Hi. I’m the translator. I tell you, there will be mistakes. These are some signs you should know before reading: ( ) =informing you of something, < > = sound effects, italics = what someone is thinking or Japanese reactions or important words. Hong Kong Chinese I (A letter from Chihaya) To great Angel Sir Michael, Are you doing well? This is Chihaya. I am doing well. Kagetsuya and I are in Hong Kong, Asia. Here it is small and great amounts of people live here. The food here is pretty good. Kagetsuya is interested in Chinese food. Rapheal: Is it a letter, Sir Michael? Michael: It’s from Chihaya. Rapheal: Oh…it’s Chihaya. Michael: N…It seems they’re in Hong Kong right now. Over here I look a lot like Japanese so I am living as a Japanese resident. (Kagetsuya is living as a American citizen for the same reason.) Rapheal: You Sir Michael ------ Which one are you hoping for? I will turn in my report separately. Rapheal: Earthian’s survival or their extinction? Please read it. Of course it is a plus report. Michael: …… well? (This is not good translation) Text: This is not just something that anyone can know. Should Earthians survive? Or should they be destroyed? Text: Hong Kong is still under England territory. Hong Kong’s history is colonization. The controlled "Hong Kong Chinese" still have no assurance. So mainly the Kan people that came from China depend on their birth place connection to live in this city. The connection of blood and place is deep. Person 1: What’s this today? It’s awfully noisy. Person 2: It seems to be the great father of Waki’s 60th birthday. Boy: Can I get something then? Woman (probably the mother): Stop! You shouldn’t get close with the Waki. You don’t know what they’ll do to you. Person 3: Congratulations Zoudaisau! (The Waki’s great father) Person 4: Put more alcohol on the Ryu-gami-sama. Don’t be so cheap. Zoudaisau: Lankai, come here a minute, Lankai! Where is Diana? Lankai: Great uncle. Zoudaisau: Where is Diana? Call her. Let’s have our miko celebrate. Lankai: But…… Diana is in a bad mood ------ Zoudaisau: What!? On a day like this? Lankai: ……she seems to have found out about her brother. (People shouting): It’s Diana! Oh, it’s Diana! Diana! It’s Diana. It’s the miko. Diana. Diana: You’re loud, be quiet! Everyone becomes silent. Diana: Who killed my brother? Who killed him! Lankai: Diana, it doesn’t matter who killed him. This is the will of the whole Waki. Diana: I am asking! Who, for what reason, killed my brother? Lankai: We had no choice. He had unacceptable feelings for you. Diana: Lankai, did you kill him? Yes, how did you kill him? I will kill you the same way as my brother. Lankai: Diana, no… Diana uses her physic powers on Lankai. Lankai: Wa…it was not me! Diana: What a stupid thing you did…… unacceptable you say? Who! I was the one who was unacceptable. I was the one who loved him. For a long time this Diana loved her own brother. Diana: You shall find a new miko. Person 5: Diana that means… Diana: I will not pray to the Ryu-gami anymore. I will not protect the Waki anymore. Diana disappears with the wind. (People shouting): Diana! Calm down, what are you doing!? Diana!! Hong Kong North point Kagetsuya: Chihaya! I am cutting our friendship! Chihaya: What Kagetsuya, you’re the bad one so don’t just get mad! You’re the one who read my report! Kagetsuya: Be quiet! I’m not speaking to you again and no dinner too! Kakgetuya slams the door shut. Chihaya: Wha…what ------! Oh no, not again. I’m not going to apologize. You’re too childish. But even if he is the bad one I don’t think Kagetsuya will apologize. ……it’s weird just ending it like this. It was bad of me for taking Kagetsuya’s joke seriously. Aa ------ I think I’m just going to apologize. If I get him in a good mood it’s mine. But all this fighting with Kagetsuya might be because of my complex. Yeah, he is a white high classed angel. If we go back to our home country he would probably not even speak to me. Ha! This is no time to feel weak. I have to make Kagetsuya change that idea. Kagetsuya, I think ----- i!? Kagetsuya is standing in the doorway and glares. Chihaya: Na……na…… Kagetsuya: Dinner. What are you going to eat for dinner? I’m not making anything but Chinese. Chihaya: Um…a…anything. Kagetsuya: Come on! I hate that kind of attitude the most!! Chihaya: E…then, then shrimp dumplings, Chow min, and sweet and sour pork. Kagetsuya: Okay! Chihaya: …………weren’t you not going to speak to me anymore? Kagetsuya: Stupid. I can make dinner without speaking to you. Chihaya: That might be good. Kagetsuya is watching Chihaya eat. Kagetsuya: You really have good taste. (Kagetsuya is writing his report.) Earth is a very mysterious place. I can’t understand why so many unneeded things occur in such a small place. It’s ridiculous. For example, the place where we live now, Hong Kong and last month’s point, California have different types of money and the rates are all different. Even the mainly spoken language is different. The situation now is random and not organized. Chihaya interrupts Kagetsuya. Chihaya: Come on! They have different specialties so that’s nice. Kagetsuya: What are you saying. Chihaya: It’s not fair. We got to come to Hong Kong……earth so let’s go see some good sittings. Kagetsuya: Yeah…I admit there are some pluses… Chihaya: E!? Kagetsuya: …like Chinese food. Chihaya: No……not like that. Chihaya snatches the report away. Kagetsuya: Chihaya! Chihaya: Let’s go outside! It’s no use sitting in front of the computer! Well, out they went. Kagetsuya: You should just mind your own business. It’s not that I really care about to but I’m a minus checker and you’re a plus checker. Chihaya is not listening at all. Chihaya: We haven’t gone to Abadien yet and we haven’t climbed Victoria Peak. The two of them are getting separated in the crowd. Kagetsuya: Hey! Chihaya! Some gay guy tries to take Chihaya somewhere. Guy: Whoa, a cutie ! Chihaya: E? Kagetsuya: Wa ------! (Sound of Kagetsuya hitting the guy) Kagetsuya: Be careful! Kagetsuya bumps in to a girl. Kagetsuya: A! The girl looks at Kagetsuya. Chihaya: Sorry. Are you okay? The girl walks away without answering. Chihaya: He ------. Is she Chinese? She stands out. Kagetsuya: Be careful. The most popular crime in this town is rape. Chihaya: Ue ------. But what do you mean be careful? Kagetsuya: You can be preyed on. Chihaya: No way! Don’t even say it as a joke. At our home country the price for homosexuality is the death penalty. Girl: Stop! Chihaya: That girl! A man tries to hit her. Girl: Kya ------! (Scream) Chihaya: Kagetsuya! Kagetsuya: Don’t put a hand up… Why do I have to --- …to a girl! ---do this! (Sound of Kagetsuya punching the man) (Sound of the man hitting the ground) Kagetsuya: Run Chihaya! We’re gonna escape! Chihaya: (His face pale) Don’t be so violent. Kagetsuya: What are you saying! They run and reach safety. They are out of breath. Chihaya: Man, I was surprised. But we didn’t see anything after all. Kagetsuya: Can’t you at least thank us? Girl (Yes, its Diana): …… Kagetsuya: Who is she? What’s up with her? Chihaya: Um…ah --- hello ---. Kagetsuya, I think she’s not feeling good. Kagetsuya: What are you saying. I sense trouble. They take her to their place. Kagetsuya: ------and what are you? She’s suspicious. Chihaya tries to get her attention. Chihaya: Are these Chinese clothes? You’re hair’s long. Does it have any meaning? Are you hungry? Kagetsuya: What’s with this girl? I don’t like these kind if things. Silence. Kagetsuya and the girl are staring at each other while Chihaya is looking at them, troubled. Then, the girl looks at Chihaya. Girl: Monkey…… Chihaya is a little shocked. Kagetsuya is mad. Kagetsuya: Leave her alone Chihaya! She doesn’t know any manners. Chihaya: Kagetsuya! (Sound of Kagetsuya stomping past the girl) Kagetsuya: I’m going grocery shopping. What is she ------! (Sound of Kagetsuya bursting open the door) Kagetsuya: I’m going! He looks outside and sees the man he hit outside. Kagetsuya: That guy ------. Ge ------. Did he follow us? Lankai: Is it really around here? Guy: Yes, it’s true. Lankai: It’s a girl about 15 or 16 with long hair. Kagetsuya: E! Guy: It has to be. Kagetsuya: That batch…the symbol of Waki! Waki…the biggest secret company in the Hong Kong under world. This…this might be dangerous!! ? To Be Continued…