[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 14 Chapter 5: Kokuu Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 14 Chapter 5 : Kokuu (kaoru looks at joker across the arena, then fix his anki into chain form and use it to jump down from the hokage corner) kaoru : hn. (jump) fuuko : koganei... kaoru (walk up, cat face) : TOUCH *change it up*!! (slap fuuko) fuuko : ......... we're depending on you. kaoru (fangs showing) : it's unlike you, fuuko nee-chan! it's more like you to say something like "go kick their butt". (BANG) fuuko (walking away) : then go kick their butt!! text : promise. domon (looking back, sweatdrop) : [you asked for it, idiot.] (he means the BIG bump on kaoru's head) kaoru (passed out on the ground) : yeah. (and then his eyes narrow as he looks up at the uruha side) get down here, joker! I'm waiting. (joker lands quietly in the center of the ring *how unlike him when he's serious...*) joker : I thought you were only a kid, I'm beginning to think differently, koganei-kun. even after having to go through all that, you can still think clearly! saicho just might die. aren't you sad? kaoru : I'll be sad... but--- I can't stop because of this! I have to step forward!! I'll walk up and fight! because I believe!! SAICHO WON'T DIE!! I WILL WIN!! (smile) plus--- I want to hear what's really in your heart! (point upward) kurei!! kagero : ......... I'm ashamed of myself... yanagi : eh? kagero : when that boy first appeared during the fight with uruha maboroshi... I really didn't trust him. being an ex-uruha, and only a kid, kaoru-chan just might turn back to kurei... (now crying a little) that boy's not weak at all. I must apologize to him when he comes back. domon : no way, no way, he's really weak. [gahahahaha] he cries when I punch him!! yanagi : domon-kun. [how can you be so mean.] fuuko : ... he's physically so small... but carries something much bigger... tokiya : yeah... he is impressive. even I have to admit. (joker vs. koganei, match is on) kaoru : [......saicho...... (thinking about the one who's lying in the hopistal) here I go!!] (meanwhile... STILL in the desert is our dear hero of the story... *sigh* recca gets beaten back one more time...) old man (blasting him back with flames) : what's wrong, recca, you can't beat me with single flame dragons!! can't you do it!! back then with magensha... the combination flame dragon!! (recca thinks back for a moment, loosen his arms and...) ...you asked for it, old man! don't be crying later---!! NADARE, HOMURA!! (the dragons come out, but recca seems to be in pain) GAAA! [w... what!? I can't control the dragons!!] (the old man beats him back again) old man : you have to understand the concept of the flame dragons!! the flame dragons have their rules of existence! you can't easily call them out at the same time! breaking the rules have counter effects!! however if you go by the rules, depending on the power of the caster, you can summon more than two dragons a time! [rule number 1, you have to summon them in negation of the order that you received them!! (while he's talking, recca's still trying to beat the old man) two... avoid any misuse! combining the flame dragons takes away a lot of energy!! when you are weak, the flames of the dragons could invert!! three... remember that some dragons have attitudes! especially setsuna who refuses to work with other flame dragons! four... it's your luck... (luck... huh...? great...)] text : times...... is flowing away. how many marks has the flame dragons left him? his right hand is all burnt. yet he hasn't fallen or backed off. (image of home, father hanabishi and ganko) the place that he has to return to------ (the rest of the hokage team) friends that he will return with--- (image of kagero smiling) he has his mother. (image of yanagi) he has... the master he will protect!! (recca just stands quietly looking at the old man) old man : ...this is your graduation exam, recca! I'll show you my true form, the flame of a dragon. if you can live through this, then we'll meet again inside your body!! (the old man's flame turns into a dragon) [I AM... KOKUU!!] (and there's something *that you don't get to see yet* in his single claw) RECCA : ......... so that's the form of your flame...? amazing. I want it. and I'm gonna get it, old man kokuu!! I'LL USE IT TO BEAT KUREI!!! end of volume 14 chapter 5 translator's note : I know joker's really goofy most of times, but he is just SOOOOO different when he's serious ^.^ (yeah, raiha's goofy too, but I can imagine when he gets serious...) joker on the other hand... he's like 2 different people, he looks so cool when he's serious and so funny *SUPER FUNNY/DEFORMED* when he's goofy... no wonder he's my second favorite character... *sigh* when I first started to translate FOR, I was afraid that he wouldn't get much recognition because of the lack of knowledge most people have of the manga and his little screen time in the anime, but guess I was wrong ^.^ he's got lots of fans... (wonder why there's no joker fan club...) it's amazing and just like I said long ago... (like in the end note of one of the earlier volumes) my favorite character is raiha, second is joker, third is kurei, fourth is rasen... and errr... haven't decided on a fifth one... but I think it's amazing how all of them are uruha people in a story about the hokages titled flame of RECCA... *sigh again* (not that I don't LIKE the hokages, just not my favorites) again, joker is so cool ^.^ I really enjoy translating his story and raiha's... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]