[Image][Image] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECCA NO HONOU [FLAME OF RECCA] By Anzai Nobuyuki Volume 10 Chapter 8: Demon III (Meeting Again) Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Chapter Index | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- text : ishijima domon... (domon vs. magensha) he is unexpected beating up magensha in arena E's captain battle. (fuuko floating someplace) kirisawa fuuko... got sucked in to an unbelievable dimension by magensha's black hole... the exit "?" happens to be shocking enough, her house. sakoshita yanagi... attacked by myterious man-- hanabishi recca... came to the rescue in the nick of time... the assault turns out to be from magensha who should be fighting domon right now. Volume 10 Chapter 8 : Demon III (Meeting Again) recca : leave, princess! magensha... you should be fighting domon right now, so why are you here? why did you attack princess... I got lots of questions... but they don't matter! because you made princess cry, (looks scary) you'll pay for that. magensha : ...can you do it? the poison is in your body... and don't forget that I'm immortal. mister recca. yanagi : immortal...? poison!? recca (arm a little unsteady) : don't worry, princess! (ok, his whole body's not steady... and he's got a big forced smile) the poison just makes me shake a little. (attack) GIVE UP!! (bang, and then, meanwhile in fuuko's house) ganko : hm... maybe I know a little about that. fuuko : you do!? magensha's black hole!! ganko : kurei said before, "it's a madougu capable of travelling through different dimensions." fuuko : ...... dimensions...? ganko : what they call a worm hole! going in and out from hole to hole like a warp. you get in from a black hole, then you come out of the white hole. manipulating the space between the holes to go where you want to... I don't know it very well. fuuko (smile) : [so that's it... I'm beginning to understand his power...! that's why I got here from the doom!!] but it's a real coincidence I ended up back here... landed in my house. ganko : fuuko, it's not a coincidence. (reiran smiles) fuuko : katashiro reiran? ganko : madougu has attraction between them. over here, there's the madougu -- reiran's katakugutsu, I think it created the white hole from the attraction. when kurei's mansion was burnt, fuuko saved reiran even though she's a mannequin. not only was I really glad, I think reiran's happy too. this is her thanks. (reiran smiles) fuuko : hm... ganko : you mean that thing? the white hole. that's where you came from... fuuko : ! [it's still there!!! I still got a chance to get back!!] thanks for all the info, ganko!! I'll be back soon!! ganko : uh... fuuko (jump in) : see ya!!! (the hole closes) (ganko is left alone again, she's got a big puffy face, and outburst...) ganko : BASTARD FUUKO!! (sob sob) fuuko (back in the alternate dimension) : so, now there's a problem. the black hole at the doom must be closed already... I must find an exit on my own... (sees skeleton floating around) ... before I become that thing... (someone approaching) [!! I feel... (alarm) two people...?] (kaze no tsume ready) who's there!!? (tsukishiro, kashamaru and fuuko look at each other) all : AHHH!!? kashamaru : you're not magensha. you're that hokage's... tsukishiro : kirisawa fuuko. you're also sucked in here? fuuko : kashamaru and tsukishiro...? ! this is great!! you guys, I have a lot of questions!! tsukishiro : she's still so energetic under such conditions, this girl... (sweatdrop) (meanwhile, recca summons the dragons to fight magensha) recca : flame blade... saiha!! (attack) text : ura uruha is as it appears literally, the existance in darkness... (magensha punch recca) text : ura *inside* ...? yes, the hidden purpose. the true purpose of ura uruha... (yanagi is worried about recca who is obviously hurt and affected by the poison) text : yanagi!!? fuuko : yanagi is the goal? what's going on here!!? tsukishiro : even though we also belong to uruha, our master is not kurei sama. our master's name is mori koran!!! we're not here to win any competition-- we are the camouflage for magensha when he kidnaps yanagi. mori is very interested in the girl with healing powers. kashamaru : tsukishiro... don't you think your telling too much? tsukishiro : it doesn't matter! we're sent here already. [plus it's too late.] fuuko : I must get back to the satsujin doom, I'm very worried about yanagi. tsukishiro : us too. we don't want to starve to death here. (all three of them hit hands) all : deal!!! fuuko : we've made a deal!! tsukishiro : find the exit!! kashamaru : hn... very dependable girl... if we get back, can you go out with me? fuuko : ......... no... (sweatdrop) (back at the arena, recca is breathing heavily... the poison, the poison...) magensha : what is it, mister recca? you seem to be having troubles... you haven't even touched me yet. recca : not yet... I didn't use my secreat attack yet. let's go--- (summons saiha and homura) asshole! magensha : !! (the two dragons comes out roaring) end of volume 10 chapter 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Email | Lynx | Updates | Sign My Guestbook | View My Guestbook ] Search the Net [1]