[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 6 Chapter 10: Feast of the Illusion Master IV (Human Tree) Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Volume ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- side text : Ura Butou Satsujin division B (people fighting, audience watching big screen broadcasting the actions live from the 4 divisions) audience : hey look, division A's getting really interesting! side text : division C man : what the hell is that thing? side text : division D kurei : pitiful, isn't it, koganei. (mokuren grabs koganei with his roots) recca : koganei! Volume 6 Chapter 10: Feast of the Illusion Master (Human Tree) mokuren : look at you, koganei, partners? do you really think I still have human emotions? kaoru : mo... mokuren... domon : get away, koganei! kagero : that's impossible, his madougu should be kodama, kodama has the power to control plants which are grown inside the body, but it can't turn a human into a plant. recca : mom, what are you saying? then what the hell (alarm) ...... (turn to genjuro) so it's you? genjuro : mokuren is my masterpiece, hahah, I used my psychic surgery to plant kodama inside his body, a hybrid of a man and a plant yields the human tree. by making the madougu part of one's body, it's power increases in magnitudes. you never thought that I was able to do so much with your hokage madougu, did you? mokuren : hey, koganei, I remember you once said you're going to beat everyone here, do you still think so? (hurts kaoru) kaoru : ahhhh! (look at the hokage) it was my careless mistake, everyone, please take care of the rest. I lost... nemi : koganei is unable to continue, mokuren wins! recca : mokuren, you won already, now let koganei go! mokuren (silence, then...) : I refuse. recca (furious) : what? (mokuren absorbs kaoru completely) mokuren : I'll absorb every inch of this kid and turn him into my fertilizer. how about that? are you angry now? hahahaha. yanagi (crying weakly) : kaoru-chan... (faints) domon (catches her) : yanagi! fujimaru : what did I tell you? see? saicho : so people do know their own kind well... fujimaru : that was mean, saicho. kukai : he really is a bastard... but he's in trouble now, cuz he's gonna have to deal with the wrath of hokage... mokuren : so the second round should be you, hanabishi recca? I've been waiting for this for a long time, get up here! recca (stepping on stage) : oh yeah, I'm gonna beat the crap out... (tokiya right behind him, moved his ensui and slashed something, recca freezes. he falls) recca : ahhhhhh... (the ground breaks) hey, what the hell was that? (he screams at tokiya who holds ensui ever so coldly, meanwhile, scene shift...) side text : and fuuko right now (part II) is...... fuuko (being drown) : fuck, water attack, if this continues... (cute feature) I'll turn into a fish... swimming happily and freely... this is not exactly the time to think about this! HELP, SOMEBODY!!! (back to the fight) mokuren : who the hell are you? tokiya : I take pride in my name, a cheap shot like you have no right to know. mokuren : what!? tokiya : hey, you're genjuro? recca was the originally scheduled opponent, but I want to replace him. since we agreed to your request earlier, I think it's time you agree to ours. genjuro : hahah, fine. I suppose this is fate... recca (deformed, jumping up and down, held back by domon) : fuck! alright! mikagami, you're gonna pay for this one! tokiya (ignore him) : I think the monkey is screeching again... nemi : as a result of an agreement between the two teams, hokage switches their second fighter to mikagami tokiya. (the picture on the main score board switches) mokuren vs. mikagami, begin! recca : they even switched the pictures! (eyes bulging) [what was cheap!] kagero : if you go fight mokuren with your flame, you would endanger koganei who is trapped inside. so he made the right choice. his clarity and logic during battle is mikagami's greatest strength. mokuren (attack) : come on, let's get going. I want to squash like a bug! (his roots reach out for tokiya who slashes and breaks them all) kagero : actually, he really wants to save koganei on his own, they fought before and mikagami really respects his skills... that's why he despises mokuren even more. I suppose that cold and uncaring mikagami is slowly changing. audience : what the hell! all the roots broke! come on, finish off that girly guy... mokuren : I don't need you to tell me... (laugh) (his roots regenerate, and hits tokiya) tokiya : !? damn it... mokuren : you underestimate me! hahah, never underestimate the life that resides in a plant. I will regenerate all my wounds just like the weed that continues to multiply. you won't even get near me like this! if this continues, koganei will die, but you already know that! hahah! tokiya (REALLY scary) : you are such a fool. this time you are dead. daikoku : shihan dai, look over there! kukai : it's just begun. daikoku : the power he displayed when we fought was only a tiny fraction of what he is capable of. his sword is so unpredictable, it's the terrifying unknown! (tokiya holding ensui) it's here! that demonic sword-- (the whole sword is frozen) hyomon ken! end of volume 6 chapter 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]