[ Revised version Sunday, June 22, 1997 ] [ Words in parentheses in the romaji are either assumed ellipses or equivalents of colloquial contractions. Notes are in square-brackets. This file should be viewed with a mono-spaced (touhaba) font. ] ふたば君チェンジ。 Futaba-kun Changes Volume 1, Part 1 ふたば君チェンジする!の巻 Futaba-kun chenji suru no maki change the story of Futaba-kun Changes! Translation by Kurt Kohler (kohler@ao.com) Story copyright 1991 by Hiroshi Aro Page 5 Prolog 1) Futaba (narrating): 小学校から中学にあがって制服にもなれて sougakkou kara chuugaku ni agatte elementary school from jr. high to advance-and seifuku ni mo narete uniform also got used to-and Right around the time I started junior high and was getting used to wearing a uniform... そろそろ声がわりがはじまった頃… sorosoro koegawari ga hajimatta koro gradually change of voice began approx. time my voice gradually began to change... 2) チラ chira 5) Futaba: いつのまにか「スカートをはいた友達」を itsu-no-ma-ni-ka "sukaato o haita tomodachi" o before I knew it skirt wear friend 「女の子」として意識していた… "onna-no-ko" to shite ishiki shite ita "girl" as was aware of And before I knew it I realized that my "friend who wears skirts" was a "girl"... 6) Futaba: そんな頃ぼくにおこったショッキングな事件です sonna koro boku ni okotta shokkingu na jiken desu such a time me to happened shocking event was It was around the same time that a shocking thing happened to me! Page 6/7 ふたば君チェンジする!!の巻 Futaba-kun Changes!! Page 8 ゴオッ goo Page 9 1) Teacher: 締留ーっ Shimeru! バンッ ban Sign: 駒種中学校 Komatane chuugakkou Komatane Junior High School Page 10 1) Teacher: 締留ふたば! なにボーッとみとるか!! Shimeru Futaba nani boutto mitoru (mite oru) ka what spaced out are seeing ? Futaba Shimeru! What're you daydreaming about!? おまえがみにゃならんのは女子じゃなくて黒板だ黒板! omae ga minya naran (minakereba naranai) no wa you must look at thing joshi ja (de wa) nakute kokuban da kokuban girl is not-but blackboard is blackboard Pay attention to the blackboard, not the girls! The blackboard! 2) Futaba: は…はい! hai Y...yes, sir! ドッ! do 3) ゲラゲラ gera-gera 5) Futaba (thinking): 笑われちゃった… warawarechatta (warawarete shimatta) She laughed at me... 6) キーン コーン カーン コーン kiin koon kaan koon Ding Dong Dang Dong [Japanese school bells sound like the first four notes of Big Ben.] Page 11 1) Takeru: ふーたーばーっ Fuutaabaa! Futaba: な…なんだよ! nan da yo What d'ya want? ぐいっ gui 2) Takeru: おめえ授業中に誰のことみてたんだよ! omee jugyou naka ni dare no koto miteta n da yo you class inside who were looking at Who were ya looking at in class anyway? Futaba: だ…誰って… dare tte who What d'ya mean "who"? 3) Takeru: トボケんじゃねーよっ toboken ja nee yo not pretend ignorance is it not Don't play dumb with me! Futaba: いえ! いわねーか! ie iwanee (iwanai) ka No! I won't tell! ガシッ gashi わっ wa Yeow! 4) Takeru: オレたちプロレス研の血の結束をやぶる気じゃねえだろうな! ore-tachi puroresu-ken no chi no kessoku o yaburu ki ja nee darou na our club of blood union violate intend it may not be You don't mean ta break our pro-wrestling club blood oath, do ya? ギリギリ giri-giri Futaba: あたたっ atata Ouch! 5) Futaba: プ…プロレス研の掟でせめてくるなら… puroresu-ken no okite de semete kuru nara pro-wrestling of rules with going to reproach if you If you're going to use the rules of the club against me... 6) Futaba: 技で返せばすべてチャラ!! waza de kaeseba subete chara trick by means of if reverse entirely even Then it's only fair for me to use a move like... THIS! ガバアッ gabaa Takeru: おおっ oo Yeow! Page 12 1) ズン! zun rapidly ヒリイ hirii hurt Ouch! 5) Misaki: キャアッ kyaa Eeee! ばさっ basa 6) Misaki: み…みえた? mieta could see D...did you see anything? 7) Futaba (in a small voice): ちょ…ちょっと… chotto A... a little... Page 13 1) Negiri: 慰謝料!! isharyou consolation money Compensation!! 2) Misaki: 音霧ちゃん! Negiri-chan! Negiri: 美咲姫はだまっとき Misaki wa damattoki (damatte oke) keep silent Keep quiet, Misaki! [Negiri speaks Kansai-ben, the dialect of western Japan. I suspect she's from Osaka since people from that city are traditionally thought to be "money grubbers".] 3) Negiri: ええか!? 女の子のスカートんなかあのぞいたからには! ee ka onna-no-ko no sukaato n naka nozoita kara-ni-wa you see girl's skirt of inside peeked now that You see?! Now that you've peeked under a girl's skirt... ただですむとは思っとらんやろな! tada de sumu to wa omottoran (omotte oranai) yaro na for free get by that not be thinking perhaps isn't it don't think you're gettin' off for nothing! ズイズイズイ zui-zui-zui ズザザザザザザザッ zuzazazazazazaza わかる? 慰謝料やっ慰謝料! wakaru isharyou ya isharyou understand consolation money is consolation money Get it? Compensation! Compensation! 4) Negiri: ええか? 乙女の秘密は高いんやから… ee ka otome no himitsu wa takai n ya kara you see maiden 's secret is expensive See? A girl's privacy is valuable! ズイッ zui 5) Motomura: 不可抗力である! fukakouryoku dearu inevitable is It was unavoidable! Negiri: なんやて! nan ya te What?! Page 14 1) Motomura: わがプロレシ研の同志締留ふたばが waga puroresu-ken no doushi Shimeru Futaba ga our pro-wrestling club comrade Futaba Shimeru みごとなバックドロップをきめた時! migoto na bekku-doroppu o kimeta toki splendid back drop decided when Our pro-wrestling club comrade, Futaba Shimeru, executed a splendid "back drop"! Negiri (thinking): よるなフケ顔!! yoru na fuke-kao get near don't aging face Back off, old man! Motomura: スカートの中がみえる位置にたっていたのは sukaato no naka ga mieru ichi ni tatte ita no wa skirt of inside to see position in was standing fact 単なる偶然でありよって不可抗力である! tan-naru guuzen deari yotte fukakouryoku dearu mere chance is-and therefore unavoidable is That he was in position to see under her skirt was merely a coincidence and so was unavoidable! Futaba: か…会長! kaichou president Captain! 2) Negiri: そんならみられた女の子は泣き寝入りせえいうんか! sonna-ra mirareta onna-no-ko wa naki-neiri see (sae) iu n ka like this was seen girl cry herself to sleep even say ? I tell you a girl who's been seen this way may even cry herself to sleep! Motomura: みられてへるもんでもあるまい! mirarete heru mon demo arumai be looked at-then diminish thing may not even exist How can someone be hurt just by being looked at? 3) Negiri: なんやて!? nan ya te How can you say that!? Misaki: も もういいよ音霧… mou ii yo Negiri That's enough, Negiri! 5) Misaki: キャア!! kyaa Eeeeee! 7) Futaba: ああーっ ズボンがさけてる!! aaa zubon ga saketeru pants are torn Arghhh! My pants are torn!! Motomura: おおっ これであいこだな! oo kore de aiko da na with this tie is isn't it Ah! That makes you even, doesn't it? Negiri: あ 美咲姫 a Misaki Hey Misaki!! Page 15 1) Futaba: わーっ また恥かいたーっ waa mata haji kaita again put to shame Yeow! Embarrassed again! Motomura: うろたえるな締留!  urotaeru na Shimeru don't lose your cool Stay calm, Shimeru! ホチキスでとめときゃいーだろが! hochikisu de tometokya (tomete okeba) ii daro ga stapler with if fasten together for future use okay perhaps You should be able to fix them with a stapler! Negiri: なんでエ?  nan-de why What's the problem? せっかく銭とれるとこやったのに… sekkaku zeni toreru toko yatta no ni at great pains money is obtain was about to begin I was just about to get some money out of the deal! Misaki: いいのよ! もう! ii no yo mou It's all right! Forget it! 2) Negiri: あかん!  akan (Kansai) bad/lousy I can't! もうかる時もうけへんのはアホのするこっちゃ! moukaru toki moukehen no wa aho no suru kotcha (koto da) is profitable when not gaining fool does is a thing I'd be a fool not to make money offa such a profitable setup! 高い値エついとる時に売らんのは大損やで! takai nee tsuitoru toki ni uran no wa oozon ya de high price is attached when not selling heavy loss is ! It's just awful not sellin' somethin' I've set a high price on! 3) Negiri: この酒仙洞音霧!  kono Shusendou Negiri How could I, Negiri Shusendo, みすみす銭もうけのチャンス逃がすことは… misumisu zeni-mouke no chansu nigasu koto wa before my eyes cash profit of chance letting go of as-for let a chance to make money get away right from under my nose! 絶対にがまんでけん! zettai ni gaman deken absolutely can't stand/tolerate I just can't stand it! 4) Negiri: …でもなんでや? スカートの中みられたくらいであれてよう… demo nan-de ya however why is sukaato no naka mirareta kurai de areteyou skirt of inside was seen extent due to will be angry But what's buggin' you anyway? Are you mad 'cause of how much he mighta seen under your skirt? ビクッ biku Page 16 2) Negiri: お・ま・じ・な・い!? o-majinai good luck charm A talisman!? 3) Negiri (reading): 「好きな男の子の名札を suki na otoko-no-ko no nafuda o fond boy of name tag 一週間誰にも気づかれないように肌着につけて…」 isshoukan ni kizukarenai you ni hadagi ni tsukete one week for not be noticed so that underwear to attach "For one week, keep the name tag of the boy you love fastened to your underwear where it won't be seen..." アホくさあ! 美咲姫ったらそんな願かけしとったん!? ahokusa Misaki-ttara sonna gankake shitotta n ridiculous this kind of wish have done ? What a bunch of bull! Have you already done somethin' like this, Misaki? 4) Negiri: こんなんで思いが通じたら誰も苦労せんわ konna n de omoi ga tsuujitara dare-mo kurou sen wa such one by feelings if leads to no one have difficulty ! If it could really make somebody love you, no one would have problems! Misaki: うん… un I guess so... 5) Negiri: やめとき! そんな一円にもならんもん yametoki sonna ichi-en ni mo naran mon stop (imp) that kind of one yen even not turn into Stop this! It won't make you a single yen! Misaki (thinking): あと一日だったのにな… ato ichi-nichi datta no ni na another one day was wasn't it There was only one more day to go... Page 17 1) Label pinned to Misaki's panties: 締留ふたば Shimeru Futaba Futaba Shimeru 2) Misaki (thinking): やっぱり名札みつかっ ちゃったかな yappari nafuda mitsukachatta ka na as one might expect name tag was discovered I wonder Could he have seen the name tag? チラっとだから字まで読めたとは思えないけど… chiratto da kara ji made yometa to wa omoenai kedo glance is since characters even could read that not think however He only got a glimpse, so he probably couldn't even make out the letters! 3) Misaki (thinking): でも よりによって締留くんにみられるなんて… demo yori ni yotte Shimeru-kun ni mirareru nan-te however of all things by was seen How...! But if Shimeru-kun of all people saw it! 4) Negiri: なにしてん?  nani shite n what doing ? Whatcha doin' in there anyhow? はよでんと昼休み終わってまうで! hayo (hayaku) den (denai) to hiru-yasumi owattemau (-te shimau) de soon not come out if noon recess completely over ! If you don't get outta there right now, noon recess is gonna be all over! Misaki: う…うん 今でる un ima deru Yeah now come out Okay! I'm coming out now! 6) Futaba (thinking): 美咲姫ちゃんのまえでまた恥かいてしまった… Misaki-chan no mae de mata hajikaite shimatta of front in again was completely put to shame Once again I've made a complete idiot out of myself in front of Misaki! Page 18 1) Motomura: おーい なにしとるはよこい! ooi nani shitoru hayo koi hey what is doing right away come (imp) Hey! What're you doing! Get over here! 2) Futaba: なんなんだいったい… nan na n da ittai what is in the world What the heck's going on? Motomura: いーから いーから! ii kara ii kara good Outstanding! Outstanding! 3) Takeru: ほれほれ! hore-hore charming All right! Futaba: え? e Eh? Page 19 1) Futaba: こ…これはっ kore wa this What's this? Takeru: すげえだろ 従兄が旅行で買ってきた修正なしの洋モンだぜ! sugee daro itoko ga ryokou de katte kita amazing perhaps cousin travel on went and bought shuusei-nashi no you-mon(o) da ze uncensored western thing is ! This is great! It's the real uncensored Western stuff! My cousin bought it on a trip! Motomura: うむうむ良きかな良きかな! umu umu yoki ka na yoki ka na yeah yeah good good Yeah! It's fantastic! Simply fantastic! 2) Takeru: おたがいにかくしごとをもたず o-tagai ni kakushi-goto o motazu with each other thing kept secret not possess We don't have any secrets from each other... こうやって一冊のエロ本をともにみる! kou yatte issatsu no ero-hon o tomo-ni miru in this way do-then one copy = erotic book together look at so we can all share this one girlie mag! 3) Motomura: これぞ一枚岩のごときプロレス研の固き結束!! kore-zo ichimai-iwa no gotoki puroresu-ken no kataki-kessoku "the one" monolith like pro-wrestling club of solidarity How like a monolith is the solidarity of our pro-wrestling society! ウン! ウン! un un すばらしい!! subarashii How splendid!! Takeru: おおっ 会長が感動しておられる! oo kaichou ga kandou shite orareru president is inspiring (hum) Ah Captain! You are so inspiring! 4) Motomura: さあ心してみるがよい締留よ! saa kokoro shite miru ga yoi Shimeru yo come try paying attention but is good Come on, Shimeru! Pay attention to this! It's great! おぬしも色気づいてきたことでもあるし o-nushi mo iroke-zuite kita koto demo aru shi you also have even become interested in girls since よく女体を知るのだ! yoku nyotai o shiru no da well female body know You've become interested in girls now too, so you should learn all about their bodies! バン!! ban Futaba: ハ…ハイッ!! hai Uh... right!! Page 20 2) ブル…ブル… buru-buru Takeru: ハアハア haa haa Pant! Pant! 3) ブッ bu [In Japanese culture it's believed that getting sexually excited can give you a nosebleed.] Futaba: わっ wa Yeow! Motomura: おおっ  aa Oh no! 「沈黙の流血男」ブラッド・地真! 刺激が強すぎたかっ chinmoku no ryuuketsu otoko Buraddo Chima shigeki ga kyou-sugita ka silent = bloodshed man Bloodo excitement exceed strength "Gusher" Chima, "the hero who bleeds in silence!" The excitement was too much for him! [In the original, Chima's nickname is "Bloodo", referring to his frequent nosebleeds. To me this sounds strange in English, so I've made in "Gusher".] 4) Motomura: だいじょうぶか daijoubu ka Are you all right? 上をむいてろ 今保健室へつれてってやるからな ue o muitero ima hoken-shitsu e tsurete (i)tte yaru kara na up face now health office to do favor of taking Turn your face up! I'll get you to the health clinic! Takeru: おっと! otto oops Oh yeah! Almost forgot! 5) Takeru: ふたば! 今日これかしてやるじっくり楽しみな Futaba kyou kore kashite yaru jikkuri tanoshimi na today this do favor of loaning take your time enjoy Hey Futaba! You can borrow this for the rest of the day! Take your time and enjoy it! Futaba: え… e Eh? Page 21 1) Takeru: よごすんじゃねーぞ yogosu n ja nee zo staining is not ! Don't get it dirty! 2) Futaba: 男の結束っていいなあ otoko no kessoku tte ii naa men of unity good What a great bunch of guys! 3) ザワ zawa 5) Futaba: や…やっぱ放課後まで待てないよな… ya... yappa houkago made matte (i)nai yo na sure enough after school until not be waiting I... I can't wait 'til after school! もう一度ちょっとだけ… mou ichi-do chotto dake one more time a little while only Just one more little peek... 6) Futaba: おっ おっ おっ すげーっ うわっ O o ooo sugee uwa amazing wow Oh! Oh! Oooh! Amazing! Wow! Page 22 1) Futaba: うーん uun Yeahhh! 2) Futaba: 女の人って… こうなってるのかあ… onna-no-hito tte kou natteru no kaa women in this way composed fact ? Are women really like this? ドキドキ doki-doki だとすると… da to suru to is that suppose If they are... 3) み…美唆姫ちゃんのも…!! Mi...Misaki-chan no mo even then even Misaki... !! ドキン!! dokin Page 23 1) ビクッ biku 2) クラッ kura 3) Futaba: あ…れ are What? ドキドキ ドクドク doki-doki doku-doku 4) Futaba: からだが熱い… karada ga atsui body is hot I feel so hot! い…痛… ita pain It... hurts! 5) グラッ gura 6) ドサッ dosa Page 24 1) Teacher: 締留!  Shimeru! 締留はおらんのか! Shimeru wa oran no ka not exist ? Shimeru's not here? 2) Teacher: 今日は休みか? kyou wa yasumi ka today absent ? Is he absent today? Student: 昼休みまではいました hiru-yasumi made wa imashita noon recess until was He was here until the noon break! 3) Teacher: おい プロレス研! oi puroresu-ken hey pro-wrestling society Hey Motomura! おまえらいつもつるんどるだろ 知らんか? omae-ra itsu-mo tsurundoru daro shiran ka you and the others always are hanging out probably not know ? You guys are always hanging out together! Don't you know? Motomura: 残念だが… zannen da ga regret is but It's regrettable, but... 4) Motomura: たとえ知っていても tatoe shitte ite mo even if knew even if I knew... お答はしかねる! o-kota wa shikaneru response am reluctant I'd be reluctant to answer! 5) Motomura: 誰であろうとプロレス研は身内を売るがごときまねはできぬ dare dearou to puroresu-ken wa miuchi o uru ga no matter who it is club friends betray but gotoki mane wa dekinu such action cannot do No member of the pro-wrestling club would ever betray a comrade! しかし この「男泣きの苦労人」ヨッシャー・本村 shikashi kono "otoko-naki no kurou-nin" Yosshaa Motomura however this unmanly weeping of man of the world 締留ふたばは Shimeru Futaba wa 必ずやどこかで己をみがいておると信じる! kanarazu ya doko-ka de onore o migaite oru to shijiru certainly somewhere at oneself is improving that believe However, I, "Go-go" Motomura, "the man who weeps only when truly moved," believe that Futaba Shimeru is definitely off somewhere improving himself! ["otoko-naki no kurou-nin" => The man-of-the-world who cries in spite of himself => the man who weeps only when truly moved. This is a joke since in fact Motomura cries at the slightest provocation.] [In the original, Motomura refers to himself as "Yossha" which is an exclamation meaning "Let's go!" or "Go for it!" This could perhaps be translated as the English nickname "Go-go".] 6) Misaki (thinking): 締留くん… Shimeru-kun... Page 25 1) Misaki (thinking): どうしちゃったのかな… dou shichatta no ka na how was done I wonder I wonder what happened... ズボンちゃんとなおしたかしら? zubon chanto naoshita kashira pants properly repaired I wonder Did he get his pants fixed okay? 2) Misaki (thinking): キャッ kya Eeee! 4) ガバッ gaba Misaki (reading): 「あなたと彼のあいだもこの3つのおまじないで急接近。」 anata to kare no aida mo kono mittsu no o-majinai de kyuu-sekkin you and he between also these three = talismans by close proximity "By these three charms will you and he be drawn close together!" Misaki (thinking): これよっこれ! kore yo kore this this That's it! That's it! 5) Sign: 男子トイレ danshi toire boy toilet Boys 6) キーン コーン カーン コーン kiin koon kaan koon 7) ピクッ piku Page 26 1) Futaba: う…ん un Moan! ア…アレ? are Wh...what? 2) Futaba: 気絶してたのか… kizetsu shiteta no ka was unconscious Did I pass out? いけね… 今 なん時かな… ikene ima nan-ji ka na must not do now what time I wonder Damn! I wonder what time it is? 3) ふらっ fura Futaba: あっ a Oh! Page 27 1) え… e Huh? 3) こ…この顔… kono kao That face... おれ…? ore I Is it me? 4) ふにっ funi 6) ゴソッ goso [Sound of skin against cloth] 7) ビクッ biku 8) ま…まさか!! masaka It...it's impossible!! バッ  ba 9) バサッ basa Page 28/29 そ そんな… sonna like this How could such a thing... Page 30 1) ウ…ウソだろ…? uso daro lie probably Is it true? 3) こ…これって… kore tte This... this... 4) まさか… masaka just can't be! 5) お… お… o o Ah! Ah! Page 31 1) Motomura: さっきは締留のことをかばってはみたが… 気になるのう sakki wa a little while ago Shimeru no koto o kabatte wa mita ga ki-ni-naru nou Shimeru covering for tried but worry I tried to cover for Shimeru back there, but... I'm worried about him! ドヤドヤ doya-doya Motomura: どうせ トイレあたりで  douse toire atari de anyhow toilet reaching ! Anyway, here's the boys' room! 鼻血の海にひっくり返ってんじゃないのか? hanaji no umi ni hikkurik-aette n ja nai no ka nosebleed of ocean in turn upside down fact is not is it? It doesn't seem to be awash in a sea of blood, does it? [Motomura is suggesting that Futaba might have gotten a nosebleed from looking at the sexy magazine.] 2) Takeru: ここに締留はおるか? koko ni Shimeru wa oru ka here in exist ? Hey Shimeru! You in here? グアン!! guan [Sound of door opening violently] いたら返事をせい! itara henji o sei if you are answer do (imp) If you are, say something! Page 32 1) Futaba: あ… あ… a a Ah! Ah! 2) Takeru: お… おお… o oo Oh! Oooh! Page 33 1) Takeru: 裸の女の子オーッ hodaka no onna-no-kooo naked girl A naked girlll! ドバッ doba Page 34 3) ドオンッ doon Takeru: グエッ gue Oof! 4) Motomura: オオオウッ ooou Oooohhh! [Impressed] 5) ギクッ giku Page 35 1) Motomura: き…きみイ! kimi you Hey you! Futaba: キャッ!! kya Eek! 2) Futaba (thinking): か 会長につかまったら逃げられない!! kaichou ni tsukamattara nigerarenai president by if caught not be able to run away If he catches me, I won't be able to get away! 4) ガシカアアン gashikaaan Page 36 1) ザッ za [Sound of falling glass] 2) Futaba (thinking): も…もうなにがなんだか…!! mou nani ga nan-da-ka anymore what what it is I don't understand... Motomura: 待たれよ! matare yo Wait! 3) Futaba: わからない!! wakaranai not understand what's going on! Students: 4) エッ e Eh? 5) Student: お…おい! oi hey H...hey! 6) Students: キャッ kya Eeee! やだあ! yadaa How awful! Page 37 3) Motomura: おい!今のをみたか!? oi ima no o mita ka hey just now thing saw ? Hey! Did you see that!? Takeru: は… たいへんけっこうなものを ha taihen kekkou na mono o awful nice person Yeah! What a babe! 4) Motomura: ちがう! 今のアーム・ホイップだ! chigau ima no aamu-hoippu da differ just now of arm-whip is Not that! It was that arm-whip! あの技の切れとスピード! タイミング! ano waza no kire-to supiido taimingu that technique of sharp speed timing The quickness of that move! The timing! 5) Motomura: くわえて窓を破ったあのバネ!! kuwaete mado o yabutta ano bane add window smashed that spring/bounce And the spring she had as she smashed the window! ほしい! ぜひともわがプロレス研にほしい!! hoshii zehi to mo waga puroresu-ken ni hoshii is wanted without fail even our club in is wanted I want her! We've got to get that girl to join our pro-wrestling society! Page 38 1) Negiri: なにしてるン? はよ帰ろ nani shiteru n hayo kaero what doing ? soon return (imp) Whatcha doin'? Get back here! Misaki: ごめんあたしちょっと! gomen atashi chotto decline I a little while Sorry, I'll be back in a bit! 2) Misaki (thinking): 締留くん… Shimeru-kun... 3) Motomura: よいか! 絶対にみつけだすのだ yoi ka zettai ni mitsuke-dasu no da good absolutely begin finding Okay! We're going to find her for sure... 4) Motomura: そしてかならずや入会させるのだ! soshite kanarazu ya nyuukai saseru no da and positively make join And then we're going to make her join! Takeru: それはいいんだけど… sore wa ii n da kedo that good however That's fine, but... 5) Takeru: なぜトイレであんなかっこうしてたか  naze toire de anna kakkou shiteta ka why toilet in that kind of clothes was wearing ? What was she doing in the boy's room wearing clothes like that anyway? 気にならないんすか! 会長… ki ni naranai n (de)su ka kaichou not be troubled ? president Doesn't that bother you, Captain? 6) Motomura: おおおうぅ!! ooouu Oooooh! あの娘こそ天がわがプロレス研に ano ko koso ten ga waga puroresu-ken ni that girl for sure heaven our club to 与えたもうた ジャンヌ・ダルク! ataeta mouta (ataete moratta) jannu-daruku received the favor of giving Jeanne d'Arc It's clear that, like Joan of Arc, heaven has delivered that girl to us! ウン! ウン! un un はらはら hara-hara 天命だ! これぞ我らに女子部をつくれとの啓示である!! tenai da kore zo ware-ra ni joshi-bu o tsukureto no keiji dearu destiny is this ourselves by girl's dept be formed revelation is It is destiny! I see now that we must form a girl's division! Takeru: だめだ… 感動の男泣きの世界にはいってしまった… dame da kandou no otoko-naki no sekai ni haitte shimatta useless is deep emotion of unmanly weeping of world into totally entered Man, you've really gone off the deep end this time! Page 39 1) Motomura: よーしスミからスミまでさがせ!! yooshi sumi kara sumi made sagase all right corner from corner until look for All right! We're going to search this place from top to bottom! Takeru: おう! ou Okay! バタバタバタ bata bata bata ドタドタドタドタ dota dota dota dota 2) Misaki: あ… a Oh! 5) Misaki (thinking): ホチキスでとめた跡… hochikisu de tometa ato stapler with fastened together trace You can see where they've been stapled together... 締留くんのだ! Shimeru-kun no (mono) da 's is These are Shimeru-kun's! 6) ザワザワ zawa-zawa ガヤガヤ gaya-gaya 7) Students: え? マジ? e maji Huh? Really? 8) ウッソー usso lie You're kidding! ホント ホント honto honto truth No! Really! 9) いや 本当にみたんだこの目で! iya hontou ni mita n da kono me de well truely saw this eye with I saw it with my own eyes! なんだ なんだ nan da nan da Hey! What's going on? Page 40 1) Students: 裸の女の子が走りまわっているんだってよ hadaka no onna-no-ko ga hashiri-mawatte iru n da tte yo naked = girl is running around say that I heard there's a naked girl running around! どこ!? どこ!? doko doko where Where!? Where!? こっちの方だってさ kotchi no hou da tte sa this way of side is Right through here! ドヤドヤドヤ doya doya doya ザワザワ zawa-zawa 4) ドヤドヤドヤ doya doya doya ガサ… gasa Futaba: よっ yo Hup! 5) Futaba: しばらく保健室にかくれてよ shibaraku hoken-shitsu ni kakureteyo little while health office in will hide I'll hide in the clinic for a while! Page 41 1) モソ… moso 2) Futaba (thinking): ぼくのからだ… boku no karada my body How could my body... 3) Futaba (thinking): いったいどうなっちゃったんだろ… ittai dou natchatta n daro what on earth how changed possibly have changed like this? 4) Sign: 保健室 hoken-shitsu Health Clinic 5) Motomura: この校舎内であとさがしてないのはここだけか kono kousha-nai de ato sagashite nai no wa within this school bldg remaining have not searched places koko dake ka here only is? This seems to be about the only place in the school we haven't looked yet! 6) ガラッ gara Page 42 1) ドヤドヤ doya-doya 2) Motomura: おおっ ここにおったか! oo koko ni otta ka here in exist ? Hey! Anybody in here? 3) Misaki: 締留くんズブンはかずにどこにいったんだろ… Shimeru-kun zubon hakazu-ni doko ni itta n daro pants without wearing where to went I wonder Where could Shimeru-kun have gone with no pants on? 4) Motomura: よし次をさがすぞ! yoshi tsugi o sagasu zo okay next one look for Okay, now let's keep looking for the other one! 6) Sign: 保健室 hoken-shitsu Health Clinic Page 43 1) スー スー suu suu Zzzzzzz! 3) キーン コーン カーン コーン kiin koon kaan koon 4) Futaba: わあっ waa Yeow! ガバッ gaba 5) Futaba: つ つい寝ちゃっ tsui necha unintentionally fell asleep I... I fell asleep! あれ? are What the...? 6) Futaba: 男にもどってる… otoko ni modotteru man into turn back I've changed back into a guy! 7) Futaba (thinking): 夢だったのかなあ… yume datta no ka naa dream was I wonder Was it all a dream? でもたしかに… demo tashika ni however clearly But I clearly remember... Page 44 1) Futaba (thinking): それに下はちゃんとスッポンポンだし… sore ni shita wa chanto supponpon da shi besides lower part perfectly naked is and And I haven't got any pants on so... Futaba: ン? n Eh? 3) Futaba: ぼくのだ… boku no da mine is These are mine! 4) Sign on house: 締留 Shimeru 5) Futaba: うーん uun Moan... 6) Futaba: 誰がねってくれたんだろ? dare ga nette kureta n daro who sleeping did for me I wonder Who fixed these for me while I was asleep? 不思議だーっ fushigi da mystery is It's a mystery... 7) Futaba: それにしても… sore ni shite mo besides that do even if But anyway... なんだったんだろ? あれは… nan datta n daro are wa what was I wonder that thing What happened back there? Page 45 1) Futaba: あの時たしかエロ本をみてて… ano toki tashika ero-hon o mitete that time if I remember correctly sexy magazine looking at If I remember right, I was looking at this girlie magazine... 2) Futaba: それから… sore kara and then... 3) Futaba: ウワアアアッ uwaaaa Arghhh! 4) Futana: どうしたのっ ふたば! 大声なんかだして! dou shita no Futaba oo-goe nan-ka dashite what's wrong scream for some reason let out What's wrong, Futaba? I heard you scream! ドンドン don-don 5) ガチャッ gacha Futana: あっ a Oh my! 6) Futaba: ハアハア haa haa Pant! Pant! Page 46 1) Futana: ふたば…? Futaba? 2) Futaba: ね…姉さん… nee-san older sister Sis... 3) Futana: 父さん! 母さん! tou-san kaa-san father mother Mom! Dad! 4) Futana: ふたばが大人になったーっ Futaba ga otona ni natta adult became Futaba has grown up! 5) Futaba: え? e Huh? Page 47 1) Father: わーっ はははははめでたい! waa ha ha ha ha ha medetai auspicious Ho ho ho! What a happy day! そーか そーか ふたばもそんな年齢になったか!! sou ka sou ka Futaba mo sonna nennei ni natta ka also that sort of age become Is it true? Is it true? Our Futaba has reached that age? 2) Father: そろそろだとは思っていたが… sorosoro da to wa omotte ita ga soon is that was thinking but I thought it would be soon! ママーッ 赤飯はまだかーっ mama sekihan wa mada ka mother still ? Honey! Is there any sekihan left? [In Japan, "sekihan", red beans and rice, is traditionally served on auspicious occasions.] Futaba: と…父さん! これっていったいどーなっているの? tou-san kore tte ittai dou natte iru no father this what in the world how become But... but Dad! How could something like this happen? 3) Father: なんだまだ知らなかったのか? nan da mada shiranakatta no ka what is not yet understood ? What is it you don't understand? 4) Father: 体が大人になると興奮や緊張することで karada ga otona ni naru to koufun ya kinchou suru koto de body matures when excited and tense becoming because of 性別がいれかわってしもう… seibetsu ga irekawatte shimau gender completely change places Now that your body has matured, you'll change to the opposite sex whenever you become tense and excited! わが一族に遺伝する体質だよ waga ichizoku ni iden suru taishitsu da yo our family in inherit genetic makeup is ! It's a genetic trait in our family! Futaba: た…体質」!? taishitsu G...genetic trait!? Page 48 1) Father: わしもママも双菜もみんなちゃんと変態するぞ washi mo mama mo Futana mo minna chanto hentai suru zo I and mother and everyone regularly transform ! Your mother and I, and Futana too, we change that way all the time! いっしょに住んでて気づかなかったか? issho ni sundete kizukanakatta ka together reside-and then didn't notice ? You live with us and you never noticed? 2) Father: それではこれからいうことは sore-de-wa kore kara iu koto wa well then this after say matter Now what I have to say next... おまえにとってショックかもしれんな… omae ni totte shokku ka-mo-shiren' na you to give shock may be that it is may come as a shock to you! ドキッ doki 3) Father: 実は… jitsu wa truth But as a matter of fact... Futana: くすくす kusu-kusu Giggle! 4) Father: ふたば! おまえはこのわしが腹を痛めてうんだ子なのだよ Futaba omae wa kono washi ga hara o itamete you this self belly hurt-and then unda ko na no da yo gave birth child ! Futaba, it was I who busted my guts giving birth to you! Page 49 1) Futaba: そ… そ… そ… so so so It... it... it... 2) そんなああああっ!!! sonna like that can't beeeeee!!! - End of part 1 -