[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOO [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 1 Chapter 4: Kirisawa Fuuko Translated by Kamiya Shuusai / Edited by Willow [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The scene is on the roof. Recca looks very serious. Yanagi is surprised. A girl is sitting on the edge of the fence surrounding the school's roof.) Fuuko: Excuse me! You two, you look so intimate! What shall I do? I’m getting more and more jealous -- Volume 1 Chapter 4 : Kirisawa Fuuko Recca: What the hell are you doing... playing such dangerous games? If you hurt the Princess by accident, you are gonna get it! Fuuko: (confused) Princess? You mean Yanagi? [What a stupid nickname.] Text: Has no idea what’s going on. Fuuko: Ah! So the rumors are all true? Damn you! Now you’ve made me mad! (She throws the needles at Recca and Yanagi. They miss as Recca protects Yanagi.) Recca: Watch out! Princess! Are you all right? Are you hurt? Yanagi: I’m fine... Recca: (screaming) You bitch! If you want a fight then I’ll accept! Stop bothering my princess! (Fuuko totally ignores him and walks past him over to Yanagi. She has a slightly mean smile on her face, and makes the victory sign.) Fuuko: HELLO~! Princess. I am Fuuko. (She slaps the confused Yanagi unexpectedly. Yanagi is shocked, but Fuuko is really surprised.) Fuuko: Hey, hey... can’t you dodge? I thought that if you could beat Recca, you must be pretty good... Recca: FUU--KO! Fuuko: Stop screaming! Yanagi: ... Fuuko: You can’t even defeat this little girl! You are in no position to command me! I was wrong about you! Recca! Recca: Hey... this is all a misunderstanding... Fuuko: Oh, really? Get it straight -- I picked you out first! Yanagi: (still cradling her cheek) ...!? [Wha--?] (She turns around to look at Recca, and sees the very serious expression on his face. Fuuko is beginning her attack.) Fuuko: I used to respect you a bit... (She throws the kunai at Recca which nail into place around his arm, making him drop the explosives he was holding.) Fuuko: (pleased) Just as I suspected; this is the hundredth time you've tried this! We’ve been friends for ten years! Recca! Recca: So you know also? Yanagi: [Friends?] (Several scenes of Chibi-Reccas and Chibi-Fuukos fighting, just little kids.) Text: [with a picture of an especially young pair of kids] Being neighbors, they fought everyday. (both have bumps on their head.) Text: [a picture of them in elementary school] First through sixth grade, unfortunately they were in the same class every year. (more fighting) Text: [a picture of them in junior high] They continue to fight. Text: [present day Recca throwing explosives at present day Fuuko.] Same as the above. Fuuko: No matter how good someone is, they would always lose to me in the end! But I’ve never beaten you even once! This is the humiliation of my life! Text: (Recca, in a flashback) "If you can defeat me, I’ll become your personal ninja!" Yanagi: You really said that? Recca: Hn! Yeah! Fuuko: (pointing the kunai at him) Therefore -- I made up my mind... I don’t care how long it takes, I will defeat you! To restore my humiliated name from you! (she gets a silly face) Then, I’ll order you to shine my shoes. Act like a puppy dog! Call me queen! And I want you as my slave! Wash my panties! (she becomes serious again) But! This little nuisance, out of nowhere -- you dare take Recca away effortlessly! Yanagi: (points to herself) [Me?] Fuuko: It won't be easy if you want me to admit your relationship! So fight me! The winner will be Recca’s master! Yanagi: (sweatdrop) Well... Recca: (many sweatdrops) What is this? Making me the prize? Fuuko: (energetically) It’s been a while since I fought a woman! I’ll enjoy this today! Yanagi: (wide eyes) But... I... Fuuko: (exploding, running toward yanagi) Stop talking! (Yanagi doesn’t know what to do. She screams. *annoying, annoying*) Yanagi: Ahhhhhhh --! (Fuuko is surprised by something and she suddenly jumps back.) Fuuko: Uh! Yanagi: (tearful *oh I hate her*) ? Fuuko: (stares at the ground - full of spikes) Spikes... this is a new one! Don’t tell me you are out of tricks... huh? (Fuuko is very surprised. Where her needles had nailed Recca to the wall, only pieces of his shirt remain.) Text: He’s gone? Is it the substitution technique? You’re still so quick! (Fuuko looks pleased with herself) But... Fuuko: (closes her eyes, then suddenly open them again) TAKE THAT! (Fuuko kicks her leg behind her and connects to Recca straight on, who is very surprised that he’s been caught.) Recca: (kneeling down, holding his stomach) It hurts like hell -- you monster girl! Fuuko: (makes a face at him) Even the massive lunks like domon gets beaten up by me, you are no challenge... (Fuuko looks up in surprise; a net falls on her.) Fuuko: !! Ahhhhhhhh-- (kicking and screaming) What the hell is this?! Recca: New ninja technique "Fishing Net"! The more you struggle, the tighter it gets! To predict the opponent’s moves -- is a required skill for a ninja! [It’s no use struggling!] Text: [simplified introduction to the fishing net] One of the capturing techniques; throw the net up, and then quickly rush up to draw the opponent’s attention. If you are not prepared to be attacked, then this technique will not succeed. (Diagram of a person throwing the net up, and then rushes in to the enemy; the enemy kicks him out, but the net falls on him.) Fuuko: Damn you! Don’t be celebrating so soon! The match hasn’t been determined yet -- Recca: Fuuko! Fuuko: WHAT? Recca: (smiling) You want a fight, then I’ll come anytime! Because we're buddies! Fuuko: (still in the net) Huh? Recca: But... I’m serving the Princess not because I lost to her. It’s a long story... but, put simply -- I felt like it. She fits the description of a master in my mind! Yanagi: (turning red) ... Fuuko: (confused) ...!? (Later, Fuuko sits alone in the schoolyard, thinking. She throws a kunai at the nearby tree.) Fuuko: What does he mean he "felt like it"? It’s all an excuse! I will not tolerate Recca obeying any girl other than me... (Leaves fall, and someone approaches unnoticed.) Voice: Then... use your own strength to win him back, how’s that? (Fuuko turns around. Kage Hoshi is standing behind her.) Kage Hoshi: Kirisawa Fuuko... Fuuko: ...who are you? Kage Hoshi: I can help you -- I can give you the power to surpass Recca... End of Volume 1 Chapter 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]