Book 27 Chapter 5 Page 1 Goku's pissed... Page 2 Fr: ?! Fr: Wh... What?! Goh: D... Dad?! Gok: Gohan! Gok: Piccolo is still alive! Bring him back to earth! Goh: ... Goh: Ah... Ahh! Gok: LEAVE BEFORE I EXPLODE IN RAGE!! Goh: ... Goh: O... OK! Page 3 Fr: Wh... What happened to him? Fr: Normally Sayai-jins transform in giant apes! Gok: Hurry up gohan! If Piccolo dies, Kami-sama dies too! Do you understand? Gok: Don't worry about me! I'll catch up with you later! Goh: But... How? Gok: DON'T MAKE THINGS WORSE THAN THEY ARE! YOU'LL ONLY GET IN MY WAY! Page 4 Goh: ... Goh: Thank you father! Goh: Thank you! Page 5 Goh: I'll wait for you! Goh: I'm sure you'll get back home safely! Fr: HA! HA! HA! HA! Fr: Do you really think I'll let you go? Page 6 Gok: BAFF Gok: !! Gok: Enough! Gok: Monster! Gok: You killed enough innocents...! Gok: ...and Krilin! Page 7 Fr: KUUH!! Fr: How did you get such a strenght? Fr: You... You are...? Goh: I understand! Goh: Vegita was right! Goh: Dad has become... Goh: ...A SUPER SAYAI-JIN!! Page 8 Gok: I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE... Gok: ...FREEZA!! Page 9-10 BADAH--VLAH--BAH Page 11 Fr: So? Fr: Are you saying Sayai-jins never killed innocents? Page 12 Gok: That's why they were exterminated! Fr: By me! Fr: I didn't like them! Gok: Now, it's your turn! Fr: My turn? Ho ho ho! Don't say silly things! Fr: You'll never defeat me. Fr: Even if you truly became a Super Sayai-jin! Page 13 DAA--BAM Page 14 Goh: ... Page 15? Gok: The time for retribution has come! Fr: Ho ho ho! Fr: ! Page 16? Fr: WOO! GAAH! WOO! Fr: Peuf! Fr: Peuf!