[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 4 Chapter 5: Hell Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 4 Chapter 5 : Hell kurei : it’s so unfortunate! kurenai is formless, it’s only a living humanoid flame, to cut a flame, or to extinguish fire with fire is all impossible. (kurenai smile) recca : fuck...... side text : furious recca : you underestimate me? I’ve gotta kill you! tokiya (pulls the raging recca’s collar) : wait! recca! recca : what is it? you know that hurts? [you wanna strangle me!] I don’t have time to play games! tokiya : you’re completely sentimental, you are lacking a cool judgmental mind. (thinking) even though you don’t have a good judgment anyway...... the enemy is strong...... one on one is a disadvantage. we must attack him from all sides, because we don’t know all of his tricks yet. but as long as he’s human, there must be a weakness! recca : all sides...... you wanna fight a four against one? isn’t that really...... tokiya : this is not a competition, we’re fighting for our lives. we don’t need sportsmanship, or we will die...... and we’ll never save yanagi! recca : you’re right...... mikagami...... tokiya (vein pop) : don’t make it sound so forced... any skill has one thing that comes before and that’s the user! kurenai is the same! if we can’t beat the skill, then beat the user. domon : ......... you’re right! fuuko : I suppose we’ll hit the master first! tokiya : ignore the existence of kurenai! face that guy directly! recca : we got it! SPLIT UP! (they all run in different directions) kurei : hahah...... you’re correct! this is not a competition, it won’t be over even if you give up. kurenai! I permit you to chose one prey! go! recca (as kurenai heads for him) : !! kurei : hahah...... you’ve chosen recca, have you? recca : come on! you monster! (kurenai ignores recca’s attack which has no effect. she wraps her arms around recca and he’s burning in her flame.) recca : ahhhhhhhhh! [go get kurei while I keep this thing busy!] fuuko (attack) : fuujin!! kurei (easy dodge) : if kurenai chose recca...... (tokiya slash kurei, but he not hurt) tokiya (surprised) : [illusion?] kurei : then that means he’s the strongest of you all. the others don’t even have the honor to be her prey! hahah...... domon (behind him) : shut up! (domon punches kurei, who turns around and catches his arm.) kurei : if kurenai doesn’t even want you, then forget about me! (he elbows domon’s arm and breaks the bone. domon falls down.) domon : ahhhhhhh! fuuko : domon— kurei (holding several bladed thingys) : one down! (he throws them back and hits tokiya who’s approaching.) tokiya (hurt very badly) : [fast...... uh!] kurei : two down— fuuko : [mikagami...] uh! (realizes she’s the only one left standing) !? (recca falls from kurenai) even...... even recca is...... kurei : did you really think you would beat me by working together? what fools! the price of your naïveness will be your lives! (hits fuuko) women are no exceptions! ganko : fuuko— fuuko (falling) : ganko...... fun...... kurei : four down! your fatal mistake was underestimating me! I’m much stronger than kurenai! even a joint attack by all four of you is useless! the fun’s over...... kurenai! burn these trash! bring your fear, stupidity and ignorance down to hell with you! recca (standing up) : wait...... you’re leaving just after round 1? kurei : [he stood up? impossible! wasn’t he killed by the flame?] kage hoshi : you said it was impossible to stop fire with fire...... then recca being a flame master should be able to endure the flame beyond normal comprehension! kurei : !! [the voice......] kage hoshi : no matter how many time, (shadow emerging) this child will stand up again. for yanagi, for the master he swore to protect...... even if it will cost his life-- (she appears behind recca) this is ninja! kurei : [KAGERO......] end of volume 4 chapter 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]