Sanami Matou's Fake Act 1 Fake Volume 1 Note: The usual caveat about this being an amateur translation applies. (And that means there are definitely mistakes.) I've taken the occasional liberty to make this read a little better in English and also to make it seem like the characters are really American police officers, but basically it's fairly literal. (And that means it's occasionally awkward.) Also, I've used fairly tame language, even when the Japanese isn't. It's written to what I'm comfortable sharing with other people. Conventions used: I've started a new line every time there is a new word bubble. For a new panel, even if the same person is talking, I've re-typed the name. Spoken dialogue outside of the bubble is in square brackets. Narration is in italics. I've rarely translated sounds, but occasionally you will find something like UNEASY or ANGRY in all caps, which refers to large kanji in the background. In addition, notes are in parentheses. (Basically me chatting.) Act 1, Part 1 p. 4 NYPD - 27th Precinct p. 5 Janet:Here, It's okay. Janet:Your supervisor is waiting for these orders. The chief investigator's office is at the end of that hall. Ryo:Thanks. Janet:My pleasure. Janet:Next time you're free, invite me out, Randy. Ryo:Sure, Janet. p. 6 Ryo:The end of the hall... this is it. [Knock, knock - actually it says koni,koni, but whatever.] [sound of voices] Strange... Someone is talking, but there is no answer. Chief: You idiot! Ryo: What? p. 7 Chief: I tell you something and then I have to tell you again. Are you listening Dee? Dee: I hear you. Ryo: [Oh, he wasn't yelling at me.] Excuse me? Chief: Huh? What? Ryo: I was assigned to the investigation unit today. Randy MacLean, sir. Chief: Oh, the newcomer. It was today? Ryo: [I wonder if he forgot.] Chief: [Where do you think you are going?] Wait, Dee! Dee: Oh. p. 8 Dee: Ah, well you are busy. I was going to get back to my case. [Yes?] (Dee is being reasonably deferential, for a change.) Chief: [Bull.] The case will wait. Dee: [Boo.] Chief: New guy. Ryo: My name is Randy. Chief: Okay, Randy... Chief: This guy is your new partner. He will teach you everything you need to know. [?] Dee: What? I have to look after the new kid? Ryo: [Oh? Why is he calling me a kid?] Chief: Yep. If you put your mind to it, you can train him. Ryo: Please don't call me a child, Dee. p. 9 Dee: What? Ryo: I'm not a kid. I've been an adult for a long time. (Specifically, he mentions being over 20, which is legal adulthood in Japan. In case you want to know: In V5, we find out that Ryo is 28 and in V6 that Dee is a year younger. Even though close to 2 years "seems" to pass from V1 to V7, nobody ever seems to get any older in Fake.) Dee: Oh that. My bad. All of us call the newcomers that. Don't let it bother you. Dee: I didn't introduce myself before. Dee Laetner. Call me Dee. Ryo: Randy MacLean. How do you do? [It doesn't matter (about before).] Dee: Are you Japanese? [You've got black eyes.] Ryo: Umm, well, yes. p. 10 Dee: What's your Japanese name? Ryo: What? Dee: Don't you have one? Ryo: It's Ryo. (Here Ryo is spelled with the character for "complete," as opposed to the one for "hunting at night" that is used for Ryo Saeba of City Hunter.) Dee: Ryo, huh? You don't like being called Ryo? Ryo: I don't mind, but... [Either one is okay...] Dee: Then, it's Ryo. I'll call you Ryo. Ryo: What is this? From the beginning, he's been recklessly familiar (with me). p. 11 Ryo: But, I don't dislike him. My first impression is that he's the kind of guy whom you can get attached to. Dee: [We'll work well together. Just ask me anything.] (These 3 lines are not literal at all. I hope they're close.) (Matou): [Is he modest enough?] Dee: [I'll write everything down for you.] Ryo: [You don't have to do that. Just show me what I need to know.] Dee: This is the case I'm investigating now. The body is Dick Goldman, a slum resident. He was shot to death out in the open. . p. 12 Dee: The important thing is that it might have been a gang. Ryo: Gang? You mean the mob? Dee: Maybe. Dick was a drug dealer. This time it seems like there was trouble with a deal and.... Bang! Ryo: They got rid of him. Dee: We don't know why. The organization he was working with - it looks like a drug-smuggling operation we have been looking into. p. 13 Dee: This guy is the head, Richard Feldman. His organization isn't big, but it's well connected. If we can solve this case, it might help us stop the drug operation. Ryo: Drugs mixed with murder - it's a hard case. [My first one, too.] Dee: [laughs hysterically - There's nothing to worry about, Ryo.] Ryo: [You didn't worry about your first case, Dee?] p. 14 Dee: What? What? Ted: Catch him Dee, please! Dee: Gee. p. 15 Dee: You can't run wild in here. Dee: Dick's son? Ted: He came to identify the body and hear about what happened. But when he saw his father's body, he freaked out. Dee: I see. Ted: By the way, where is the kid? Dee: In there with the babysitter. He (Ryo) is trying to calm him (Bikky) down. (lit. charming him.) p. 16 Ryo:Would you like some hot chocolate, Bikky? Ryo:Bikky, I know it's painful to talk about your father... Still, this much... Even a man wouldn't be able to stand this... p. 17 Ryo: ...and you're a small child. On the day my parents died I cried all night, even though I was 18 at the time. Bikky:I won't cry. Bikky:I won't... Ryo: You are strong. p. 18 Dee: Do you know where your father went that night? Dee: Hey, you're supposed to look at me while I'm asking questions! [Damn kids!] Bikky:You, what's your name? Ryo: Huh? [Me?} Dee: Hey kid! I'm asking the questions! [ANGRY!] Ryo: [Whoa, whoa.] My name is Randy MacLean and this is Dee Laetner. Bikky: But what's your Japanese name? Ryo: [Boo, boo.] Somebody else asked the same question. Dee: [Shut up.] It's Ryo, Ryo! p. 19 Bikky:Then I'll tell Ryo everything I know. Dee: What? Bikky:But I'm not talking to you! Dee: [rants and raves] Ryo: Aren't we supposed to be adults, Dee? [Does it matter who he talks to?] Ryo: Basically... Bikky said that on that day, Dick left alone and didn't return. p. 20 Dee: So, we don't know anything new. Ryo: [I suppose so.] Chief: Nevertheless, it helps us keep track. We need to plan our next move on this case. Chief: But for now, everyone is dismissed. Ryo: Dee, hang on. Ryo: Are you free tonight? Dee: Just going to eat and sleep. Is there something you want me to do? Ryo: I was wondering if you'd come to my house for dinner. I'd like to talk to you about something. p. 21 Dee: Oh... sure. Bikky: What? Are you embarrassed, you homo? Dee: What are you doing here? Ryo: Now, now, we'll talk about this at home. Dee: What? You're going to look after that troublesome kid for a while? p. 22 Ryo: Yeah. He doesn't have any close relatives and he can't stay in his father's apartment. Dee: Ryo, you don't know what a kid from the slums will do. Ryo: Just because of that doesn't give you the right to fuss about it. Dee: But you can't really know. Ryo: I don't know you very well either, you know. [Salad's ready.] Ryo: Maybe you should try to talk to Bikky again. You might understand him then. Dee: I doubt it. p. 23 Dee: Give me that. Bikky: I can do it myself. Ouch! Dee: Shut up. Be still. Dee: Was your mother white? Bikky: What makes you ask that? Dee: [It's sort of obvious.] You have such pretty blonde hair. Bikky: I hate my hair. p. 24 Dee: Huh? Dee: You get teased about the color of your hair? Bikky: No way! Dee: The kids get a big kick out of teasing you. Dee: [What was that for?] Bikky: [Shut up. None of the kids tease me.] Ryo: I guess those two understand each other better when they fight than when they talk. Dee: Oooo... p. 25 Dee: That's some bed. [For two people. (He probably means a king size.)] Dee: I'll bet you bring girls here. (He uses the word for going to a love hotel.) Ryo: [Hey.] You're wrong! This was my parents'. Ryo: I couldn't throw this away. Dee: Your parents loved you, huh. Ryo: Didn't yours? Dee: I wonder. p. 26 Dee: Could you love me? Ryo: Huh? Dee: Idiot. It was a joke. You are so dumb. [Bikky time to go to sleep.] Bikky: Okay. Ryo: Dee... p. 27 Ryo: I wonder if Dee is that way (gay). He doesn't seem to have a girlfriend and I don't know anything about him yet. Ryo: And also, what he said before seemed to imply that he felt that way. Ryo: Stop thinking about such scary things. Ryo: [Good night. ?] Dee: [Duty, duty, duty (as Bikky punches him).] p. 28 Dee: Ryo, we're not supposed to be playing. [Boo-hiss.] Ryo: It's not play if we're learning about the case. [The scene of the crime is close by.] Dee: Then why is the kid here? Ryo: We have to protect him. Maybe the mob thinks he knows something. [We have the chief's approval.] p. 29 Ryo: Bikky! Ryo: Would you like a hot dog? Bikky: Sure. Ryo: Okay. Wait here. Bikky. Okay. Bikky: [Ryo, buy juice too!] Ryo: [OK.] Dee: How strange. You act so innocent for Ryo. Bikky: I only discriminate against you. p. 30 Dee: Oh well, Ryo is the kind that kids like, but it's different for me. Bikky: Seems like you've taken a fancy to Ryo. Dee: You think? Dee: But, even after such a short time, I feel comfortable with him. I don't know him very well, but from the first, I could drop my guard with him. p. 31 Bikky:You're probably falling in love (with Ryo). Bikky:I'll have to protect Ryo from this gay guy. [Because you're that kind of guy.] Dee: What are you talking about? "I'll protect" what? [Shut up.] Dee: He's not your property, is he? Dee: What was that for, you brat? p. 33 Dee: Wait! Bikky:No way! Bikky:[Let me go!] p. 34 Bikky: Dee, come on! Wake up, Dee! Man1: Hey, hurry up! There are more people coming! Man2: Come on! Man2: What do we do now? Man1: Just bring them together! p. 36 Ryo: [That car...] Ryo: DEE! BIKKY! End of Act 1, Part 1. Part 2 p. 38 Man: Boss, we haven't found anything. Man: We aren't going to get anything from this kid. p. 39 Feldman:Look here kid. Your father stole some good stuff from me. It's worth 100 million on the street. And even worse, I used a dangerous route. I would have been done for it the police had gotten my name. Feldman:Don't you think that's bad? Feldman:You hateful brat. No one treats me like that! p. 40 Bikky: Dee! Dee: You shouldn't be so violent with a kid, fat boy. Feldman:That's it! p. 41 Dee: Owww. Bikky: Are you okay? Dee: I'm a boy. They can break my arm several times and I'll still be fine. Bikky: It's not a joke. [It really is broken.] Dee: Rather than (talking about) that, it was bad that you lied to Ryo. Bikky: What? Dee: You didn't say anything before about those drugs your father had. Dee: Did he give them to you? Dee: Your silence tells me. What were you going to do? p. 42 Dee: I understand how you feel... Oh well, it's okay. Anyway, now, one way or another, we have to get away. But my arm makes it impossible. Dee: Ryo. He looks like the sort who would screw things up, but he's probably reliable. [Ha, ha, ha. Surely, he'll rescue us.] Bikky: Really? I think he looks reliable but is probably the sort who would screw things up. Man: Boss! p. 43 Feldman: What are you doing? Knock, will you? Man: Sorry! I think we should move that kid to another place. Feldman:I agree. This is my house. Man: But, the police have cordoned off the city. Man: It seems there's a bomb terrorist. They're looking all over the city for him. p. 44 Woman: Richaaaard. Feldman:Okay, okay. Feldman:We'll deal with this tomorrow. Tomorrow. Man: Yes, sir. [We can talk about this later.] Ryo: He'll live. Ryo: Thank goodness. Since this is a private residence, security is lax. p. 45 Ryo: I'll put it on this side of the attic. Ryo: I'm going to need some time to look for them. Two hours - I hope this works. Ryo: I hope they are both safe. p. 46 Dee: Hey you, are listening? Dee: How about some food? I get cranky when my stomach's empty! Man: SHUT UP! Go to sleep! Dee: What!? Man: There isn't any food. I'm so sorry. (He's being very polite, meaning he couldn't care less.) Dee: Then, make some. Dee: What, Bikky? p. 47 Dee: Ree... Ryo: Sh! Sh! Ryo: Thank goodness. Let's find a way out of here right away, Dee. Dee: You make it sound simple. Ryo: I set a time bomb. It'll go off at 10:00. Dee: Where'd you get a bomb? Ryo: A long time ago, a friend in the army taught me how to make them. He also found this place by checking the license plate. Dee: I could use a friend like that. Ryo: This kind of bomb is easy to make, but it'll take out half of this house. p. 48 Ryo: Before I came here, I called the police and pretended to be a terrorist. They'll be here soon, so we have to get away. Ryo: Your arm! Dee: Oh yeah. Dee: I guess I irritated these guys. It's no big deal. Ryo: It is a big deal. Even if they broke it, why didn't you get some help? p. 49 Dee: You're worrying about me? Ryo: Huh? [Doki.] Ryo: Of course, I'd worry about my partner. Dee: You would, huh? Bikky: Here. I'll fix it. Dee: OWWW! p. 50 Dee: We're supposed to start at 10:00. [I'm going to kill you.] [Why are you hitting me?} Bikky: [If I didn't you'd keep talking.] Ryo: Yes... Ryo: 2 hours... [HUH!?] Ryo: This is bad, Dee. We have to leave right away. Dee: What are you talking about? Ryo: I screwed up. Dee: Huh? Ryo: It's in the attic over the room next door. Dee: What is? Ryo: The bomb. p. 51 Dee: You moron! Did you come here to kill us? Ryo: I didn't realize you were here. Bikky: [I knew he's screw up.] Bikky: Shut up. We have to get out of here. Dee: Move! p. 52 Ryo: Just before the explosion, we set out. Ryo: If we have enough time to get away and if the bomb works, then this will have been a good idea. Dee: Hold on, Bikky! p. 53 Bikky: Dee, wait! p. 54 Feldman:Game over, guys! p. 55 Feldman:If you had gotten away, that would have caused me a lot of trouble. Drop the guns and go back inside. Dee: No way. Dee: Look! Dee: There's a bomb in this house. This is the switch. If you don't listen to me, I'll push it. p. 56 Men: [Really?] [Do you think?] Ryo: Dee! Dee: It's okay. Even if it's only a pen. Ryo: It's not okay. They aren't going to believe this. Bikky: They probably will kill us now. Dee: Don't worry. It's almost time. Feldman:You're dead meat! p. 58 Ryo: It's 10:00! Dee: Great. Let's get out of here before the chief shows up. Bikky: Dee, Ryo! I'm staying. Dee: Okay. Do a good job. Bikky: Okay. p. 59 Chief:27th precinct. Looks like you had a little trouble. Feldman:Hey. Man: It's okay. We moved all the drugs to your other house. Chief:So, Mr. Feldman. Is this your house? Feldman:Yeah. I appreciate your efforts, Chief Smith. It's unusual for the chief investigator to come out. [I don't want you. Go home old man.] Chief:Wa ha ha! No problem. I didn't have any other cases. I'll stay here until I've made sure there aren't any more bombs, so please don't worry. p. 60 Officer:Chief. This boy found this in the room where he was imprisoned. Chief:Ho ho. Must be drugs. Chief:I'll need to ask you some questions, kid. Bikky:Sure. Feldman:[I'm going to kill you, you damn brat!] p. 61 Chief: By the way, weren't those idiots supposed to be guarding you? Bikky: We got separated. Chief: Oh I see. Separated. Ryo: The chief is probably mad. Dee: He's always that way. Ryo: That's true for you, but it's the first time for me. Dee: But it worked well, when you created such a fuss (acting) as a terrorist, because it enlarged the cordon. [From now on, I'll remember this.] Ryo: [Thanks.] I wasn't sure if we'd find you alive if a whole police squad had gone rushing in. Ryo: About Bikky - why did he stay? Dee: I think Bikky's father got suspicious and kept some of Feldman's drugs. He entrusted them to Bikky before he died. p. 62 Dee: He probably hid them in the soles of his skates. He deliberately picked them up, but didn't put them on. Ryo: I guess he thought Feldman was the culprit. Dee: And he wanted revenge for his father. p. 63 Dee: Well, it's best if he leaves this to the police. In this case, it'll probably be quickest too. Ryo: You've had some time to understand Bikky, haven't you? Dee: No way. I hate kids. Ryo: Oh, really. Dee: But I like you. Ryo: Huh? Dee: [Hmm.] Ryo: [Doki!] p. 64 Ryo: You're embarrassing me, but I'm glad. His eyes look a little suspicious. Dee's way of saying that - I wonder if he meant more. He's making me nervous. Ryo: Anyway, let's get you to the hospital. Dee: I'm okay. You should join the chief. He'll probably only fuss a little. Ryo: But... Dee: Since it's your first case, you won't have to apologize much. [I'm used to it, though.] Ryo: It's okay. It doesn't matter. Dee: It's not. Ryo: It is. p. 65 Ryo: You're my partner, right? Ryo: Come on. I'll help you. p. 67 Dee: Thanks for looking after me, partner. Dee: Right. Hospital. Let's go. (Matou:)[An energetic guy!] Ryo: Uh, Ryo: Dee! [ANGRY] [Bent? But I've only kissed girls before.] p. 68 Dee: Ryo. Dee: Ryo, come on. [typing sounds] Ryo: What? Dee: What's with this awful mood? Ryo: It's because of someone. Dee: Who? Me? Ryo: [Of course you. You.] Exactly! Dee: It was only a kiss. [It didn't kill you.] Ryo: [I felt like dying.] We're both men. You shouldn't do something like that without permission. p. 69 Dee: Then all you have to do is give your permission. Ryo: Dee! Bikky:Stop bothering Ryo, lamebrain. Dee:And you aren't bothering him? Bikky:Shut up. I'm here for a reason. Bikky:From now on, I'm going to live with Ryo. Ryo: [That's true.] This was best since I live alone and he can go to school. p. 70 Dee: NO WAY! No! No! No! No! I won't let you do this! Ryo: [Is he jealous?] Bikky: Shut up. I'll be watching you as an enemy. Bikky: Take that. Dee: OWWW! Dee: Bikky, you bastard! End of Act 1