rival in your bid for the championship? Bonnie: I am the Garuda, the legendary Mystery Bird. The wind is my only rival. Gokuu: There's too much commotion here. What do you say? My room... Gokuu: ...for drinks...or trophies...? Bonnie: Three years since we broke up...have you had lovers since then? Gokuu: Well, yeah. Bonnie: Have there been a lot? Gokuu: I've been counting them instead of sheep when I can't sleep. pg.243: Gokuu: You told me your life had been threatened. Bonnie: Yeah--twice! One was a racing accident. I nearly died. Bonnie: But afterwards, I checked it out and discovered that the brakes had been tampered with. Bonnie: The second time was a fire in the pit. This was suspicious too. Bonnie: Immediately after that, I got a call from some man I didn't know. Gokuu: What was the conversation? Voice: The top-secret government records your father took. I want you to give them back. Voice: He'd have given them to you stored on microfilm. Bonnie: Microfilm? I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't received anything from my father. Voice: So that's what you've got to say. If you don't give it to us, you'll be riding motorcycles in heaven. pg.244: Gokuu: What top-secret records did your father take? Bonnie: I don't know. Besides, he died in airplane accident six months ago. Gokuu: He died? I didn't know. Bonnie: Help me, Gokuu. You're the only one who can now. Gokuu: Any clues with regard to the microfilm? Bonnie: I haven't received anything. Bonnie: After my father died, I sold the house and everything in it. Bonnie: My body and my motorcycle are just about all I have left. pg.245: Bonnie: But...why do you suppose we broke up, Gokuu? Gokuu: Wheels, I suppose. Bonnie: I'm sorry. Motorcycles are my whole world. There's no room for anything else to get in. Gokuu: That's OK. Gokuu: You can tell me whenever you feel like letting me in. Bonnie: Gokuu...! pg.246: Bonnie: Somebody's here. Gokuu: Why don't they ring the doorbell? Bonnie: Perhaps it's the bellboy. I ordered champagne. Bonnie: But he's awfully late. Gokuu: The only things the French keep track of time for are dates. Gokuu: Hnh? Gokuu: Hey! What's going on! Open up! pg.247: Gokuu: Shit! Concentrated sulphuric acid! Get in the water! pg.248: Gokuu: Damn! So they put sulphuric acid in the sprinkler! Display Caption: FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEM ONLINE DEACTIVATE SPRINKLER 25 Display Caption: DEACTIVATE Display Caption: HEAT MODE SCAN pg.249: Bonnie: Gokuu! Gokuu: I don't know who it was, but it seems the bastard is seriously determined to kill you. Gokuu: Look at this. He left behind his calling card. pg.252: Caption: THE FIRST DAY: ARRIVAL AT ALGER Caption: 600-KM LIAISON Caption: TO EL WE Caption: THE SAHARA DESERT Caption: EL WE - HAN MERIE SS1: 250 KM pg.253: Driver 1: Look at this! There must be something wrong with my eyes. That's a Corvette! Driver 1: They drive those in Beverly Hills, don't they? To think someone's driving such a humble car that's so expensive in the Sahara... Driver 2: It's embarrassing--this sort of amateurish marathon racing... pg.254: Driver 2: But he's passing us! Gokuu: It's hot. Really something. Out here, you could throw kernels on the ground and make popcorn. Display Caption: GEORGE KIMBALL BORN 1945 SCIENTIST IN GENETIC ENGINEERING AND MECHANICAL LIFEFORMS; IN 1975, JOINED THE ROMERO RESEARCH INSTITUTE pg.255: Gokuu: Seems he was doing work related to the Government. But...what the hell were the confidential records he took? Display Caption: ZPG II CONTACT TARGET SEARCH Display Caption: TARGET POINT: SAHARA DESERT TARGET MOTORCYCLE RACING NO. 33 Gokuu: The killer's sure to show up again...during this rally! Display Caption: TARGET LOCATED HEADING SOUTH pg.256: Bonnie: Paris - Dakar: 11,000 km... Bonnie: I am the Garuda, the Mystery Bird. I ride the wind across the desert. pg.260: Caption: KORHOGO - NARA SS15 - 1020KM Driver: I understand there're alligators in this swamp. Gokuu: Alligators? Gokuu: You mean those things they have on the breasts of Polo Shirts? Caption: THE MURIE DESERT Caption: NARA - KIFFA SS16 - 840KM pg.261: Caption: THE 21ST DAY ARRIVAL AT KIFFA pg.262: Caption: THE MAURITANIA DESERT Caption: SS17 THE NIGHT BEFORE THE FINAL STAGE pg.264: Bonnie: They say tomorrow's final stage will be postponed if the weather doesn't hold. Gokuu: So, does this mean we go to sleep early tonight after eating bad-tasting canned stuff? Bonnie: I think we can do without bad-tasting canned stuff tonight. Gokuu: I'm amazed. How'd you get your hands on those steaks? Bonnie: It's best if you not ask. Gokuu: Hey...this isn't elephant meat, is it? pg.265: Bonnie: I'm afraid so. We'll try it and see how we like it. Gokuu: What's wrong? We can't eat the cutting board, even if you do put salt and pepper on it. Bonnie: My bike! Gokuu: Wait! Bonnie! What is it? pg.266: Bonnie: My motorcycle...! Gokuu: They took it apart...looking for the microfilm! pg.277: Gokuu: If her father left the microfilm with her without her knowing it... Gokuu: ...he must have concealed it in something that wouldn't look out of place on her person. Gokuu: With her, that leaves out pendants, brooches, and the like. Gokuu: Her motorcycle...! Mechanic 1: This is terrible. It's all in pieces. Mechanic 2: It's tragic. She's the top of the two-wheeler class these days. Gokuu: Can you fix it? Mechanic 2: Don't be ridiculous! We're mechanics, not magicians! You think we can fix something like this? Gokuu: Use some magic. Mechanic 2: Let's get to work. pg.268: Gokuu: What the hell are the top-secret records that her father took, anyway? Gokuu: The wind's stopped. We can race carefree tomorrow. Bonnie: It's over. My run has ended. I can't go on anymore. Gokuu: Cut that out, will you? Motorcycles have been your dream since you were a kid. Gokuu: If you lose your childhood dreams, you'll never be able to have another one. pg.269: Gokuu: It'll be fixed. You and your motorcycle will ride again. Bonnie: Gokuu. Bonnie: Why did we break up... Bonnie: ...when we love each other as much as this? Why, Gokuu? Gokuu: Probably because turbos don't suit me. pg.270: Gokuu: If the microfilm isn't concealed in her possessions... Gokuu: ...could it be on her body? Display Caption: SCANNING Gokuu: Microfilm can be made just that--microscopic. Gokuu: For instance, it could be stuck in a mole... Gokuu: Hnh? When did you get this tattoo? Bonnie: Six months ago. I had a scar from a racing injury that wouldn't go away, so I got the tattoo to cover it up. pg.271: Bonnie: "Garuda--the Mystery Bird" is my nickname. The Garuda, which soars over the earth, at one with the wind. Bonnie: At my request, my father tattooed it on me. Bonnie: That was the last time I saw him. Display Caption: LM SCAN MAGNIFY Display Caption: ZOOM 300X Display Caption: POLARIZATION FILTER Gokuu: The Federal Bank...of Washington! Display Caption: RECORDS PERTAINING TO EXPERIMENT AT-778 PROGRESS REPORTS FROM 1975 TO 1985 Gokuu: What's this! pg.272: Bonnie: Soar, Garuda. I am Garuda--the Mystery Bird. Bonnie: Soar through Mauritania to the coast of Dakar with a single stroke! pg.273: Driver: This is just great! We can't go through this road until they pass. Driver: But that's some herd. Just how many head of them are there, anyway? Gokuu: 6254. Driver: Huh? How do you know? Gokuu: Simple. Gokuu: I divided the number of legs of sheep now passing by four. Driver: The hell you say. pg.274: Gokuu: And 25,018 legs divided by four equals 6254 with a remainder of two. Display Caption: HEAT MODE SCAN TEMPERATURE VARIATION FILTER Display Caption: 36.5 DEGREES *LOCK* Gokuu: And there's our remainder of two. pg.275: Gokuu: No! Killer: Heh heh heh heh...Die! pg.276: Bonnie: Gokuu! Gokuu: Bonnie! Get down! Gokuu: Damn it! I'm not losing you! Gokuu: You're the top now! Don't stop! Keep going! Gokuu: I'll see you in Dakar! pg.277: Gokuu: Think you're getting away, killer? pg.278: Gokuu: The bike's tire track disappears! Gokuu: No! Damn it! That truck! Bonnie: Only 100km to Dakar. pg.281: Gokuu: Why kill her? Why? Killer: If those records are made public, my country will be put in an embarrassing position internationally. Gokuu: Because biological weapons research and development were outlawed by the Treaty of 1972, right? Gokuu: Both your country and the Russians signed that treaty. Killer: I'm amazed that you know the contents of those records. Killer: Heh heh heh...They can't take military initiative to safeguard an international treaty. Killer: The virus that Dr. Kimball invented was truly a masterpiece. pg.282: Killer: But the doctor proposed to make his own research public. Heh heh heh heh...an attack of conscience. Killer: He preferred morality to patriotism. Display Caption: HIGH-TENSION LINE M113 TAURI TRANSFORMER SUBSTATION *CONTACT* TRANSFORM CURRENT FROM 20,000 VOLTS TO 200,000 VOLTS Killer: So long, Mr. Private Eye. Display Caption: TRANSFORMING CURRENT TO 200,000 VOLTS Display Caption: HIGH-TENSION LINE M113 ENDURANCE LIMIT REACHED OVERLOAD pg.283: Gokuu: Those records were research reports connected with a certain experiment which was begun in 1975. Gokuu: A tiny monster created with biotechnology. Gokuu: They researched, developed, and dispersed it in a tiny African country...but it was reintroduced into America proper, and it created major chaos. Gokuu: A biological weapon, manufacturing serial number AT-778. Codename: "AIDS." pg.284: Gokuu: No, Bonnie! You can't be dead! Gokuu: You haven't made your victory run yet! Caption: DAKAR--A DREAM pg.285: Caption: DAKAR--ECSTASY