[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 13 Chapter 6: The Dragon of Riddles, Rui Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 13 Chapter 6 : The Dragon of Riddles, Rui recca : let's go!! RUI!! (attack, rui just stands there waiting for his attack) ! (suddenly jump aside) old man (big eyes) : what's he doing? rui : ...what's wrong? recca. aren't you attacking? you don't have much time left. recca (has a disturbing stare) : I never fight defenseless people! even if you are a flame dragon, you're still a woman!! and also--- (point) look at you!! rui (look down at herself, her shirt) : [? (look up) ?] (point to her breasts... which are half showing through that loose kimono) recca (triangular eyes) : yes, that!! (very very very deformed) young woman shouldn't be dressed like that!! your dad won't like it!!! old man (adds his perverted comments) : of course~~~ it's also because you're getting aroused~~~ seeing her tits, right~~ recca (^.^ smile face) : yep-- yep---...... (vein, realization) I mean, of course not, stupid old man!! rui (smiles) : heheha. our master... is so adorable! (lean closer) but, recca--- (touch his face) you must understand. ninja are meant to fool and distract the enemy--- disturb their mind, confuse them, use them...... that's a ninja's strategy. and seduction is the basics of a woman... using seduction to confuse a man can only be done by a woman. you must understand. you cannot be confused by the enemy. (a burst of flames, all her cloth are burnt up, recca has a rather shocked look.) rui : when I killed most men, I changed my looks and behavior. sometimes into a prostitute, sometimes a farm girl. the hokage people forgot my real form after a while and referred to me as--- katanashi no rui!! that is me... ---don't stand there defenselessly, recca. but, I didn't want to judge you from your fighting skills. this is riddle time. if you can solve all of my riddles, I'll become part of you once again. (disappears) I am katasnashi no rui--- the flame dragon who only grants power to the one who answers my riddles. recca (a little confused) : riddle time? setsuna : heheh... ehehehe... ahah... ahahaha... hahah... die... ahehehe... old man (sweat) : [setsuna...... you... what are you thinking!?] (suddenly from behind recca, someone attacks him) recca (defend) : OOO!? ku... (sees the face) KUREI!? rui (kurei in this case) : my question! why do you fight!? such a strong enemy!! aren't you afraid!? recca (grabbed by rui/kurei) : heheh...... it's a lie if I say I'm not scared!! but there are more important things I have to do!! I have a shinobi!! I'm my duty to protect my master!!! (punch back) (kurei melts away, instead, rui turns into yanagi) rui : the one you must protect...... you mean this girl? anwer me! what drives not to fear death, even? answer me!! is it your love for her? or just your self satisfying pride!? (recca looks very confused ^.^ big eye stare) recca : hn----... (big smile) I don't want to see princess cry. I don't want her to be sad or alone! rui : ...... [is he... kidding]t... that's the reason? recca : as for love... I never thought that far! thinking is always very painful for me, probably because I'm stupid!! that is all!! (very funny look, Y symbol) rui : ...... hehehehe... hahah. AHAHAHAH! that's so funny---!! (turns back into rui) your stupidity... probably makes you a national treasure! you'll have a long life. I'll let you pass the riddle part. rui-onee-sama is very nice. but... just one last time, one more riddle!! (in chibi form) recca (errr) : you really like riddles, rui...... (sweatdrop) (rui turns into the old man and both of them turn around and around in a circle... I think recca looks very confused with a sweatdrop) old man 1 : which one old man 2 : is the fake!? recca (reach in to his shirt) : this is the pervert fujimaru's collectable...... (pull out a picture of fuuko in her bra) fuuko's dressing pictures! [... and why do I have that?] (one of the old man looks really deformed) old man : gimme!!! recca (punch him) : you're the fake. old man : w... why!? my imitation should've been perfect!! recca (blushing a little) : for the real guy, that was probably too big of a shock...... (look back) [that should be his real reaction] (the real old man lying on the ground, *cough* having fun with himself?) old man : [ahh... ahh... h~~n, the bra...... (breathing and trembling... I'd guess he is masterba... *cough*)] (and what's left of rui? a foot sticking in the air after she saw that, heheh) recca : no matter how real the illusion is, it's still an illusion--- when something unexpected happens, it can only follow a certain pattern of reaction. right? rui (turns into the woman, smile) : great work! that is rui's illusion's weakness...... therefore be careful when you summon me. confuse, disturb and fool the enemy. (disappearing) don't forget your strength... to see the truth without being fooled...... and... your pure and untainted--- reason for battle......!! (return to recca's body, the word rui appears on his arm) recca (almost a *.* look) : ...just, one more!! (suddenly, he's caught by setsuna from behind, recca's in shock) recca (sweat) : [what's this... aura! this guy... he's different from all the dragons up till now!!] old man : no!! [my bad feeling became real!! (sweat) setsuna--- is seriously going to kill recca!!] end of volume 13 chapter 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]