[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 11 Chapter 9: Welcome To the Ultimate Stage Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 11 Chapter 9 : Welcome To the Ultimate Stage (bell toll in the back ground) text : the third ura butou satsujin, the day of the finals-- (in the medical room, doctors treating an unconscious saicho...) doctor : he's alive for now...... but he's still in the danger zone! I can't say how it will turn out... I can't promise that he'll live-- (hokage waiting outside the hospital room, only kaoru sitting on the side looks really depressed.) yanagi (sobbing) : why...? my powers are so limited... under such circumstances, I'm so useless... (*did I hear yanagi admit that she's useless??? well, she got that right! ok, I should stop, I've already been very well infamously known as a Yanagi hater... ^^;; I guess it's very true...*) recca : you've done your best, princess!! don't play yourself. tokiya : ...because the wound is too wide, the rate it heals can't overcome the rate the cells are dying. it's really not yanagi-san's fault. (BANG, kaoru pushes the wall) kaoru : yes... it's not yanagi-chan's fault... it's mine. (remembers when he dragged saicho alone) I dragged saicho to the dome with me...... because of that...... (seeing saicho getting wounded by joker) [saicho......!!] kukai : WHY ARE YOU STILL CRYING RIGHT BEFORE THE FINALS!! kaoru (turn around) : [......saicho!?] kukai : ...he will say the same thing. (smile) kaoru : kukai...... fujimaru : heh!! you all look so dead! as if this is the funeral house! minamio : do you think saicho will die so easily? daikoku : he's not only young, but kuu's no. 2! don't underestimate him. kukai : he will-- live on!! kaoru : but... i...! kukai : listen, koganei!! he's not a good fighter for his personality. the injuries in battle are too cruel...... he only has one reason to fight!! and that's to protect something very important. brothers... lover... and the people he cares about-- friends that he fights with-- whatever it is. he's always fighting for a reason other than himself. why did he attack J - kipa? he wants to protect you, who will be going to the finals!! domon (whisper, whisper, sweating) : hey, hey, mister!! aren't you making him feel worse about being responsible!? kukai : no!! he treats koganei as his brother. kaoru : ! kukai : no one ordered him to do this! it was his decision to help you enter the finals in your best situation! do you think that he's thinking "I'm dying because of you"!? and all you do is cry!!! that's what saicho doesn't want to see!!! kaoru (sob) : ......... (wipe away his tears) minamio : very well. seems like you understand. (recca punches kaoru) kaoru : uh!! (sweatdrop) recca (very bad smile) : just come back and tell him "I won"! and that'll be the best comfort ever!! kaoru (evil smile back) : ... that's correct but why did you hit me... (start beating up on each other) text : saicho... I'll do my best... don't worry...!! you gotta hang in there too...!!! (they all leave) recca (looks back) : [thank you--- kukai!!] (in pitch darkness) text : the final arena--- audience : hey! why is it so dark!? it's not a movie theater!! ouch!! who stepped on my foot!! what the hell!! turn on the lights!!! (one spot light shines in center stage) audience : ! tatsuko : we don't have lights right now, I'm sorry, please forgive us. sorry for the wait... I now declare... the third ura butou satsujin, final round begins!! from the north gate... (light focus on the north entrance) is the team uruha kurenai!!! (the uruha kurenai members appear) tatsuko : NOROI!!! KAI!!! JOKER!!! MIKOTO!!! audience : huh!? one of the members is different!! how come I don't see J - kipa!? that replacement... who is he!!? tatsuko : and-- uruha kurenai's team leader......!! (meanwhile... in the hall way, outside the arena) recca : finally-- we made it! let's go--- HOKAGE!!! (the hokage opens the door and enters the ultimate battle ground.) end of volume 11 chapter 9 translator's note : hey, the tournament finals is starting, excited? well, from now on, all you recca anime fans will be rather surprised on how much it has differed... ja, on to the finals ^.^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]