Fredward shi no Ahiru by Ushijima Keiko Volume 3 Part 3 Heaven's Gate Translation in English by Y.W This translation may not be 100% accurate as I tried to make the whole thing "flow" better and because my Japanese is by no mean perfect! :) 9:12 AM 2/11/99 Key { } = labels placed by the author [ ] = action by characters ( ) = speech bubble/ thought Notes ______________ Kevin [Standing in a train station, lighting a cigar] (I lied to Rosemary) Rosemary A letter about work? You're going to the city aren't you? Kevin (What greeted me after being away for three months was a mountain of letters. Most concerned work, but they had been handled by fax or telephone. In one of them was a letter sent by the publisher. "I have read your book, if you still remember my name, please contact me. Mark Liber" Mark?! My old gang, my old friend.) Cab We're here sir, you're not from around here are you? This street is dangerous, especially with your kind of look. I won't care if you are attacked by one of these street gangs. Kevin (I'm home. A dust mine filled with lost hope and poverty. Children eyes which are frighteningly blank. Narcotic addicts lying limply as if he's asleep. I swear I would never return here, so why am I here? I should have ignored that letter. if I didn't see it, I won't have to witness this world I used to know. From the time I was here, it's only getting worse. When compared to 17 years ago. FLASHBACK Match Kevin! What are you doing there? Kevin Match, you can see what I'm doing. I'm looking for restaurant left over for our dinner. Match Stupid you can't do that! Listen Kevin this area is not our territory! If the other gang hears about this you would be tortured! You'll only bother our leader. Don't bother Nick! Kevin It was ten days since I ran away from home and come to the city. I was picked up by Nick because I was too weak from starvation. CRASH Match Nick! Nick Say it again new boy! You want to give me moldy bread from the trashcan? Kevin It's better than stealing from the shop. Nick What were you thinking boy! Kevin Owww! Nick I'll break your arm! Match You've gone too far Nick! Nick Shut up! You trying to order me! [Hits Kevin, grabs his hair and then drops it] Listen boy, if you don't like it here, you're free to go. Match Are you all right? Boy Don't act up against Nick. Kevin (I can't escape from here. It's nearly winter. We live in the crowded basement in an empty apartment on the verge of collapse, all the windows were broken. But we don't have to worry about dying of the cold here.) Match Nick! It seemed that boy's arm is broken, you kicked him too much that's why. Nick You should be able to tell the difference, I only sprained it a little. Match He also has a fever. Nick Listen Match, don't worry about the new kid. If he wants something just hit him. He's different from us, he's special, understand? Kevin Look see, I can move it. Look. [He opens his palm then closes it] Ouch. Thanks for worrying about me Match, but I'm fine. If I did break my arm I won't be able to move my fingers at all, my fever is nearly down as well. Match You know a lot don't you Kevin? Probably because you're educated, that's why Nick said you're special. Kevin Eh what? Jackie Nick said you're special. Kevin No, we're the same, we're all homeless aren't we? Boy 3 Kevin, why did you run away from home? Kevin Hmm, why.... FLASHBACK Kevin's Dad Walter you came first again in your school didn't you? I'll make sure you get in to university. Kevin! take care of your brothers and sisters! Do Walter's chores as well! Stupid! Why are you reading for? Go and help me with the field! Kevin (Why is it only Walter who was cared for, though we're in the same family. I too, have the right to choose my own destiny) Match I know, your dad is in jail right? same as mine. Kevin No, it's not like that. Boy 1 Then maybe because you're mother gets drunk all the time, like mine? If we don't watch her, rent and shopping money will also be used for a drink. Jackie Mine's in the Mafia. Match Maybe she's a hooker? Kevin No, they're normal. Boy 3 Then why did you run away from an ordinary home like that? Kevin (At that time I couldn't answer them, their eyes were too serious. maybe that time I wanted to say this: I could only live there if I kill my own feelings.) Nick Hey everyone! I got a new kid here, Mark Liber, 5 years old. Kevin (5? The same age as my little sister) Match Nick, are you sure? There are already 8 of us here, isn't it a little much? Jackie It's hard enough to find food, especially when one of us doesn't do anything. Nick Who takes care of you? huh Jackie? Kevin (Then, then the one names Nick bullied the rest with his strength and sat as their leader) Nick This kid comes from an orphanage, he's illegitimate. Boys & Kevin Eh? Kevin (Orphanage? illegitimate?) Nick For that reason treat him well. Kevin (Eh? What if Nick will hit that kid as he hit me) Nick Do you like chocolate waffle? [Hands it to Mark] Kevin (So I'm the only one who's treated badly. Why did Nick allow me to enter this group?) SLAM Match Kevin? Kevin (After winter comes, I'm going to escape from this place) Boy 4 It looks like it's going to be cold tonight. I wonder if anyone have any liquor? Boy 5 Yeah right stupid! Boy 6 Hey the new boy Mark, doesn't talk much does he? Boy 5 Maybe he's dumb. Jackie Hey I was taught how to use a knife today by Nick! Boy 2 Wow, that's so cool, with Nick too that's a surprise. Match There's no one who doesn't know his name around here. He's cool. Jackie He'll probably be a successful Mafia, rides around in imported cards and live in a huge house. Kevin Shut up! Boy 4 Kevin? Kevin What did he ever do for you? He's a stranger! I hate that guy! Match Don't say that in front of us again, don't day that! Kevin Match? Match Where the hell do you think he sleeps in a cold night like this? He sleeps alone near the gate. He protects us from police and other street gangs. For us he's like a parent! Kevin (NO! He's not a parent, this is not the place where I belong) [Snatches the blanket and falls asleep] I'm going to sleep! Boys Typical! Mark [Looks at Kevin] Kevin (What's Nick's favorite doing now? Stop staring at me) [Turns his back on Mark] DREAM Grandmother Kevin you wanted to be a writer don't you? Kevin That's right Grandma, but don't tell Dad, since he'll only tell me to work in the field. Grandmother I'm so glad you like reading books like your Grandfather. Next time, after you come home from school, stop over and I'll lend you some of your Grandfather's old books. It's close and I'll explain it to your father. Kevin (Why did you die? You're the only person who understood me) Hicks... Mark [Sat up and looked at Kevin] In a busy Station Nick Everyone's here? Today we're going to work this station, same rules as always. The order is like this, Match, then Jackie and Sam will hand the goods. We'll meet in half an hour at Colonial Park, Wily will look after Mark. Our target is that granny over there. Kevin (Eh? What is he doing?) Nick The new kid will go with me. Now scatter! [Grabs Kevin's hand] Watch my hands and my actions new kid. [Nick slides his glove on, grabs the granny's purse slips it inside his jacket] Kevin (Nick!) Nick [Casually walking, hands the purse to Match who hands it to Jackie] Jackie That was great Nick! Nick Easy money! That granny was rich! Match We can drink with this. Boy 2 We can sleep warmly at night. Nick Mark do you want anything? Kevin It's not right. IT'S NOT RIGHT!! Match Kevin! Jackie Wait! Kevin [Runs from the group] Waaaa! Nick! [Nick threw him against a brick wall] Nick why don't you work for money? Why don't you work legally? If it's like this even the orphanage is better. Nick You think an orphanage is better? Kevin (Orphanage) Nick Mark come here! Look this boy does not speak because he can't but because he does not want to. Do you know why it's like that? It's because there are no parents who cares about him. Even if Mark becomes weak or die, the next day another kid will replace him with a new number. Orphanage are like that. You don't know anything, don't talk as if you do! Kevin But, I. [Nick hits him, then kicks him] Match Nick, forget it! You've gone too far! Nick [Panting] Kevin Huh, one day I'll kill you Nick! Nick Well, I'll wait for that. Get used to being hurt, and you'll be stronger. If you're attacked by a group, hit the biggest and strongest one. Then hit him with one punch, otherwise you're going to be the one who's dead. That's the law around here. [Knees him] Kevin Argh. (I'll escape from this place...tonight!) [Later at night while everyone is asleep Kevin crawled away, but a hand grabs his shirt] (Mark!) Mark Uuhh. Kevin This...Mark the toilet is around here! {used to taking care of younger siblings} Now wash your hand. (Why me?, oh well until Mark goes to sleep I can't escape) Mark [yawns] Kevin Hurry, don't catch a cold. [Pats Mark and tucks him to bed] Mark When I was at the orphanage. Kevin (Mark can talk?) Mark I dreamed that when I'm asleep I belonged to someone else. Someone would tuck me into bed like you did, or hug me, or kiss my cheeks. I know that it would never happen because I'm illegitimate. There are two types of kids in the orphanage, illegitimate or unwanted kids. The unwanted ones can be taken care of with some excuses, someone would pick them up later. Children like me stays in the orphanage until some stranger would want me, but I had been in the orphanage since I was a baby. They said they don't want a kid who had been there as long as I have. They said there must be some emotional scar which isolated me, I'm not sure. Like not being able to talk. Nick said that he wanted me, so I went with him. Kevin Goodnight Mark, sweet dreams. (I realise at that moment why Nick said I'm special. It's not just Mark, the others who lived here grew up with the same type of background. Children without parents, employees by someone they trusted. Living like this... I thought they're the one who's special, but here I'm the special one. [In a park, daydreaming on a bench] (I'll try again, I'm starving) "Kevin this is not our area" (Well Match, if you're hungry what can you do about it?) [Went to some garbage can] Oh great chips! Punch Hey what are you doing in our area? Kevin (Oh no) Bully 1 Hey Punch, that's Nick's kid. Punch Oh the troublemaker, in that case we can't let you go like that. Kevin "Remember Kevin, hit the biggest and strongest one, if not you'll be killed" (What should I do? Oh just hope for the best) [His punch did nothing to the bigger guy, who retaliated with a stronger hit] Let go of me or you'll be in trouble. Bully 1 He said something. Bully 2 Hit him again Punch! Nick Let go, if not I'll kill you. Punch Nick, Nick Gallagher. Nick You're teasing my brother huh? Kevin (Nick, Nick) Punch [Tries to punch Nick, who ducks it and grabs him by one arm. Nick holds a knife to his neck] Nick Hmm, well which is it? Should I cut your ear off, or gauge your eye out? Punch Hehh, run! Nick Kevin! Kevin are you alright? Wake up! Kevin Starving. Nick [Buys a hot dog] Here eat it while it's hot, don't tell the others. Kevin I would have won if I had a knife as well. Nick Your life would have gone. You only use the knife when you're ready to get hurt yourself. You did follow my advice though, you attacked the strongest one, and you're strong. Kevin No, I was scared, I'm weak. Nick You were raised in a good home weren't you? A child who was surrounded by love have the strength to fulfill his dreams. I was raised in a good home as well, I even have a white dog. When I was eight, my parents died and I was placed in an orphanage. I hated being in an orphanage, I tried to escape many times. Then all of a sudden I ended up in a Youth Reform Centre, I was taught a few things, how to use a knife being one of them. Kevin you need to learn as well. How to fight with a knife, open a cashier, open a door without a key, how to steal a car and drive. Then if anything happens to me, you're the one who have to take care of them. Kevin (Nick) Nick There's no way that days like this will continue until we all become free. Until that day comes, family and friends are the same thing. So if anything happens help them straight away, understood? Kevin (Yes I'll try) Kevin (Present) (I'll try. Nick, where are you now and what are you doing now? That dream did come true, the dream about the broken radio. The dream which meant that I would be involved in someone else's life. Rosemary I'm glad that I've met you. my family consisted of Cliff and Rosemary, I thought I would continue to live happily like that, I really believe that. I was wrong. There is no way that I could continue living without interfering with others problems. I could never live if I'm afraid to be involved with others. Sound of church bells. There's a church here? Eh? Mark's address is a church? Through the fence, the way to hell is wide and smooth, the road to heaven is small and dangerous. At that moment, what was standing in front of me was the gate to heaven.)