[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 7 Chapter 5: Feast of the Illusion Master IX (Genjurou) Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (recca summons homura) recca : homura!! (sand falling on sakura) menou : dad!! (homura attacking genjuro) genjuro : uh? not bad, you can break neon's barrier! but that's as far as you go! recca : you're not getting away! (homura extends from his arm and breaks the madougu mugen on genjuro's staff) Volume 7 Chapter 5 : Feast of the Illusion Master IX (Genjurou) label : shiju, mokuren, menou (mugen and the staff is hit by the flame of homura, the staff breaks, mugen cracks and blasts into pieces.) recca : great! target perfect! (domon shock) genjuro (falling) : n... no! (the hourglass cracks, and menou's father suddenly increase in size and return to a normal person. menou is so happy she's crying) audience : wow! what the hell is this magic? a guy just popped out from the hourgass? neon : heh! what a loser! I shouldn't have made the barrier for him in the first place. you are all on your own now, genjuro. you are a member of the jyushinshuu, don't disgrace us. menou (running toward her father) : i... i... sakura (embrace her) : menou? (menou is crying, recca is very pleased with himself) domon : wow, that was really cool! yanagi : but... I didn't know homura has such powers... homura first appeared in the fight with kukai... wasn't it wrapped around recca's arm so his punches had enhanced strength? kagero : this time it turned into a whip to destroy the hourglass. saiha alone is not strong enough, nadare is hard to control, so recca choose homura against genjuro. up to now, he tamed three of the eight dragons. and his skills are increasing drastically. menou : recca! thank you. recca : ahaha! it... it was nothing really! hey, you're finally smiling! (pat her head) girls should laugh more often! but... there's some unfinished business. it's our turn finally, asshole! (genjuro stands silently) you use others as your toys... act as kurei's dog! you disgust me! get up here now! (very dangerous) genjuro : hehehe... nice opening statement, kid. (step on) nemi : co-captain battle menou vs. recca, the winner is recca! the following is the uruha maboroshi's captain genjuro! audience : wow, this team is really scary. guess the kuu losing wasn't just a coincidence... the hokage is strong! domon (laughing) : hanabishi! don't worry even if you lose! I'm next! yanagi : oh! so domon's the captain? tokiya (kick domon's butt) : idiot. if recca can't even beat him, what can you do? domon : I'm just saying if! do you think recca will lose? tokiya : [if it's me, I would definitely win.] kaoru : I don't know... maybe recca can't win. because genjuro is a member of the jyushinshuu. everyone : jyushinshuu? kaoru : they are the ten people closest to kurei! their power endlessly exceeds the other members, they are very dangerous. (diagram) in the assassin organization Uruha led by kurei, there are ten people who are the Uruha's central leaders. (diagram of kurei on top, a question mark in place of the #1 leader of the jyushinshuu. belong are nine boxes, four with pictures of genjuro neon, jisho, and raiha, the rest all have question marks in place of pictures, and for names, one of the boxes says mikoto, the rest are unknown. below the uruha are people labeled as soldiers, including shiju, sekiou, mokuren, etc... and division still exists inside. under those people are the trainees, koganei, reiran etc... their age and strength is still a level lower than the normal soldiers.) domon : my heart's beating fasters... [this guy seems strong...] tokiya : don't be scared. who cares about whatever jyushinshuu, they are only kurei's dogs. they'll only remind recca about the unhappy memories with kurei. he should vent his anger once in a while. kaoru : you may be right. nemi : genjuro vs recca genjuro : ...... recca : before we fight, I want to make a deal. if I beat you, please take shiki gami out of menou's body. genjuro (menou surprised) : ... alright. it's not impossible, to separate fused cells into two once again is a simple task for me... recca : ok, great! anyway, if you refused, I'll find a way to make you do it! sakura : that boy... is he the one who saved me, menou? menou : yes, he's a very kind, but strong person... genjuro : it's possible to return menou to a normal girl, but it's impossible that you would defeat me! I AM GENJURO OF THE JYUSHINSHUU! don't underestimate me, kid! (his one image turns into ten, it's the same illusion technique kurei used before. he attacks recca) genjuro : my illusion technique Wakemi!! audience : genjuro... did he just multiply? domon : hey! I saw this technique somewhere before! tokiya : that was... [kurei used it!] (genjuro attacks recca) end of volume 7 chapter 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]