Episode zero, Act 7 Act.7 (part 1) [Caption] The will of the colony dissidents pulls five young boys into it's fierce currents. Narr: The people who broke away from earth sought a new life in the space colonies. [Scenes from the previous Acts] In a broken/breaking mirror..... Relena holding her hand out [I assume to Zechs] Duo facing Professor G Trowa staring up at the sky. Quatre in Rasid's MS Heero holding the dead puppy Wufei standing at Meiran's grave Narr: However.... Narr: The Earth Sphere's military used their overwhelming military force to take over the colonies in the name of "Justice and Peace" A.C. 195 Apr 06 Shot of a shuttle in space. Passengers in the shuttle are Relena and the Vice Foreign Minister Dorian. Relena is staring out the window, at the colony they are approaching. Shot of a wheel colony. Relena: ..... Scene 1 - Heero Yuy The shuttle has landed. Narrator: On this day, the Vice Foreign Minister, Dorian, in order to take part in the fifth Colony Summit, arrives at L-1 Colony. Vice Foreign Minister Dorian and Relena have disembarked. Dorian is shaking hands with representatives Relena: ..... Someone is watching the handshaking through a pair of binoculars from the top of a building. We see it's Heero as he lowers the binoculars. Heero: ..... [Flashback to a conversation with Doctor J] J: This may turn out to be your final mission. J: The Barton Conglomerate is planning to assissinate the Vice Foreign Minister Dorian for finding out about Operation M. Heero: Therefor? J: You have three choices. One, you can cooperate with the Barton Conglomerate and assassinate the Vice Foreign Minister Dorian. Another, you can stop the Barton Conglomerate and protect the Vice Foreign Minister. And the final one, you can chose to ignore this (mission). Chose any of the above. It's up to you.... [End Flashback] Heero: ..... You see a downed would be assassin lying face down, a rifle nearby. Heero's chosen the second option apparently. Heero: With your emotions... Huh. He looks over his shoulder back down at the assembly of people Relena looks up towards him, just by chance. Relena: ? Heero puts his hand over his face, to obscure his features. Heero: ..... Scene 2 - Duo Maxwell Shot of a flying shuttle. Behind it are 2 Federation ships, mobile suit carrier types, in fast pursuit. Firing on the first shuttle. Smoke starts coming from one of the engines of the shuttle being pursued [Cut to interior] Duo and an unidentified man are at the helm. Professor G sits behind them in the captain's seat. Sweeper: Propulsion system being targetted. Sweeper: Vernier output down by 40%! Duo: What now? We can't outrun those military ships!! G: ..... Duo, looking back. Duo: Hey, old man, I SAID that we're going to be caught at this rate. Professor G stands. G: It's unavoidable. We're abandoning ship. Duo: Huh?! G: Duo, come with me. Duo: Where are we going anyways?! G: To Deathscythe. Duo: Deathscythe?! I thought you said we weren't going to go through with Operation Meteor! G: It can't be helped. We have to co-operate with the Barton Conglomerate for now. Duo's fists are clenched and he's looking generally pissed. Duo: *disgusted sound* And commit mass murder? Scene 3 - Trowa Barton Shot of one of the L3 Colonies. Interior. Hangar of some sort, where Heavyarms is being stored/constructed. Professor H stops the nameless young mechanic who will be known to us as Trowa Barton. H: Hey.... Are you the one who did the magnet coating treatment on the propulsion system? No name nods. H: That was marvelous work.... Where did you learn such skill? No name: ..... No Name brushes on by. H: Well.... he's an odd one. He walks over to what's clearly Heavyarm's upper torso, just above the cockpit area and starts his work. The REAL Trowa Barton comes up behind him. Trowa: Hey, No Name. He leans on Trowa, putting an arm over his shoulder as he shows No Name, a photograph. Trowa: I've got something to show you, for your eyes only. She's Mary-Maia, my older sister's daughter No name: ..... Trowa: We thought she'd died with my sister back on X18999, but we found her. When we've taken over the earth, she'll be the ruler. This house thinks that we won't need mobile suits. Shot of another colony (I think this is of L4 - could be L3 tho :) Scene 4 - Quatre Raberba Winner Shot of the Winner Household. Mr. Winner: We're attempting to reach a solution with the Earth Sphere Military through talks. Shot of Winner's office. Inside are Mr. Winner and Doktor S Mr. Winner:< People have finally managed to live in space.... There's no way we can hold a war. Don't you think this is pointless? S: Your absolutely right. S turns to leave. S: If only all people in the Earth Sphere were like you.... I could do without having to create weapons. Mr. Winner stares at him as he leaves. Mr. Winner: ..... Just before S makes it to the front door. Quatre: Please wait! S: What is it? Quatre: There's a resource satellite that's been abandoned recently. You should be able to continue your mobile suit research there without the risk of discovery by OZ or the military. S: Why do you tell me this? Quatre: Because if someone doesn't fight, this war will never end... That's what I think. S: Is it because you want to become someone? Quatre: If you think I'm acceptable... S: ..... Quatre: I.... Want to become someone with pride. S: Since that time... The light in your eyes hasn't changed at all. Quatre: ..... S: Please guide me [to this place] Quatre: Certainly. Scene 5 - Chang, Wufei Wufei: Roushi O... I ask you once more. Roushi O: ..... Wufei: For what reason did you create Nataku? Roushi O: ..... Wufei grabs the lapels of Roushi O's lab jacket. Wufei: Because we're dropping this colony on the earth? Is that why you created Nataku? How could you? Wufei: Did you think I'd go along with this? Roushi O: The Elder is aware of Operation Meteor. Wufei: It can't be. I won't let you use my Nataku for that purpose. Roushi O: Wufei... That's not Nataku. It's Shenlong. Shouldn't you let go of Nataku's memory? He gets really pissed and punches Roushi O in the stomach. Roushi O goes down on his knees, holding his midsection. Roushi O: *swift intake of breath* Wufei: Forget her? Say that again! Roushi O: ..... Wufei: I no longer consider you my mentor! I'll fight with Nataku alone! [Ruins in the L1 Colony] Relena is walking, looking around. Relena: It snows in the colonies too.... She stops by a snow covered teddybear [Just Communication OP] She kneels down and brushes the snow off it's head. Relena: ..... She regards it sadly, and closes her eyes. In the distance. Behind her, you see Heero, his back turned to her. He kneels down next to a small grave marked with 2 rocks. He sets down a flower. This is where he buried the little dog from Endless Waltz flashback. He stands there for a moment staring at the grave. Heero: ..... He pulls out a gun, loading a bullet into the chamber, and presses it against his head. Heero: Mission Complete [Caption] When the time comes to pull the trigger, the terrible drama..... Close up on the flower. [Caption] (Standing) before the tragic massacre, Heero tries to take his life?! Heero stands there, about ready to blow his brains out. J: ... Mission. Heero's eyes fly open, and lowers the gun. Doctor J walks up from behind him. J: I've decided to go through with Operation Meteor. Heero: ...... J: You have three choices. One, pilot the gundam and go commit mass murder. One more, shoot me here, and flee somewhere..... And one more is..... Heero: Is? J: ...... [Flashback - Doctor J and another scientist] Assistant walks up to Doctor J, holding Heero's astro suit (the one he wears in ep 1) Assis: Doctor- look at this. J: A self-destruct device...? Assis: It appears to be linked to the Wing Gundam's self-destruct mechanism. J: What is that brat planning? Assis: What do you think? J: Modify the priming frequency on the Gundam. J: That way the astrosuit will misfire as well. [End flashback] J: ..... You should know what it is. Heero: *snort* Okay. Scene 7 - Shenlong Gundam Courtyard of the Dragon Clan complex. [I'm not sure who's speaking the line below.] Unknown: It's better to go through with Operation Meteor than to just quietly break the agreement. The military and OZ will realise our foolishness with this action. Wufei: As long as our enemies are destroyed, there should be no problems! Wufei turns to leave. The door bangs open. Choroushi: Wait, Wufei! Choroushi: Take this with you. She holds a box. Wufei: What is this? Choroushi: In order for you to pilot Nataku and defeat the "Scourge of Space", there's something you need to consider first. She opens the case and reveals the contents. Choroushi: This is the "Alt-long" [Double dragon head]. Passed down from each generation of our clan. If you sell it, it should supply you with ammunition for at least a while. Wufei: .... Roushi Choroushi: I'm sorry.... that this is the only thing I can do to help you, right now. Wufei: ..... Choroushi walks away, Wufei is holding the box, and bowing. Shot of Shenlong Gundam Wufei: Time to go, Nataku! Let's finish this fight quickly. Scene 8 - Gundam Sandrock Shot of a resource satellite. [Personally it reminds me of MO-III] S: Quatre.... S: Fight as you see fit And, when you think the self-destruct mechanism is needed, use it. Quatre goes into the cockpit, puts on his helmet and pushes a button. Quatre: This is Quatre. I'm sending a periodic mail. [Note on 'periodic mail'. I couldn't find a good translation but this is how it works: At a preset time, an encrypted transmission is sent on a wide band. Unless you input the proper decryption code, all you get is white noise. This is the choice form of communication if you do not know where the recipient will be.] Quatre: I'm finally coming to the earth. My touchdown point is LTA-8045. I'm eagerly awaiting the time when I will be reunited with the Magnaacs. Quatre: That's all. Stops the recording. He closes his eyes. Quatre: I wonder how everyone is doing.... S: Quatre, we're going to slingshot you out. Quatre: Rodger Switch to Winner household. Mr. Winner finds a note on the desk. Mr. Winner: Eh? Note: War brings sorrow.... But we must fight to Protect our loved ones from that sorrow.... Mr. Winner: *looking alarmed* Quatre! Winner rushing to the window Mr. Winner: You fool! Come back Quatre! *Quatre!* Quatre and the shuttle he's in launches. Scene 9 - Gundam Heavyarms H:Very well. As of now, you're Trowa Barton You are now entrusted with Operation Meteor. Trowa: Looks like I'm going back to the earth after all.... His capsule passes by a bunch of MS carrier shuttles. An image pops up on his monitor Man: This is the special forces under direct control of the Barton Conglomerate. We have been ordered to aide in Operation M. Trowa: ...... Man: Huh? Who are you?! The capsule starts firing on the ships. [It has guns?!] Stuff blowing up *Aaaaaagh!* Trowa: ...... Capsule scoots on past the debris. Trowa, typing something out. Operation M, proceeding with mission. Treasonous act engaged.... Ships exterminated. Furthurmore, Operation M is a failure As it stands, will land on earth. Battle Record 000 Recorder..... Trowa Barton Scene 10 - Gundam Deathscythe G: Duo.... Steal Deathscythe! G: Go to the earth without following through with Operation Meteor Duo, in an astro suit, seated in Deathscythe's cockpit. Duo: Heh. Easier to tell the Barton Conglomerate that it was stolen.... G: *Face on monitor* Congradulations, Duo. With this, Deathscythe is now yours. Duo: Heh. I ain't saying thanks. G: Now to give you your mission. Duo, sweatbeading. Duo: Huh?! G: Destroy the main motor of the OZ weapons factory in North America. I'm uploading accurate maps and attack route right now. Duo sitting there, with his arms folded. Duo: And my reward? G: None.... There's no idiot who's going to reward Death. Duo: Shit! If I'm Death, you're Pestilence. G: Hehe... G: Your target is OZ... They disturbed the colony's peace. This is revenge. Duo: Wouldn't it be better to just subjugate OZ here, rather than going down to earth? G: Don't worry about the colony Kill before you get killed. That's your mission. Duo: Gotcha! Duo: It's better to die than to be taken over by OZ. Scene 11 - Wing Gundam J: Operation Meteor... at last. Heero in cockpit of Wing Gundam J: Because Vice Foreign Minister Dorian's assassination was foiled, the military HQ now knows the operation plans and it'll probably be better if they decipher it. Heero: But the mission in reality will be different. J: That's right.... This is the mission you chose. However you risk your life with this launch. Heero: Don't worry.... Life is cheap.... Especially mine.... J: Contact may come at any time regarding targets. Heero: Rodger..... J: Engage in the missions as quickly as possible. Heero: Rodger.... J: Let's decide on a codename. I've decided on the name of the pacifist space leader. You got that, Heero Yuy? Heero: Rodger that.... A.C. 195 Apr 07 Oper1: Movement of objects confirmed at Lagrange Point, heading from AX to GY. Oper2: Send a brief to Zechs in the atmosphere Anyways it's probably just pieces of some ancient satellite. Switch to OZ ship in high earth orbit. Zechs reads the report. Zechs: At last! The will of the space rebels..... Zech smiles. Shuttle on descent to earth atmosphere. Relena is staring outside. Relena: ..... Dorian: What's wrong Relena.... Dorian: Are you so dissatisfied at the thought of going back to earth? Relena: Yes. Quite.... Shots of all five boys Four streaks head towards the earth. Narr: "Operation Meteor" Narr: An act of hostilites against the military by a faction of colonists by sending new weapons to the earth, disguised as meteorites. Narr: However, the military had already been alerted to this plan. [Caption] And so, the legend begins!! Translation by Julie, Copyright © The GW Archive. Do not move from here.