[ Preliminary version as of June 29, 1999 ] [ Particularly questionable or incomplete spots are marked with '??'. Words in parentheses in the romaji are either assumed ellipses or equivalents of colloquial contractions. Notes are in square-brackets. This file should be viewed with a mono-spaced (touhaba) font. Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ] ふたば君チェンジ。 Futaba-kun Changes Volume 5, Part 5 ふたばちゃん、スター誕生!!の巻 Futaba-chan sutaa tanjou Futaba-chan, A Star is Born! Translation by Kurt Kohler (kohler@ao.com) Story copyright 1992 by Hiroshi Aro Page 128 1) Kahoru: うちのふたばを? uchi no Futaba o our My daughter? 2) Gyoukai: なあ たのむよかほるちゃん! naa tanomu yo Kahoru-chan beg Please, Kahoru-chan! 3) Gyoukai: どうしても使いてFんだ あの娘をよ dou shite mo tsukaitee (tsukaitai) n da ano ko o yo no matter what want to employ that girl I want to hire that girl no matter what! Page 129 1) Gyoukai: オレ@新聞をみたときピン!…ときたね! orea shinbun o mita toki pin-to kita ne I newspaper saw when it struck me It came to me when I saw the newspaper! 「この次の企画はこの娘だ」…ってね kono tsugi no kikaku wa kono ko da tte ne this next plan this girl is I said She's the girl for our next campaign! 2) Photographer: 行貝さんフレームの中に入んないでくださいよー Gyoukai-san furemu no naka ni hainnaide kudasai yo frame inside without entering please Mr. Gyokai! Please stay out of the frame! Gyokai: おお 悪イ! こんど焼肉おごっからヨ oo warii kondo yakiniku ogokkara yo bad next time treat Oops! Sorry! We'll do lunch! My treat! 3) Gyoukai: なっ どーだいかほるちゃん? na dou dai Kahoru-chan how ? So how 'bout it, Kahoru-chan? オレに娘さんまかしてくんねーか? ore ni musume-san makashite kun (kuru) nee (nai) ka me to daughter begin to entrust is not ? Won't you trust your daughter to me? Kahoru: まあ 本人しだいね あの娘に素質あったらね maa honnin shidai ne well the person herself depending on ano ko ni soshitsu attara ne that girl in aptitude if exists Well it depends on her! Whether she has the talent! 4) Gyoukai: そーかいありがてF♪ こんど焼肉食いにいこーぜ!! sou kai arigatee kondo yakiniku kui ni ikou ze so ? thanks next time let's go to eat ! Okay! Thanks! We'll do lunch! そんじゃそーゆーことでヨロシク! son ja (sore de wa) sou yuu koto de yoroshiku in that case such a thing properly I'll just leave it all up to you! Kahoru: あいかわらず強引ねー行ちゃんたら aikawarazu gouin nee Gyou-chan-tara as usual pushy/overbearing Pushy as usual, aren't you Gyoky! [ Gyoky = English style diminutive of Gyokai ] Page 130 1) [ Futaba's school ] 2) Kahoru: …とゆーわけで・… to yuu wake de ... so that's why I'm here! 3) Kahoru: まず近いうちにどこかのオーデBションうけなさい mazu chikai uchi ni doko-ka no oodeeshon ukenasai first before long somewhere audition take First you'll have to have an audition! Futaba: 父…母さん! なんでボクが芸能界入りしたがると思ったの? tou kaa-san nan-de boku ga geinoukai irishitagaru to omotta no dad mom why I show business want to enter thought that But Da... Mom! What makes you think I want to go into show business? 4) Kahoru: いやなのか? iya na no ka You don't want to? Futaba: いやだ… iya da No way! ダン! dan Negiri: いーえマネージャーのうちが必ずうけさせます iie maneejaa no uchi ga kanarazu ukesasemasu no manager I positively allow to accept Yes way! As Futaba's manager I accept! 5) Futaba: マ…マネージャー? maneejaa My...my manager? Negiri: せや! se ya You got it! Page 131 1) Negiri: プロレス研の負債およそ七百年分! キリキリ払ってもらうで!! puroresu-ken no fusai oyoso nana-hyaku-nen-bun kirikiri haratte morau de club's debt about 700 years worth at once pay to me ! The pro-wrestling club now owes me about 700 times their annual budget! Futaba: な…七百年分!? nana-hyaku-nen-bun 700 years worth Seven hundred times!? ゴゴゴゴゴゴ gogogogogogo 2) Futaba: あれは三百年分のはず… あ!? are wa sen-hyaku-nen-bun no hazu a that 300 years it should be so I thought it was 300! Oh no! 3) Futaba: あああっ また負けてる!! aaa mata maketeru Argh! You lost again! 大惨敗 daisanpai Crushing defeat Motomura: すまね… 締留よ… suma ne Shimeru yo sorry Yeah! Sorry Shimeru! Page 132 1) Negiri: せいぜいうちのためにかせいでや。 seizei uchi no tame ni kasei de ya to the utmost for my sake aid for is Do it for me, okay? そのためのめんどうはみたるさかい♪ sono tame no mendou wa mitaru (mite ageru) sakai (kara) that sake of take care (for me) since I really need you to take care of this for me! 2) Kahoru: へえー hee Heh heh! あんたもけっこうしがらみがあるのね anta mo kekkou shigarami ga aru no ne you also pretty good net have You've got her pretty well trapped, don't you! 3) Kahoru: 大変ねー taihen ne awful Isn't it awful? ダンッ dan Futaba: 母さんがわざわざ学校にまでいいにこなきゃ kaa-san ga wazawaza gakkou ni made ii ni konakya (konakareba) mother especially school to even must come to speak You came all the way to school just to talk to me, ここまで話は進まなかったよ! koko made hanashi wa susumanakatta yo here up to conversation not make progress ! but so far you haven't said anything at all! 4) Kahoru: ま… ma Oh my! ふたば… Futaba! 5) Kahoru: なんてことなのー!! nante koto na no what! thing How dreadful! ふたばがあたくしをどなるなんてー!!! Futaba ga atakushi o donaru nante you I shout and such You yelled at me! ああっ神様っ! これは夢でしょうか!? aa kami-sama kore wa yume deshou ka Oh my God! this dream perhaps My God! Is this a nightmare!? Page 133 1) Kahoru: かほる悲しい… Kahoru kanashii Oh poor Kahoru! Futaba: わざとらしい演技はやめてくれ!! waza-to-rashii engi wa yamete kure apparently on purpose acting stop Knock off the act! 2) Kahoru: ひどいっ!! 演技だなんて! hidoi engi da nante cruel acting is how Oh how cruel! You think it's an act? 3) Kahoru: あんまりだわー!! anmari da wa too much is ! This is too much! ダッ datt Futaba: あ! a Oh no! 4) ガシャーン gashaan 5) Futaba: 母さん!! kaa-san Mom! Page 134 1) Kahoru: ぢやーねー♪ jiya ne ?? ホホホホホホホ hohohohohohoho Ha ha ha! 2) Negiri: さすがは一流の女優! もってる芸がちゃうなー sasuga wa ichiryuu no joyuu motteru gei ga chau na as you'd expect top-notch actress lasting art is different Just what you'd expect from a top actress! Although it's not really enduring art, I'm afraid! 3) Misaki: ふたばちゃん芸能界に入るのね♪ Futaba-chan geinoukai ni hairu no ne show business enter Futaba-chan! You're going into show business! Futaba: ううん やっぱりやめとく uun yappari yametoku no as expected will stop No, I don't think so! 4) Misaki: ダメよふたばちゃん!! dame yo Futaba-chan Oh you must, Futaba-chan! 5) Misaki: せっかく自分の可能性をためすチャンスじゃない! sekkaku jibun no kanousei o tamesu chansu ja nai at great trouble your own potential test chance is it not This is a chance to see how good you are! ゼーッタイやるべきよ! あたしも応援しちゃう。 zettai yaru beki yo atashi mo ou-en shichau absolute must do I even will completely support You simply must do it! I'll support you completely! Page 135 1) Misaki: だから…ね。 dakara ne for that reason So will you do it? Huh? 2) Futaba (thinking): 美咲姫ちゃん… Oh Misaki-chan! Futaba: う…うん… un Okay! 3) Takane: なんですってえー!! nan desu tte What did you say!? 4) Takane: 締留ふたばが芸能界をめざす!? Shimeru Futaba ga geinoukai o mezasu show business aim at Futaba Shimeru plans to go into show business!? Toady 1: ハ…ハイ! hai That's right! 5) Takane: フ…  hu Hmmm! あの娘ったらそこまでしてこのあたくしよりもめだちたいというのね… ano ko-ttara soko made shite that girl to that extent kono atakushi yori mo medachitai to iu no ne me than even want to stand out say that It looks like that stupid girl will do anything to outshine me! クスッ kusutt Snigger! Page 136 1) Takane: 」おのれ・えええええ! onore you (insulting) You bitch! この緋楼院高子そんなことは許さなくてよ!!! kono Hirouin Takane sonna koto wa yurusanakute yo this that kind of thing not allow I, Takane Hiroin, shall not permit it! ゴゴゴゴゴ gogogogogo 2) Takane: ファンの注目を常に集め fan no chuumoku o tsune ni atsume fan's attention continually attract Constantly attracting the attention of my fans... 3) Takane: 群がるレポーターをけちらして muragaru repootaa o kechirashite swarm reporters kick about/put to rout Chasing away swarms of reporters... 4) Takane: 数々のスターとスキャンダルをたれ流す!! kazukazu no sutaa to sukyandaru o tare-nagasu many suitors with scandals spew out/discharge Creating scandals with my many suitors! 5) Takane: そんな生活はこの私にこそふさわしいのよー♪ sonna seikatsu wa kono watakushi ni koso fusawashii no yo such a life me for appropriate one Such a life is appropriate for one such as I! ホーッ ホホホホホホホホホホホホホホ Hahahahaha! Toady 2: なんか病気が悪化してないか? nan-ka byouki ga akka shite nai ka somehow illness has not been growing worse ? It seems like her condition has been getting worse, doesn't it? Toady 1: ここんとこ出番がなかったからな koko n toko deban ga nakatta kara na lately turn not had since Things haven't been going her way lately! Page 137 1) ポン ポポン ポン pon popon pon [ Sound of fireworks ] 2) 東京グレイト・ランド Toukyou gureito rando Tokyo Great Land Page 138 1) Banner: イメージ・ガール 選考会 imeeji gaaru senkoukai image girl selection meeting Image girl auditions バアアアアアン baaaaaan 3) Sign: 出場者控室 shuujousha hikae-shitsu Participants' waiting room Page 139 5) ザワザワ ザワザワ zawa-zawa zawa-zawa 6) Negiri: がんばりィや ganbari ya stand firm Go for it! もうすぐ開幕の東京グレイト・ランドのイメージ・ガールになれれば mou sugu kaimaku no Toukyou gureito-rando no imeeji-gaaru ni narereba soon opening day Tokyo great land image girl if can become タレントとしてでかいでー tarento to shite dekai de talent as huge ! If you can become the spokesmodel for the opening day of Tokyo Great Land, you'll be a big celebrity! なにしろ一年間はCMやイベントで nani-shiro ichi-nenkan wa CM ya ebento de in any case for one year commercials and events by 強力にプッシュされるさかいなー kyouryoku ni pusshu sareru sakai (kara) na strongly is pushed since And then for a year you'll be heavily promoted with TV ads and personal appearances! Page 140 1) Futaba: う…うん un Uh... yeah ドキドキドキ ドキ ドキ doki-doki-doki doki doki 2) Takane: ホーッ ホホホホホ。 hoo hohohohoho Hahahahaha! 3) ズン zun Takane: 緊張のあまりロクに口もきけないようね! kinchou no amari roku ni kuchi mo kikenai you ne tension of excess well speech cannot hear seems You're so tense I can hardly hear you! せいぜい大ステージの上でおもらしでもしないように気をおつけなさい。 seizei dai-suteeji no ue de to the utmost big stage of top on o-morashi demo shinai you ni ki o o-tsukenasai not also reveal (hum) in order watch out You'll have to try really hard not to give yourself away on stage! 4) Takane: 締留ふたば! Futaba Shimeru! こんどこそ負けませんことよ!! kondo-koso makemasen koto yo this time not lose This time I shall not lose! ビシイ bishii Page 141 1) Takane: ホーッ ホ ホホホ ホホホホホホホ hoo ho hohoho hohohohohohoho Buwahahaha! [ Mad laughter ] 2) Futaba: だれ? あの人 dare ano hito who that person Who the heck was that? ガチョーン gachoon crunch (similar to kachiin - taking offense ??) 3) Takane: お お おのれー!! そこまで宿敵の私を無視するかー! onore soko made shukuteki no watakushi o mushi suru ka you to that extent arch rival me ignore That bitch! How dare she dismiss her arch rival that way! ゴゴゴゴ gogogogo Toady 2: ひ…緋楼院さん! 緋楼院さん!! Hirouin-san Miss Hiroin! Miss Hiroin!! 4) Note: 「ふたば君チェンジ。」一〜四巻発売中 Futaba-kun chenji ichi -- shi maki hatsubaichuu one four volume now on sale Volumes one through four of "Futaba-kun Changes" are now on sale. 5) Takane: ああああー しまったー! aaaa shimatta Oh rats! まだ素顔では知り会ってなかったかー mada sugao de wa shiri-atte nakatta ka still face with no makeup with was not acquainted She didn't recognize me without the mask! Page 142 1) Futaba: や…やっぱりボク自信がないよ… yappari boku jishin ga nai as expected I self-confidence <s> not have I just don't have any confidence in myself! 2) Negiri: なーにくよくよいうとるねん nani kuyokuyo iutoru (itte iru) nen what worry about are saying What're ya worried about? あんたは大女優伊炉華かほるの娘やないか! anta wa daijoyuu Iroka Kahoru no musume ya nai ka you <t> great actress <name> daughter is it not You're Kahoru Iroka's daughter. aren't you? 3) ピタッ pitatt <Activity stops> 4) Girls (thinking): い…伊炉華かほるの娘!? Iroka Kahoru no musume Kahoru Iroka's daughter!? Page 143 1) Girls (thinking): な…な氓ノ!? 親の七光りできてるの? nani oya no nana-hikari de kiteru no what parent of seven-influences due to has come ? What!? Did her mother pull strings to get her in? ?? あーあの娘新聞でみたことある! ano ko shinbun de mita koto aru that girl newspaper in have seen That's the girl from the newspapers! そんなコネあるならわざわざこのオーデBジョン受けなくたって… sonna kone aru nara wazawaza kono oodeeshon ukenakutatte such connection has if expressly this audition even though not take With connections like that, what does she have to audition for? ウソーヤダ本当? uso yada hontou lie truth That can't be true! Can it? ?? 伊炉華かほる…ってあのプッツン美人? Iroka Kahoru tte ano puttsun bijin <name> that snap ?? beautiful woman Kahoru Iroka? That gorgeous woman? ?? あたしなんてやっと書類審査通ったっていうのに… atashi nante yatto shorui-shinsa tootta tte iu noni I the likes of at last document-inspection passed And after my application was finally accepted! まいったねー うちの事務所の力じゃ勝てないかも… maitta ne uchi no jimu-sho no chikara ja (de wa) I'm beaten my agency even with the help of katenai ka mo (shirenai) can't win possibly I might as well give it up! Even with the help of my agency I can't win! ちょっとかわいいからって… chotto kawaii kara tte somewhat cute She is kind of cute though... あたしなんざ年齢的にもうチャンスがないのよ! atashi nan-za nenrei-teki ni mou chansu ga nai no yo I in a way typical of how many years no longer chance <s> have Maturity is no advantage over her! ?? まー 白々しくカマトトぶっちゃって maa shirajirashiku kamatoto-butchatte well transparently affecting an air of innocence She pretends to be so innocent! ああっ また強力なライバルが! aa mata kyouryoku na raibaru ga again powerful rival She's still a powerful opponent! 公平な一般公募だからチャンスがあると思ってたのに… kouhei na ippan koubo da kara fair general public invitation is since chansu ga aru to omotteta no ni chance have have thought that <disappointment> Since this is an open audition I thought I'd have a chance! 2) Girls (thinking): いぢめてやる!! ijimete yaru torment I'm going to get that girl! Page 144 1-5) Girls (thinking): こんなこともあろーかと  konna koto mo arou ka to such a matter even will happen もってきたコレが 役にたつ日がこようとは… motte kita kore ga yaku ni tatsu hi ga koyou to wa brought this <s> is useful day <s> would come I thought this might come in handy some day! 6) Futaba: ちょっとボクトイレ! chotto boku toire a little I toilet I need to hit the can! Negiri: うちもつきあうたる uchi mo tsuki-autaru (tsuki-atte iru) I also go along I'll go with ya! Girls (thinking): チャンス! chansu Now's my chance! 7) ドタドタ dota-dota <Thump bump> 8) カチャッ kachatt <Door opening> Misaki: あのー 締留ふたばちゃんはいます? ano Shimeru Futaba-chan wa imasu err <name> <t> exists here Excuse me! Is Futaba Shimeru in here? ピタッ pitatt <Sudden stop of activity> 9) Takane: あの娘ならいまトイレよ ano ko nara ima toire yo that girl if is just now toilet ! She just went to the ladies room! Misaki: あ それじゃこれおねがいします a sore ja kore o-negai shimasu oh in that case this ask for Oh! Well, could do something for me? Page 145 1) Misaki: 落ち着くようにうすーくいれた紅茶です ochitsuku you ni usuku ireta koucha desu calm down in order to weakly prepared black tea is This is some weak tea to help her calm down! Takane: わかったわ わたしておいてあげる wakatta wa watashi-te oite ageru understand I leave (for you) Certainly! Just leave it with me! 2) Misaki: それじゃよろしくおねがいします sore ja yoroshiku o-negai shimasu in that case do me a favor If you could just give it to her please! 3) Takane: にっ nitt Snicker! 5) Futaba: はーっ さっぱりしたー haa sappari shita refreshed Ah! That's better! 6) Takane: さっきお友達がお茶もってきてくれたわよ sakki o-tomodachi ga o-cha motte kite kureta wa yo a while ago friend tea brought (for you) While you were gone, your friend brought you some tea! Futaba: わーい 美咲姫ちゃんの差し入れだ。 waai Misaki-chan no sashi-ire da <name> 's provisions for a person working at a task is Wow! It's Misaki's care package! 7) トクトク toku-toku <Pouring> Page 146 1) Coordinator: コンテスト第一部が始まりまーす contesuto dai-ichi-bu ga hajimarimasu contest first phase <s> start The first phase of the contest is starting! ガチャッ gachatt <Door opening> 参加者の方は舞台裏へ!  sankasha no kata wa butaiura e participants <t> offstage to Participants proceed to the offstage area! 付きそいの方は客席の方へ! tsukisoi no kata wa kyokuseki no hou e attendents <t> guest seating side to All others to the guest seating area! 2) Negiri: じゃがんばりや ja ganbari ya Good luck! Takane (thinking): ちっ 運のいいヤツ! chi un no ii yatsu lucky guy Tsk! That lucky bitch! 3) Futaba: さてパンプスにはきかえてと… sate pampusu ni wa kikaete to well pumps in change Well I'd better change into my pumps! 4) ピクッ pikutt <Twitch!> 5) Futaba: が…画鋲? gabyou Thumb tacks? Page 147 1) Futaba: 誰か画鋲のケースでもひっくり返したのかな? dare-ka gabyou no keesu demo hikkuri-kaeshita no ka na someone thumbtacks of case even overturned ? I wonder Did someone spill a whole box of thumb tacks? ザラザラザラ zarazara zara <Prickly> Futaba (thinking): あぶないなー abunai na This could have been dangerous! Girls (thinking): 誰よ! あんなに入れたドジは!! dare yo anna ni ireta doji wa who like that put in bungle <t> Who's the klutz who dumped them in that way? Note: ほとんど全員が2・3個ずつ入れてる hotondo zen'in ga ni-san-ka-zutsu ireteru almost everyone <s> a few at a time have inserted They were dropped in a few at a time by most of the other contestants! 2) ワー ワー ワー waa waa waa <Crowd noise> Page 148 2) Coordinator: はい hai Okay, listen up! 終わったらすぐに水着に着替えて第二部にそなえてくださーい owattara sugu ni mizugi ni kigaete when done immediately swimsuit into change dai-ni-bu ni sonaete kudasai second phase prepare for please When you're finished, change quickly into your swimsuits for the second phase! ナンバープレートを忘れないでくださいね nanbaa pureeto o wasurenaide kudasai ne number plate <o> don't forget please Don't forget your number badges! 3) Takane (thinking): 締留ふたばは下剤入りの紅茶のんだかしら? Shimeru Futaba wa gezai iri no koucha nonda kashira <name> <t> laxative contains black tea drank I wonder I wonder if Futaba Shimeru has drunk the tea with the laxative in it yet! ズンッ ズンッ ズンッ zun zun zun <Striding forward briskly> 4) ガチャッ gachatt <Door opening> 5) Takane (thinking): やった!! yatta All right! Page 149 1) Takane: はやく着替えないと第二部にまにあわなくってよ♪ hayaku kigaenai to dai-ni-bu ni maniawanakutte yo quickly if not change second phase not in time for ! If you don't change right away, you'll be late for the second phase! ホホホ ホホホ hohoho hohoho Hahahahaha! Futaba: あ… どうも a doumo Uh... Thanks! 2) Takane: 差し入れももらったんだからがんばらなくちゃね sashi-ire mo moratta n da kara ganbaranakucha ne provisions received since must persevere Since you had stuff brought it, you'll just have to hold it! ?? Takane (to herself): ヘアスプレーかりるわよ hea-supuree kariru wa yo hair spray borrow I'll just borrow this hair spray! 3) つシャッ tsushatt <Pssst!> 4) Takane: きゃあ! kyaa Eeee! 5) Takane: な… なによ これ! 中身は接着剤じゃないの! nani yo kore nakami wa setchakuzai ja nai no what this contents <t> adhesive What the...! This is glue! Futaba: ええ!? ee Oh yeah!? 6) バタン! batan <Wham!> 7) Futaba: ど…どこへ!? doko e where to Where're you going!? Takane: 帰る! 帰ります!! kaeru kaerimasu going home Home! I'm going home! Page 150 1) ドジャアアア dojaaa <Flush!> 2) Kyara: アハハハハ 今ごろあのスプレー使ってるかしら? ahahaha ima-goro ano supuree tsukatteru kashira about this time that spray use I wonder Ahahaha! I wonder if she's used that spray can yet! 3) ガチャッ gachatt <Door opening> 4) Kyara (thinking): いない ン? inai n not exist eh She's not here! Eh? 5) Kyara: この長さ あの娘の毛じゃない! kono nagasa ano ko no ke ja nai this length that girl's hair is not This isn't that girl's hair! It's the wrong length! 6) ガチャッ gachatt <Door opening> ドキンッ dokin <Startled> サッ satt <Sudden movement> 7) Woman: 第二部始まりまーす1番から10番まで急いでくださーい dai-ni-bu hajimarimasu ichi-ban kara 10-ban made isoide kudasai second phase is starting no. 1 from no. 10 until hurry please The second phase is starting! Numbers one through ten hurry up please! Kyara: ハ…ハイ! hai Uh... okay! Page 151 1) Announcer: さーっ次は10番片木伽羅さん saa tsugi wa 10-ban Kataki Kyara-san look next <t> no. 10 <name> And now we have contestant number ten, Miss Kyara Kataki! ザン! zan <??> 2) ザワザワ zawa-zawa <Stirring in the audience> 3) Kyara (thinking): な…何この会場のざわめきは…? nani kono kaijou no zawameki wa what this hall of bustle <t> Why is the audience so noisy? Audience: 下! 下! shita shita down down Look down! Look down! 5) Kyara: こ…これは…!! kore wa this <t> What the...!! 6) ビッ bitt <Rip!> Page 152 2) Kyara: キャアアアアア kyaaaaaa Eeeee! Audience: ウオオオオオ uooooo Oooooo! 3) Futaba: 水着が切られてる! mizugi ga kirareteru swimsuit <s> is cut My swimsuit's been slashed! 誰がやったんだ…? dare ga yatta n da who <s> did Who could have done it? 4) Futaba: どうしよう… もうすぐ出番なのに… dou shiyou mou sugu deban na noni what will do right now my turn is What am I going to do! It's my turn right now! Page 153 1) ワー ワー ワー waa waa waa <Cheering crowd> 2) Announcer: こ…これは大胆なスタイルです! 21番締留ふたばさん! kore wa daitan na sutairu desu 21-ban Shimeru Futaba-san this <t> daring style is no. 21 <name> Wh... what a daring style! Number 21, Miss Futaba Shimeru! Page 154 1) Futaba (thinking): それにしても… 水着を切ったりヘアスプレーをすりかえたり… sore-ni-shitemo mizugi o kittari hea-supuree o suri-kaetari but still swimsuit <o> cut hair spray <o> secretly substitute Still... my swimsuit slashed, the hair spray switched... そういえばボクの紅茶も誰が飲んだんだろ? sou ieba boku no koucha mo dare ga nonda n daro now to mention it my tea also who <s> drank perhaps And who drank my tea anyhow? 2) Girl: フン! hun Hmph! 3) ゴロロロ… gorororo <Rumble> 5) Girls: ゴロロロ… gorororo <Rumble> ヒ…ッ hi Eek! グルルル… gurururu <Gurgle> ギュルッ gyurutt <Burble> な…なに… nani What... ゴロゴロゴロ gorogorogoro <Rumble!> あ… これは… a kore wa Oh! What's this? え… あ… e a Eh! Oh! グググ… gugugu <Gurgle> Page 155 1) Girl: はっ ha Gasp! [ Flashback ] ザクッ ジョキッ zakutt jokitt cutting up roughly cut <Rip! Slash!> 2) Girls: ほーほほ いい気味だわ♪ hoo hoho ii kimi da wa ha ha ha good feeling is Hahaha! How satisfying! ホホホホホ hohohohoho Hahaha! これで水着審査はリタイアね! kore de mizugi shinsa wa ritaia ne with this swimsuit judging retire She'll have to quit the swimsuit judging! あ この紅茶さっきあの娘に差し入れされたやつよ a kono koucha sakki ano ko ni sashi-ire sareta yatsu yo oh this tea a while back that girl was sent into guy Hey! This tea is part of the stuff she got! 3) Girls: 差し入れだなんてなまいきね! sashi-ire da nante nama-iki ne provisions is how! cheeky What nerve! Having stuff sent in like that! あたしたちで飲んじゃいましょ! atashi-tachi de nonjaimasho we let's drink Let's drink it! 私にも私にも! watashi ni mo watashi ni mo Me too! Me too! あたしも! atashi mo I also And me! ガブ ガブ ガブ gabu gabu gabu <Guzzle! Guzzle!> [ End flashback ] 4) Girls (thinking): し…しまったー! shimatta Oh damn! ゴゴゴゴゴゴ gogogogogogo <Tension> 誰かが一服もったのね! dare-ka ga ippuku motta no ne someone <s> a dose administered Somebody drugged it! 5) Girls: だ…だめ dame Oh no! うっ u Uh! あ… もう… a mou Oh no! I can't... ぴっ pitt Wahh! Page 156 1) Girls: あああーッ!! aaa Arghhhh! 3) Narration: 締留ふたばはみごと「東京グレイト・ランド」のイメージガールに選ばれた Shimeru Futaba wa migoto Toukyou gureito-rando no <name> <t> splendid Tokyo Great Land of imeeji-gaaru ni erabareta image girl was chosen So Futaba Shimeru was chosen as spokesmodel for the magnificent Tokyo Great Land! しかしそのコンテストが報道されることはなかったという shikashi sono kontesuto ga houdou sareru koto wa nakatta to iu however this contest <s> were no occasions when was reported say that However for some reason the contest was not reported by the press! - End of part 5 -