[ Preliminary version as of February 13, 1999 ] [ Particularly questionable or incomplete spots are marked with '??'. Words in parentheses in the romaji are either assumed ellipses or equivalents of colloquial contractions. Notes are in square-brackets. This file should be viewed with a mono-spaced (touhaba) font. Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. ] ふたば君チェンジ。 Futaba-kun Changes Volume 3, Part 1 ふたば君、勝ち残る!!の巻 Futaba-kun, kachi-nokoru!! no maki remain undefeated Futaba-kun Remains Undefeated! Translation by Kurt Kohler (kohler@ao.com) Story copyright 1992 by Hiroshi Aro Page 8 1) ザワ zawa 2) ギリ giri 3) Futaba: グ… gu Gack! 4) Gardening club: ホッホッホッ 園芸部の“舞踊2号”に驚いたようですね ho ho ho uchi (engei-bu) no odori (buyou) ni-gou ni odoroita you desu ne our Audrey 2 by surprised seem Ha ha ha! It appears Audrey 2 took you by surprise! Page 9 1) Futaba: こ…こんなのありか? konna no ari ka such a thing exists ? Is this thing for real? ?? レフェリー referii Referee! Motomura: うむ… umu Yeah! 2) Motomura: 審判長! shinpan-chou chief judge Mr. Strike! Strike: ウーン… uun Hmmm... 3) Narration: 物理・化学の神代先生 butsuri kagaku no Koujiro-sensei physics chemistry Ms. Kojiro, the physics and chemistry teacher 4) Maki Kojiro: あの“舞踊2号”は私が顧問してます化学部と園芸部が共同で 品種改良いたしました植物ですの ano odori ni-gou wa watashi ga komon shitemasu that Audrey 2 I have advised kagaku-bu to engei-bu ga kyoudou de chemistry club and gardening club collaboration by hinshu-kairyou itashimashita shokubutsu desu no plant improvement did plant is The gardening club, in collaboration with the chemistry club which I advise, has developed this enhanced plant, Audrey 2. Page 10 1) Maki: とゆーわけで あれは選手が大根をふり回しているのと同じと思ってくださいね to yuu wake de are wa senshu ga daikon o for that reason that player radish furi-mawashite iru no to onaji to omotte kudasai ne brandishing same as think that please So this is no different than a contestant wielding daikon radishes! [A daikon is a large white Japanese radish.] Audrey 2: ケケケケケケケ ke ke ke ke ke ke ke Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Gardening club: ホッ ホッ ホッ ho ho ho Ha ha ha! Futaba: あれのどこが大根と同じだーっ!! are no doko ga daikon to onaji da that of what place radish same as is That thing is nothing like a radish! 2) Strike: うむ… umu Hmmm! 3) Strike: よろしい! yoroshii good Excellent! おもしろいから認める! omoshiroi kara mitomeru interesting admit What a fascinating idea! 4) Futaba: そ…そんなーっ!! sonna What!! Strike: 安全な道具などこの世に存在しない! 新聞紙一枚でも人間を殺せるのだ anzen na dougu nado kono yo ni sonzai shinai safe tool etc this world in not exist shinbunshi-ichi-mai demo ningen o koroseru a newspaper even person can be killed There is nothing safe in this world! A person could be killed by a newspaper! 戦場ではどの様なものであろうとも相手が物を所持していればそれで殺される 危険を覚悟するものである senjou dewa dono-you-na (donna) mono de arou to mo battlefield concerning no matter what exists aite ga mono o shouji shite ireba sore de korosareru opponent thing if possesses that by is killed kiken o kakugo suru mono dearu danger is resigned On the battlefield, you must resign yourself to the fact that you can be killed by anything your opponent possesses, no matter what it may be! Page 11 1) Strike: 自分も昔傭兵だった時凍ったバナナをふりかざした殺人鬼と闘ったことがある jibun mo mukashi youhei datta toki oneself also olden days mercenary was when kootta banana o furikazashita satsujinki to tatakatta koto ga aru frozen banana brandished maniac have fought with 「まさか」と思う心のスキが生死を決する! これが戦場で得た教訓である!! masaka to omou kokoro no suki ga impossible think that mind of opening seishi o ketsu suru life and death decide kore ga senjou de eta kyoukun dearu this battlefield on obtained lesson is Back in my mercenary days, I once fought a homicidal maniac who was armed with a frozen banana! Believing you cannot be harmed by such a weapon can put your life in jeopardy! This is a lesson I learned on the battlefield! Note: 水点下40度ではバナナで釘が打てる suiten shita 40-tabi de wa banana de kugi ga utteru freezing point under 40-degrees banana with nail pound At 40 degrees below zero, you could use a banana to pound a nail! 2) Strike: であるからめったにあえぬ貴重な敵と闘えることを 神に感謝しながら試合にのぞんでほしい dearu kara metta ni aenu kichou na teki therefore can rarely meet valuable enemy to tatakaeru koto o kami ni kansha shinagara being able to fight with for god to while giving thanks shiai ni nozonde hoshii match want you to face So I want you to face this match thankful that you can fight such a rare foe! Futaba: …できれば絶対こんなのにあいたくない! dekireba zettai konna no ni aitakunai if can be done absolutely this kind of thing not want to experience I really don't want to do this! 3) Futaba: だいたいこんなのを相手にどうやって… daitai konna no o aite ni dou yatte on the whole this kind of thing in company with how do How am I supposed to fight something like this? Audrey 2: ケケケケ… ke ke ke ke Heh! Heh! Heh! 4) Futaba: 考えてもわからん! kangaete mo wakaran even if consider is not known I have no idea! ダッ datt Crowd: うおおおっ uooo Yeaaaaah! Page 12 1) ダンッ dan 2) バシッ bashitt 3) タッ tatt 4) しゅるっ shurutt 5) Futaba: グッ gutt グググッ gugugutt Page 13 1) Futaba: ぐぅ… guu ?? 2) Futaba: …っでええい!! guddei ?? [As Futaba executes an escape throw. Is this a judo yell perhaps?] 3) ダアン daan Page 14 1) Futaba: いやああっ iyaa Eyah! ダッ datt 2) ズダアン zudaan 3) Crowd: ウオオオオオオ uoooooo Yeaaaah! 4) ワー ワー waa waa Maki: まあ♪ あの男の子ガンバルわね maa ano otoko-no-ko ganbaru wa ne oh my that boy stand firm My! That boy is really holding his own, isn't he? 5) Miki (Maki's twin sister): 魔紀姉さん! Maki nee-san older sister Maki! Maki: あらぁ 魅紀ちゃんなあに? ara Miki-chan naani Oh! What is it, Miki-chan? Page 15 1) Miki: あの“舞踊2号”化学部と園芸部の共同開発だなんていってるけど ano odori ni-gou kagaku-bu to engei-bu no that Audrey 2 chem club and garden club of kyoudou-kaihatsuda nante itteru kedo joint development how! Was that plant really developed by the chemistry and garden clubs? ワー ワー waa waa Miki: どうせ姉さんの失敗作を生徒におしつけているんでしょ douse nee-san no shippai-saku o after all sister's failed-work seito ni oshitsukete iru n desho students have forced on perhaps Or perhaps you've passed one of your failures off on the students? 2) Maki: あらぁ。 わかるう? ara wakaru my! know Oh my! How did you know! いやーん! iyan Eeee! Miki: まあいいけどね あたしも身におぼえあるし maa ii kedo ne atashi mo mi ni oboe aru shi well okay however I also know from personal experience and Ah! Well, you see... I've had similar experience, so... 3) Miki: いまは校医としてきくけど ima wa koui to shite kiku kedo now school doctor as ask but As the school doctor I have to ask... あれは変な毒とかもってないでしょうね are wa hen na doku to ka motte nai deshou ne that thing strange poison such as not possess perhaps That thing doesn't have any kind of strange poison, does it? Miki: ああ それなら大丈夫。 aa sore nara daijoubu oh this if is safe Oh it's perfectly safe! 4) Futaba: この! kono this Take this! バシッ バシッ bashitt bashitt Futaba: この! この!! kono kono this this And this! And this! 5) Maki: 長時間動いているとときどき人にかみついて血を吸うだけだから。 choujikan ugoite iru to tokidoki hito ni kamitsuite a long time when works sometimes person bite at-then chi o suu dake da kara blood suck just Though sometimes after it's been active for a long time, it'll take a bite out of someone and suck their blood! シャアアアア shaaaaa Page 16 1) グイッ guitt Futaba: あっ a Oh! 2) ダアン! daan 3) バクッ bakutt 4) Futaba: うわっ uwa Yeow! 5) ぢゅるるるるる zurururururu 6) ワアアアア ワアアア waaaaa waaaa Misaki: 締留くん! Shimeru-kun! Page 17 1) Futaba: うわああっ!! uwaaatt Eeyow! 2) Misaki: 締留くん!! Shimeru-kun! 3) サッ satt 4) Misaki: きょうの運勢…! kyou no unsei What's today's fortune! ぱらららっ pararara 5) Fortune book: *きょうの運勢* 〇内気なあなたも彼とドキドキの急接近! kyou no unsei today's fortune uchiki na anata mo kare to doki-doki no kyou-setsukin shy you even him to exciting close approach * Today's fortune * Even a shy girl like you will have a close encounter with your boyfriend that will make your heart beat fast! 彼の広い胸とたくましい腕にやさしくつつまれるかも。 kare no hiroi mune to takumashii ude ni his broad chest and burly arms in yasashiku tsutsumareru ka mo (shirenai) easily enwrapped perhaps With his powerful arms, he'll hold you lightly against his broad chest! [There are two words pronounced "yasashiku". Since the kanji aren't given, it's ambiguous which one is meant. It could be either "gently" or "easily".] 6) Misaki: あーん 役に たたない…これ! aan yaku ni tatanai kore is not helpful this Wah! This is no help! ウワアアアア… uwaaaaa Page 18 1) ピチャ ピチャ ピチャ picha picha picha 2) Miki: ずいぶん吸ってるようだけど大丈夫かしら? zuibun sutteru you da kedo daijoubu kashira extremely seems is sucking however safe I wonder It seems to be sucking awfully hard! Will it be okay? Maki: あらぁ 平気よあのくらい。 ara heiki yo ano kurai well unconcern that situation Oh don't worry about that! 3) Maki: あれくらいでお腹をこわす“舞踊2号”じゃありません are kurai de o-naka o kowasu odori ni-gou ja arimasen that situation by upset digestion Audrey 2 is not It won't upset Audrey 2's digestion! うふふ… ufufu Heh heh! Miki: いやそっちじゃなくて… iya sotchi ja nakute that way is not That's not what I meant! 4) ビクッ bikutt 5) Audrey 2: グァアアアア guaaaa Roarrr! Page 19 1) バタン バタ バタン batan bata batan ゲフッ ゲッ gefutt gett 2) Futaba (thinking): く…苦しみだした!? kurushimi dashita distress showed It seems to be suffering! 3) Maki: そんな まさか sonna masaka Oh no! 食あたり!? shoku-atari food poisoning Is it food poisoning!? 4) Futaba: よくわからないが yoku wakaranai ga well not know but I'm not sure what happened, but... チャンスだ!! chansu da chance is this is my chance! おおおおおっ ooooo Yaaaaaa! 5) Crowd: ウオオオオオ uoooooo Hurray! Page 20 1) Gardening club: あああっ うちの舞踊2号”が!! aaa uchi no odori ni-gou ga our Audrey two Oh! Our Audrey 2!! 2) Gardening club: やめなさい 植物をいたわる心がないのですか! yamenasai shokubutsu o itawaru kokoro ga nai no desu ka stop plant is kind to heart not have Stop! Do you hate plants!? 3) Futaba: じゃまだ!! jama da hinderance is Out of my way! ドンッ don Gardening club: わあっ waa Yeow! 4) ビクンッ bikun 5) Futaba (thinking): ま…まずい! こんな時に変態が… mazui konna toki ni hentai ga awkward this kind of time at change No! I can't change now! エキサイトしすぎた! ekiseito shisugita overly excited I'm getting too excited! ザワ ザワ zawa zawa グググ gugugu 6) Audrey 2: グクッ gukutt Gronk!! ?? Futaba: しまった!! shimatta Damn! Page 21 1) ダン dan 2) Futaba (thinking): 押さえこまれた! osae-komareta pinned I'm pinned! このままだとカウントかT・K・O負けだ…! kono mama da to kaunto ka TKO make da if stays this way count or TKO loss is If I don't do something I'll be counted out or lose by a TKO! 3) Futaba (thinking): なんとか脱出できそうだけど nantoka datsushutsu dekisou da kedo somehow escape seems can but I think I can escape, but if I do この姿を学校中に見られてしまう… kono sugata o gakkou juu ni mirarete shimau this shape school throughout be finally seen the whole school will see me this way! 4) Futaba (thinking): は早くおちつけ! おちつくんだ! hayaku ochitsuke ochitsuku n da quickly calm down calm down I've got to calm down! Got to calm down! ドクンドクン ドクンドクンドクン dokun-dokun dokun-dokun-dokun 5) カン カン カン kan kan kan Futaba (thinking): 負けた… maketa lost I've lost! Page 22 1) ビクッ ビクッ bikutt bikutt フラッ furatt ハア ハア haa haa Pant! Pant! 2) ぐいっ guitt 3) Announcer: プロレス研勝利!! puroresu-ken shouri pro-wrestling winner And the winner is... the pro-wrestling society! Futaba: え!? e Huh!? 4) ワアアアアアア waaaaaaa 5) Futaba: ど…どうして? dou-shite how How did I... Motomura: うむ umu Well... 6) Motomura: 園芸部のリングアウトである engei-bu no ringu-auto dearu gardening club of ring-out is The gardening club is out of the ring! Page 23 1) Futaba (thinking): あ… 選手はあいつだったっけ a senshu wa aitsu datta kke opponent that guy was recall Oh yeah! That guy was really my opponent, wasn't he? ハハ haha Heh heh! 2) Misaki (thinking): 締留くん… Shimeru-kun Oh Shimeru-kun! ホー… hoo Whew! よかった yokatta was good What a relief! 3) Maki: 変ねえ… hen ne strange How strange! 4) Maki: “舞踊2号”が食あたりするなんて ano ko ga shoku-atari suru nante that child poisoned by food how! My baby's got food poisoning! あの男子の血がくさってたわけないし ano danshi no chi ga kusatteta wake nai shi that boy's blood went bad there's no reason to expect that since/but That boy's blood couldn't have gone bad, so... 5) Miki: ふむ… fumu Hmmm! Page 24 1) ワアアアー ワアアー ワー waaaa 2) ボッ bott 3) バキイィ bakii 4) Konishiki: ?? Calligraphy club: ?? どうわっ dou wa [Sumo expression ??] Page 25 1) ブス ブス… busu-busu Announcer: 勝負あり! すもう部の勝ち!! shoubu ari sumou-bu no kachi contest is sumo club winner That's the match! The winner is the sumo club! 2) Konishiki: フン! fun Hmph! 3) Crowd: おおーっ oo Oooo! 4) コロロ kororo 5) キリリッ kiriritt うっ ううっ u uu Uh! Oof! Page 26 1) SFX: 無駄だ… muda da useless is It's useless! くりっ くりっ kuri kuri SFX: 人現の力ではそのピアノ線はビクともしない! jingen no chikara dewa sono piano-sen wa biku to mo shinai human strength by this piano wire is undaunted This piano wire is unaffected by human strength! 2) SFX: さあ… この中にはいってもらおうか… saa kono naka ni haitte moraou ka come inside of this will enter (for me) Step inside, won't you? Baseball player: や… や… ya ya St... st... じりっ じり… jiri jiri 3) Baseball player: やめてくれーっ yamete kure stop Stop! うわああっ uwaaa Yeow! 4) ジーッ jiitt 5) Baseball player: うわあああああ!!! 臭い! 重い!! 暑いい!!! だしてくれーっ!! uwaaaaa kusai omoi atsui dashite kure yeow stink depressing pain let me out Eeyow! It stinks! This is awful! Ouch! Let me out of here! カン カン カン kan kan kan SFX: 酷技! “着ぐるみ固め”(スーツ・メーションホールド) kokugi ki-gurumi katame (suutsu-meeshon hoorudo) cruel-technique suit of clothes hold suit-mission hold The "Suit-mission Hold" is a tough technique! ?? Announcer: 勝負あり! 特撮研の勝利です shoubu ari tokusatsu-ken no shouri desu match is SFX society winner is The match is over! And the winner is... the Special Effects Society! Page 27 2) Flunky: どうします? 首領… dou shimasu shuryou how do leader What are you going to do, Mistress? 3) Flunky: 出場してるのはとんでもないやつばっかりだし shutsujou shiteru no wa tonde-mo-nai yatsu bakkari da shi are participating ones extraordinary guys nothing but are and so 一回戦で使った手が次の相手にも通用するかどうか… ikkai-sen de tsukatta te ga first round in used trick tsugi no aite ni mo tsuuyou suru ka-dou-ka next = opponent on also will use whether or not All the guys's left in the contest are exceptional, so I wonder if you ought to employ that trick you used in the first round on your next opponent too! Takane: ウフフフ 甘いわね ufufufu amai wa ne naive Heh heh heh! Don't be naive! 4) Takane: この私闇の首領クイーン・Xが… kono watashi yami no shuryou kuiin-X ga this me darkness mistress Queen X I am Queen X, the Mistress of the Dark! それくらいのこと考えてないと思って? sore kurai no koto kangaetenai to omotte that situation of matter not consider think that Do you think I haven't considered that? 5) Takane: 二回戦以降も楽勝よーつ。 nikai ikou mo rakushou yo second round after easy victory ! I shall win the second round easily! Page 28 1) Flunky 2: 首領! ただいまもどりました shuryou tadaima modorimashita leader right now returned Mistress! I have returned! Takane: 例のものは? rei no mono wa talked-about thing Do you have it? 2) Flunky 2: ハイ 保険室からこのとおり! hai hoken-shitsu kara kono toori yes health office from this took Yes! I got it from the health clinic! Label: 強力下剤 kyouryoku gezai powerful laxative Extra-strength Laxative 3) Takane: ホーッ ホホホ これではかのやつらは全滅よーっ hoo hohoho sore dewa kano yatsu-ra wa zenmetsu yo ha ha ha with this those guys annihilation ! Ha ha ha! This will annihilate those guys! ホホホホホホホホホホホホ ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho Ha ha ha ha ha! 4) Flunkies: 極悪非道!  陰険酷薄!  厚顔無知! 自己中心!  gokuaku-hidou inken-kokuhaku kougan-muchi jiko-chuushin villainous treacherous shameless selfish さすがはわれらの闇の女王やることが卑劣!! sasuga wa ware-ra no yami no joou yaru koto ga hiretsu as expected our dark of queen does thing foul play Villainous! Treacherous! Shameless! Selfish! A dirty trick worthy of our queen of the dark! Takane (thinking): やーねー。 本当のことを… yaa nee hontou no koto o oh my truth Oh how true! Takane: ウフフフ。 ほ・ん・の・初歩よ♪ ufufufu hon-no shoho yo mere rudiments ! Heh heh heh! It's nothing! Page 29 1) Large Sign: 選手控席 senshu hikae-seki contestant waiting area Contestant's waiting area ザワザワザワ zawa-zawa-zawa Small sign: 部外者立入禁上 エサを与えないでください bugai mono tachi-iri kinshi outside dept person no entry esa o ataeanaide kudasai (animal) feed please don't give Unauthorized personnel keep out! Do not feed the animals! 6) Takane: みなさあん。 mina-san Hello boys! Page 30 1) Takane: さしいれでーす。 sashi-ire desu thing sent in to a prisoner I've brought something for you! 2) Takane: 私がつくったスタミナジュースです watashi ga tsukutta sutamina juusu desu I prepared stamina juice is I've prepared this sports drink! これを飲んでがんばってくださいね kore o nonde ganbatte kudasai ne this please keep on drinking Please drink all you want! 3) Boys: うおおっ。 高子ちゃあん。 uoo Takane-chan Ooo! Takane-chan! Takane: はーい ならんでね hai narande ne line up Okay! Get in line! 4) ゴックン gokkun Gulp! Page 31 1) 保険室 hoken shitsu Health Clinic 2) ピッ pitt Futaba: あたた… atata Ouch! 3) Miki: フム… これでいいだろう fumu kore de ii darou hmm this with good perhaps There! That should do it! 4) Miki: 出血のわりには意外と軽傷だな shutsuketsu no wari ni wa igai-to keishou da na bleeding comparatively surprisingly minor injury is It's surprising you bled so much from such a minor injury! 止血しといたから次の試合にもでられるぞ shiketsu shitoita kara tsugi no shiai ni mo derareru zo stop bleeding since next match in also appear ! Since the bleeding has stopped, it's all right for you to take part in your next match! ボッ bott Futaba: どうもありがとうございます doumo arigatou gozaimasu Thank you very much, Doctor! 5) Miki: ま あんまり無茶はすんなよ ma anmari mucha wa sun (suru) na yo well too much rash don't do Just don't do anything rash, okay? おまえさんのことが心配でさっきからウロウロしてるのがいるしな omae-san no koto ga shinpai de sakki kara you worry with a while ago since uro-uro shiteru no ga iru shi na wandering one exists Someone who's worried about you has been hanging around outside! Futaba: え? e Eh? 6) Futaba: 美咲姫ちゃん! Misaki-chan! Page 32 1) Sabuyama: 締留うーっ Shimeru Oh Shimeru! ダダダッ dadadatt Futaba: わあっ waa Yipe! 2) Sabuyama: 試合をみてて心臓がとまるかと思ったぞーっ!! shiai o mitete shinzou ga tomaru ka to omotta zo match saw heart stop thought that ! I was afraid my heart would stop while I was watching your match! Futaba: さ… 三武山先生 Sabuyama-sensei Mi...Mister Sabuyama! 3) Sabuyama: 傷はだいsじょうぶか? kizu wa daijoubu ka injury all right Are you all right? このーっ 心配させやがって… kono shinpai saseyagatte this am worried (vulgar) I was awful damned worried about you! Futaba: あ… あのー a ano Er... Uh... 4) Sabuyama: もうこんな危ないことするな! mou konna abunai koto suru na such a dangerous thing don't do You mustn't do such dangerous things! 自分ひとりの体じゃないんだからな!! jibun hitori no karada ja nai n da kara na yourself alone of body is not It's not just your own body, you know! Futaba: えっ あの その… e ano sono Err... well... that is... Page 33 1) Miki: “舞踊2号”が食あたりするなんて… odori ni-gou ga shoku-atari suru nante Audrey 2 food poisoning how! How did Audrey 2 get food poisoning anyway? あの男子の血がくさってたわけないし… ano danshi no chi ga kusatteta wake nai shi that boy's blood went bad how can it be That boy's blood couldn't have gone bad, could it? ウーン… uun Hmmm... …ドドドドドド dodododododo 2) ドドドドドドド dododododododo Boys: オレが先だあー で出るー うわーっ トイレー! も もるー ore ga saki da deru uwaa toire moru I first is is starting yeow toilet is leaking Me first! Can't hold it! Yeow! Gotta go! Not gonna make it! 3) ガチャッ gachatt 4) バタッ batatt 5) バタン! batan 6) シャアアア… ドジャアアアア ゴロゴロゴロ ビリビリッ shaaaa dojaaaaa goro-goro-goro biri-biritt Page 34 1) Miki: なんだ? 今のは nan da ima no wa what is now What was that all about? 2) Event director: 先生!! sensei Doctor! バタバタ bata-bata 急にほとんどの選手の腹のぐあいが!! kyuu-ni hotondo no senshu no hara no guai ga urgently almost all contestants of belly of condition Nearly all the contestants have suddenly gotten sick! 3) Misaki: いやーん! 二回戦に遅れちゃう! iyaan nikai-sen ni okurechau second round in late Oh no! I'm late for the second round! タタタタタ… tatatatata 4) Misaki: あ 部長! 遅くなりました a buchou osoku narimashita oh captain was late Oh captain! Sorry I'm late! 5) Swim team captain: あなた無事だったのね!! anata buji datta no ne you safe Great! You're okay! Misaki: え? e Huh? Page 35 1) Announcer: えーっ からだの不調でリタイアする選手が続出しましたので ee karada no fuchou de ritaia suru senshu ga body disorder due to retire contestant zokushutsu shimashita no de appeared one after another Your attention please! One by one contestants have been forfeiting due to physical disorders! 急さよ 残りの選手による準決勝に移ります kyuu-sa yo nokori no senshu ni yoru jun-kesshou ni utsurimasu urgentness remaining contestants by means of semi-finals move into In order to move on to the semi-finals, we will have to depend on the remaining contestants! 2) Announcer: 準決勝第一試合… jun-kesshou dai-ichi shiai semi-final first match The first semi-final match! 赤コーナー水泳部! aka koonaa suiei-bu In the red corner... The swimming team! 3) Misaki: あっ!! a Oh! Page 36 1) Announcer: 青コーナープロレス研! ao koonaa puroresu-ken blue corner pro-wrestling club And in the blue corner... The pro-wrestling society! 2) Misaki: し…締留くん… Shimeru-kun Sh...Shimeru-kun? Page 37 2) Shimeru: み…美咲姫ちゃん… Misaki-chan M...Misaki-chan? - End of part 1 -