The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: CLOVER volume 3, Kodansha Comics AMIE #18. ISBN4-06-340018-2 C9979, retailed at 571 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha, 1998. First printing: May 13, 1998. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Please keep it for your own personal use. Thanks. FURTHERMORE, distribution of this script with ANY of the disclaimers and/or the appendices is strictly prohibited. I hate it when people chop off what I write (even if it's the boring parts). And as always, written (e-mail) request for putting these scripts up on your page is always good. That way, I can send you additional volumes and/or corrected new versions when I get them done (for example, the people who asked permission will get this script automatically in their inbox if I remember their e-mail addresses....) All poem parts are as shown on the dust cover. It's not bad grammar and/or spelling because I didn't make those errors, Ohkawa-sensei did. I will include footnotes for the obvious misspellings, though. I'll also put how I translated the chapter titles and the song at the end of the script for those that want more literal/simple-worded translations. If you've seen volume 1 and 2 (I'm sure you have by now), you know what to expect as the appendices. The most fun part of prealpha (i.e. doing it from the AMIE's) is to guess what their translator will do with the song. I got a few lines right, but this makes me feel that translating is really mood-dependent... ^^;;; I apologize in advance for putting in a lot of nuance footnotes in this particular script. ^^;;;; Sorry this was late, but I got into a fix to graduate from college, then was showing grandparents around the US, then got caught sick and went to ER a few times, then went on a royal jobhunt on my puny 28.8K modem.... ^^;;; (I really SHOULD be doing CCD right now...... ^^;;;;) Signed 7/12/98, Fuu ( CLOVER -- Volume 3, Version 1.0 %thoughts $flashbacks (speaker) [written-in words, narration, song lyrics, chapter titles] {footnotes} Words* have kanji readings / explanations in the glossary at the bottom P.5 If you find a four-leaf clover, It will bring happiness. But Don't tell anyone Where you found The four-leaf clover Or how many leaflets were on it. The four-leaf clover. How I wish to make you happy, Though I won't be able to see you. P.6 [FAIRIE'S DREAM IN A DREAM] SUU .... Dream. P.7 RABBIT DOLL Good morning. Suu. P.8 SUU I was dreaming. A dream of a fairy. A beautiful fairy singing with a beautiful voice. I was watching the dream that the fairy was having. P.9 SUU Whose dream was that? P.10 [ORUHA] It's my dream A beautiful dream P.11 That no-one's ever seen PP. 12-13 A beautiful deceit That no-one's ever noticed A beautiful love That no-one will ever break L O V E P.14 Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most beautiful word. LOVE P.15 Though you'll laugh In the whole world It's the most important word. ORUHA a-i-shi-te-ru (I love you) {Note that this is a VERY intimate form of "I love you" in that you probably shouldn't be using it to your significant other unless you're having sex or are married (whichever comes first, depending on your beliefs ^_-). "Daisuki" suffices for the most common American uses of "I love you", like when you're saying it to family and friends, or about objects that you're not head-over-heels obsessed about. But then, all of this is my personal opinion.... so ignore it if you want. ^^;; --Fuu} P.16 [BIRD'S NEST BACKSTAGE] ORUHA Welcome back, Kazuhiko. KAZUHIKO I'm back. ORUHA Were you listening to the song? KAZUHIKO Of course. ORUHA How was it? KAZUHIKO Oruha, you are the best singer in the world to me. ORUHA I want to be everyone's best, not just yours, Kazuhiko. KAZUHIKO I won't allow it. ORUHA Why? P.17 KAZUHIKO Because you are mine. {Actually, he's saying "Because THIS IS mine", perhaps to indicate that Oruha the singer is his as well as Oruha the person, by treating the "singer" aspect as a thing. --Fuu} ORUHA The songs are everyone's. But my body and my soul... Are all yours, Kazuhiko. P.18 ORUHA ... Let's do it. {You know, I never thought of this, but can the verb "to do" be used to blatantly point to sex in English in this particular conjugation the way it does here in Japanese? --Fuu} KAZUHIKO Here? ORUHA Here. KAZUHIKO You're singing again after this break, right? ORUHA I want to feel like you're embracing me when I'm singing, Kazuhiko. P.19 ORUHA Do me. [BIRD'S NEST IN A GILDED CAGE] P.20 Now Come close to me I'll sing an endless song God, please tell me Redder than red, the truest love. P.21 L O V E Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most beautiful word. P.22 KOU Are you feeling well? Suu. SUU Just like always. KOU And that song you were just singing? SUU A singer was singing it in a livehouse. A singer with a beautiful, kind voice. P.23 KOU That's a song I don't know. SUU She hasn't debuted yet. I can hear Minor Waves* too, so... Though you'll laugh In the whole world It's the most important word. KOU What's the singer's name? L O V E SUU Oruha. P.24 [FLOWER OF REUNION] LOVE Though you'll laugh In the whole world It's the most important word. Now Kiss me Hold me Show me love That's forever P.25 God, please tell me Bluer than blue, the real heart. LOVE Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most beautiful word. Everyone says But no-one knows Its true meaning Cannot be grasped alone So I want to see it with you LOVE P.26 KAZUHIKO You swear off smoking only during duty, right? You should have brought the freeloader at your place too. P.27 GINGETSU Lan doesn't come out of the house. KAZUHIKO Doesn't want to go out? Or can't come out? GINGETSU Both. KAZUHIKO ... I see. I won't ask why. But this time you sure have a young one. Did you have pedophilic tendencies? ORUHA You made it! P.28 GINGETSU It's almost your birthday, right? I'll be working then, so I thought I celebrate it early. ORUHA Thank you. KAZUHIKO That's enough service, Oruha. GINGETSU Aren't you going to drink most of the booze? KAZUHIKO Are you happy if I went to sleep embracing flowers? ORUHA Well, well. Good guys can quarrel. But isn't it much better for them to drink together? P.29 [BUG-EYE] P.30 [ALONE] SUU You count one bird "ichiwa". You count one cat or one dog "ippiki". RABBIT DOLL Suu, it is time for tea. SUU You count one rabbit "ichiwa". You count me as One Person (Hitori). P.31 SUU Alone (Hitori)... forever. P.32 ORUHA I wish we could always be together. [TWO] P.33 KAZUHIKO What? ORUHA Nothing. Thank you, waiter. KAZUHIKO No problem. You let me spend the night. P.34 ORUHA Going out? KAZUHIKO Just a report, so I'll be back in the evening. What do you want for your birthday? ORUHA Does it bug you that someone beat you to it? KAZUHIKO It does. ORUHA I want a bird. P.35 ORUHA I don't care if it's a fake (replica). A bird with beautiful feathers. KAZUHIKO I got it. P.36 ORUHA Because I can't fly. P.37 [I CAN HEAR] SUU Can you be quiet for a minute? Oruha is going to sing. [IS BEGINNING] P.38 LOVE It's my dream A beautiful dream That no-one's ever seen A beautiful deceit That no-one's ever noticed A beautiful love That no-one will ever break P.39 [DUET NO-ONE KNOWS] LOVE Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most beautiful word. PP.40-41 Now Come close to me I'll sing an endless song God, please tell me Redder than red, the truest love. LOVE Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most important word. L O V E P.43 SUU .... I want to talk with Oruha. P.44 [FISH-EYE] P.45 [DECEIT] PARLIAMENT How is the Four-Leaf Clover? As always. I hope she doesn't have an outside interest. She's living peacefully with the Auto-Dolls*. P.46 PARLIAMENT We let one of the Three-Leaves out with a condition, but we can't allow such a thing for a Four-Leaf. If the Four-Leaf felt like it, us five Wizards, even combining all our strengths, mean nothing. That is how strong the Four-Leaf's powers are. So. P.47 PARLIAMENT She is always alone to prevent her from becoming interested in anyone else. Forever. P.48 [PHONE FROM BIRD TO BIRD] ORUHA Yes. P.49 SUU Wait. ... I'm a fan of yours. P.50 ORUHA .... a fan. And your name? SUU .... Suu. P.51 [BIRD GIVEN TO BIRD] KAZUHIKO So skillful. P.52 KID I can't eat unless I have a trick of the trade. KAZUHIKO Then I'll probably starve. KID A military guy, eh? You look weak. Do you sit behind a desk all day? KAZUHIKO Wahahahaha. Bingo. KID You want that? It's expensive. KAZUHIKO I might lose my job. So give me a discount. P.53 KID For your lover? KAZUHIKO As a birthday gift. KID Is she gorgeous? KAZUHIKO Of course. P.54 [CONTACT] SUU I'm sorry I called you at home. ORUHA How did you find out? SUU Are you mad? ORUHA I'm glad I have female fans. P.55 ORUHA You are a girl, right? SUU Yes. ORUHA What does "Suu" mean? SUU It means the number 4. {Japanese pronounce Chinese for 4 (which apparently should be something like "siu") like how Americans pronounce "Sue".... kinda like how they pronounce the Chinese word for "thank you" as "shay-shay" (which stumps most native Chinese speakers I know). Upon consultations with a few native-Chinese speaking friends on whether or not to fix Suu's name to Siu to reflect this plot point, I had overwhelming "That would be too big a spoiler you fool! Don't do it!!" replies so I'm keeping it as Suu. ^^;; --Fuu} P.56 [CAT'S EYE] P.57 [PROMISE] KAZUHIKO I want you... To hold on to this for me. GINGETSU Is this for Oruha's birthday? KAZUHIKO I won't be at work that day. I've asked for a vacation from 6 months ago. LAN It's cute. KAZUHIKO Don't eat it. P.58 KAZUHIKO Ask for one. Gingetsu can get you a real one, even. LAN Gingetsu will be troubled when I die. KAZUHIKO .... not when YOU die? P.59 KAZUHIKO If something troublesome is about to happen, I don't care if you explain it to me, but at least tell me what you want me to do. Die before me... And I will mess around with your corpse. P.60 [STAGE] It's my dream A wonderful person That makes everyone turn A wonderful time That everyone wants A wonderful romance That everyone dreams of P.61 LOVE Can never match true love LOVE Though you laugh Will never return, once lost LOVE Though you laugh To us, it's the most important word. LOVE P.62 [BIRD'S SECRET CONVERSATION] ORUHA You're not coming to the livehouse? SUU No. ORUHA How are you listening? The performances here aren't on Major Waves*. SUU Do I have to tell you? ORUHA That's all right, I have secrets I don't want to tell, too. P.63 SUU ... Thanks. Oruha, do you always make your own songs? ORUHA Yes. SUU How does it feel when you sing? P.64 ORUHA I feel like I'm acting the heroine on a stage. The role changes with the song I sing. If it's a sad song, a sad role. If it's a joyful song, a happy role. SUU What kind of role is for the song you're singing now? ORUHA "LOVE"? ... that's a secret. P.65 SUU I want to listen to your songs forever, Oruha. I want you to sing forever. It's a strange feeling. Something I've never felt before. P.66 SUU I never wanted anything after I came here. But I want to listen to Oruha's songs more and more. P.67 ORUHA ... Thank you. That's the best words of praise a singer can hear. SUU Does this mean I love you? ORUHA It's not? SUU I don't know. P.68 ORUHA If your heart whispers "I love you", it's love. P.69 SUU .... This is love.... P.70 SUU Oruha, what do you love? ORUHA Songs. Other than that... Kazuhiko. P.71 SUU Kazuhiko? P.72 [RAIN] LOVE Can never match true love LOVE Though you laugh Will never return, once lost LOVE Though you laugh To us, it's the most important word. P.73 L O V E P.74 Hear the whisper of the heart Hear its true voice Listen carefully Where lies true love Whom to give true love P.76 LOVE Though you'll laugh In the whole world, It's the most important word. [SONG SUNG JUST FOR ONE] KAZUHIKO Did the lyrics change for tonight's performance? P.77 LOVE Hear the whisper of the heart Hear its true voice Listen carefully Where lies true love Whom to give true love KAZUHIKO There. ORUHA I changed it. P.78 KAZUHIKO It's unlike you to change a song after you're done writing it. ORUHA I thought of it after talking to a fan. KAZUHIKO Fan? ORUHA A girl. KAZUHIKO She was backstage? ORUHA .... that's a secret. P.79 [BIRD'S EYE] P.80 [BIRD IN THE HEART OF BIRD] SUU You changed the lyrics. ORUHA How was it? SUU I liked the old lyrics, but I like the new one better. ORUHA Thanks. You really listen to me all the time. Doesn't anyone scold you for staying up so late? P.81 SUU .... I'm all alone. ORUHA You're alone? SUU Yeah. But I'm used to it. ORUHA No. Nobody in the world can become used to loneliness. P.82 ORUHA I wish I could see you.... I would hold you, Suu. P.83 ORUHA When someone holds you, you become happier. Just like how I become happy when Kazuhiko holds me. SUU Was Kazuhiko there today, too? ORUHA He was. He's taking a break from his job right now. SUU .... That's good. {The way she delivers this, you can almost detect a twinge of jealousy that Kazuhiko can be there with Oruha but she can't. --Fuu} That he can be with you. ORUHA I wish I could always be with him. SUU .... Oruha? P.84 ORUHA I wanted to make Kazuhiko happy. But I couldn't become his Four-Leaf Clover. P.85 ORUHA ... I don't have any time left. PP.86-87 ORUHA When you know when happiness ends. Is it happiness? Or unhappiness? SUU Even if I know it's going to end, I want to be happy. ORUHA ... You aren't happy right now? SUU I don't know how it feels to be happy. P.88 SUU So. Even if I know it's going to end, I want to be happy. Even the tiniest bit. P.89 ORUHA Nice to meet you. [HOW DO YOU DO?] {"How do you do?" is the extremely stereotypical way of translating "hajimemashite" into English. In fact, I think it's what Japanese textbooks use when they teach English. I, on the other hand, prefer "nice to meet you" because "hajime" is "beginning", and I like stressing the fact that the speaker and the target are meeting each other for the first time as indicated by "hajime". You just can't get that nuance with "how do you do" you know.... --Fuu} Is there something wrong with my face? LAN No, just that you are beautiful. KAZUHIKO Isn't she nice? P.90 LAN I'll go make some tea. ORUHA He's pretty. KAZUHIKO But still a kid. ORUHA Oh? When I was that age, I was a kid too. KAZUHIKO Nah. I'm sure you were beautiful from the time you were born, Oruha. P.91 LAN She looks happy. ... I'm glad. P.92 ORUHA You like songs? [SONG THAT BIRD AND BIRD MAKE] SUU I love them. I love listening to your songs the most, though. ORUHA Thanks. How about singing? What do you think about singing yourself? SUU I don't hate it. P.93 SUU Because I'm not alone if I sing. Because I'm alone here... anything I say, I'm talking to myself. ORUHA Hey, Suu. If you can't get out of there, can I visit you there? SUU ... I'm sorry. I don't want to trouble you, Oruha. ORUHA Suu.... P.94 SUU Even if I die, I'm sure nobody will cry for me. Because I'm alone, nothing is going to change after I'm no longer here. ORUHA I'll cry. SUU Why? P.95 ORUHA Because you are my dear friend. SUU Friend....? P.96 ORUHA Am I wrong? SUU Is it all right with you? ORUHA If you say it's okay, Suu... We are friends. P.97 SUU .... Thank you. P.98 ORUHA Hey. Do you want to make a song together? You and me. P.99 [BIRD'S SECRET SONG] ... I want happiness I seek happiness ... So take me Someplace far away To a true Elsewhere KAZUHIKO It's a little different from the songs you've written in the past. ORUHA It's not a song that I wrote. ... Take me I want happiness KAZUHIKO You like that song? ORUHA Yup. KAZUHIKO Whose song is it? I've never heard it before. ORUHA .... That's a secret. P.100 [DUET ONLY BIRD KNOWS] I want happiness I seek happiness To cause your happiness To be your happiness So take me Someplace far away To a true Elsewhere Please take me there SUU This is the first time I've ever sung with someone else.... .... I'm happy. ORUHA I'm happy too. .... That I could make such a wonderful song with you, Suu, before it all ended. P.101 SUU End? ORUHA Tomorrow is my birthday. SUU I know. ORUHA I'll sing at the usual joint. Will you listen again? I'll sing for you, Suu, and for Kazuhiko. P.102 [NIGHT THAT DOES NOT GO] KAZUHIKO Are you feeling ill? ORUHA Kazuhiko. Do you love me? KAZUHIKO Of course. P.103 ORUHA I'm sorry. KAZUHIKO Why.... ORUHA .... Hold me. Lots. So you won't forget. P.104 [SECRET BETWEEN BIRD AND BIRD] SUU Oruha. What do you mean by the end? Is it something I shouldn't ask? ORUHA No. I want you to ask. I... ... am going to die today. P.105 ORUHA When I was a young girl, there was a time when I was taken to a laboratory run by the government. They did a lot of tests on me.... I'm not exactly sure, but I think they were looking for Sorcerors*. They separated them by the amount of power. >From a one-leaf to a four-leaf. The four-leaf being the strongest. I... I'm a one-leaf, the lowest rank. P.106 ORUHA Because the only power I had... Was knowing the exact day of my death. That was all. They tattooed my chest, but soon returned me to my home. I guess knowing exactly when you die isn't all that great. No matter who I'm with, or what I was doing.... "I am going to die soon." With that thought, my heart froze each time. P.107 ORUHA No matter how much I loved them. No matter how happy I was. I knew it would someday end. No matter how hard I tried, I knew where the end point was. I always thought... that I could never be infatuated with anything for any length of time. But it was different with songs, and with Kazuhiko. I was happy when I sang. I was happy when I was with Kazuhiko. Those were the first things I didn't want to lose. P.108 ORUHA I wanted to make Kazuhiko happy. But I couldn't be his Four-Leaf Clover. Before I could do anything for him, I will die today. P.109 SUU Oruha! ORUHA I love you too, Suu. I really wanted to meet you. To meet you, and hold you in my arms. I wanted to sing more songs with you. P.110 SUU Oruha! Me too..... ORUHA Goodbye, Suu. I want you to become happy. P.111 SUU Wait! Oruha....! ORUHA!! P.112 [CLOVER] ORUHA This song is for the two people that I love. P.113 ORUHA "CLOVER". P.114 I want happiness I seek happiness To cause your happiness To be your happiness So take me Someplace far away To a true Elsewhere Please take me there Magic that lasts Never-ending kiss Reverie without break Unperishable bliss Take me I want happiness Birds sing Song of unknown tongue Though winged, they Still fail to reach the sky A place not to be treaded alone So take me To a true Elsewhere Wet feathers, Locked fingers, Melting flesh, Fusing minds Take me I want happiness Not your past But your present is what I seek. Carefully winding back its fragile thread Please take me there I want happiness P.115 I want happiness I seek happiness To cause your happiness To be your happiness Take me To a true Elsewhere Deliver me A bird in a gilded cage A bird bereft of flight A bird that cannot cry A bird all by itself So take me I want happiness Happy just to be with you Happy just to see you smile So take me To a true Elsewhere Please, take me To happiness. My first thought And my last wish, A promised land where fairies wait With room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me To forget the tribulations of day And to stay in this dream of night Where I can be thinking of you forever Take me To my bliss P.116 [MAN'S EYE] P.118 [BIRD'S TEAR] SUU .... Oruha.... P.120 [BIRD FOR BIRD GONE] KAZUHIKO I am officially retired as of today. I know I'm doing something stupid. But I WILL find the one who killed Oruha. GINGETSU .... What are you going to do after that? P.121 KAZUHIKO I'm sorry, but I have to return this. Keep the money, though. KID Did you get dumped? KAZUHIKO .... eternally. P.122 SUU Oruha.... [BIRD THAT BIRD MADE] P.123 I want happiness I seek happiness ... take me I want happiness P.124 If you find a four-leaf clover, It will bring happiness. But Don't tell anyone Where you found The four-leaf clover Or how many leaflets were on it. The four-leaf clover. How I wish to make you happy, Though I won't be able to see you. --END-- ** Appendix A: short glossary of special double-quote terminology. word page meaning ---- ---- ------- SORCEROR p.105 esper. (choujyounouryokusha). MAJOR WAVES p.62 The public electronics forum (koukyou denpa). i.e. TV, radio, Internet, concert PA, etc. MINOR WAVES p.23 Electronics forum that is a lower level than Major Waves (yuusen denpa). i.e. goings-on in a club that's not PA'ed, or the pay-per-listen radio lines in Japan.. AUTO-DOLL p.45 in volume 1, it was written as "killer weapons (satsujin heiki)" but is now written as "mechanical dolls (kikai ningyou)". Seems like they are robots that are programmed to protect and kill if necessary. ** Appendix B: Fuu's translations of chapter titles This time, I actually hit the mark more often ^^ [DREAM OF THE FAIRY WITHIN THE DREAM] [ORUHA] [BIRD'S NEST BACKSTAGE] [BIRD'S NEST INSIDE THE CAGE] [FLOWER OF REUNION] [BUG'S EYES] [ONE PERSON] [TWO PEOPLE] [I CAN HEAR] [IT IS STARTING] [DUET UNKNOWN TO ALL] [FISH'S EYES] [LIES] [PHONE CALL FROM A BIRD TO A BIRD] [BIRD AS A GIFT TO A BIRD] [TOUCH/CONTACT] [CAT'S EYES] [PROMISE] [STAGE] [SECRET CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE BIRDS] [SONG SUNG FOR ONLY ONE PERSON] [BIRD'S EYES] [BIRD WITHIN A BIRD'S HEART] [NICE TO MEET YOU] [SONG THAT A BIRD AND A BIRD CREATE] [SECRET SONG OF THE BIRDS] [DUET THAT ONLY THE BIRDS KNOW] [UNERASABLE NIGHT] [SECRET BETWEEN A BIRD AND A BIRD] [CLOVER] [HUMAN'S EYES] [TEARS OF A BIRD] [BIRD FOR THE BIRD THAT IS NO LONGER THERE] [BIRD CREATED BY A BIRD] ** Appendix C: Fuu's translation of the song LOVE Or, just how much can two translations of the same Japanese text differ in tone and delivery? ^^;; Me Them -- ---- LOVE LOVE That is my dream It's my dream A beautiful dream A beautiful dream Such that nobody has ever That no-one's ever seen seen before A beautiful lie A beautiful deceit Such that nobody notices That no-one's ever noticed A beautiful love A beautiful love Such that nobody can shatter That no-one will ever break LOVE LOVE You laugh at me Though you'll laugh But it's probably the most In the whole world, the most beautiful phrase in the world beautiful word. (+1) LOVE LOVE You laugh at me Though you'll laugh But it's probably the most In the entire world, the most important phrase in the world important word. Right now, come here, next to me Now, come close to me. I will sing an endless song I'll sing an endless song. God, please tell me God, please tell me, True love that is redder (more Redder than red, the truest love. crimson) than red (vermilion) Right now, kiss me, hold me Now, kiss hold me (+2) Show me a never-ending love Show me love that's forever. God, please tell me God, please tell me, True heart that is bluer (more Bluer than blue, the real heart. teal) than blue (+3) LOVE LOVE Everyone can say it Everyone says, But nobody knows its true meaning But no-one knows its true meaning. I can't understand it by myself, Cannot be grasped alone. So, I so I want to understand it want to see it with you. with you LOVE LOVE A wonderful person A wonderful person That everyone looks back at That makes everyone turn A wonderful time A wonderful time That everyone wants That everyone wants A wonderful love A wonderful romance That everyone dreams of That everyone dreams of LOVE LOVE I probably can't compare to Can never match true love. true love LOVE LOVE You laugh at me Though you'll laugh But it won't return if you lose Will never return, once lost. it LOVE LOVE You laugh at me Though you'll laugh But it's probably the most To us, the most important word. important phrase for the two of us LOVE LOVE Listen to the voice the heart Hear the whisper of the heart, Whispers, listen to the hear its true voice true voice With attentive ears Listen carefully Where true love lies Where lies true (+4) Whom true love is given to Whom to give true love LOVE LOVE You laugh at me Though you'll laugh But it's probably the most In the entire world, the most important phrase in the world important word. (+1) in the script I added the word "it's" in the phrase "to us, the most word" to make it grammatically correct (by making more or less into a complete sentence). This is true for every occurrence of this conjugation. (+2) in the script I used "kiss me, hold me" coz it sounds better. The other option was "kiss and hold me" but I didn't like that. (+3) About the parentheses in reds and blues. The red in redder, BENI, is vermilion by itself. I chose to use crimson, which is SHINKU (BENI modified with SHIN, the kanji for DEEP), to express a deeper shade than the bright vermilion (which is the formal definition of SHU, the second red). The blue in bluer, SOU, is defined as "1. color of grass. 2. blue" by Koujien 4th ed. (my ultra-cool Japanese-Japanese dictionary) so I combined the two definitions to come up with teal in the parenthesis. The second blue is the common blue so no parentheses. (+4) Assumption that this was supposed to be "true love" from what the Japanese read. ** Appendix D: Fuu's translation of the poem snippet at the beginning and end of this prequel Dammit. I looked over CLOVER1/2 and took most of the poem's snippet and I still got parts wrong.... I demand consistency from their translator, dammit. And, I thought that the guy was going to be more elaborate with the last line.... and he was simpler than I expected. He elaborated on the second-to-last-line instead. D'oh. ^^; Me Them -- ---- If you find a four-leaf clover, If you find a four-leaf clover, It will bring happiness. It will bring happiness. But But don't tell Don't tell anyone Anyone Where you find Where you found The four-leaf clover The four-leaf clover Or how many leaflets from Or how many leaflets were on (+) its stem extend. The four-leaf clover. The four-leaf clover. I only want your happiness, How I wish to make you happy, But I will never meet you Though I won't be able to see you. to share it. (+) in the script I added the word "it" at the end of the line to make it more grammatically correct. Incidentally, the "where you found / the four-leaf clover" line was missing from the last page when it was in the March 1998 issue of AMIE. ** Appendix E: Kodansha's cute little blurbs on the color pages January 1998 (episode 7, FAIRIE'S DREAM IN A DREAM ~ FISH EYE): When you take C and R away from CLOVER, it turns into LOVE. At long last! The dramatic new CLAMP world once again! A new chapter about Suu and Oruha starts!! February 1998 (episode 8, DECEIT ~ BIRD IN THE HEART OF BIRD): Oruha's song of love that spins Suu's dreams. And once again, tonight... March 1998 (episode 9/final, BIRD IN THE HEART OF BIRD [cont] ~ BIRD THAT BIRD MADE): The four-leaf clover. I only want your happiness, But I will never meet you to share it. I wanted to give you true love.... The last chapter of the story between Suu and Oruha. -- the honest-to-god end of this script! --