[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 3 Chapter 2: Infiltration Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 3 Chapter 2 : Infiltration side text : hanabishi recca nicknamed ninja idiot met a strange man-- tatesako fumio-- he is recca’s japanese history teacher, and at the same time another crazy ninja fan! the two of them were like old friends, through him, recca found out about a mysterious ninja clan-- hokage...... it was a ninja militia which used different weapons to fulfill their lack of physical power-- and recca found out surprisingly that-- their weapons included fuuko’s fuujin and mikagami’s ensui! that this moment-- two strange character appeared! koganei kaoru. nagai mokuren. tatesako’s wife was hurt badly...... tatesako and yanagi were also kidnapped...... even though recca want’s to save them, but- domon : do you know where you should go to save them? side text : a physically effective idiot! under the dead end situation-- he remembered someone he once met...... (picture of kage hoshi) (recca, fuuko and domon in an old abandoned factory.) recca : KAGE HOUSHI--!! get the hell out here! domon : kage hoshi? he can’t mean that creepy woman? fuuko : who else is there? idiot! recca : another one of your works again? don’t hide now! come out! fuuko (hit recca’s head) : idiot! she can be summoned by you whenever you like? domon : yeah! hanabishi. don’t be so naïve...... (the shadows are moving, fuuko and domon look in surprise.) recca : huh? kage hoshi (walk out of the shadow) : you three-- it’s been a while! (fuuko looks shocked, domon every flat eyes, recca smiles unsurprised.) domon : she came out...... recca : this is the place where we first met. my sixth sense tells me...... I can find you here! question one! where did you take my princess and tatesako sensei? kage hoshi : ......... this time...... it has nothing to do with me! please believe me! fuuko (jumping) : liar! it’s gotta be you! domon (holding her back) : fuuko, don’t be so excited! i...... I touched fuuko’s bre... breasts. (kage hoshi holds up her crystal the Ekai ball.) recca : ? (fuuko looks curious, domon has a dozen bumps on his head) kage hoshi : this is the ekai ball. it’s the weapon of the "shadow" part of the hokage ninjas. (hokage meaning fire and shadow) (she throws it up in the air. the ball glows like a projector. shows a room where yanagi is sitting in.) recca : AH! princess! (big smile) domon : looks healthy enough! fuuko : wait! the man sitting in front of yanagi-- who is he? (a close up of kurei, recca looks strange.) kage hoshi : the guy in the mask, his name is kurei. (recca looks stranger) recca : kurei? domon : idiot. kage hoshi : the girl and the teacher...... are with that man. recca (grabs kage hoshi’s shirt) : where? where is he? kage hoshi : what do you plan to do? recca : of course I’m gonna save them! why are you asking? kage hoshi (walks away) : no...... if you go, you will die! and I, I don’t want to see you end your life like that! I never thought that kurei would make a move so soon...... you are no match for him right now. therefore...... recca : kage hoshi! (she turns around, she’s surprised to see recca kneeling on the ground.) recca : I beg you! please tell me...... domon : hanabishi kneeling to someone...... fuuko : this is the first time! domon : that guy is stubborn and a real asshole, he would actually bow his head...... recca : even if that guy is so good...... even if I won’t come back...... I still have to go! she is my princess. and I, am a ninja! I beg you this time! (kage hoshi caught by surprise) kage hoshi! kage hoshi : ......... get up! recca. I understand now! I won’t stop you anymore...... but! you must come back alive! can you do it? recca (jumps on her and hugs her) : yes! yes to anything! kage hoshi : ah! recca : thank you! thank you! I knew you were a nice person! kage hoshi (blushing) : ......... (hands them a map) : they are in a mansion about three towns away from here. this is a specific map- fuuko : let’s go! recca. recca : OK! hey! kage hoshi! I have a bunch of questions, when I come back in one piece...... would you answer them? kage hoshi : [you’ve become an outstanding ninja! recca...... so, there’s no need to hide the truth anymore...... from the beginning...... let me tell you the whole story...... as your mother!] (in the hospital, the nurse walking in the hall. she sees recca, fuuko and domon) nurse : ah! hey-- that’s a no visitor room! go fool around somewhere else! (they ran away already) damn...... uh! (kind smile) (flowers and a card next to tatesako’s wife who is sleeping.) card : hope you recover soon! from recca, domon, fuuko (in kurei’s mansion. yanagi sits along in the dark and cold room.) yanagi : so cold...... (wrapped in a blanket) mom and dad must be worried...... [recca......] recca (voice) : princess, we’ll save you! yanagi : huh? I though I heard recca’s voice...... (noise) !? what’s this noise...... (she walks over to the window, fireworks explodes in the sky. yanagi’s about to cry.) yanagi : fireworks...... it must be recca! (everyone in the mansion looks outside, kaoru, mokuren.) kurei : what is it? man : seems like someone sneaked in! (kurei unreadable) fuuko : what the hell did you do that for? idiot! recca : that’s my declaration! inform them that we’re coming! fuuko : I’m not bothering with you anymore! domon : you’re gonna get us killed again! recca : come on! let’s go take care of them! end of volume 3 chapter 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]