Mugen Densetsu Takamagahara Dream Saga Tankoubon Three, Chapter Fifteen Hadashi no Odoriko Ran in Nakayoshi February 1997 Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. * "Horu Akutei" is "Girl of the Horizon" in kanji. * On page 173, I haven't the faintest idea what Yuuki's talking about. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 146 Chapter Fifteen The Barefoot Dancing Girl pg 147 Yuuki: Who...did this....? Taizou: Tsukuyomi's doing?! Souta: (Yeah.) The only person who would let trash get piled up this much is him. pg 148 Yuuki: We have to do something, the water will get polluted...!! Souta: Wait, Yuuki!! Yuuki: ? Souta:'s gas. Don't get any closer to it. All the trees and grass around here were killed because...of this. Yuuki: % It can't be...then... % People just left it like this...? % If they keep doing this...the other beings really will % become human's enemies... Keima: pg 149 Yuuki: ? (Candy?) Nachi: a TIME like THIS...are... (Are you INSANE~~?!!) Keima: Please eat it quickly-- you won't breathe in as much of the poison this way. Yuuki: (It's so sweet!) Keima: It's Shiruvia Candy. Takaomi: Doesn't that bloom near volcanoes? Keima: Because it's a flower that purifys the air. (So this is an air-cleaning candy.) Souta: The bubbles from the spring are... Keima: I wonder if the bubbles are the source of the gas... pg 150 Taizou: (YEAH YEAH LET'S GOOOO~!) So what's in the spring- Keima: Wait!! It doesn't matter what it is, it's hopeless to dive in there!! Takaomi: Can't you see it, Seer? Keima: (I said NO!!) Tachikawa: Seer = Fortune-teller + Priest Souta: Don't be stupid...I'm just a fortune-teller... Keima: $ There is a character carved into the magatamas. $ You only need to call it out. Souta: % Maybe.... pg 151 Souta: ..."SERIYASU"!! ?: (...w....o...) WHO ARE YOU. Yuuki: % Earthquake?! pg 152 ?: THE ONE WHO DID THIS TO ME...IS IT YOU?! AAAAAHHH... Yuuki: % Wha- Souta: % Saw it...!! Souta: it. It's a crab! A huge crab is underneath all that trash!! Souta: This poison came from the crab's bubbles!! pg 153 Yuuki: !! Souta: Shizaa Kuresu!! Takaomi: What's with this- it still has the trash on its back... Yuuki: ...Takaomi!! Takaomi: Yeah, I know... pg 154 Takaomi: I'm not gonna kill it!! Yuuki: % Even though...he already unsheathed his sword...!! Souta: This crab is the kind that has plants and seaweed attached to its back. We have them in Nakatsukuni too. So then...! pg 155 Souta: The trash humans tossed into the was piled onto its back too...and this crab is becoming a mountain of trash...! Takaomi: The people who tossed this much trash here... Can't you make this one small crab stay quiet?! Octopus~! Taizou: What'd you say, BAKAomi!! pg 156 Takaomi: WHO'S the Bakaomi!! Yuuki: Souta, isn't the crab in pain....?! Yuuki: % I can't talk to it like this... Souta: I'm sure the bubbles it's sending out are an effect of the tras- !! pg 157 Souta: Ow... Nachi: Souta! Are you okay?! (That...thing...) Souta, tell me what it is- my magatama's character. Tell me what it says. There's got to be...something I can do, right?! Souta: ...."Fuua"... pg 158 Souta: Nachi...@ Nachi: ..."Fuua"!! pg 159 Nachi: A...stage costume...?! pg 160 pg 161 Yuuki: The crab is- Souta: ...shh! (Quiet...) pg 162 Yuuki: % The listening to Nachi's song...! Taizou: ...look...! Nachi just stepped right off the ground! pg 163 Yuuki: It's... ?: Orchestrion... Souta: So she has the power to make things record music...! (The trash turned into instruments,) Taizou: And the spring isn't polluted anymore...! pg 164 Yuuki: % Such sweet music... % The crab is happy...! % It's not hurting anymore, not giving off poison anymore! Nachi: Finish! pg 165 Yuuki: Amazing... Nachi, your singing and dancing has to be the best in the world...!! Nachi: GAHAHAHA~! Quit it, you're embarrassing me!! Don't make me lose my heart to you~ JUST KIDDING~~!! Takaomi: ... Keima: Yuuki, I'm sure you can talk with the crab now... Yuuki: "Light of Takamagahara..." pg 166 Yuuki: "Day and Night Divide..." "For Ashihara's Sake, for Mizuho's Sake" "Illuminate the Earth With Your Light Together..." "ARUFUOO KUROA"...! pg 167 Yuuki: ...sorry. It must have hurt, having all that trash on your back... Please forgive us somehow... Crab: Horu Akutei... Animals can't forgive humans for polluting this world... But. It seems that there are still humans with the same hearts that we have, aren't there... pg 168 Crab: ...because I know that... This hatred towards humans... I leave it in your hands. And I'll wait until that day...when the animal's leader passes judgement on humans...I place my trust in "that person"... Yuuki: % Leader of animals..."that person"... Crab: Horu are searching for something, aren't you? Tell me. Yuuki: (Ah..) For where the Crystal Backworms are... pg 169 Crab: They are not in this area. Yuuki: Huh? Crab: They live in a place where no NORMAL human gets near them. Yuuki: I just want to know where they are...! Crab: ...go inside this spring. There is a shortcut. Yuuki: % Huh? Inside the spring...? Crab: I'm going to sleep a bit... pg 170 Yuuki: There's a tiny light inside the magatama... Binga: That's the "feeling" the crab gave to you. Yuuki: But Binga, all that light... Binga: It's all the feelings of the animals that Yuuki's heart shares. Someday, they'll keep increasing. Yuuki: % Such sad, sweet light... Yuuki: In the end, the humans might not be destroyed after all... ...right, Binga...! pg 171 Binga: Yes, Yuuki... Souta: A shortcut INSIDE the spring?! Yuuki: Yup. (That's what the crab said.) Souta: I'm sure that's not a place where humans are supposed to go trampling around... Takaomi: Let's go, it's a shortcut! AFTER ALL, there's nobody here who can't...swim....right... Souta: ... pg 172 Keima: This is an accessory made from the Ookiddo's fin. It lets you breathe a little bit underwater! Nachi/Takaomi/Taizou: % What's he going to have next, a time machine?! Taizou: Let's go! Nachi: (Geez, why do I waste my time on you...) Yuuki: ... Takaomi: Are you scared? pg 173 Yuuki: N...not scared... Yuuki: % % Wha- pg 174 Takaomi: Let's go! Yuuki: % ...he wants Kaya-san quickly... pg 175 Takaomi: $ I'll save Kaya! Yuuki: % That's all right... % Even if we're apart... % No matter what world I'm in... % This feeling doesn't change... pg 176 Taizou: It's so daark... Taizou: OW! Keima: Be careful, it looks like it's a limestone cave. Taizou: Hey... Takaomi: I know...something's in here... ...get down. pg 177 Takaomi: There's so many of them...!!