[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOO [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 1 Chapter 2: Kage Hoshi [shadow sorcerer] Translated by Kamiya Shuusai / Edited by Willow [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text: (with a picture of recca) Hanabishi Recca -- the only child of a firework maker -- just wanted to become a ninja. With the power of flame, and through a series of events and fate, he became Yanagi's ninja. Text: (now a picture of Yanagi) Sakoshita Yanagi -- because of certain reasons she became Recca's protected... no, it's master, but she doesn't know that herself. She has the special power of curing. Two people with special powers met up here and now -- Kage Hoshi: (scary) Fo... Found you... Text: (with a picture of Recca and Yanagi turning around) But before them is -- Volume 1 Chapter 2 : Kage Hoshi [shadow sorcerer] Text: -- a suddenly-appeared black shadow -- Recca: Granny -- who are you? Yanagi: No! Hanabishi-san, she's not that old! Recca: Re... really? Sis, you wanna play with fire too? Kage Hoshi: I just want to see your flame! Is that all right? (Recca is really shocked. Kage Hoshi's expression looks pretty much insane. She's dressed all in black, holding a knife, with a strange symbol on one hand.) Kage Hoshi: Can you show it to me again? Do it again, boy? (she raises the knife) Let me see your flame again, your power to create the flame! Recca: (shocked) !!?? Yanagi: (shocked) ?!! Recca: (steps in front of yanagi) Granny, what foreign language are you speaking? Do I look like someone who'd set things on fire? Yanagi: [Hanabishi-san, you're calling her 'Granny' again...] (Recca takes out a lighter and lights it for Kage Hoshi.) Recca: See! I think you were mistaken. [Princess -- this is our little secret.] Yanagi: [Hn!] Kage Hoshi: Hanabishi Recca -- currently 16 years old, a high school sophomore, the oldest son of the firecracker maker Hanabishi. Ever since childhood wanted to be a real ninja, then... one day, accidentally discovered a special power! (Kage Hoshi slashes Recca's face. He jumps back, shocked.) Kage Hoshi: The so-called flame magic! Recca: (veins popping) You stupid bitch! Stop messing around with my life! So what if I have this power that God gave me? It’s none of your business! Kage Hoshi: (smiling psychotically) Of course it is! I want you to kill me -- in this world you are the only one who can! Recca: ... (Recca takes out more fireworks from his pocket and he looks serious.) Recca: We have nothing more to say. I have no interest in communicating with that thing you’re holding. Since you know so much about me, you should know what kind of a person I am. (Recca jumps into the air and throws the marbles at Kage Hoshi.) Kage Hoshi: A smoke screen? Recca: (pushing Yanagi) Run! Princess! (As Recca and Yanagi run, a knife flies out of the smoke and stabs his leg.) Recca: (blood spilling) Ahhhhhh! Kage Hoshi: Sorry! But I’m not letting you go yet... It’s no use to try to get help. This is an old ruined building... nobody will come. Recca: [Princess, don’t try to use your power to heal me yet! We don’t even know what’s going on.] Yanagi: (worried) But, your foot... Recca: (screams at Kage Hoshi) What do you want? Kage Hoshi: (holding her knife) Didn’t I say already? I want to know what death feels like, and you are the only one who can give me that. So I want you. If you listen to me, then you and your princess can both go home safely... Yanagi: ... [Hanabishi...] Recca: (stands in front of Yanagi) Stop talking to yourself and face it! I already belong to somebody! And a ninja does not have two masters! No way am I gonna serve you! Not even in my next life! Gyahahahaha! Kage Hoshi: (raises her knife) Really? If that's so... then I’ll have to do it my way. Recca: (still bleeding) Damn! I can't do much with my foot like this, but at least Princess can get out safely... (Yanagi stands in front of Recca, blocking Kage Hoshi’s approach. Recca looks up at her in surprise. Kage Hoshi is unreadable.) Recca: (completely shocked): PRINCESS! Yanagi: (determined) M… miss... even though I don’t understand what you're saying, I know it’s not right to pick on the weak. (Arrow pointing to a very disturbed Recca [=> weakling], with the sound affect of the clock "dong".) Yanagi: Recca is already hurt. Please don’t pick on him anymore! Kage Hoshi : ... Yanagi: Please let me bring him to a hospital! Miss... Kage Hoshi: (smiling) Why don’t you use your special ability to heal him? "Princess"! Didn’t you heal that little puppy? Yanagi: (surprised) Ah -- (Suddenly, Kage Hoshi slashes Yanagi on the arm. Blood drips to the floor. Recca is furious, and Kage Hoshi coldly licks the blood on her knife.) Recca: PRINCESS! Kage Hoshi: So! When it comes to your own wound, you can’t do anything? I don’t care who you are... You took Recca away from me, so you are my enemy! Give Recca back to me! Recca: Princess! Hang in there! It’s only a small wound! It’ll be okay after we get to the hospital! Yanagi: (weak, beginning to pass out from the pain) I’m sorry... Recca... if I wasn't here... you could’ve gotten away a long time ago. I wanted to do something for you, to help you, but... (Light shines as the fainting Yanagi touches Recca’s leg. *please forgive me if I don’t make this sound more moving or emotional, but I can’t stand Yanagi.*) Recca: !! [My leg...] Yanagi: (very weak) I’m fine... I’ll be okay. You should... run... Recca: (eyes completely shadowed over) ... just wait for a little while. (he turns around to Kage Hoshi) You fucking bitch! I have no patience to play with you anymore! (Recca creates another smoke screen. Kage Hoshi has not stopped smiling psychotically.) Kage Hoshi: The smoke screen again? That’s an old trick, boy! (she throws her knife at a shadow in the smoke) I can see your every move! (The knife hits Recca’s shirt, but he’s not there. recca appears behind kage hoshi, who is taken by surprise.) Recca: This is the ninja technique of escaping substitution! (Kage Hoshi turns around in surprise. Recca stands behind her with a ring of balls around his neck.) Kage Hoshi: !! [Bombs?] Recca: (claps his hands together) You know pretty much! And so... (the flame appears around his arm) This is the flame of Recca! If I use it to ignite the bombs, what do you think will happen? You want to do things, and I can’t do anything to stop you. But, no matter what, I will get my princess out of here! Even if it means my life, I will still protect my princess! This is my obligation as a ninja! (Kage Hoshi's expression changes - perhaps, saddens? Then she smiles again.) Kage Hoshi: Not bad! You're pretty serious about the job. If you are killed, I’d be in trouble too, so for today I will let you go! (She turns around and leaves. Recca bends down and picks up Yanagi.) Kage Hoshi: But, this is the one and only time! The one and only time... when next we meet, I’ll keep my word... Recca: Who are you, anyway? Kage Hoshi: I am "Kage Hoshi" *shadow sorcerer*. Take care of yourself! My dear Recca... I hope that when we meet next time you'll behave a little better, or else your princess will be in pain again. (Later on -- it's night, and Recca is carrying Yanagi who is still unconscious.) Yanagi: (waking up) Hn... (notices she’s being carried) Ah! Recca: [Hey! You’re back?] (Yanagi stares at the bandage on her arm.) Recca: None of the hospitals are open today, so I had to use my homemade herbs. Yanagi: Hanabishi-san... where is that woman? Recca: Huh! She went back to wherever she came from! Yanagi: (happy) Are you serious? I’m so happy... Hanabishi-san... (sneeze) I’m sorry! when I’m happy, I just start crying! Text: I believe -- Recca: Oh! You don’t need to call me Hanabishi! It's so formal! Just call me recca. Text: -- my decision was right! When she stepped up and stood in front of me, trying to shield me, I knew I would risk everything for her. Kage Hoshi: (in a flashback) I hope that when we meet next time you’ll behave a little better, or else your princess will be in pain again... Text: Anyone who tries to hurt my princess will have to get past me first! Yanagi: Recca-san... Recca: Just call me Recca. Text: Because I am a ninja; a ninja who can sacrifice his life to serve his master -- Text: Hanabishi Recca and Sakoshita Yanagi met on this day. But at the same time, the door of fate is opening... End of Volume 1 Chapter 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]