[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 9 Chapter 3: A Quite Peaceful Night Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- text : on the fourth day of the ura butou satsujin-- the day the representatives from the four blocks were determined. "Block A" hokage vs. saakasu... hokage won without bloodshed-- "Block B" kaisentai vs. uruha ma, gashakura eliminated all four opponents-- (gashakura's big armor is dripping with blood) "Block C" uruha rai vs. erekiburan, uruha rai was clearly victorious. (somehow, raiha is shaking hands with the other team afterward...) "Block D" POG vs. uruha kurenai... 2 minutes and 11 seconds into the match-- POG's five members completely disappeared from the surface of the earth. (total darkness) Volume 9 Chapter 3 : A Quite Peaceful Night (shows the four teams that has entered the semi finals, hokage is hanabishi recca, as the team leader, mikagami, domon, koganei, and fuuko. uruha ma is magensha as the team leader, gashakura, kashamaru, and tsukishiro the mummy guy. uruha rai is so easy and simple, raiha's a one man team. uruha kurenai, kurei is the team leader, noroi is the guy in the mask, and there are two unknowns plus mikoto whose face is unknown) text : the four teams has been determined! other than hokage, everyone else is a faction of uruha!! they are all the best of the best! with incredible fighting abilities. (recca and yanagi walking out of the gym that night) yanagi : so how many did uruha ma win later? recca : I don't know, I fell asleep. yanagi : I think you're just not paying attention. (walking past a food machine) recca : lucky! prinsical! princess want a drink? yanagi : huh? recca : look! it's koganei and saicho. [we don't see them together very often.] (kaoru has cat ears and looks very excited) saicho (takes out a piece of paper) : --then... here we go. (zoom) kaoru : wow!! that was so cool! look!! just two seconds. (saicho made a crane in 2 sec) saicho (flattered) : no... kaoru : you're so cool, saicho. unlike recca niichan who can't do anything... (recca is behind him, and kicks kaoru's but) recca (furious) : who says I can't do anything? other than fighting games, I beat mikagami in anything. kaoru : you attacked me from the back, cheap shot!! (big bump on his head) hey, I smell soup! did you take a bath with yanagi chan together!? (meanwhile yanagi hands saicho a piece of soup, saicho with a big sweatdrop) yanagi (smile) : [here.] saicho : [thank you.] recca : idiot!! the bath here separate guys from girls!! yanagi (takes the crane) : but this is really cool! looks like it really could move... saicho san you don't look like a fighter at all. saicho : ! yanagi : uh... sorry... saicho : that's alright. (smile) you just reminded me of a friend at a distant place. she always said the same thing. her name is misora-- (meanwhile, fuuko and domon is training/exercising, domon is really out of breath.) domon (sweating) : fuukoooo~~~ can we rest for a little while? fuuko : you are pathetic!! you are so useless, you can't even do better than a girl. domon : [don't say that...] (fuuko lecturing while domon just... get lectured... yes he does look pathetic, and someone approaches... *heart beat... faint... anyway...* fuuko looks back...) raiha (somehow he's just there, with a really nice smile) : you speak really forcefully, clear cut and powerful!! (holding two soda cans) (DON... fuuko in super deformed face... remembers...) fuuko : y... you, back then... [is he still mad at me for knocking him out...!?] raiha : they call me raiha... it was terrible what happened the other day... I don't know what happened but you were gone when I woke up, such a sudden separation... an unfortunate incident. fuuko (thinking) : he didn't realize that I knocked him out? this guy is so slow...... raiha (sort of starry eyes, cute face, grabs fuuko) : but we finally meet again! fuuko (sweatdrop) : umm!! (domon knocks raiha flying, but raiha pops up right in front of him again, and domon's eyes pop out) domon : what do you think you are doing with my idol? raiha : hi! nice to meet you. my name is raiha! (band aid on his head) domon (draws fist) : HOW DARE YOU!? (he punches and in a very swift movement, raiha dodges and at that moment, the only time he didn't have a smile.. he ends up behind domon, who didn't notice yet) domon : ! (raiha's soda cans somehow were placed on top of his head) fuuko : [what...? just now... he moved swiftly and fluently like a single leaf falling...] raiha : I'm sorry, I just have a very amiable personality, please forgive me if I offend you. as for domon-kun, you have a good punch, but your arm movement is over exaggerated, and it's easy to see it coming. if you can move your wrist a little less and support it with your waist, I think you will get better results. anyway, bye. fuuko-san, let's go on a date some time. (big smile) domon : in your dreams!! (pissed off) who was that guy, fuuko!! you like him!? fuuko : what are you talking about, that I like him!! he's just some weirdo I met before!! domon (still has the cans on his head) : hmph! he looks alright, but no where as good as me. no need to worry! fuuko : ...... domon : ...... huh? that guy, how did he know my name? fuuko : ! raiha (flashback) : [fuuko-san, let's go out on a date some time.] text : the guy named raiha... he doesn't look like a bad guy... who is he...? (at the hotel, saicho is telling a story.) saicho : misora-san... she's shihantai's only daughter... she didn't agree to making kuu a fighter's organization. (saicho gets home with all these bruises in a flashback) misora (after taking care of him) : [geez!! you fight like this everyday... what are you doing this for if you wouldn't even kill a little bug usually! saicho! leave the kuu! it doesn't suit you...] kukai (speaking with saicho later) : [hahah! she really said that, that foolish girl! ... you should think for yourself more often... she just likes to argue over this... I can't help it... if you leave, then this is where the kuu's history will end... it'll be perfect if you and misora gets married. (saicho blush) hahahah, don't be embarrassed!] kaoru : yeah!! get married, get married! saicho (backing off) : no, that's not the point... recca : I think that kukai will just get a really bad headache. yanagi : misora-san really cares about saicho-san. I'm so touched. saicho : perhaps, it really doesn't suit me... but that's not what I thought about. I really like the kuu... that's why I hope it an keep a good name. I am fighting for the kuu. (smile) if you must have a reason for fighting, then I guess it's to protect a certain belief. kaoru : that's such a good story, you're so different from recca niichan. hey, stop that!! (gets beat up) recca : I'll fry you!! kaoru (run for saicho) : save me, saicho~ yanagi : kaoru kun, you're get along well with saicho san. recca : [the reason to fight...?--- so saicho had a story in his past also... KUREI.........] (that night, at mori koran's castle, there's a secret lab.) mori koran : ......heheh... everything... everything is going according to plan-- soon, we will reach the climax. the main characters are all here-- (there's a human in the tube in front of him.) mori koran : this mori koran... kurei... recca... the healer girl sakoshita yanagi... and ahahahahahaha AHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH text : the wheels are turning. the wheels called fate. no one can know... no one can change... no one can escape... (misora holds a photo of saicho and stares at the sky, raiha smiles to himself, kurei takes down his mask, and joker still has the mysterious look.) daikoku : ... you really suck, mikagami dono... (mikagami playing playstation with glasses on) arrow (mikagami) : a little near sighted. mikagami : shut up. (vein) text : on this peaceful night, fuuko (domon out of breath) : fight. text : the wheels of fortune, has begun to turn... (saicho makes more paper toys for kaoru, recca talking to yanagi) chart (the time chart for the next day's events) : "ura butou satsujin" fifth day -- semi finals -- at arena E, hokage vs. uruha ma, PM 12:00~ at arena F, uruha rai vs. uruha kurenai, PM 1:00~ end of volume 9 chapter 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]