Book 27 Chapter 6 Page 1 Fr: Peuf! Fr: Peuf! Page 2 Fr: KUUH!! Page 3 Fr: GOUAAAAAH!! Page 4 Fr: KUUH!! Fr: GUIIIH!! Page 5 Fr: Peuf! Peuf! Page 6 Fr: He... Fr: HE DODGED IT!! Fr: Im... Fr: IMPOSSIBLE!! Fr: If it would have hit you, you'd be... Page 7 Gok: Well... Hit me! Fr: !! Fr: Wh... What?! Fr: A... Fr: ASSHOLE! Fr: YOU'LL REGRET THIS!! Page 8 Gok: You destroyed a whole planet... Gok: ...and you can't even defeat one of it's inhabitants? Page 9 Fr: ... Fr: Wh... Who are you? Gok: You didn't get it? Gok: I am here to destroy you! Gok: When I lose my calm and and become extremely angry, I am transformed into a legendary fighter! Gok: I AM GOKU! THE SUPER SAYAI-JIN!! Page 10 Fr: ... Fr: ... Fr: I... I see! Fr: You are a Super Sayai-jin! Fr: He! Fr: He! He! He! Fr: By loosing your usual calm... Fr: I understand why Vegita couldn't become one... Page 11 Fr: Damn! Fr: DAMN!! Fr: Wh... What humiliation! Ag... Against such worm! H... He's just a Sayai-jin! Fr: I... I can't believe it! My worst nightmare! But, I'm Freeza! Gok: It's over... Gok: ...Freeza! Page 12 Goh: Is that it?! Goh: AHH! I almost forgot!! Goh: I'll be right back Piccolo-san! Goh: I have to go get Bulma! Page 13 Fr: I'd rather commit suicide... Fr: ...than die from your hands! Page 14 Gok: As you wish. Fr: I won't die... Fr: ...but you will! Fr: I can survive in space! Fr: Can you? Fr: He he he! Gok: !! Fr: I'LL BLOW UP THIS PLANET!