Under the Dapple Shade Manga Translations Volume One Chapter 6: The Large, Sad Tree Translated by Hans ter Horst Brought to you by Jim Zubkavich and the Under The Dapple Shade webpage Page 147 -------------------- Title Scene 6 - The large, sad tree Page 148 -------------------- Tatsuya Well? Tell me, is she all right!? Is she the victim of the curse of the tree! Tatsuya What an idea to go and see it all alone... Is it bad? Is she going to die? Nishikujou-san .... Page 149 -------------------- Nishikujou-san You exaggerate my boy, she had just fainted. She will wake up soon! Nishikujou-san So careless! She thought she could read the heart of such an old tree without being punished... The hearts of these trees are deep and vast... Nishikujou-san If you would compare it with the heart of a human, ours is neglectable... The power of the feelings generated by that tree is extraordinary... Apparently the sensibility of Sarah was not capable of taking it in. Tatsuya A force of feelings? Narration Sure, the force of the hate against the humans that the tree has built up and it has shocked Sarah so much that she fainted of fright... Tatsuya It really is an evil tree! Page 150 -------------------- Nishikujou-san In any case, my boy, I thank you. It must have been difficult to carry Sarah all alone. Tatsuya .... Tatsuya But this is very serious! The test of the courage is going to be next to that tree! Tatsuya I have to stop them! Nishikujou-san Uh... Wait! Nishikujou-san What is this?.... This test of the courage!? Narration A suffering.. Narration So deep... Poor tree, so unhappy... Page 151 -------------------- Boy Ok, hidden high up in the tree, we'll wait the right moment to act. Our plan works smoothly. Do you have reason to believe that Tatsuya will team up with Nishikujou? Boy 1 Hehehe, we'll shut his big mouth up for sure. Boy 2 I'll bet that he will cry when he hears Hiroki hidden in the tree, threatening to kill him. Hiroki Ah, ah, and when Sarah will hear that chicken cry, she'll will drop him. he! he! Hiroki We'll teach him to keep Nishikujou for himself. Boy 2 Yeah, he'll have to pay for having abandoned us to take care of the flowers with her! Boy 1 Right, everybody knows what he has to do?! All boys YEAH! Tatsuya Pff, pff, pff. Page 152 -------------------- Tatsuya Pff, pff, pff. Tatsuya Hey... Hey!! Tatsuya Pff, Pff! Boy 1 Tatsuya, what are you doing here?! Boy 2 It is too early to start the test! What is it that you want? Tatsuya Stop.. stop... the test... You have to cancel it... Boy 2 Cancel the test? What are you saying? Admit that you are scared! Tatsuya Fools, do you want to die? Ooki-sensei Huh, what's all this noise?! Boy 1 Ooki-sensei! Ooki-sensei I have come to take pictures of your test of courage. I cannot wait to see your frightened faces! I am brave. Tatsuya Sensei, Sarah has almost been killed by this cursed tree! Ooki-sensei oh... Tatsuya We must not get close to this demon! Cancel the test! Page 153 -------------------- Boy 2 What! Something happened to Nishikujou? Is it bad? Ooki-sensei Huh? what? Tatsuya Yes, it is the tree, it is really cursed. We must not go there otherwise something bad will happen! Boy 2 .... Boy 1 But..., Uh... Boy 1 Hiroki... Is already there... Hiroki Well, you climb up, yes or no? Boy 3 Uh..., yes... yes..., but... Page 154 -------------------- Tree Stop.... Stop... Tree Stop! Page 155 -------------------- Boy 3 Hiroki, I have a bad feeling, let's forget it! Hiroki Fool, what are you saying. Hiroki With or without you, I'll get to the top of this tree.. I'm not a yellow chicken like you... Hiroki huh Boy 3 Hiroki!! Hiroki Ah... Hee... Help!! Page 156 -------------------- Ooki-sensei Oh, no! Tatsuya Hiroki!! Boy 3 Tatsuya!! Boy 3 Quickly, we have to help Hiroki! Tatsuya Sensei, quickly! Ooki-sensei What!?... I don't climb trees very well... It should probably be Tatsuya who should go... Ooki-sensei Go, go, I leave you the role of the hero without fear! Tatsuya What do you dare telling me, you are the sensei! Stop wasting time! Ooki-sensei Shit! Wait, whatever you do, don't let go. I'll be right there! Ooki-sensei Pff... It's not easy to climb with this moss! Page 157 -------------------- Ooki-sensei It's all right, now give me your hand!! Hiroki Sensei Boy 3 Just a little more! Tatsuya Sensei Tatsuya He's got him. Hiroki Oh Ooki-sensei Shit! Page 158 -------------------- Boy 3 They both fall. Tatsuya What a clumsy person They are done for! Hiroki AAAaaah! Page 159 -------------------- Boy 3 Huh? Tatsuya Nishikujou-san!! Sarah Nice catch, Papa Nishikujou-san Yes... just in time! Tatsuya Sarah Tatsuya Sarah, you are back up?! Nishikujou-san Well in the end everybody is all right. Sarah Everybody... But where is Sensei? Tatsuya Well yes, where did he go... Ooki-sensei Aaarghh Help me... Tatsuya Sensei... He'll never change... Page 160 -------------------- Sarah In any case... This tree is not at all evil... Tatsuya Huh, but... Sarah It is true that those who tried to climb the top have died... Sarah But it is not the tree. Sarah Look at its trunk, it is covered with moss... Page 161 -------------------- Sarah Besides, the big branch is difficult to reach for the children. Because of the obstacles, their feet slip and they fall... Look for yourself what is awaiting them below that branch. Tatsuya Uh... yes... Sarah These memorial stones are fatal when you fall hard on them from above... Sarah The tree uses the force of its feelings to create fear in those who want to approach it to make them flee. Because people died here, the rumor of the mortal danger for those climbing the tree spread quickly. Tatsuya Huh!? But if I understand you correctly, this tree has created the legend of its curse itself. Why did it do that!? Sarah .... Page 162 -------------------- Sarah Because it loves the humans a lot! It could not support anymore that people would suffer because of itself. Sarah It has preferred to influence it's environment to be hated and avoided! It is the only solution it has found to protect the people. To intimidate everybody to approach it, it has even chosen... Sarah To be cursed Sarah But really, it is very kind... Nishikujou-san Sarah But also very sad. Tatsuya .... Page 163 -------------------- Tatsuya If we would tell this, nobody will believe us... Tatsuya Nobody can understand the kindness of this tree... Nishikujou-san .... Nishikujou-san It is too sad that we cannot do anything to help Well, that what counts for me is that in the depths of your heart you know and will never forget how good this tree is. Tatsuya Yes, I will never forget... I will never forget its generosity, never! Page 164 -------------------- Tatsuya What is happening? It is not as just now. I feel now a soft warmth coming from it!! Sarah It wants to give you a present.. To thank you. Page 165 -------------------- Narration The present of the tree. Tatsuya Here you go my darlings, some good water for you. Tatsuya With this, you will become perfect. Yes, my sweeties, soon you will shine even more. He, he! Sarah .... Sarah Tatsuya... Sarah Can't you shut up? The flowers are of the same opinion! Tatsuya What, you told me to talk to them caringly and with love so that they grow. Sarah Yeah, but not if you bore them with your non-stop senseless talk. *end of Chapter 6*