Fredwarshi no Ahiru Volume 1 Part 4 Companion Animal Translation in English by Y.W This translation may not be 100% accurate as I tried to make the whole thing "flow" better and because my Japanese is by no mean perfect! :) 10:47 PM 11/25/98 Key { } = labels placed by the author [ ] = action by characters ( ) = speech bubble/ thought Notes ojisan = uncle ______________ December Kevin (This area is covered with silver snow. Before winter arrives we wanted to stock up on food. It is Rosemary's task to pickle and store these food every morning). Hey I don't like zucchini. Rosemary Kevin all you do is talk all day, I can't work if you do that! Kevin The white feathered housekeeper. Then again I'm talking to this thing, recording you on this tape recorder. Rosemary What? you're going to write about me in a short story? Kevin My publisher liked it and wanted a collection to be published. Rosemary So you're going to observe my activities then. Kevin Yep. It's for your own good, because of my financial condition. When my book is released, I'll give you a bonus for being my inspiration. Rosemary Before you forget that, why don't you write it down. *disbeliever* But Kevin, I'm very happy. Not because you signed the agreement about the bonus though *a friendly reminder*. You've become melancholy since you met that girl near the lake. Kevin (Sally, the girl whose love is unrequited in this world, she drowned herself in the lake without anyone's knowledge.)That's why I wanted to be a short story writer. Rosemary Eh? Kevin In order to cement my place in life I need to pour all my experiences in a book. I want to tell the world of this peaceful town, about Rosemary, Sally, and myself. For Sally who threw her life so that others may know about her life. Rosemary You've changed Kevin, compared to the person I knew when I first arrive. Now you're more sensitive of human kindness. Kevin I'm not like that at all, huh. Rosemary (But I do know better, you have that sensitivity that's very fragile). Kevin! Kevin What? Rosemary It's nearly Christmas and we should get ready for it. Kevin Oh Christmas. Pudding decorated with mistletoe then soaked in brandy and set alight. Oh and square shaped tart with white and blue cream then decorated with a Santa Claus doll on top. Then ofcourse there's the turkey. Rosemary (Who do you think is going to make all these!) Anyway, just order what I'm going to need in town. Kevin Me?! Rosemary Don't forget to order a tree as well. Kevin [Pretends to be asleep]. Kevin then went off shopping Kevin (The cold really bites) Voice I hope tomorrow's weather will be fine. Kevin [Out of no where a shoe hits Kevin on his face] Girl I'm sorry ojisan! It's my shoe, are you angry? Kevin If you call me onisan I won't be angry. Hoffman Via apologize at once! Via Grandpa! Kevin Mr. Hoffman. Hoffman Oh it's you, forgive my grand daughter. This is Via my grand daughter from the city. She's going to stay with me, my son and his wife will also come down. Are you shopping? Kevin Yes, for Christmas. excuse me. Hoffman Via May your soul not escape. Via It's something we say when you sneeze, I learned it from grandpa. It's an old belief that when you sneeze your soul comes out. Hoffman Yes and old superstition. Oh Mr. Fredward care to drop over my house for a while, my dog Buster had a litter. Kevin What?! Buster? (Buster's female?) [Buster licks Kevin's face] You're female, but why is your name Buster. Hoffman When she was younger she was quite wild, she destroyed my shoes, clothes and furniture. Kevin So that's why you call her Buster. Via [Holding a puppy] This one's male. She had 6 puppies, but most had already been given to other people, except for this one. Kevin (How cute) [The puppy bites Kevin's finger] (Maybe not) Hoffman Ha ha ha, sorry Kevin. Via Can I have the puppy grandpa? Hoffman You already have a dog in your house Via, Diana the Afghan hound. Via But he's father's dog. She always thinks that she should keep an eye on me. Have you ever have a dog Kevin. Hoffman Don't call him like that. Kevin Don't worry about it. I think my father used to keep a wild dog, I was too young to remember. I did remember liking my friend's dog though. Via Can I have the puppy? Hoffman No Via, this is Golden Retriever, he'll be too big for your house. Kevin Sorry Mr. Hoffman *smile*, but he won't let go. [The puppy was hanging on Kevin's sleeve]. Hoffman In that case, I'll give that puppy for you then. We are neighbors, so Buster should be happy. Via Grandpa! Rosemary So you accept him then. How cute, they even put a ribbon around his neck. Kevin I feel like I'm forced to accept it. Rosemary Anyway, taking care of the puppy is your responsibility, I'm busy. Kevin But I'm working! I don't even know how to take care a puppy! You won't let go will you! *looks at the puppy* Rosemary You need to feed him don't you? Here sweet, the biscuit is much tastier than Kevin. Kevin [Lying in bed, trying to shut out the sound of the puppy's wail] Shut up! What time did you think it is? It's 2 o'clock! Rosemary What can you do, it's the first time he was separated from his mother. Kevin I'm returning him, first thing tomorrow morning! Rosemary Don't worry sweet, go to bed. Kevin [While he was in bed, Kevin dreamed that the grim reaper came to visit him] That dream...Eh? Hey you where did you think you were sleeping on? No wonder I had a nightmare. Rosemary You went shopping? {chain, dog shampoo} I thought you wanted to return him to Mr. Hoffman. Kevin After I thought about its, I couldn't return a Christmas gift, it's not polite. Rosemary So you'll keep him? Kevin I'll give him to someone including the accessories, as well as my thanks. Rosemary Is that so. *disapproving look*. Give him a name, since he's going to stay here. Kevin Stupid. Rosemary Grrr.... Kevin How to train a dog. (If no one is going to toilet train him, no one else wants to clean it up) Ouww!! Rosemary Just hold it, he wanted to bite you to show his affection. Kevin Affection! Rosemary A puppy chews on objects he likes, including his master. After half a year, he will know how to differentiate his bite so it won't hurt. Don't worry about it, you're going to give him away right? Kevin Before that happens my arm is going to be destroyed! [Slams the door shut] Rosemary Forgive him, he doesn't understand. Oh you like him that much. He'll know soon that he won't be able to let you go, living with an animal is like that. Kevin What are you doing now? Hey that's my leather shoe! Here I'll give you this rubber bone to chew on instead! Kevin Now what? When a puppy is naughty, hit its bottom. Ok. [The puppy cowers] Cliff!? (Cliff, the boy I let go coldly. He also does naughty things to grab my attention. He's gone to the city with his mother, he's not even schooled yet.) I wonder what he's doing now? Has he memorized his alphabets? You like that name? Cliff you're warm and soft aren't you. You can use that shoe to chew on. Rosemary Kevin? Kevin What's wrong Rosemary? Rosemary Can I go out for a while? I want to give some herbs to my friends. Kevin Go ahead, do you want me to walk with you. Rosemary There's no need, it's not that far, and the snow have thickened. One more thing Kevin, have you given that puppy a name. Kevin *embarrassed* No, not yet. Rosemary Give him one, why don't you? [Looks at owl hooting outside] In the daytime, in winter an owl is hooting is a bad sign. Kevin Why Rosemary ? Rosemary When an owl is crying in daylight, or when a crow flies north by itself it means someone in this house is about to die. We need to hold a ceremony to ward off evil quickly. Kevin Don't worry Rosemary, go on. Daytime is short in winter, if you don't go soon, you won't be able to come home and that'll be even worse. Rosemary (Why do I feel so worried?) Someone knocks on the door. Kevin Rosemary ? Did you forget something? Via Good day Kevin. Kevin Via! Kevin Here are some warm oatmeal biscuit. Via Wow it looks delicious. Kevin [Looking at Cliff] You want some too? Via Don't give sweet things to a puppy, it'll give him toothache. Kevin I'm sorry, I'm new at this. Cliff (give me!) Via Calling them pet is old fashioned now, now we call them "companion animal". Animals are good listener and friends to human. Kevin How did you know? Via My father is a veterinarian. Kevin Via, if you don't go home now, the snow will be too heavy. I'll see you home. Via So soon? Kevin Cliff, take care of the house, it's cold outside. (I wonder if Rosemary is alright) Via Kevin, can I have the puppy. Kevin Hmm (If this child isn't MR. Hoffman's grand daughter I would have given it straight away, but I can't do that) You still want him? Via I'll treat him like a younger brother. I'll be here until Christmas, think it over will you, bye! Kevin Aah?! Cliff Woof Kevin You followed me didn't you? Look you're covered with snow, even your stomach is cold. Idiot, you make so much trouble. [Tucked the puppy into his coat]. Cliff [Eats his dinner quickly] Kevin You still want some more? Wow finished a whole can. [While stirring the fireplace, Kevin noticed the puppy started wheezing] What's wrong now? you eat too much that's why. I'll give you some stomach medicine. (Children 2 tablets, a human child weighs 30 kg, so a 3 kg puppy is...1 tablet divided by 5) Swallow it, you'll fill better, he vomited it out... (Cold, his condition is odd) Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Hoffman! Hoffman Oh Kevin, is something wrong? Kevin I'm sorry, but there's something wrong with the puppy. [Buster gave Kevin an odd look before barking at him] (Buster?) Hoffman I think he has pneumonia. Kevin Pneumonia? Via You're an idiot Kevin, if he dies it's all your fault! Mrs. Hoffman Via! Kevin I'll get him some medicine from home. Via Kevin you can't run away! Kevin [Kevin opens the door and he was confronted with his shadow, but instead of a normal shadow an image of a winged figure appears] For a minute, my shadow. Could this be a sign from Death? "The owl is crying" Rosemary Kevin's late, why is it so dark? (Even the fireplace is dead) Kevin? [Rosemary looks at the door, Kevin is standing there, his shadow looms menacingly behind him]. Kevin, that shadow, black... You can't see it from the sun or an ordinary lamp, but a fire at night will reveal it with its pure power. Kevin Rosemary , help me find a way to defeat evil. Rosemary Throw salt in the fireplace and say this three times. Kevin Go evil spirit, go evil spirit, go evil spirit. [The door suddenly opens and light streams through before it suddenly slams shut] Rosemary What happened? oh you name the puppy Cliff? Kevin Do you think Cliff will survive? Rosemary The person Death was looking for was probably you. From a long time ago, children who were sick often sleeps with their dog. Their dog can take their illness away from the. Death always takes the person who is weakest in a family. Hoffman Via, Kevin nisan is here. Via He's not even conscious anymore. Kevin Cliff? wake up, it's me Kevin, Cliff? [Cliff wags his tail] Via He's conscious! [Kevin picks Cliff up] Don't take him away! we're the one that saved the puppy! Hoffman VIA! Kevin I'm sorry Via I can't give Cliff to you, I don't want to loose something this small and precious. Thank you for making me realise that. Mrs. Hoffman Via, grandpa will find a Beagle or Terrier that's smaller for you. Kevin Thank you Mr. Hoffman, and Buster too. When he's healthy again, we'll come and visit. Let's go home Cliff, to a warm fireplace, where Rosemary is waiting for us.