[Image][Image] [Image][Image] Legend: normal text - actual translation italic text -thoughts/not spoken out loud [text] - I wasn't sure about the translation (name) - spoken in a flashback Pg 77 Chapter Five: The Two Craftsmen Pg 78 Fuuko: And---so--- What exactly... Was that thing!! Pg 79 Recca: The Ura Uruha...so they said. Fuuko: In other words, enemies!? Jeez...my head hurts! Last night... Yanagi: Fuuko is scary... Pg 80 Fuuko: Who are you. I refuse to be molested. Soukakusai: My name is "Soukakusai"--- You sensed me easily... That's truly Kirisawa Fuuko. I complement you, ku-ku-ku-ku-ku-ku... Pg 81 Fuuko: Ah!!! You got my ice... Creep!! Soukakusai: Heh-hee-hee, an indirect kiss. I want to receive your real lips this time... A prediction. [Next time we meet, all of them will be covered.] Fuuko: ...so he said, when the "gentleman" split. Ah---so it seemed, but he was horrifying. Pg 82 Recca: It's okay, since it was just an indirect... Fuuko: Don't say it, monkey!! [???] Don't sleep, Mi-bou!! Kagerou: Ah, aren't we being a bit rough...Fuuko. Fuuko: [Not considering before, Kagerou!] When a lady is made fun of, an attitude... Pg 83 Kagerou: Iyahahahah Arrow: [Children off limits] Kokuu: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you--- [It's been awhile, everyone!!] Pg 84 Fuuko: [What's this "thank you, thank you," perverted gramps!!] Kagerou: This time I'll kill you for grabbing me. Recca: [By the way, aren't you one of the 8 dragons!!] [How were you able to escape the seal!!] Kokuu: [I'm the one with the super, wonder powers!!] ...even so, yesterday when Recca called me... The woman called "Kirin" was cute...no, no, strong--- The other one..."Rasen" was it? He---wasn't ordinary. Pg 85 Kokuu: [I truly shuddered seeing him.] [It's the opposite of Kurei's way of being visually threatening!] He wasn't threatening. Nor spirited... Nor angry... Life without feeling...as if he were a mannequin Yanagi: [And emotions...even for a person who lost his voice, nothing comes out.] Recca: Uh huh. You can read a person's heart through talking. Kokuu: [They expect you to come to that place.] The hint was---"Tendoujigoku," they said. Pg 86 Domon: Te...Tendoujigoku!! Fuuko: The only one to think of food. Ganko: Idiot Recca: Do you know something about it, Kaa-chan? Kagerou: I don't know that details...so--- Pg 87 Kokuu: Tendoujigoku. It is--- The strongest madougu of evil and terror Long ago... The time when the Hokage had yet to form a ninja clan--- There were two genius weapon makers. Pg 88 Kokuu: Their creations were the weapons...Hokage madougu. They, with the same goal, competed with each other. "Whose is the strongest madougu" and... Each had reached a different conclusion!! One---"These aren't to kill people, but these weapons are made to protect people's lives," he argued... One---"Murder. It's beautiful to say. Weapons are to kill people! I make weapons to kill people," he argued. Pg 89 Kokuu: One made the "Shikikami" (for paper) and one made the "Shikikami" (for hair)--- One made the "Tetsugan" (for iron) and one made the "Sakechuu" (for stone) in rivalry. [Being born in the same time period, it was fated...] The two vied to make the "strongest madougu"--- [The strength of the madougu of each were truly polished and made powerful.] Domon: I see! They rivaled to be better than the other. Fuuko: That's why some of the madougu are so similar. The "Ensui" and "Hyoumaen" for example. Kokuu: Right. The feature is in the straightness--- "Ensui" was not mainly used to poison, while the latter weapon's purpose... "Hyoumaen's" purpose is for the highest killing ability, an evilness compared to the former weapon!! And then...the best weapon "made for the sake of killing people"... Tendoujigoku... Pg 90 Kokuu: [Later, it became the Hokage's duty to guard the bulk of the madougu---] [Only the Tendoujigoku was too dangerous!] Somewhere on this island... I have heard somebody buried and sealed it. Recca: So...Where is it, Gramps. Kokuu: No clue!! Uhya-hya-hya-hya-hya-hya!! Mikagami: ...Recca. Those two called "Rasen" and "Kirin;" there's a oddity before you--- Why do you think Yanagi wasn't targeted? Pg 91 Mikagami: The fact I believe is... They said something like "Mori killed" Kurei. Mori decided Kurei wasn't necessary--- Why do you think? Don't you think he believed him too powerful of a person? That's my conclusion. Mori wants the Tendoujigoku And so he's probably searching for it! Pg 92 Recca: ...! That's not a stupid thing to say!! He...He can't get a hold of such an evil item!! Mikagami: And Kokuu, I can tell you know of the place. [Even though you say differently, it's written on your face.] Pg 93 Kokuu: You can't... That place...you must not go to that place!! It's too dangerous...!! I won't tell you differently!!! Domon: Bastard---you did know, didn't you!! Recca: Where is it!! Kokuu: I won't!! Shadow: We will know. If the "Tendou" enters Mori-san's hand--- That would be dangerous as well. Domon: ! Pg 94 Fuuko: Who's there!!? Domon: That Kansai dialect...it couldn't be... Joker: I, myself---will tell you. Pg 95 Joker: He--llo--, everyone! Aren't you healthy things!! Chapter Six: [To the Battle Field Again] Joker: It's been troublesome finding you. Pg 96 Mikagami: ...! He's... Recca: And you are? Rasen's follower? Pg 97 Joker: Who-who am i? You've forgotten? Hey, look! It's me, Joker!! Sign: [...moment of thought...] Recca: Jo...Joker!? Pg 98 Joker: Ah!! You have doubting faces! Don't believe it!? Wait a second! Doya! Fuuko: Okay, we know you are the Joker, but... Domon: What did you come here for!? Joker: ...what did I... I said so earlier. I'll tell you of the sleeping place of the Tendoujigoku. Pg 99 Kokuu: ! [How do you know.] Joker: Oh! Is it the Grandpa-chan from the Dome. [Ah! Wife-san, I don't take sake in the afternoon!] Kagerou: It's water. Joker: [...I saw Mori-san going to some strange places.] [Easily~~~I spied on him.] [The female traveling with him didn't notice me, either.] [I saw him going into a certain place!] It's probably the "Tendou's" secret... Recca: I don't believe you!! Aren't you the enemy!! What is this, a trap!! Pg 100 Fuuko: Certainly. Domon: He was a member of Uruha, as well as a mysterious guy. Joker: ...Believe me or don't believe me; it's up to yourselves. [It really wasn't my intention to say, "Please let me tell you."] [Why, you guy have a lot of spirit,] [I thought it would be interesting to cooperate.] ["Take things with a grain of salt," it's said?] Recca: Nu...nuu... Koganei: Joker!! Joker: ! Pg 101 Koganei: I believe you!! Joker: Koganei-kun... Koganei: Joker was an Uruha member, but I don't thing he's a bad guy. But I can't say he's a good guy [That's what I felt while fighting him.] Anyway, if he's lying, I'll attack with the sixth form. (note: that's the form Joker was beaten with) Joker: [No thanks...] Pg 102 Recca: Gramps! I'm going to the site of the Tendoujigoku. [From your tone, you're trying to stop a large battle] [That you say it's a dangerous place, it makes me worried.] But--- Pg 103 Recca: Letting that "Ikare" bastard get a hand on the Ten~~--- For Hime...we will approach danger. Fuuko: Before Mori finds that most powerful madougu... We'll break it!! Domon: [It's a contest!] Kokuu: ... [I'm right in this situation!!!] I still know nothing!! Pg 104 Kokuu: [???] Kagerou: Kya!! Kokuu: [Have heart!] [At that place, members of the Hokage will have a close fight!] Ura Uruha by themselves---aren't the enemy!! Joker: ...We're agreed. [Well, are we going to the site.] Pg 105 Recca: Before that, Joker, If you know about it, I want you to tell me. Kurei... Is he dead? Pg 106 Joker: As for now...Kurei-san was the heart of the squad called "Uruha" [It's pointless.] In the Urabutou, Kai, Genjuurou, Jishou, Noroi... Four of the "Ten Gods" are dead. Raiha-san, during the final match-up, disappeared--- Neon-san, in order to save Kurei, fell into the sea with him. Pg 107 Joker: Mokuren wants his own soldiers, and is almost Ura Uruha. [He's very evil---] Two of the "Ten Gods" I haven't seen, one being... [The leader of Ura Uruha!] His name is---Rasen!! Pg 108 Recca: That guy...one of the "Ten Gods"!? Joker: I know nothing about Rasen except what I've heard. A puzzling man. [That guy (Kurei) may have lost the Uruha...but...] [To loose his life!!] [He shouldn't have been killed!!] Pg 109 Joker: [Don't know what came over me...] [N~~~well, some death is clear.] Recca: That's true... That idiot, only his body is strong. Fuuko: Hey. What's this itch to get going? Well? We like this stuff, huh? Domon: A calm, ordinary life style---that's not for us. Pg 110 Koganei: Same here. Compared to using a pencil, I love this. Fuuko: Mi-chan is coming, too!! Mikagami: Nobody else is saying they aren't going... Why only me... Ganko: [Again...Again...Fuuko is going to be gone a long time.] Recca: ...Yoshi. Let's go, Hokage!! Narration: Hokage ninja proceed to the battlefield--- The target... The Tendoujigoku's destruction!! To Chapters 7-8 To the translation page [1]