Title : Maybe it's a Dream Original Title : Yume kamo shinnai Author : Hoshisato Mochiru Volume one Chapter four --- Reversing unhappiness. Kase Haruo : (Kase) Kase Misako : (Kase's wife) Kase Mana : (Kase's daughter) Yumeno Sumire : (Ghost) Satou Hiromi : (Young saleswoman working in the same office as Kase) ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 73] Chapter four --- Reversing unhappiness. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 74] 2 Kase: Good morning. 3 Kase: Oh. 4 Kase: G... good morning. 5 Satou: Good ... morning. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 75] 1 Kase: (in his mind) She is angry with me. 3 Kase: (coughing) 4 Kase: I'm sorry that I couldn't go out with you last Sunday. I'm really sorry it looks like I broke the appointment. 6 Satou: You owe me now, Kase-san. 7 Kase: R...right. I'll spare some time for you before long, surely. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 76] 1 Satou: Yes, please. You are the only one I'm relying on, Kase-san. 2 Kase: (in his recall) "You are the only one I'm relying on, Kase-san." 4 Kyokuchou: Kase-kuuun. Kase: Yes, good morning, Kurano Kyokuchou! 5 Kase: Don't watch a CD-ROM for idols in the office, Yamasaki---. 6 Kyokuchou: You are to meet Professor Uehara of Rittou-bidai today, aren't you. Kase: Yes, I am. We have to deliver those five PCs for a test today. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 77] 1 Kyokuchou: Don't you think we have to invite him to a dinner party? 2 Kase: You mean a reception party, don't you? Kyokuchou: If we give him pleasure at present, we could make the beginning of real introduction of PCs at his college. 4 Kase: I don't like to tell you this, but I don't think it is good for this case. 5 Kase: I know there is a demand for studies at Rittou Bidai (Rittou art college). Because I visit there many times for a half year. The order will surely come to us! It is not bad to prepare a party, but it is a waste of time and money! ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 78] 1 Kyokuchou: We are not the sole distributor of Muscle Computers, you know. For instance, What would you do if our rival Oohara Machines cut in? 2 Kase: They are not our rival at all. They just make the sale and they don't have even average service staff, you know! Even for a child it's obvious which one to choose. 3 Kase: Won't you trust me this time? 4 Kyokuchou: Very well. Do it on your own judgment. 5 Kase: I must be going. 6 Kase: Yamasaki--, will you help me with delivery to Rittou-bidai? Yamasaki: Oh, OK. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 79] 1 Yamasaki: The way he says that 'on your own judgment' is nasty, isn't it? Kase: It's his sarcasm as always, isn't it? Otherwise it is a guard in case of a business failure so that the responsibility doesn't come up to him. 2 Kase: Well, leave him say as he wants. I can put up sales close to a hundred, if it goes well. I tell this, "you'll have to pay for this!" 3 Yamasaki: You are in too high spirits, aren't you? Did anything good happen to you? 4 Kase: You know, while one lives his life, both good things and bad things will happen. 5 Yamasaki: What do you mean by that? Tell me. Kase: Hahahahaha. 6 Yamasaki: What is it? Hahahahaha. ------------------------------------------------------------ [page 80] 1 At Rittou-bidai (Rittou art college) 2 Yamasaki: WWooww, this is a great college, isn't it?. Kase: It is more than the looks. There are a lot of famous artists who graduated here. 3 Kase: I have a customer by chance who is a graduate of this college. Yamasaki: So you could get Professor Uehara introduced. Kase: Yeah, but I had hard days till I got this business. 4 Kase: Excuse me. It's Muscle System Services. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 81] 2 Yamasaki: Oh, That man ... (I met him) somewhere. 3 Kase: Excuse me. 4 Kase: Ah, Assistant Professor Sakai, I'm Kase. I've come to deliver ... 5 Kase: What? 6 Kase: This is the Hyper Muscle 8800! Why is this set up here? Sakai: Well, it's .... Yamasaki: I remember now! 7 Yamasaki: He is a salesman of Oohara Machines. I saw him once at the other place! 8 Sakai: That's true. I explained him that Muscle Systems were to get in, but he left one without agreement telling me it's just for a greeting to get acquainted with us. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 82] 1 Sakai: Getting a bottle of brandy, Professor got in a very good mood. He has weakness for that kind of things. 2 Kase: That's their way as always. Yamasaki: We cannot underestimate them, Oohara Machines. 3 Kase: (Things are going on) just like Kyokuchou said. Yamasaki: We'd better prepare a party. 4 Kase: ...... 5 Kase: Sh**.... "That's the reason why I said so in the first place," Kyokuchou surely will say. 6 Kyokuchou: That's the reason why I said so in the first place! Prepare it right away. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 83] 1 Kase: ..... 3 Kyokuchou: Now now, please enjoy it. Professor: How nice of you. 4 Kyokuchou: This is called "Funakuchi Hana", that is 'sake' of a famous brand we cannot get easily. Professor: Good, is that so? ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 84] 1 Kyokuchou: Pardon me, please. That Kase guy is dull and slow to see what's required. Professor: Hahahahaha, don't mind, it's youth. Kase: Sh**.... 2 Kyokuchou: As for our estimate, how do you think it'd be around this? Professor: Weeelll, it is not bad. Kase: (in his mind) Anybody can be a top-ranking salesman, when he discount it. 3 Kyokuchou: We will surely deliver them in this month! Leave it to us! Professor: Wow, it's fast. Kase: (in his mind) It's me who will have to check all of a hundred PCs! Don't guarantee it easily! 4 Yamasaki: You took a mistake a bit, didn't you, Kase-senpai. Kyokuchou will take a half of the exploit. Kase: Hahahaha, I'll try seeing it was even good that Oohara Machines didn't take this business. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 85] 1 Kyokuchou: Kase-kun, don't fail to send our estimate in his college today. Otherwise he'll change his mind. 3 Kase: (in Kase's recall) (Ghost:) "Don't you feel tough everyday?" "I bet you live a hard life bearing a lot of thing." 4 Kase: SHUT UP! 5 Kase: Something good will happen to one for being alive. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 86] 1 On the white board showing where each member of the office goes to, Satou-san will be back at 8:00 from outside job. Other members have returned to their home. 2 Kase: (in his recall) (Satou:) "You are the only one I'm relying on, Kase-san." "I respect you, Kase-san." "I thought I had to tell you the truth." 3 Kase: (in his recall) (Ghost:) "She loves you. ABSOLUTELY! " 4 Kase: I'll ask her for a date. Uhm .... That could (happen)... 5 Kase: That could ... 6 Kase: What? ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 87] 1 Satou: Kase-san. Are you still here? 2 Kase: Hi. You must have done a lot outside. 4 Satou: Listen to me, Kase-san! 5 Satou: I did sell our goods for the first time! It's our new customer! A PC with a display, a printer and a set of the system! ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 88] 1 Kase: Is that so? Congratulations. 2 Satou: I went over to Tachikawa. There I found a small printer which an old couple run, they are very nice persons. I couldn't even imagine they would buy a PC. 3 Satou: They were just thinking over getting a PC. I was lucky. 4 Kase: It's not a luck. It's your skill. Satou: Thank you very much, Kase-san. 5 Kase: Satou-san, from now, do you have any plan? If it is OK with you, as for the matter I couldn't listen to last Saturday, you said .... 6 Kase: 'the truth' ... Satou: I'm sorry! ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 89] 1 Satou: I don't mind that now! I don't want to think over that today. 2 Satou: I have an celebration party with friends of mine from my college days. I have to go to Roppongi from now! 3 Kase: I...is that so? 4 Satou: If you are all right, won't you go there with me? 5 Kase: No, I can't. I have to complete an estimate today. 6 Satou: Excuse me! I must be going! Kase: Ah, Yes. 7 Kase: Good b... ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 90] 5 Kase: Oisan, give me one more (bottle of 'sake')! (Note: Kase is going to say "Ojisan", but since he is heavily drunk, it sounds like "Oisan".) Master: Yeeehhhs. A bottle of 'sake'! ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 91] 1 Kase: Things are all happily going, aren't they? The business of that Bidai went successfully, and she got the first contract, and .... 2 Kase: ... it is not that I've got hated by her, and .... 3 Kase: But what in the world is this emptiness? Why on earth I'm feeling down? 4 Ghost: 'Cause you feel tough everyday, isn't it? 'Cause you endure (many things), isn't it? 5 Ghost: 'Cause you are not happy, isn't it? Kase: Have you come up for the sake of saying disgusting things? You were going to make me happy, weren't you? I can be less and less happy, you know! 6 Ghost: What made you get down? Because your job went less than the best? 'Cause you are disappointed with your home? 'Cause you failed to get along well with her? ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 92] 1 Kase: Everything. Ghost: Look, you have nothing good, don't you? 2 Kase: Not nothing. I have something good once in a while. 3 Ghost: It must be about her, you know. You look buoyantly (when you are with her). 4 Ghost: But only that. Kase: ....... 5 Ghost: You might as well .... ... cut all the disgusting things away from you. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 93] 2 Kase: Don't tell an absurd matter so easily. 3 Kase: No, but your word has made me awaken. 4 Kase: Kid! It's not whether carrot or green pepper! You cannot do an adult, if you always ask for what is favorite. Ghost: It's you who were whining while drinking. 5 Kase: I have experienced with this kind of days for hundreds of times! It's nothing to discuss! Ghost: Hundreds of times? Sounds no pleasant! 6 Kase: Right, it's not pleasant. Most of things I have in my life are not pleasant. Ghost: You finally admitted that. You are not happy, as I think. ------------------------------------------------------------ [Page 94] 1 Kase: Don't be silly! A human has the ability to break out of trouble! We can grasp happiness, reversing unhappiness! We cannot understand real pleasure if everything we have is pleasant! 2 Kase: UNDERSTAND? Ghost: Aha, it appears you've recovered. 3 Cook A: Why on earth is he talking to the wall? Cook B: All is over for a "salary-man", when he starts talking to himself in a bar.