Fredward shi no Ahiru by Ushijima Keiko Volume 2 Part 3 Voice of the Sea Translation in English by Y.W This translation may not be 100% accurate as I tried to make the whole thing "flow" better and because my Japanese is by no mean perfect! :) 3:05 PM 12/22/98 Key { } = labels placed by the author [ ] = action by characters ( ) = speech bubble/ thought Notes ______________ Rosemary It's beautiful! It's been a long time since I went out for a picnic. It's the first time for you Cliff to be on the beach right? It's fun renting a villa in an island isn't? Kevin *Irritated* (I'm finally here) Real Estate This is a pleasant spot for a writer like yourself. You're going to be using the cottage for three months correct? The beach area at the back is for the private use of the cottage residence. The rented car is already parked in the garage. Kevin A month ago, the Professor said. Willingham What you have writer's block? {know all} That's because an untalented man, forced himself to write something for an award. Kevin Don't say that when you're still eating the cake I gave you, give it back! Willingham Don't get angry. Kevin Angry? This is about life! Willingham What you need now is inspiration, just relax for a while. Don't stop in one place use your money, you're still young. Kevin To tell the truth I was surprised. A long time ago, Esmerelda said the exact same thing. Esmerelda Spend your money Kevin, and don't do it by halves. Jewelry, yachts, then a special woman, pay for them all with your own money. Kevin What happens if I went bankrupt? Esmerelda Don't worry about it. Even when you starve, don't try and keep objects which are not worth anything and will never culminate into anything. Living in luxury can turn you into a better person. Starvation and thirst will only accelerate the process, be happy with what's ordinary. Kevin (She was right, I was successful as a writer. It's strange how she lived in an environment which lacks nothing, but I never know where she got that streak of greed within her. Real Estate if you need anything else, just call the office. Oh and one more thing, this island is usually a calm place filled with expensive villas, but lately tourism is down slightly and there are also street gangs roaming around, please be careful. Kevin (Street gangs?) Rosemary Hope you would be able to work here. Kevin (That can be arranged) Rosemary Are you sure you can afford paying for an expensive cottage like this? Remember to leave some money for everyday cost and my wage. On the beach. Kevin Be careful Cliff Flashback Editor This is a request for another novel, try to make it award worthy again. Man I saw your name in a magazine. Woman You received an award for children's story? Man Congratulations! Man 2 We're waiting for your next work. Woman 2 You're the pride of this town. Kevin (It's odd, they used to call me the weird writer and no one wanted to come close to me. Then when they heard about the award they changed completely. "We're waiting for your next work" I can't breathe, I'm writing this story not because I wanted an award. Like insects or caterpillars that drowned in water, you can only see the bubbles as they fall and the feet which tried to wade through water helplessly. The more they tried to escape, the more hopeless it becomes) Rosemary, let's leave this place. Rosemary Whatever you want. Kevin (How many times did I say thank you for the fact that you don't change, do you know that?) [Walks around the beach and looks up] Kevin (A painter? I don't want to bother her when she's working) Let's go home Cliff. Rosemary I knew I place it here somewhere. Kevin Don't worry about it Kevin. Rosemary I know how much you like my home made jams. Kevin You were hiding in the basket all day, you must feel claustrophobic. Rosemary It was nothing. Kevin You're allowed to relax in this island. Rosemary Oh really? In that case... [She appears dressed up in full fishing regalia] Kevin Rosemary, don't tell me you're going fishing? Rosemary When I first became a housekeeper, my master was a rich man and he bought me a set of fishing equipment. Just leave dinner to me. Kevin You can fish? Rosemary I'm an expert. How about you Kevin? Boys are usually taught by their fathers right? Kevin There was never time for that, my family was poor, but we had plenty of kids. If I'm not told to help with housework, I was told to take care of my brothers and sisters. Rosemary In that case I can teach you then. Kevin Really? Rosemary But you have to call me teacher. Kevin What if I change my mind? The tea is ready Mrs. Rosemary, will ice tea be fine? Rosemary How funny, you're even serving me like this. Kevin Don't think about that, we're on this island to relax. Then again the Professor told me that I can't make tea. (bastard) Rosemary You're still upset about that? Kevin I was honestly surprised when you said you can fish, you never talk much about yourself. Rosemary The same goes for you. Especially when you were young and after you ran away from home. Kevin I don't know I can't remember anymore, it's been a long time. Tourist It's busy in this island isn't? Kevin (What should I write now?) Boy Hey you're a tourist right? Then take a look at this map, there's a great place there. [While Kevin bends down to look the boy slips his hand into Kevin's pocket. Kevin grabs the boy's hand before he snatches his wallet] Kevin When my attention is distracted you try and take away my wallet is that right? I used to do the same thing. you have to be smarter when picking a target. Boy Shit! let me go! [Swings a knife towards Kevin, Kevin twists the boy's hand] Kevin You only use the knife when you are willing to be hurt in return. You can loose your careful. [he ruffled the boy's hair and leaves] (Without a carer, children without homes forms gangs, shares their duties and lives by depending on each other. In return they are treated like unwanted cats and rats. Flashback Voice Nick, eh Nick! The boy you took yesterday named Kevin, it seemed like he broke his arm. You went too far and kicked him, he also has a fever. Nick Did he eat his bread? Voice He didn't want to eat something that had been stolen, Nick Then let him die. Someone who can't take care of themselves is a burden to the rest of us. Little Kevin I won't die, I won't die. End of Flashback Kevin "I won't die" (I was 11 and had to learn about reality, a creature who does not have the strength to live alone. In this reality, there is no place to fulfill your dreams) Woman You're strong. I saw what happened at the alleyway. Kevin (Oh the woman from yesterday, the one who painted on the beach) Woman You're a writer? Kevin Eh? Woman Sorry, my parents are landowners here. The cottage you're living in also belongs to my parents, so I know from there. Kevin (Oh the owner's daughter. ) Woman May I come as well? Kevin Go ahead, I'm about to go home anyway. Woman That's good, I often paint on the beach. It feels awkward sitting in a writer's car. This is the first time that I met a famous writer. Kevin (If she keeps on talking like that, I would feel a little self conscious as well) {It's a rented car} Woman That's wonderful being a writer, I wanted to be an artist. Is your father a writer as well? or maybe a journalist? Kevin Not at all! Hahaha..when I was younger I told my father I wanted to be a writer. His whole expression changed and then he trashed me. Woman It must be wonderful, I'm jealous to live in a world which is like a dream. Kevin I have my own problems. Woman But you're so talented! Kevin (oh?) Woman Do you want to see my painting? Kevin It's unique, a full moon on a blue sky. Woman Really? I feel that if I draw this for the contest I would win. I knew that someone like you would understand. Kevin That's great you can paint while you're also working. Woman I don't work. Kevin Oh you're still young. Woman I'm 30 years old. Kevin (She's older than me!) Woman At time it's difficult for me. I can't do anything else except daydream around the house. I feel out of place even when I go out. I'm always afraid that others would laugh at me. Kevin (So am I. Maybe I'm like her, feeling useless, constantly haunted by unfounded worries.) I understand your feeling, but if you want to be an artist who paints great things, time that are spent doing nothing now is not time wasted. Woman I had never painted anything to be published. Kevin (Not even once?) Woman I could never finish it, eventhough I wanted to paint something which is both meaningful and dear. I knew that I am not good enough. That's why I come here and paint the sea a hundred times, until inspiration struck. Kevin (It's not that easy, one day...will that day ever come? Without even finishing one work, will that ability come automatically?) Woman And...I'm also rather busy, I often go out with friends, and I don't have any free time. Kevin (But you have time to make sketches at home?) If you want to dedicate your life for this... Woman You're special, you're a professional, you'll never understand what an amateur like me feels. I'm afraid...I'm afraid that one day I'll find out that I'm not as talented as I think I am. When I was in high school, my marks were good, and the teachers often praised me. But, my parents are too well known here, if I fail, it would be humiliating. Kevin Listen to me, I'm only an ordinary person. The only difference between me and you is that I don't depend myself on my parents and others like you. Woman I know that you can't move forward unless you're on your own feet, but I know myself. Kevin (What does she think she knows about herself? She can't even take care of herself) Woman Today I'm here to listen to the sea. Kevin The sea can talk? (You're paranormal?) Woman Only I could hear it, the moon talks to me as well. Moon Let it stay like this, when you wait for the right time your dream will come true. Kevin (The moon?...what's the use of leaving it alone. Even I continue to run until I'm here still haunted by unknown voices). FLASHBACK Nick Let him die. Woman Thief!! Kevin (Will I continue to hear voices like this? No one ever talked to me like that) Rosemary Kevin I made some Apricot jelly. It's nice and cold. [Flies to Kevin's shoulder] You've been acting rather odd since you cane back from shopping. Kevin Rosemary, oh it's nothing I'm just a little tired. "Leave it like this" (If you can run away from responsibility, light life would be) Rosemary Take a look Kevin, a few horses are trying to escape from the sea. Kevin Sea horse? Rosemary Look at the rocks over there. Kevin I can see waves. Rosemary Phantasmargoria, look at the wave and try to imagine the shape of a horse's head. There is an old belief that these horses are the souls of those who have died. people who died with remorse, they tried to escape from the sea to be born again. They wanted to return to this world, and try to make their dreams into reality. A thousand times they try to overcome the rocks, but they are always pushed back and they disappear with the waves. Kevin Have any horse escape at all? Rosemary It's only a story Kevin, it's only fiction. But Kevin, rather than staying still and doing nothing, I like you better, who continue to try and overcome the sea. Kevin (Rosemary, I wonder what Rosemary would say to that woman, the person who chose to run away. That night the moon was shining full, I wanted to hear the whisper of the moon as well. An hour passed. 2 hours. 3 hours. I don't think it wanted to talk to me) Voice You might catch a cold. Kevin Huh?! Rosemary I brought some wine. What's wrong? Kevin Nothing. Rosemary looked very mythical, this is the first time that I think that they might be sacred. She and the moon does not become affected by the pessimism and the anger that haunts human. Rosemary Kevin, let's make an offering with this wine. Kevin Offering? Rosemary Catch the moon's reflection into the wine and then swallow. Now...luck will enter your body. Kevin (Fortune has entered my body?) Rosemary You might face other problems, there are times when things are rough, but as long as you try everything will be fine. Kevin (Rosemary...I'm facing a white duck, under a moon which shines brightly and enjoying the sound of the waves. It's not so bad...drinking the moon.)