[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 15 Chapter 1 : The Sixth Form, Initiate Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Previous Volume | Chapter Index | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 15 Chapter 1 : The Sixth Form, Initiate (joker has created a big gravity field which probably took up most of the ring and kaoru has been forced to the edge.) domon : what a great gravity field!! fuuko : if this continues, he'll be pushed out by the weight! joker (smile) : this is over!! koganei-kun!! (kaoru is pointing his kougon anki in it's fifth form, the bow, at joker) kaoru : [this is it... KOGANEI!!!] kokuu (flashback) : [I can only tell you the name of that form--- the sixth form is...... MU *nothing*!! becomes nothingness, and the formless returns to formation. take that into your heart. (kaoru shoots the arrow at joker) joker : moron... in this field, the gravity is very heavy! which means that attack...... (of course the arrow falls to the ground before it could ever reach him due to heavy gravity) joker (smile) : see. like that. (suddenly looks very shocked/deformed) EH----!? (kaoru's gone) [o... oh no!! I pushed him off for real!!] audience (covering faces) : it's over...!! the hokage lost!! yanagi (pointing) : uh... (kaoru has really made a flip into midair) joker (look up) : ! you're going up, but that won't work!! you'll hit the ground! kaoru (smile) : I'll beat you first. the puzzle is complete!! (suddenly breaks apart kougon anki) SIXTH FORM--- MU! joker (a VERY deformed look) : !!? it broke apart!!? saicho (smile) : [you finally got it... kaoru-kun...] kaoru : [becomes nothingness----] (the chain of kougon anki first is thrown at joker and ties him up...) joker : EHHHHH!! kaoru : [and the formless returns to formation------] (the crystal of kougon anki glows at the end of the chain) kaoru : FORM, KOUGON ANKI!! (and all the pieces of kougon anki flies at joker) joker : hahah... [are you kidding...?] koganei-kun......... [you are... really amazing...] (all the pieces hits joker, and kaoru lands on the ground) kaoru : sixth form----- mu... kagero : that boy finally understands kougon anki's final form during the battle. the illusionary form... the formless entity, that is mu! (joker's trident hits the ground.) kagero : and all those pieces will gather back around the magic crystal. so to form... kougon anki itself! (joker pulls out all the pieces of kougon anki that's stabbing him) kagero : and plus, the pieces falls with even greater speed with the heavy gravity. no matter how strong joker is, he couldn't have dodged! joker (spits out blood) : GAA!! (he throws all the pieces on the ground and they immediately form back into kougon anki. kaoru holds up anki in a victorious pose) joker : heheheh!! (everyone looks in his direction surprised, joker smiles) I'll say that I lost! (kaoru looks at him surprised) today--- that's all!! (midori knelt down and grabbed kaoru's hand) midori : here! (holds up the mike) JOKER GIVES UP!! AND THE WINNER!! K O G A N E I !!! audience (deafening cheer) : koganei!! koganei!! koganei! (then joker walks up and hits kaoru on the head, kaoru looks up curiously) joker : just telling ya I can still fight like this. but there no fun in a definite victory, right? PRESENT FOR YOU!! (the same thing he said when he threw mikoto into the crowd... and it's in english "purezento foo yuu"... ^.^) kaoru (big smile) : ...joker, you... you never meant to kill saicho from the beginning, right? joker (walking off the center ring) : my hand slipped! [well... next time!! that was interesting...] huh? (he was about to fall but menou helped hold him up) menou : eh. joker : ? menou (smile) : it must be horrible pretending to be a bad guy. joker (very cute/funny face) : m... menou-chan...... (he looks like he doesn't know what to do ^.^) menou : you saved me once. so I know you're not a real bad guy! audience (whistling) : [oooh--- I'm jealous--!!] text (saicho smiles) : battle time 38 minutes 14 second. koganei vs. joker. (kaoru smiles back with a peace sign) koganei victorious--- then, (all the hokage... meaning fuuko and domon are cheering for him... with very funny faces, and tokiya is pretending he doesn't know these people) uruha kurenai vs. hokage, 2 to 2!! FINAL MATCH!!! (the score board jumps on, next fight... CRAY -- RECCA) end of volume 15 chapter 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]