FUSHIGI YUUGI Manga 16 Chapter 90 - Miiru Translated by: Lekha M. Rao ---------------------------------------- [44] Miaka: What is with this woman--!! Miaka: It can't be a mere coincidence that she just kissed Taka!! Miiru: I'm truly sorry! Keisuke: Miaka! Taka! Why are you here? Miaka: Oniichan--- Keisuke: Oh, I see! The trip you two were taking was to here! Keisuke: Well-- We're also-- on a club outing-- Ah, I'll introduce you to her. This is Miiru Kamishiro! Miaka: Mi-i-ru? Miaka: The mi from miryoku (allure) is taken to write your name, right? Keisuke: Wow! Your name really fits you well! [45] Keisuke: This is my younger sister. Miaka, like "beautiful vermilion (mi/utsukushii + shu)." As you can see, the name does not fit her. Sound: smack Taka: I'm Taka Sukunami. Keisuke: Kamishiro-san, Taka's a member of the same college club. Taka: ....Before I knew it, they included me in the club. Miiru: That happened to me, too! I just joined the club today... nice to meet you! Word: smile Taka: Same here, nice to meet ya. Taka(th): She wants to kill me. Sound: shower Miaka(th): What is with Taka! Miaka(th): He's drooling all over her just like Oniichan! Word: Changed clothes [46] Miaka(th): Shigyou-kun shattered the watch Suzakuseikun was in... Miaka(th): We probably can't go into the scroll anymore, so what are we trying to do!? Miaka(th): If we can't find "the stones of Taka's memory" -- Taka: "Good-bye." Sound: shake shake Taka: Hey funny face!* Sound: donk Taka: The shower felt good. You were also drenched in sweat! Before you go out, bathe and you won't feel sticky-- Miaka: ...What's with you... You're in awfully good spirits, huh! You're that happy about kissing such a pretty girl? [47] Taka: What, that was just 'cause she slipped. And I was still thinking about the watch. Sound: gishi Miaka: It was mutual! Taka: ....And you know, she's beautiful, she's got style, I can tell why Keisuke-san's drooling over her! Sound: twitch Taka: But you're better. Taka: Whatever happens, I'll always run beside you. Taka: Even if you fall along the way, you fight and get up, always looking straight forward... I like that you better. Taka: It's great, isn't it. That I'm not choosy about looks. Taka: Ha ha ha Sound: puff Miaka: What's that supposed to mean!? [48] Taka: When you calm down a bit, you'll start thinking of love (mature), and... Sound: puff puff Miaka: Stop that. It's stupid to say that I'm childlike and reckless. I know that more than anyone else... Taka: ....It's all right. Taka: You'll surely become beautiful. Taka: However many more years it takes, you'll become such a beautiful woman, you'll surprise yourself. Taka: You know, I heard that girls are like "flower buds." If you wait, when the flower opens... She'll show her beautiful form to the man she loves most. Taka: For that day, through happiness and bitterness, girls nourish themselves and prepare. [49] Taka: Miaka, you haven't bloomed yet. Taka: However many years it takes, when you become incredibly beautiful, I'll be by your side. I'll definitely be by your side. Miaka(th): ...The one most scared of "disappearing"... now the uneasy one is Taka. Miaka(th): When he disappears-- everything will be lost... [50] Miaka: That's absolutely right. Miaka: You know the time that I become that beautiful, it'll be when I'm at your side, wearing a wedding dress! Miaka(th): Ever since we were in the book Miaka(th): it's been our dream--- Keisuke: Miaka, Taka--- Sound: knock knock Word: spring up Keisuke: Let's go into the city together! Keisuke: Taka, go on the club outing, too. Geez, I know you had ulterior motives in taking the same room as Miaka! [51] Keisuke: Hurry up and come out! It can't be-- you're doing nasty things in the middle of the day!!? Miaka: I got it! Geez-- stupid Oniichan!! Sound: flap Sound: fu--- Sound: basa [52] Tenkou: Did you see it, Ren? Tenkou: They stick together like sheep, but weren't capable... They were careful. ?: The thing called "the mind" in the scroll... It shuts its eyes and uses insight. [52] ?: Emperor Tenkou. How shall we dispose of them? Tenkou: Ren... Renhou. It's so regrettable... If you had used your power, you would have manipulated the ignorant people of that world. Tenkou: Those Suzaku people... Plus the normal humans, Miaka Yuuki and Taka Sukunami. I'm fed up with them. ?: The matter of their search for their stones doesn't matter. Can we make a surprise attack to knock them out with one stroke!? Tenkou: We have no choice. By the power of the four gods, I was sealed in this scroll, so my powers are not at full strength... We'll send to that a world a minion and a small thing. [54] Tenkou: But Suzaku's power has weakened now... If I can defeat Suzaku, maybe the seal of the four gods can be broken. Tenkou: If that happens, then I will be free. Tenkou: The ones giving Suzaku power, the only ones reviving his power, are those two. I've got to separate Miaka Yuuki and Taka Sukunami. Tenkou: Taka Sukunami needs to gather the stones before he can become a perfect human--- Tenkou: ....I see... Ren has yet to be defeated. Tenkou: A cute minion has started to make her move. [55] Miaka: Why, it looks like Konan palace! Sound: cicadas Taka: And it's freakin' hot. Miaka: My throat is parched... I want to eat ice cream~ I want juice~ Taka: You ate three cups of shaved ice before we left. Miiru: Here! [56] Keisuke: Kamishiro-san! Miiru: pant pant Taka: Th... Thanks. You went all the way to the snack shop! Miiru: I thought everyone would be thristy... Miaka, here's two for you! Miaka: Ah, thanks. Keisuke: Wow, Kamishiro-san, you're so thoughtful. Miiru: You're really sweating! I'll wipe it off for you. Taka: Uh, o-okay! Keisuke and Miaka: !! Miaka: Han-Handkerchief, handkerchief Keisuke: cough cough cough Keisuke: Ah, looks like I'm sweating, too. Miiru: Yuuki-san, too! Use this! Sound: pam [57[ Miiru: The day is long, isn't it-- Taka: It really is-- Sound: twitch twitch Miaka: Hey, Oniichan!! Why do we have to go on this outing together!? Keisuke: Moron. I thought I was going on an outing just with her!! Keisuke: But Kamishiro-san said, "Let's go with your little sister." ...She said it with a smile. Miaka: What's with you, Oniichan, grab ahold of youself. Aren't you interested in her!? Keisuke: You.. You noticed!? Sound: tehe Miaka(th): How could anyone not notice. Taka: Huh? What happened to those two? Miiru: Ah... that's right. [58] Miiru: But I'm glad we're separated from them.. but it's bad to say that, isn't it. Taka: ? Miiru: It seems like Yuuki-san has some interest in me. Taka: Miaka does!? Miiru: That's not it. Miiru: I just met Yuuki-senpai, but... he surprised me by taking me here... Taka: Ah~ah Miiru: I'm in a bind... Sukunami-kun, you look like you're close to him, won't you have a talk with him? Miiru: Please. [59] Miiru: Suku... Sound: Su Miiru: ! Taka: This was delicious. 110 yen, was it? Sound: clink Taka: ...Because we're in the same club I'll listen to a bit of what you have to say. Miaka: Taka!! Miaka: Thank goodness. I didn't know where you had gone off to!! Sound: su Miiru: Well, then come to my room at 10:00. Keisuke: I was just saying that we should go somewhere to eat. Miiru: Really? I am hungry. Miiru: ...What are you talking about? Taka: Hm? ...Oh, just paying for the cost of the juice. Miaka: ...Seems suspicious Sound: Ji--- Miiru: Ah, Miaka-chan. [60] Miiru: A leaf fell on you! Miiru: Sorry about dragging Sukunami-kun away from you. I was a bother to you. Miiru: To make up for it, I'll treat you to dessert at lunch! Miiru: What a randomly nice person, isn't she!! Sound: donk Miaka: My stomach hurts~~~ Taka: Of course it does. All together, you had three desserts! Miaka: But... Kamishiro-san was putting them in front of me... Taka: Well, the night is long. [61] Miaka: Ah, I'm going to take a bath!! Sound: bonk Miaka: Stay right there, okay!? You can't come in!! Taka: ....Mhm Miaka(th): But... it looks like Kamishiro-san and Oniichan are going to try to get together, so I don't have anything to worry about. Keisuke: All right, tonight I'm going to take her out to drink. Miaka: All right, go Aniki! Fight!! Sound: ba dum Miaka: When I get out of the bath, what kindof face should I present to him... Miaka(th): Besides... Taka's embrace is warm Miaka(th): He can wipe away whatever uneasiness or gloominess I might have. [62] Sound: shower Taka: It's already 10:00. Arrow: A dependable and unrefusing character. Taka: ...Well, I guess it's all right to check in for five minutes! And Miaka's taking a bath, anyway. Taka: ...Kamishiro-san? It's Sukunami. Miiru: Ah, coming. Sound: kacha Miiru: ....I'm sorry, I was taking a shower. [63] Taka: Well well well then I'll come back later!! Sound: gashi Miiru: It's all right. Don't worry, come inside! I've gotten in a bit more of a bind! Miiru: Actually, Yuuki-san just asked me to go out for a drink. I don't know what to do... Sound: batan Taka: ...You know, if you're not interested, I think you should reject him straight out. Taka: But you know, Keisuke-san is a really nice guy. He's nice and funny. Taka: I think youshould see what it's like to date him, but... Geez, if you're not interested, then you're got no choice. That's all I have to say! Well, I'm going back, Miaka's waiting for me... Sound: gacha Sound: gura... [64] Taka: ... Kamishiro-san!? Taka: Are you all right!? Miiru: I'm all right... ...I got a little Miiru: ...dizzy Sound: thump [65] Sound: splash Miaka: Kya- Miaka: Ah... shoot. It felt so good, I fell asleep! Sound: splash splash Sound: kacha Miaka: Taka-- Sorry! Miaka: ... Taka...? Keisuke: All right, I'm ready. Looking like this, I've got to be a real man. [66] Sound: click Keisuke: Yes? Miaka: Oniichan!? Is Taka there? Keisuke: Huh? What are you saying? I'm about to go pick up Kamishiro-san... Miaka: !! Miaka(th): It can't be... Miaka: What's Kamishiro-san's room number!? Sound: knock knock Miaka: Kamishiro-san? Miaka: It's me! Miaka. Has Taka come by!? Miaka: Kamishiro-san? Miaka(th): How strange... She should be responding. Miaka(th): That's right! I can climb in from the balcony outside... Sound: ga [68] Sound: slrup Miiru: Sorry... Sukunami-kun. Looks like I bit you too hard.... Miaka: pant pant pant Miaka: !? Miaka(th): Taka Miaka(th): No... way... [69] Miaka: No way....! Sound: yoro... Sound: tosa Miaka: ------!? Miaka(th): It's not a human shadow!? Sound: BAM Miaka: TAKA!! [70] Sound: KA--- Miaka(th): Red light!? Miaka: No... way Sound: Su--- Miaka: Why!? Miaka(th): I don't have the watch any longer Miaka: Taka... Taka----- Miiru: smirk Sound: FU-- --------------------------------------------- funny face* - literally, "100 Chaning Faces" It's a term of endearment that Tamahome used whenever he saw Miaka thinking really hard, making faces. It's got the denotation of someone whose face is constantly changing, like a spy or something