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Densetsu Dream Saga Takamagahara Chapter Twenty-Five Tenjukyuu he Ran in Nakayoshi April 2000 issue Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja~! -Meimi Translation by Meimi (KSaintTail@aol.com) July 13, 2000 %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 101 Dream Saga Takamagahara Chapter Twenty-Five "To the Tenjukyuu" pg 102 Yuuki: ...the "Takamagahara me"...?! Yuuki: % But isn't this my Takamagahara body...? Nakime: You are the Nakatsukuni Yuuki now. You are the only one different from the other four... pg 103 Nakime: You alone... Are the only human whose body has been able to travel to Takamagahara. You are the only person who can combine with your other self. The only person who can obtain that sparkling, glittering power. That is why you can become the sun. You are the "Ledgendary Girl"...!! Yuuki: ...I understand. pg 104 Yuuki: As long as I can meet Takaomi... Then it's fine. Nakime: Yuuki... You know that if "Susanonu" eats you... Then you'll disappear- Yuuki: I don't want to see a world where I'm the only one left. Yuuki: % If I can save everyone... Yuuki: Then it's fine! Yuuki: % If this world can remain... pg 105 Nakime: ...I understand. I take the responsibility for your sadness... I will guide you to the Tenjukyuu. You are already very close by. Yuuki: ...Nakime-san, I have one request. Don't tell the others about this talk, okay...! Nakime: % ...Yuuki... Nakime: ...I understand. Nachi: So actually... pg 106 Nachi: We can't do anything about it, and... We're all...going to die? Taizou: ... Nachi: And that means... HEY!! Nachi: YOU MEAN I WON'T BE ABLE TO TAKE OVER DAD'S COMPANY?! (WHAAAT?!) Nachi: (My perfect attendance bonuses and my personal fame and my national...) Taizou: YES!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! THERE ISN'T GOING TO BE COMPANY TO TAKE OVER! Nachi: DON'T TALK LIKE THAT! (It's none of your business!!) Keima: STOP TALKING ABOUT IT LIKE THAT, DON'T MAKE EVERYTHING SEEM HOPELESS!! Kaya: ... pg 107 Yuuki: SHUT UP!! Yuuki: It's all right, it'll all work out!! (Don't scream like that in another person's home!) Taizou: Hey...you haven't acted like that for a long time. Screamed at us, I mean! pg 108 Yuuki: I haven't? Taizou: Haha... Nachi: Nope! Souta: No matter what happens...if we're all going to die... I want to keep on doing whatever we can do. And if we do that, it really might all work out! Taizou: I will too! Nachi: M-Me too! Keima: I agree as well. pg 109 Souta: Let's go. Yuuki: ...yeah. pg 110 Yuuki: To the Tenjukyuu. Nakime: Both mirrors...the Shinjuukyou and the Shinkakyou...bring them here. "Combine mirrors" please! Yuuki: ! pg 111 Yuuki: % Inside the mirrors... % A staircase...!! Yuuki: % Wha... pg 112 Yuuki: ...!! This is....!! Nakime: ...the pathway to the heavens has opened. pg 113 Nakime: This...is the only pathway to the Tenjukyuu. Please, climb it now... pg 114 Yuuki: The Tenjukyuu...that's where the core of nature's hatred is, right? (It's hiiiigh...) Nakime: ...yes. Amaterasu-sama is fighting it in the core... ...Yuuki. She's trying to hold out until your arrival. Yuuki: And the leader of nature's hatred is..."Susanonu"? Nakime: ...yes. pg 115 Nakime: Because he is heading for the Tenjukyuu now... Nature's energy is going all-out, and has suddenly risen very quickly. We don't know if he'll be able to approach us outright...!! Taizou: The wind just got really strong...!! Keima: Are you all right? Kaya: I-I'm all right,,,it's nothing...! Keima: ...isn't it true, though... That you were supposed to be the next Amaterasu? pg 116 Keima: So then why is Yuuki- Kaya: I think it is because I am Tsukuyomi's daughter. Keima: What?! Kaya: Father ruined this world so much... And as his daughter, I am not worthy to become the next Amaterasu... So I feel that I must see what will happen to this world... As "Tsukuyomi's daughter". pg 117 Kaya: $ Take me to the Tenjukyuu as well! Keima: % So that's why... Keima: ...strong. Kaya: What? Keima: Woman are. I respect you. Yuuki: KYAA?! pg 118 Yuuki: This is...the heavens?! Yuuki: % But why are there lotus flowers blooming when we're supposed % to be above the sky...? ?: % HUMAN. Yuuki: !! ?: % A HUMAN HAS COME. Yuuki: % This is...nature's voice?! Nature: % DON'T COME. % GO BACK. pg 119 Souta: !! Yuuki: Everyone!! Nachi: KYAAAAAA! Nature: % HUMANS THAT DID THIS TO US. % KILL. % WE WILL KILL YOU ALL. pg 120 Yuuki: No...!! Yuuki: % They got blown away?! % No... ?: % Yuuki. Yuuki: Are you all okay?! Where are you?! Souta: % Are you okay? Yuuki: Yeah! Souta: % Right now... % We're all in four...seperate places... pg 121 Nakime: Those are the four gates that protect the Tenjukyuu!! The magatama must have transported you there! Please look, on each of your gates, there should be your symbol...!! Souta: ...!! pg 122 Nachi: My symbol...!! Nakime: % If you can open all four gates, the Tenjukyuu will appear! Souta: !! Nakime: % You are all... % The guardians of each gate... % And you magatama exist... % For the purpose of opening those gates. pg 123 Keima: !! Keima: M-My body is... Turning to stone...!! Yuuki: % Everyone...?! Taizou: % We won't be able to say the spell soon!! Taizou: So we should use our magatama now?! Nakime: Yes!! Yuuki: Wait!! What's going to happen...to everyone's magatama?! What's going to happen to everyone?! pg 124 Nakime: ...the magatama... They will once again be sealed away, for thousands or millions of years... They will vanish from your hands...! All: !! Nakime: Your Takamagahara and Nakatsukuni bodies will both return to being like those of normal humans. You will not be able to visit both worlds again. pg 125 Souta: % We can never come to Takamagahara...again... Souta: To open these gates...to the Ama of Iwato... That was our...role. Keima: Then... This is our...parting with Takamagahara? Nachi: Then this'll be my last time as a girl, huh? Taizou: ...Nakime-san. pg 126 Taizou: But if I could meet you...! Nakime: % My...only.. % My only request... Nakime: Will you listen to it...? Please... Search for me, Search for me in Nakatsukuni... Nakime: % I knew that this could never happen. pg 127 Nakime: Because at one glance... ...I will know.. ...that it is you... Nakime: % Because I cannot leave the Tenjukyuu. Taizou: ...yes. I will...!! Souta: % Yuuki... % ...we're going home. pg 128 Nachi: % We're sorry we can't stay with you! Taizou: % But you'd better come home too! Keima: % Because we'll be waiting. All: Waiting at home...! All: % We'll all face this approaching destiny together! Yuuki: ... Yuuki: % Everyone... % I'm sorry I lied to you... Yuuki: ...yeah. I'll come back...definitely. Surely.. pg 129 Yuuki: We'll...meet again...! Yuuki: % ...it'll turn out all right. % Because I'll surely...protect our world... Keima: "RIUNA"! Souta: "SERIYASU"! Nachi: "FUUA"! Taizou: "AGUMA"...!! pg 130 Yuuki: % Everyone, please... % Take care... Yuuki: % ...and goodbye... pg 131