Devil & Devil, vol 2 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( Latest revision 990314 [] marks a very unsure translation {} marks translation notes *** marks an unidentified kanji () marks speech not in bubbles <> marks thoughts --Chapter 1------------------------------------------------------ Pg005 TXT: Chapter 1: Second Devil. Pg006 1. Girl: In the name of the Lord... The Book of Truth! 2. Ios: A person at my pace... Sword: L... Listen here... This woman... 3. Girl: Reveal that one's true name!! 5. Ios: 5. Ios: It's above!! 7. Voice: Hohoho... Devil Sword has also fallen... Pg010 1. Devil: Long time no see... Sword!! Pg011 1. Girl: 2. Girl: Bu why!? A powerful Devil should only be able to appear in the Human World by a summon or a contract... 3. Devil: Stupid... A human carrying out a Devil-excorcision creates a road between the Human World and Hell... Devil: By using it in reverse, one can also fall through. Simple, isn't it... 4. Devil: However... I didn't need to do that... Devil: Sword, I came to get revenge on you!! 5. Sword: Whaat!? Pg012 1. Ios: Revenge...? Sword, who on earth is this... Sword: W... 2. Sword: Who're... you...? 3. Devil: He... Hehe... So, you've forgotten... To me... It sems like you have... 4. Devil: Then, remember! 5. Devil: Little girl, I'll tell you why Sword's true name isn't recorded in that Book of Truth... 6. Devil: That guy, [kire ru to], is such an idiot he makes no distinction between enemy and ally! Like that time... Pg013 1. Devil: It was when the battle with the Angels had started, and I had departed for the front... 2. Devil: There, by merits in war, I could be promoted to the rank of senior Devil... I killed many angels... 3. Devil: Then, what do you think this idiot Sword did!? 4. Devil: During the battle with the Angels, he fucking cut in excitement!! Pg014 1. Sword: I'll fucking kill each and everyone!! 4. Devil: He killed many Angels and Devils without distinction! The battlefield was wreaked!! Pg015 1. Devil: I thought! Here, if I could get rid of this guy, my promotion would be guaranteed... 2. Devil: However... 3. Devil: Losing one eye, I was demoted... Devil: And, since then, because of what he did at the battlefield, Sword isn't recognized as a Devil! Pg016 1. Devil: Because he isn't recognized as a Devil, naturally, he won't appear in the Book of Truth... Devil: Hehehehe... 2. Devil: You could say, he is a lost Devil!! No... Now that he's entered a human body, he's not even a Devil!! 3. Sword: I remember... Devil: What... 4. Sword: Your name, bastard, I'm sure it was Azal Dawn, wasn't it... You won't be able to take revenge on me easily! 5. Sword: However! You aren't a weakling, are you, bastard!? Azal!! 6. Azal: Ngh... Sword: Weaklings die!! That is the law of Devils!! Pg017 1. Sword: Do you... think I am weak!? 2. Sword: [That person-to-as-far-as fallen-person's-speech!!] 5. Girl: Go away, Devil!! Pg018 1. Ios: S, stop! This one is not like the earlier Devil!! 2. Girl: So you say, but I cannot allow evil ones... 3. Girl: That Devil is more evil that him... 4. Sowrd: Wha... 5. Azal: Heeh.... You're brave, little human girl... 6. Azal: Interesting! I'll devour your soul in front of Sword!! Pg019 1. Azal: Hehehe... Caught you... 2. Azal: If you look closely, this girl seems very delicious... Hehe... Today, I'm feasting... 4. Azal: Sword, you idiot, this girl seems to have a delicious Soul... If it was only that, I could become a senior Devil, too!! 5. Azal: That's right! I'll mangle this beatiful face, and sacrifice it to the senior Devils... 6. Ios: [buchi]? Pg020 1. Sword: Stupid asshooole!! 2. Azal: Wha...!? 3. Sword: What's this about the Senior Devils... Those fucking Devils wouldn't say such a petty thing!! --Chapter 2------------------------------------------------------ Pg023 TXT: Chapter 2: Mizuno's Past. Pg024 2. Azal: Heheh... Not surprising, Sword... 3. Azal: No way, I didn't think you'd even think of something like rescuing this woman... If you're a Lost Devil, it's probable! 5. Sword: It has nothing to do with that woman! However... Pg025 1. Sword: Azal!! I'll kill you, bastard!! 2. Azal: You, who's in a human body!? 3. Azal: Interesting!! Pg026 2. Ios: Thi... this place... Pg027 2. Azal: How's this, Sword! The place where you'll die, isn't the scenerey great!?! 3. Sword: Bastard... You think you'll kill me...? 4. Ios: Teleported...? No, space itself has bent, a place like a [bound world]? 5. Azal: If so, what'll you do...? Pg028 1. Sword: I'll kill you!! 2. Azal: Just tryy, Swoord!! 3. Azal: Once, fear a senior Devil!! 5. Ios: S... Sword!! Pg029 2. Azal: Since you're a lost Devil, I can do this despite a punishment order has been issued! 3. Azal: All Punishing Devils seek revenge seek revenge on you, but... 4. Azal: Heh... Heheheheh... 5. Azal: Weak! You're too weak, Swooord!! Pg030 1. Azal: Even Sword's soul, if put into a container like those insects called humans, I can do this!! 2. Ios: Azal: Yaaa... 3. Azal: Die with the insect! Swooord!! Pg031 1. Azal: What!? 2. Ios: Holy Energy, become a shield to repel the evil Demonic Power!! 5. Azal: The wings of an Angel... So, together with sword, you're an Angel who has fallen fallen... 6. Sword: B, bastard, can you use your power!? Pg032 1. Ios: Uh... I want to save you... So I have a feeling God might be lending me power... 2. Ios: But... 4. Ios: Only about this much... The burden is too great for a human body... 5. Azal: An Angel saving a Devil, how amusing... However, it's over now... Sword... 6. Girl: Stop!! Pg033 1. Girl: It's enough already! If my soul is what you want, then you can take it!! 2. Azal: If that's what you think... Look and see... 3. Azal: Those two certainly appear human, but... Inside, they are certainly something else... Why save them? 4. Girl: ...because that is my duty... A devil like you would not understand... 5. Azal: Then, as you wish... Pg035 1. Azal: You're soul will pass to me... Instead of that, I'll pass over those two... 2. Sword: So stupid, that woman... Azal won't keep his promise! Ios: Y... you mustn't!! 3. Azal: So... Answer... 4. Girl: ... I understand... 5. Azal: Then, it's arranged, however... just getting your soul isn't interesting! 6. Azal: Sword, look you too! The moment the soul of this woman is lost!! Pg036 2. Girl: Wh... where's this...? 3. Girl: Ah... I see, I was on the way too school... 4. Girl: Father! {lit. "Priest-sama"!} 6. Girl: ... Father? Pg037 1. Priest: Mizuno-chaaan, is it...? 2. Azal: While young, the priest during summer, fell for the temptation of a Devil, and this is a memory of when he was possessed by the other side... 3. Azal: And... it seems like the priest tried to kill you!! 4. Priest: Mizuno-chaan, won't you give me your souuul? 5. Mizuno: Uh... Why... Mizuno: Fa...ther...? Pg038 1. Priest: Mizuno-chan... If you give me your soul, I'll return to the human I was...!! 2. Priest: So, now... Send me your soul! 3. Priest: Nooooooooooooooo!! 4. Azal: Hoho... At that age, the power of an excorcist had already awakened... A great person... However... 6. Azal: You defeated a priest with that power... You failed him! Pg039 2. Azal: Most importantly, you regret throwing away the life of an important human! And... despair! 3. Mizuno: You're the lowest... 4. Azal: Then what are you? A lowly human abandoning her friends! 5. Azal: Abandoning your own life, like to save Sword & co, to repay for that! Ios: Her so obstinate hatred for the evil ones... Since that time... 6. Azal: Well then, I'll recieve the finest soul, one tainted by despair! Pg040 2. Ios: Sword... I still can't move... You... 3. Sword: 4. Sword: 5. Sword: ...No! There's still a way... --Chapter 3------------------------------------------------------ Pg041 TXT: Chapter 3: Devilblade! Pg042 2. Azal: Just a little bit more... Just a little bit more, and your soul will be mine!! 4. Sword: Hehe... We can do it now... Ios: Huh? 5. Sword: His attention is on that woman... if now... Ios: But... How!? Pg043 2. Sword: With that!! 3. Sword: NGH! 5. Ios: You idiot... You're a Devil, too, it will burn your hands... Sword: Sh... shut up, stay silent...!! 6. Sword: If it is to kill that bastard... Pg044 1. Sword: An arm or two doesn't matter!! 2. Ios: F... from the front... Y... You can't do it! 3. Ios: Ugh!! 4. Ios: 5. Sword: Fucking daaark!! Pg045 3. Sword: Hehe... You were unprepared... How's this... The taste of a Cross... 4. Azal: Th... this... [death-to sogonai gaaa!!] 6. Sword: Pg046 2. Ios: Ungh. 3. Sword: Ios... Bastard... 4. Ios: Good, I was I time... I can finally move my body again... 5. Ios: Seems like she's safe, too... 6. Sword: Feh, I'm not doing this to save that woman!! Ios: Hehe... 7. Ios: So... Sword, what are you planning next...? Sword: Plan...? What's a plan... 8. Ios: way... You hadn't even thought of what to do next...? Pg047 1. Sword: Heey, it's nothing to worry about! [My companion, it'll come!!] Ios: It? 2. Sword: It's that damn cat! What it's ability, we can kill that guy!! Text: Demonic power from the mouth. Ios: You're relying on other's... 3. Sword: Huh? Ios: But, I don't think it'll come... 4. Sword: Azal created this space... It's probably impossible to get in from the outside. 5. Ios: Th, that's not good... Sword: This is really bad. 6. Azal: Hehe... 7. Azal: S... Swoooord, you... Pg048 1. Azal: I'll kill you!! 2. Sword: He... He's coming... 4. Ios: The devilblade he used to create this space, if it's this... 5. Sword: I... I think so to! Ios, draw it quickly!! Ios: You... {"The person called you..."} 7. Sword: What are you fucking doing... Hurry, draw it!! Ios: I... I can't... It's so heavy, I can't draw it! Pg049 1. Sword: Heey, I'll do it!! [doke]! Ios: If even I couldn't draw it, there's no way you can do it in Souma's body... 2. Azal: Fools!! You think you can hold my Devilblade with the power of a human!! 3. Azal: Now you die! Swoooord!! 5. Sword: I'm no huuuman...!! 6. Azal: Wha... Pg050 1. Sword: I'm a Deviiil!! Pg052 3. Ios: 5. Azal: Fo... fools... Such a foolish thing.... 7. Sword: How disappointing... I thought you'd last a bit longer! Pg053 1. Azal: S, Sword... 3. Sword: Blade, come... 4. Azal: Im... Impossible... 6. Sword: The Devilblades we Devils use, choose their own masters. Seems like this Devilblade found you too restricting, bastard... 7. Sword: I could kill you quickly, but I'll give you a chance to survive too, bastard! 8. Azal: D... do anything... do... don't kill me...!! Pg054 1. Sword: A way for me to return to being a Devil... If you know it, I'll spare your life... 2. Azal: I... I don't know... 3. Sword: I... is it true, do you really not know... 4. Sword: Well then... die.... 5. Azal: S... sto... stop... Azal: Save me, Swoord... 6. Mizuno: U. 7. Mizuno: Stop... There's no need to fight him! Pg055 1. Azal: That's right... I no longer have any power to fight... Azal: I can't come to the Human World twice... And I can't attack you... 2. Mizuno: The Devil is seeking help... Sword: Bitch, I won't allow this evil thing... 4. Ios: Lo... look out, Sword!! 6. Azal: Hyahahahaha! I fucking got you, Swooord!! 7. Mizuno: Uh... 8. Sword: Hehehe... I see... This is a Devil... Sword: I can't win if I'm being petty like that... Pg056 1. Sword: [Is it a threat, pleading for your life... A lie, before breakfast...] 2. Azal: S... Swooooord!! 3. Sword: [aba yo...] 6. Sword: Feh... Just being petty... That's why I hate you... This guy! 7. Sword: But... I'm not very pleased... Bitch... 8. Sword: If you killed yourself, bitch, did you really think it would save us! Really, idiot... Pg057 1. Sword: [If you kill yourself quickly, after that ???...?] [I sooyuu no most/best/first hate is...] 3. Mizuno: Then, why did you save me...? 4. Mizuno: This... Scars from when you held the Cross... As I thought, you are a Devil... Mizuno: I thought Devils did evil things... but... Are you different? 5. Sword: I... Idioooot! I didn't do it to save you, bitch!! 6. Nanami: Soooouma!! 7. Sword: Huh? Pg058 1. Nanami: I went to great lengths to come to visit you... What are you doing in the room next door! Sword: Na... Nanami... 2. Sword: Ho... How... Nanami: Feh... Return to your rooom! 3. Nanami: Uh... 4. Nanami: Uhm... 5. Nanami: Souma, no way, you... Nanami: This womaaan... 6. Sword: I... It's not like that! Look! This blood... 7. Nanami: There's no point in trying to argue!! 8. Sword: Shiiiiiit! Why'd I end up like this!! --Chapter 4------------------------------------------------------ Pg059 TXT: Chapter 4: Kanna's Dream. Pg060 1. Ios: 2. Ios: Ios: 3. Ios: Pg061 2. Ios: Ios: <...but, why's he looking lke that...> 3. Ios: 5. Ios: A dream. Ios: That dream... The memories of the human, Amano Souma...? Pg062 1. Sword: A dream? 2. Sword: What's that, a dream? 3. Ios: Humans see them when they sleep, story-like experiences. Sword: Devil's sure don't see anything like that! 4. Ios: I think it was a memory from the past of the human, Amano Souma, hinting at something... 5. Sword: Feh... That's nothing worth thinking about... I don't care about something like that... 6. Sword: I'm worried about beng attacked from behind... Pg063 2. Sword: Indeed, she suspects me of having done something to that woman before... 3. Sword: She thinks I'm behind that devil-event, too. Ios: Th... That was to avoid revealing our true natures, wasn't taht good?... 4. Ios: Hoh, that's a lie, you Angel bastard! 5. Sword: Bastard, you've changed! You won't be able to return to an Angel again!! 6. Ios: Wh... what kind of stupid thing is that... 7. Sword: No, the dream from this morning is a warning of that!! Pg064 1. Sign: Rokubou Highschool 2. Sword: Wh... what's this, that crowd...? 3. Ios: The names of the person from each school year with the top result at the end-of-term tests is being posted. 4. Sword: Teest, I don't know what that is... Ios: That's probably because you were in hospital. 5. Ios: What...? 6. Sword: Aah, look, look, Kanna-kun has come!! 7. Girls: You came in top, congratulations, Kanna-kun!! Ios: Uh... Uuh? Girls: It's been an uproar that you've passed Kimijima-kun, who've been in top ever since you entered school!! 8. Girls: As expected, a guy with a good face has a good head, too. Sword: Tho... those girls... 9. Sword: Hn. Pg065 1. Nanami: By the way, Souma, after school today, you have re-examination! 2. Sword: White... is it... 3. Girls: This time, help me with homework. Girls: Me too, me too!! Nanami: That's not a color to think about!! 4. Ios: I... It was just luck, just luck... 5. Boy: ... Amano Kanna... 6. Ios: Ah... He's the one I took the top place from... Pg066 1. Kimijima: He, a genius surpassing me, Kimijima Kazuhiko... A delinquent piece of shit like that!! This is the second time... He's humiliated me... 3. Kimijima: One month ago, trying to be a hero, I was saved by that delinquent... 4. Kimijima: And now this... Kimijima: I, defeated by someone else... 5. Kimijima: That, too, by... by... by that piece of shit... 6. Sign: Principal's Room. 7. Kimijima: Principal, why is Amano Kanna in school, wasn't he suspended...!? Kimijima: The incident one month ago, he sent as much as three pupils from another school to hospital!! Pg067 1. Kimijima: And furthermore, rumours say he was involved in the collapse of this school building earlier, too...!! 2. Principal: However, doesn't the rumours say Demons did that, right...? Even the fight three months ago had the consequence of saving you... 3. Kimijima: B... but... 4. Principal: Recently, he's come to be a good pupil, and... I think dropping him out of school would be too harsh a punishment... 5. Kimijima: Kimijima: 6. Kimijima: Kimijima: Pg068 2. Ios: Is it good, Nanami-san... Leaving Souma behind... Nanami: It's allright! He'll be late anyway, with his re-exam. 3. Ios: 4. Nanami: Or don't you want to return with me...? Ios: No, it's not like that... 5. Ios: Only, before this, the woman who was in the hostital... 6. Ruffian: Yo, Amano Kanna, we've been waiting!! Pg069 2. Kanna: Um... What do you want with me... 3. Ruffian: Hey... He says he's Kanna from Rokubou high...!! Ruffian: It's as he said... He really has become a diligent person! 4. Kanna: 5. Ruffian: Then... Making an example about that time will be easy... 6. Ios: Ios: 7. Kimijima: Principal, hurry, Kanna-kun, with delinquents from another school... Principal: Wh... What, is it true...!? 8. Kimijima: 9. Kimijima: <[Otherwise, if you get beaten by those guys, it'll also be a good feeling!]> Pg070 1. Ruffian: Hey, I want to see the old Kanna, let's try hitting him!! 2. Nanami: S, stop! Kanna-kun is not like before! Don't fight!! 3. Nanami: Uh. Ruffian: What, bitch... 4. Ios: S... sto... 5. Ios: 6. Ios: 7. Sword: [Ooh, yatte (i)ru, yatte (i)ru...] 8. Sword: <[Hm, Ios getting excited?]> 9. Ios: Ge... get away... Ruffain: Oh, why's that...? Pg071 Ios: Because these hands are telling you to... Pg072 1. Ruffian: Ios: 2. Ios: 3. Nanami: Hey, are you really OK? You look pale. Sword: Leave him alone, leave him a lone, there's no reason to go on like that!! 4. Sword: Wh, what's with that look... 5. Sword: Eh!? 6. Kimijima: What, heeey, he didn't strike a fight!? 7. Kimijima: S... such... Principal: What is it Kimijima-kun, nothing happened... 8. Principal: How good... Isn't he becoming even more than you? 9. Kimijima: A... Amano Kanna... Pg074 1. Kimijima: What were you doing... this isn't what we agreed!! 2. Kimijima: I wouldn't have payed you all that money of he didn't get thrown out of school!! Ruffain: Whaat? 5. Ruffian: There seems to be a misunderstanding! We just agreed it would be OK to listen a bit to your requests if you payed! 6. Ruffian: Since you hurriedly sent out money for that incident a month ago, it's fine! Kimijima: Y... you guys... 7. Ruffian: [We'll stop being tempted by somebody's money!] 8. Ruffian: We've recieved money up to now, but!! Ruffian: That guy's good! Hahahaha... Pg075 1. Kimijima: Sh shit... Even those guys... Couldn't handle that piece of shit Amano... 2. Kimijima: With that bastard's standing, I... 3. Kimijima: Po... power... I want power!! I want power to strike that piece of shit down in front of me!! 4. Devil: That power... Should I give it to you? 5. Sword: Awell, the day's all over. 6. Sword: Really, what's that re-exam! Why should a Devil like me have to do something like that! 7. Sword: Being a human is bothersome... 8. Sword: ...what's that? A strange wind came blowing... Pg076 1. Kimijima: Ah... Aah.... Wh... what... are... you... 2. Devil: What are you afraid of... I'm saying I can make you powerful... 3. Devil: So... Contract your soul to me... 4. Devil: In exchange, you will gain great power... --Chapter 5------------------------------------------------------ Pg078 TXT: Chapter 5: Cruel Decoy. 5. Devil: Hehehehe! Weak... So weak... 6. Ruffian: S, sudden attack... Fucking came... Who're you.. Bastard!? 7. Devil: Have you forgotten me? I'm Kimijima Kazuhiko. {kimiSHima here; must be a printing error} Pg79 1. Kimijima: Since you assholes are no longer useful, I've come to destroy you... 2. Ruffian: E... Eeek... I... It's a monsteeer!! 3. Kimijima: I won't let you escape... 5. Kimijima: With your standing, assholes, you fucking insulted me... Dieeee!! 6. Sword: That's enough!! Pg080 TXT: Chapter 5: Cruel Decoy Sword: When I thought a cruel wind was blowing, I knew... Pg081 1. Devil: What... This guy... 3. Kimijima: This guy... I know him... Amano Kanna's younger twin... 4. Kimijima: The same face as him... An obstacle... With Amano Kanna... 5. Devil: Kill him too? Kimijima: Kill him!! 6. Sword: Kill me...? Don't say that easily... 8. Sword: Devilblade, come!! Pg082 3. Ios: What's that...? Demonic energy is gathering in Sword's room... 4. Ios: Sword!? 5. Ios: Eh!? 7. Ios: That's Azal's Devilblade! Sword... It's returning to him!? Pg083 2. Ios: Ngh... Ios: 3. Ios: Father: Heey, Kanna, what was that soun... 4. Father: Oooooooh!? 5. Father: The... the roof of my house... I... I'm still paying the loans... What on earth!? 6. Ios: Father: To your Father, what is thiiiiiis... Pg084 1. Sword: Now then, go! 2. Devil: A Devilblade...? Y, you're not a mere human!! 3. Sword: I'm Devil Sword! As you can see, I've borrowed a human body... 4. Devil: Don't make fun of me! Why are you stopping me, a Devil like you!! 5. Sword: A Devil like you!? Don't joke... Pg085 1. Sword: If you persist, you weakling... I hate you guys!! 3. Sword: Huh? 4. Sword: It's heavy! I swung it before... What's this... Hey...!! 5. Sword: Uoh!! Pg086 1. Devil: I remember now... You fell to the Human World, a stupid Devil... Together with an Angel, I've heard... 2. Ios: Sword!! 3. Ios: Sword... Are you OK!?! Sword: Ios... What are you doing here, bastard... 4. Devil: I see... The color of your soul is surely an Angel... 5. Kimijima: I... it's that guy! That's Amano Kanna!! Hurry, kill him!! Devil: Wait now... 6. Devil: Having entered a human body, together with an Angel... Must choose a more certain method!! 7. Sword: Uh... Bastard, running away!? Sword: Fucking wait! You petty Devil!! Pg087 2. Ios: ...! That... Came from my dream this morning... 3. Sword: Seems like you're their target, bastard! What's their grudge with you!? Ios: N... No way... 4. Ios: Besides... You saved a human again. 5. Sword: Th... that was just by chance!! 6. Ios: He's still breathing... He'll be OK if we take him to a hospital right away. 7. Ios: Pg088 2. Nanami: *yaaaaawn* 3. Nanami: {sleepy muttering, doesn't mean anything} Nanami: Aaah... Since I was awaken early today, I'm sleeepy... 4. Nanami: This is all Souma's fault!! 5. Sword: (Why me....) Ios: Maybe because it's your fault... Nanami: But... Why were those two repearing the roof since morning? 6. Nanami: (Has to be that.) Nanami: Suddenly, Souma's [old] again! 7. Nanami: Eh. Kimijima: Hijiri-san... Pg089 1. Nanami: Umm... Kimijima-kun... [Dakke...] 2. Kimijima: I'd like to talk with you a bit, but... is it OK? Nanami: S... sure... 3. Nanami: It's OK, but... 4. Devil: Ah... Ah... 5. Devil: Well, Hijiri Nanami... Come with me to the rooftop!! 7. Nanami: Yes... Pg090 1. Sword: Aah, my arms and hips are hurting. 2. Sword: Shit... I shoulnd't have to mend the damn roof... 3. Sword: That damn old man fucking cried about Loan, Loan... Father: Loaaaans Sword: Hm. 4. Sword: What is it, you seem down! Ios: That Devil yesterday, aren't you worrying about it? 5. Sword: Aah, that thing! Since it was aiming at you, I've got nothing do to with it, right. 6. Ios: You... But, if I was his aim... 7. Ios: Perhaps... He'll come here to fight... Sword: Oh, that could be so... Pg091 1. Sword: That Devil... Since he seemed petty, what means should we use? 2. Girl: Excuse me... Souma-san? 3. Sword: Eh? 4. Girl: I... There's something I want to give you, Souma-san, but... 5. Sword: [(can't get this into anything making sense)] 6. Sword: Do your best in the battle with that petty one!! Good luck!! 7. Sword: Huh? Ios: L... look out, Sword!! Pg092 2. Sword: What's this! What, hey...!? Ios: Be careful! Look at her eyes! 3. Ios: Those are the eyes of someone being controlled! 4. Sword: Hypnotised...? Sword: (She almost killed me...) Ios: Perhaps... 6. Sword: So, the act of that Devil... This... Pg093 1. Ios: 4. Ios: Na... Nanami-san!? Pg094 1. Sword: It really is Nanami, what's she doing up there, her panties are completely visible... Sword: (White today too...) Ios: What are you saying!! 2. Ios: She's being controlled too!! 3. Sword: No way... Could she be going to jump down. Ios: To stop that... Escape from here, Sword! 4. Sword: He... hey, this has nothing to do with me... Sword: Uh... Ios: However, you might get hurt! Since everybody is just being controlled!! 5. Sword: Ooh... Why just me... 6. Sword: I... I'm saying I've got nothing to do with this!! If you go, over there... Ios: Sword... 7. Ios: Pg095 1. Ios: So, the human Kanna... 2. Ios: Sword, it's OK, you mustn't hurt them!! Sword: Ba... bastard. Coma back... 6. Ios: Na... Nanami-san!! 8. Ios: Do.. Don't do it, Nanami-san!! Pg096 2. Ios: I... I was in time... 3. Kimijima: You fell into our trap, eh, Amano Kanna... Now you can't use your hands, can you? 4. Kimijima: Now, I can finally destroy you in front of me... And finally give you the highest humiliation... 5. Ios: Why do you hate me? 6. Kimijima: You're bad... Since you made me look bad... Pg097 1. Ios: Ios: But... That was to save you... 2. Kimijima: I don't need anyone's help!! Kimijima: Not an asshole like you!! 3. Kimijima: And... that's not all, your results surpassed mine!! 4. Kimijima: I must always be on top!! So you're in my way!! Pg098 3. Kimijima: Let your hand go, and kill that woman!! 4. Kimijima: Taste the same humiliation and despair that I have!! Ios: Ngh... 5. Kimijima: Cry, your brother can't come to save you!! 6. Kimijima: Pg099 1. Sword: Heeey, let go of me!! 2. Sword: Really... I don't want to fight you... 3. Sword: That Devil, such fucking petty behaviour... 5. Sword: Aaaah, this bastard's the Bat-cat!! 6. Kimijima: Come on... Hurry, let that hand go!! Ios: Gwaah. 7. Ios: I.. it's no good! No more power in my hand... 9. Ios: Na... Nanami-san!! Pg101 1. Ios: S... Sword!! Kimijima: Whaat!? 2. Sword: Really, [agaain I/we ?something?] 3. Sword: Since you keep bothering me... 4. Kimijima: Shit... My obstacle... Hey... Kill him too!! 5. Devil: Hehe... My plans have changed... Pg102 1. Sword: 2. Ios: Hy... Hypnotism? 3. Devil: Even with the soul of a Devil, your body is human... So of course, my Demonic Power of hypnotism effects you... 4. Devil: Now then, we'll begin by killing that Angel!! Kimijima: You'll die by the hands of your own brother... This guy is good!! 5. Sword: [body ???] 6. Ios: S... Sword... --Chapter 6------------------------------------------------------ Pg103 TXT: Chapter 6: Devilblade, come! Pg104 3. Ios: Sword... 4. Devil: Come on, Sword, hurry up, kill that Angel!! 5. Devil: What is there to hesitate about... We're Devils! Devil: And, that guy is one of our old enemies, the Angels! Pg105 1. Devil: Not only that, but... You have fought that Angel many times, isn't there a strong connection?... 2. Devil: Now, you can put it to an end! Kill him, Sword!! 6. Ios: Sword, wake up!! Pg106 2. Devil: Hyahahaha! Think you can break my hypnotism so easily!! 3. Sword: Pg107 1. Sword: Ngh!! 2. Sword: It's now, do it, Ios!! 3. Ios: Haiyaaaah! 5. Devil: Wh... whaaat!? Pg108 1. Devil: Gah!... 2. Devil: Ngwooooooh!! 3. Sword: Hehe... Finally, my body is free again... As expected, those huge eyes were the source of the hypnosis... Devil: eyes... My eeeeeeyes!! 4. Ios: Free again? Weren't pretending to be controlled? 5. Sword: By biting my lips off, I coud loosen the hypnosis just a little the moment I swung the blade down! 6. Sword: Besides, you seemed to understand my intent well, bastard... 7. Ios: ...Hehe... Maybe we're a pretty good combination... 8. Sword: A... asshole, what are you suggesting, bastard... Pg109 1. Devil: Wh... why... Why did you, a Devil, save the Angel...!? 2. Sword: I didn't particularly save him... 3. Sword: My conclusion with this guy, with my own hands... I'll reach it with my intent!! Sword: Otherwise, I won't be satisfied!! 4. Sword: You might not understand that, since you're satisfied with borrowing somebody else's power! 5. Devil: He... Using such a worthless reason! 6. Kimijima: W... with your own power... Pg110 1. Kimijima: I've become such an ugly figure... Satisfied with this... 2. Ios: 3. Kimijima: I... Until now, I've thought it was right to use any method to win over someone else... However... 4. Kimijima: 5. Devil: What are you thinking about! Any method is good as long as you defeat that guy!! 6. Devil: Those guys are in your way! Hate them! Kill them!! 7. Ios: Pg111 1. Kimijima: Hate! Hate moooore!! 2. Kimijima: And kiiiiiiiiiiiill!! 3. Sword: Feh, he gains strength by using the power of human hatred!! 4. Sword: I understand! Bastard, you're depending on the power of others! 5. Devil: Shut up! This claw should be enough for you, who can't use Demonic Power!! 6. Devil: Releasing the Devilblade was a mistake, Swoooord!! 8. Devil How about that guy, ehhh!! Pg112 1. Sword: Devilblade, come!! 3. Devil: Uh!? Pg114 2. Sword: [I can handle you!] 4. Ios: His fusion with the Devil broke up!! 7. Ios: 8. Devil: He... Hehehe... A rescue, eh! Pg115 1. Devil: The soul of that human is already firmly sealed... He'll just die! 2. Sword: Shut up, bastard. 3. Ios: I'll try contacting his soul... Maybe I can call it back. 4. Sword: Feh, can you do such a thing? Ios: I don't know. 5. Ios: But, he regained his senses... Somehow, maybe. 6. Ios: Pg116 2. Sword: 3. Sword: Bastard, no way, you shouldn't be able to use power... 4. Ios: Silence!! Sword: Uh! 7. Ios: This place... Inside his soul... Pg117 1. Ios: He's here, is he... 2. Kimijima: An Angel...? Did you come to kill me? 3. Ios: No, I came to save you. The bad one is the Devil who reached your weak heart. 4. Kimijima: But... I hated you, and really planned to kiled you! 5. Kimijima: Losing to somebody else scares me! I hated those who surpassed me! Therefore... 6. Ios: But, you already regret, don't you? Ios: You're like anyone else with a weak heart. But if you can realize that you have erred, you can change. Pg118 1. Kimijima: I... I too... can change?... Ios: Yes, without doubt... 2. Ios: 3. Ios: Ios: Pg119 2. Sword: Is it OK, saving a guy like this! [???]. 3. Sword: Didn't he learn of our true natures? Ios: I erased a bit of his memory. 4. Ios: But, perhaps he's still allright. 5. Sword: Feh, saving a person aiming for your own life... I can't understand that. Ios: Hehe... Is that so. 6. Ios: Hey, Sword! Everybody in school seems to be back to normal again. 7. Crowd: Why are we here... Crowd: What are we doing here... 8. Ios: And, Nanami-san too... Sword: Anyhow, if she awakens, she'll forget that we saved her, [relation/connection neee yo!!] Pg120 1. Sword: There's something else I'm worried about... 2. Sword: Hey, petty Devil, how'd you come to the Human World, Bastard? 3. Sword: We Devils shouldn't be able to come to the Human World so easily... Only when summoned! 4. Devil: Hehe... I'll tell you nothing... 5. Devil: You are the reason I was summoned so I could come to the Human World!! --Chapter 7------------------------------------------------------ Pg121 TXT: Chapter 7: Yakumi Onsen. {Yakumi means Spice but is probably just a name here; an Onsen is a hot spring bath.} Pg122 1. Sword: The coming of the Devil is because of us? Ios: What are you saying!? 2. Devil: Hehehe, don't you remember... 3. Devil: The distortion when you fell to the Human World.. Passing that distortion, the emotions of the Human World called hate and resentment poured into hell!! Pg123 1. Devil: That substituted for a summons, and we appear in the Human World!! 2. Ios: 3. Ios: I, an Angel, have commited an error like this... Sword: Hey, hey, what are you moaning about, bastard! 4. Devil: Sword!! Remember! By being with an Angel, you have betrayed us Devils!! 5. Devil: Traitors die! All of Hell are your enemies!! 6. Sword: Wha... Whaat!! Pg124 1. Devil: Mwahahaha, This is becoming fun!! Sword: Uh... Bastard, wait!! 2. Sword: Cut that out! I'm not together with a guy like this!! 3. Mizuno: In the name of the Lord. Book of truth, reveal the true name of this thing, and give him the judgement of God!! 4. Mizuno: Ah. 5. Devil: Waaaaaaaaah... 6. Sword: Bi... Bitch... Pg125 1. Sword: The big-breasted excorcist!! 3. Mizuno: Perhaps... I thought, but as expected, you two were the cause. The appearance of Devils is starting to increase... 4. Sword: Feh, [Then so what, didn't you want to excorcise us before?] Sword: (Fucking listen...) 5. Mizuno: If you say... that's right? Sword: I don't have time to hang around with you!! Since it seems like there'll be bloody Devils fucking coming to kill me... [soitsura no aite o shinakya nara nee!!] Pg126 1. Mizuno: With a human body? ... That's impossible. Sword: Uh... 2. Sword: It might seem so now, but I'll soon return to being a Devil! And then... 3. Mizuno: How will you do that? Sword: Nggh... 4. Mizuno: Bitch... Why did you fucking come here...? 5. Mizuno: For you to leave the human body... and return to being a Devil, there is only one way. Pg127 1. Sword: Wh... whaat!? 2. Ios: 3. Mizuno: Furthermore, there's a person you must meet... We depart tomorrow. 4. Sword: 5. Mizuno: You can do however you wish... 6. Sword: Pg128 3. Sword: Hehehe, at last, the time for me to become a Devil again has come... 4. Sword: Until now, it has looked utterly terrible! Finally... 5. Nanami: Soum! Wait a moment!! 6. Sword: But... 7. Nanami: Huh. Sword: Why'd you come, bitch!?! Pg129 1. Nanami: I don't know where you're going on this vacation from school, but... I won't let you do it on your own!! 2. Sword: Ummm, I'm not going to have fun... Nanami: But... You're going with that woman! 3. Sword: Uh... 4. Sword: Kanna!! Ios: Nothing to do about it, since she saw we were leaving... 5. Sword: [aaa mooo nande koonaru nda yo!] 6. Nanami: 7. Nanami: 8. Nanami: <...tha... that, ... I, what am I thinking....> 9. Mizuno: As I thought, you came... Souma-san. Pg130 1. Mizuno: So, let us depart. 2. Sword:'re... Going in that outfit? Mizuno: Anything strange about that? 3. Sword: Sword: (I don't understand this woman...) 5. Nanami: 6. Nanami: Ios: Nanami-san, we're going. 8. Nanami: Uh... Wait for me! Pg131 2. TXT: Hell. Devil: Is that so, Sword, who fell to the Human World, lives.. 3. Devil: Y, yes... Moreover, he assisted an Angel in stopping me from snatching a human soul!! Devil: He is a traitor!! 4. Devil: So... You, ran away from that traiotr... This means... 5. Devil: Th... that's... Pg132 1. Devil: This must be reported to Satan-sama immediately... Devil: No, there's no need for that... 2. Devil: The death of traitors... 3. Devil: Punishing Devil Garvera, I order you to destroy Sword... Devil: [omakase kudasai]. Pg133 1. Sign: Yakumi Onsen *** 2. Nanami: Wow, great place. 4. Sword: Hey... Mizuno: Yes? 5. Sword: 6. Old man: Yoooo, come in, Mizuno-chan! Pg134 1. Old man: You've come to this remote place. Sword: What's with this oldtimer. 2. Mizuno: Long time no see, grandfather. 3. Sword: Grandfather...? Why this... Did I see him somewhere, or am I just imagining? 4. Mizuno: You aren't imagining... My grandfather... 5. Mizuno: Is connected to my brother by blood, too. Sword: Th... that occult-otaku!? {Need I explain Otaku? ^_^} 6. Sword: Feh, so he's useless, too!! Mizuno: No... He's now retired to running the Onsen, but... 7. Mizuno: Grandfather was a great excorcist... and... Pg135 1. Mizuno: He knows how to return you to a Devil... 2. Sword: Hmph... This man...!! 3. Sword: Heeh, he can't be... He'd se my true form with a glance... 6. Old man: You look like an ordinary human, but, you're quite big an idiot! That's what my many years of experience say!! 7. Sword: Wha... what, what's this!? Pg136 1. Nanami: However... he's a bit senile... Old man: For idiots, hitting on the head is best!! Sword: S... say before!! 2. Ios: Nanami: Um, what's wrong? Mizuno: Ah, please don't mind. Old man: Ooh, Mizuno-chan, long time no see. 3. Sword: Baaastard! You damn old fart! I'll kill you!! Ios: Calm down, he's an old man!! 4. Sword: Shut uup, old farts like this have no value to live!! Pg137 1. Sword: [aaaa zo, hidee me ni atta...] 2. Sword: Can this really return me... 3. Sword: When will the bloody Devils come to punish me... Can I afford soaking at a place like this... Mizuno: First of all, to the Onsen, please. 4. Sword: Hm... 6. Sword: Oh... Ooooh!! Pg138 1. Garvera: Eeek! Oh no, did I come to the men's section by mistake!? 2. Garvera: I... I'm sorry... Since I'll leave right away, could you please turn the other way... Sword: Eh.. Aah... 3. Sword: 4. Sword: --Chapter 8------------------------------------------------------ Pg139 TXT: Chapter 8: Female Devil! Pg140 4. Sword: We can be in here together. 5. Garvera: No, don't go... Pg141 1. Garvera: Sword! Because you die here!! 4. Garvera: Wha... What!? Pg142 2. Sword: A Well-planned disguise, but... You can't erase the smell of a Devil! 3. Sword: Punishing Devil-san!! 4. Sword: Hpmfh... I don't like being attacked by trickery... Pg143 3. Garvera: Traitor! I will destroy you!! 7. Sword: Fuck! Is she behind... Pg144 1. Sword: ?... Pg145 1. Sword: Um... 2. Nanami: Wha... 3. Nanami: What's this! You perveeert!! 4. Sword: I, it's not like that! She... 5. Nanami: Who's this "she"? Sword: Um. 6. Nanami: Really... Can't you bath quietly! Sword: Pg146 1. Mizuno: Seems like... Your pursuers have come... 3. Sword: 4. Sword: 5. Sword: Just you wait!! In just a moment, the method to return to my former self!! 6. Sword: Uh... 7. Sword: Don't hit me! Nanami: You idiooot, don't show that sick thing!! Pg147 1. Nanami: Aaah, the water was nice. 2. Nanami: 3. Nanami: <[Souma ni wa ichido, kitsuku itto ka nai to]> 4. Nanami: Kanna-kun, have you seen Souma? Ios: Uh... 5. Ios: Wh... why's that... Sword: Since's I'll go talk to the old fart, keep Nanami away. Ios: Yees. 6. Ios: 7. Ios: Th... that's right, why don't you go outside for a bit, Nanami-san... The stars are beautiful. Nanami: Huh. 8. Nanami: R, right... Pg148 1. Sword: What... The way to return to a Devil? 2. Sword: Yeah, don't be stingy, hurry up and tell me! 3. Old man: Hm, that... I cannot tell you! 4. Sword: Wha... 5. Sword: Bastard, you're still fucking senile!! Mizuno: Calm down, he's honest now. 6. Old man: What can Devils be to us but enemies! Pg149 1. Old man: Moreover, [seen-place The Lord quite mighty Devil] 2. Old man: If a fellow like that returns to his original, what what would become of this world... 3. Old man: It's bad for the original owner of that body, but it's best that someone like you lives like a human. 4. Sword: Y... you damn old fart, I'll kill you... 5. Old man: Hoho, you will? You may say so, but I'm strong! Pg150 1. Sword: Feh, cut it out! Even if I kill you, that would accomplish nothing! 2. Sword: However... Since it certainly seems like the method for me to return to my original is here... 3. Sword: I'll search for myself!! 5. Old man: I don't understand... 6. Old man: Mizuno... Why do you help that Devil? 7. Old man: [Do you not know what troubles our ancestors had with Devils.] Pg151 1. Old man: Our ancestors have links to 17th-century Europe... What was there! 2. Mizuno: They were witch-hunters, right... 3. Old man: That's right, the bloody Devils fed the resentment, hatred and jelousy of humans... Increased the various desires... And those who had made contracts with Devils were punished one by one and witch-trials! 4. Old man: Meanwhile, there was all who were battling the Devils... However, other humans feared their powers... Such is also our survival. 5. Old man: You, too, was exposed to the cruely of Devils when you were very young. 6. Mizuno: That's certainly right. 7. Mizuno: But... Pg152 1. Mizuno: He's not like the Devils I've met until now. 3. Sword: Shiit, where is it! The way for me to turn back!! 4. Sword: Ouch ouch ouch!! 5. Sword: I've come this far... Sword: Hm. 7. Sword: Th... this is... Pg153 3. Nanami: Hey, Kanna-kun. Ios: Uh... 4. Ios: What is it, Nanami-san. Nanami: You've handled well after your memory loss, but... 5. Nanami: Do you want to return to the way you were? 6. Ios: W... well, I'm not so sure myself, but... Nanami: Hehe... Me, I think your fine now. 7. Nanami: Because this way you look dreamy. Pg154 1. Ios: You're making me a bit shy, what about Souma? Nanami: Souma? 2. Nanami: That pervert better return to the way he was quickly!! 3. Nanami: ...I think, but... 4. Nanami: Actually, I don't really know. 5. Nanami: He was such a kid... It's strange. 7. Ios: 9. Ios: Pg155 3. Sword: Sorry to have kept you waiting! 4. Sword: Why don't we settle this with a duel! 6. Garvera: You really did come alone... You think you can kill me in a human body!? 7. Sword: No way, I have the perfect means. Pg156 1. Sword: Devilblade, come!! 2. Garvera: What!? You can use the Devilblade in a human body!? 4. Sword: 5. Garvera: Hahahahaha! This is the end for you!! 6. Sword: [Ya... Yabe...] --Chapter 9------------------------------------------------------ Pg157 TXT: Chapter 9: Underground cave. Pg158 2. Sword: Uh...!! Pg159 1. Garvera: How disappointing! This is the Sword who could previously drive away any number of Punishing Devils? 3. Garvera: If I could, I'd want to fight with you when holding Demonic Power... 5. Garvera: Enough already! Die!! Pg160 3. Sword: I can defeat a Punishing Devil like you with a human body... I came prepared for that! 4. Garvera: And arrived prepared with iron boards under your clothes...? But... You'll have no use for that... 5. Sword: Whaaat? 6. Sword: Uh... Pg161 1. Garvera: Look!! Pg162 2. Garvera: Traitor Sword! I'll build a gravestone for you here!! 3. Sword: Pg163 3. Ios: Nanami-san... Didn't you just hear something? Nanami: Uh... 4. Nanami: Naah... Nothing... 5. Ios: And where'd Souma go during dinner... Mizuno-san and Grandfather-san, too... 6. Ios: Well, I'll go look a little... Nanami: Oh... Pg164 1. Ios: < expected, something with Sword's body... But, I can't leave Nanami-san alone...> 2. Mizuno: Kanna-san... 3. Mizuno: I'm worried about Souma-san... Ios: Mizuno-san... 4. Mizuno: There are wards fixed around this inn... so Nanami-san will be OK. 5. Ios: Uh...? 6. Miuzno: Let's go to him. Pg165 3. Ios: Th, this... 4. Ios: N... no way... Pg166 1. Garvera: You're too late... Angel Ios. 2. Garvera: If it's Sword you're looking for, he's beneath this rock... 3. Ios: Y... you... 4. Ios: [Yoku mo] Sword!! 5. Garvera: Why do you, an Angel, care about him... Sword should be your enemy? 6. Ios: Silence! Sword is not like the rest of you!! Pg167 1. Garvera: Heh, I don't know how he's different, but... 2. Garvera: You're my chance to defeat a powerful Angel! I will kill you with these demonic claws!! 3. Ios: Ng... gh... 5. Old man: Lord, protect us from the evil force!! Pg168 2. Ios: Wha... 3. Ios: 4. Old man: Leave this to me, [step down from the Lord]... 5. Ios: B... but... Old man: After all, you are an Angel of the Lord... 6. Old man: Because she doesn't send out power, it's impossible to manipulate her... Pg169 1. Garvera: An excorcist, eh!! Perfect! I wasn't satisfied!! Pg170 1. Sword: Where... is... this? ...ain't I under that rocky mountain... I... 2. Sword: Except there was a cave under the collapsed rock... I'm still lucky! Pg171 3. Sword: Wh... what's this... 4. Sword: This... is... Pg172 3. Sword: What's this... this thing!? 5. Sword: Ah... ungh... Inside my body... Pg173 2. Mizuno: What's the matter? 3. Old man: Th... this indication... 4. Old man: 5. Garvera: What are you gawking at! 6. Mizuno: L... look out! Grandfather!! 7. Old man: You mustn't! 8. Mizuno: Uh... --Chapter 10----------------------------------------------------- Pg175 TXT: Chapter 10: Devilspawn. Pg176 2. Garvera: Tell me how you think you can defy a Devil as a mere human!! 3. Mizuno: Ah... 4. Ios: Look out, Mizuno-san!! Pg177 4. Old man: Wh... waht!! 5. Old man: Get lost, old man!! Pg178 1. Ios: Grandfather-san...!! 2. Old man: Ngh... To old to win... The defense finally... 3. Ios: 4. Garvera: Hehe... Trying to take cover together, weaklings... How beautiful. 5. Mizuno: Kih. 6. Garvera: but, that look doesn't please me... Pg179 1. Garvera: With Sword also dead, you have no hope of survival... 2. Mizuno: No... I'm sure he's alive. 3. Garvera: sad to live with humans... 4. Garvera: Still trying to cling to a non-existing hope!! 6. Garvera: Wh, what! This huge Demonic Power...!? Pg181 Ios: S... Swoord!! Pg182 1. Mizuno: S... Souma-san! 2. Garvera: Sword, you... you're alive!? 3. Ios: 4. Ios: 5. Sword: Hehehe... 6. Sword: Finally, it's back... my poweeer!! Pg183 1. Old man: 2. Old man: He's obtained the hidden Devilspawn. Ios: Devilspawn! 3. Old man: That's a substance devouring the souls of Devils... Inside the spawn, the souls of hundreds of Devils are sealed. 4. Old man: There's a connection between that and the return of his Demonic Power... 5. Old man: Think of what always has happened whenever he used his Demonic Power until now. 6. Ios: That's... the human body can't bear it, so he always hurts himself... 7. Old: Why is that? That's because the human body is extremely weak to the Power of Darkness... Pg184 1. Old man: But someone possesing the Devilspawn is different. The souls of the Devils sealed in the spawn are released, protecting the body from the Power of Darkness... 2. Ios: 3. Garvera: How surprising... You're not only alive, you've also regained your Demonic Power... 4. Garvera: Interesting! [With this, for sure, kill ???] 5. Sword: Heeh, brave of you, but... Pg185 1. Sword: If you attack me now... Sword: You will... die! 2. Garvera: How so, I wonder!! 3. Ios: Sword, be careful!! 5. Sword: Heh. Pg186 3. Mizuno: A... an amazing defensive wall! Old man: Better than mine. 4. Sword: Idiooot!! Using such disrupting techniques to me now!! 5. Sword: A Punishing Devil killing *me*...!! Pg187 1. Sword: I'll show you the difference in status between us!! Sword: Oraaa, try taking this!! 4. Sword: Each soul is smashed up, but that's fine!! Pg188 2. Sword: No defensive wall, so why are you so calm? 3. Garvera: Hehe... [with this o-aiko ne]... It was unfair since I was simply surprised. 4. Sword: Wha... Ios: Does she have an anti-magic ability? 5. Garvera: Anti-magic to make your attack with Demonic Power powerless... That's why I was chosen as Punishing Devil. Pg189 1. Garvera: And, this ability gives me one more power... 3. Sword: Feh! Your technique won't pierce my defensive wall. 5. Sword: G... wah... Wh... aaat!? 6. Sword: Ngh... Uuh... Pg190 1. Garvera: Using anti-magic, I can make your defensive wall powerless, too! Which means, your attacks can't hurt me, but you can't defend against my attacks! 2. Ios: Sword, are you OK... Mizuno: Terrible wound... 3. Mizuno: You have to fight me, too! 4. Sword: Stop! The fight with that bitch isn't yours! Mizuno: Uh... 5. Sword: You fucking make fun of me! You fucking hid that power in your first attack... 6. Sword: It's been long, [in battle purely hotly] Pg191 1. Sword: [Nobody tee dasu na yo!] I'll defeat you!! 2. Sword: I, Devil Sword-samaaa!! Pg192 1. Old man: His Demonic Power is putting pressure on the surface of the body... 2. Ios: No way... Sword's going to use that... 3. Mizuno: What on earth is Souma-san doing? Ios: Originally, Sword's strong point wasn't attacks at long distance, magic etc. 4. Ios: 5. Ios: 6. Garvera: What technique do you think you can use against me!! Pg193 1. Garvera: Die, Swoooord!! 3. Garvera: Whaat!? 4. Garvera: My claws, with his bare hands... The defensive wall should have been made powerless... 5. Garvera: Pg194 1. Sword: Ankokumatoujutsu!! {Darkness Demonic Fighting Art!!} Pg195 1. Garvera: My anti-magic won't work!? Pg196 1. Old man: 3. Old man: TXT: Devil & Devil 2, complete. -----------------------------------------------------------------