[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 9 Chapter 7: The Era of Demons IV (Ninja Faceoff) Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- inuko : tuskishiro vs. koganei--!! arrow (point to the beaten guy on the wall) : tsukishiro inuko : winner... koga... ! recca : uh... (kaoru stumbles and falls flat on the ring) recca : KOGANEI--!! Volume 9 Chapter 7 : The Era of Demons IV (Ninja Faceoff) recca : hang in there, koganei! hey!! yanagi : kaoru kun!!! kaoru : hehe, don't worry... my injuries are fine! tsukishiro : mhph... no one can be fine after fighting tsukishiro. fuuko : what are you blabbing about, asshole!! tokiya (carries kaoru) : I'll take him to the medical office. recca : mikagami... tokiya : don't worry. he's more tired than hurt. yanagi-san, come and help me heal him? yanagi : hai. recca : don't take advantage of that. tokiya (veins, small eyes) : what are you so upset about? kaoru (in the middle, sweatdrop) : just hurry up... kashamaru : ha... I knew that guy was a mistake, how useless. magensha : no... tuskishiro's done well for his level. kashamaru : what? magensha dono, what do you mean...? inuko : the results--- IT'S A TIE!!! hokage : what was that--!!? audience : how is that possible! what happened in the result.s... inuko : that's the rule!! didn't you know from the fight with uruha oto! if someone interferes during battle, they will be penalized. tatsuko (flashback, to domon) : according to the rules of the tournament, inuko : even the acts to help the losing side is not allowed before the results of the battle are announced!! but-- we all know we really won the battle, nice fight!! audience (chanting) :koganei!! koganei!! koganei!!! (kaoru smiles and gives a thumbs up) recca : thanks, joker, it was all your hint. joker : naa, it was only a little reminder. it'll be more fun, I expect the next fight to be even more interesting...... recca : ......i don't know about that... (step into the ring) but I will be very serious. nemi : hokage's leader is here!! his six out of six winning streak is number two out of all the contestants!! tatsuko (cheerleading) : hokage jihou *second fighter* recca san!! text : round two referee, from inuko to tatsuko recca : [ah, dragon lady.] nemi : the audience's voltage hits up!! to the block A audience, he's their most expected fighter!!! even those who were against the hokage before are all cheering for them now!! and now...!! uruha ma jihou-- KASHAMARU--!! (but there's no kashamaru, only yanagi, recca's eyes are very round.) domon : huh, what's yanagi doing over there? fuuko (question mark) : shouldn't she be in the medical room with mi-chan? recca (all happy) : what are you doing, princess-- it's very dangerous up here. yanagi (take recca's hand) : recca... recca : [huh...? doesn't princess always calls me kun?] yanagi : over here... recca (very deformed) : uh... PRINCESS!? (yanagi puts recca's hand on her breast, but then, her face changes) recca : ! domon : huh!? (a big explosion occurs on stage) audience : w... what happened!? something exploded--!? domon : yanagi!!! fuuko : reccaaaaa!!! kashamaru : heheheheh--! I-D-I-O-T! ninpou irojikake *seduction* it rarely fails! I am uruha's ninja kashamaru! you are much weaker than what I heard... !! (the guy that got blown up apparently is not recca) arrow (that poor guy) : tsukishiro recca (from above) : ninpou ussemi (see note), it's ten thousand light years too early if you think you can beat me as a ninja!! note : it means to use someone else to replace oneself to avoid an attack. recca (attack) : how dare you disguise as my master!! tatsuko : second round begins!! [a little too slow] (kashamaru falls) recca : I knew princess's breasts weren't so big!! [ahahaha] domon (on the side) : how would you know... [you've never touched it] recca :although I lacked practice, I'm still quick. (takes out the ninja explosive balls, and very proud of himself) I'm a natural ninja. kashamaru (gets up) : you're a ninja too? hmph, an idiot like you will never make it. recca (pissed off) : what did you say!! you stupid human disguised monkey!!! (they stare at each other, stalemate) kashamaru : fine... we'll fight to determine who's the real ninja. ninja faceoff!! recca : very well. if I win, you better take off that ninja suit! gashakura : heheh! this guy's interesting. ninja face off! just don't run away, when you see kakshamaru's techniques... kashamaru : just watch me, I'll show you the real form of my true power. ninpou...... *ninja technique* KAGAMI JIGOKU!!! *mirror hell* (nadare appears behind kashamaru) recca (shock) : huh...!! NADARE!!? end of volume 9 chapter 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]