The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: CLOVER volume 1, Kodansha Comics AMIE #1. ISBN4-06-340001-8 C9979, retailed at 571 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha, 1997. First printing: June 6, 1997. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Please keep it for your own personal use. Thanks. All poem parts are as shown on the dust cover. It's not bad grammar and/or spelling because I didn't make those errors, Ohkawa-sensei did. I will include footnotes for the not-often-used spelling and such, though. I'll also put how I translated the chapter titles and the song at the end of the script for those that want more literal / simple-worded translations. From this script, I decide that if I do pre-alphas, I'll just bump it up to 1.0 after I fix page numbers and make corrections of what they changed. ^^; So this would have been Alpha 1 but it's 1.0 ^^; Signed 7/24/97. 1.01 comment: uh, I decided to fix a spelling or two. As much as I liked how I spelt the leopard dude, I decided to go a little more "correct" in spelling. Shit, shoulda decided before I wrote that article.... Signed 9/8/97. 1.02 comment: the speaker of one of the three lines that I didn't know who uttered has been determined after putting two and two together while doing the volume 3 script. I'm fixing it only because my guess was wrong ^^;;; If you know where that is, you are truly amazing. ^_- Signed 7/12/98. Fuu ( CLOVER -- Volume 1, Version 1.02 %thoughts $flashbacks (speaker) [written-in words, narration, song lyrics, chapter titles] {footnotes} Words* have kanji readings / explanations in the glossary at the bottom P.5 [If you find a four-leaf clover, It will bring happiness. But don't tell Anyone Where its white flower blooms Or how many leaflets from its stem extend. The four-leaved clover. I only want your happiness, knowing I can never be yours to share it.] P.6 [A LEAF] MAN (Kazuhiko) I decline. I'm not in the military anymore. I have no reason to accept the government's job offers. VOICE (Kou) There is a reason. P.7 OLD WOMAN (Kou) How many times did I make allowances for you when you were court- martialed? MAN (Kazuhiko) I never asked you to be nice to me. OLD WOMAN (Kou) Oh? We can put you on trial again. MAN (Kazuhiko) Are you threatening me? OLD WOMAN (Kou) You are guilty to some extent if you think I am threatening you. MAN (Kazuhiko) Gramps. No, General Kou. You should have plenty of Agents*...... KOU After your sixth court-martial, I told you.... P.8 KOU "You shortened an elder's lifespan. Therefore, when I ask you a favor in the future you will accept without question." MAN (Kazuhiko) How many years ago was that? KOU Shall I show you the {memory} movie? Kazuhiko Faye Ryuu. KAZUHIKO Don't call me by my full name..... KOU You are the one most suited for this job. P.9 KAZUHIKO ...... A decision as a Wizard, I see. This is the only time I'll do this. KOU Give me your hand. I'll give you a Cord*. KAZUHIKO ....... Confidential and proprietary information. To a civilian? Is that all right? KOU You are good with secrets. I don't have to keep reminding you. P.10 [A green leaf?] P.11 KAZUHIKO A Code*? Or a Spell*? KOU Something you need for this job. It will disappear once you are done. KAZUHIKO And what am I forced to do? KOU I want you to transport something for me. P.13 [I want happiness I seek happiness to cause your happiness] P.14 [TINY WINGS IN THE FOREST] RABBIT Welcome. Kou-sama has informed me about your arrival. P.15 KAZUHIKO %There is something really important hidden here. RABBIT Your hand. KAZUHIKO %These are the latest Auto-Dolls*. P.16-17 [I want happiness I seek happiness] [to cause your happiness to be your happiness] P.18 GIRL (Suu) Are you... P.19 GIRL (Suu) ... the one that will take me? P.20 [THE SINGING WAIF] [I want happiness I seek happiness so take me] MAN (Lan) She's cute. [someplace far away] P.21 MAN (Gingetsu) Did your tastes change? I thought you didn't like children. KAZUHIKO I'll get you for that. MAN (Gingetsu) Say it again. KAZUHIKO I said, I'll get you for that, Gingetsu. MAN (Lan) When Gingetsu brought me, you made this whole fuss that he had a taste for young children. KAZUHIKO Lan, you were a kid two years ago. LAN I was more mature than this child. GINGETSU And who is this? P.22 KAZUHIKO Her name is Suu. I don't know her last name. She's a favor of Grandma Kou. GINGETSU General Kou... KAZUHIKO Basically, she wants me to escort the child. GINGETSU To where? [to a true Elsewhere] KAZUHIKO I don't know myself. That girl supposedly knows. P.23 KAZUHIKO It looks bad to leave the country using the usual routes. So I'm asking Lan to do some work. GINGETSU Hey. LAN I accepted. There is no problem. KAZUHIKO Gingetsu is a lieutenant colonel and has high pay. What are you going to do with all your earnings? LAN (? uncertain speaker) Saving it for post-retirement. P.24 LAN (? uncertain speaker) Do you want to hear it again? SUU Yes. [please take me there magic that lasts never-ending kiss revery {sic, probably meant "reverie"} without break unperishable bliss] P.25 [take me I want happiness] P.26 SUU We're going to Fairy Park. KAZUHIKO (? speaker uncertain) To such a run-down amusement park? [THE CAGE] A transportation device. Altered by Lan. P.27 KAZUHIKO No matter how you look at it, it's a Bus*. But this is faster than a Brain*. SUU I've never used anything like this. KAZUHIKO What rural parts are you from? GINGETSU This is a Modem* that the military has developed. KAZUHIKO Is it all right to give one to a civilian? GINGETSU It's General Kou's orders. This will not be easy. P.28 KAZUHIKO I hope my right arm will suffice again, like before. I'll take this. P.29 SUU (? speaker uncertain) Take me. P.30 LAN .... Someone interfered. GINGETSU Where did they fall? LAN I'm searching now. GINGETSU Who got in the way? LAN I'm searching that, too. Gingetsu. That child... P.31 [take me to a true Elsewhere] [A green leaf?] [please take me there m a g i c t h a t l a s t s n e v e r e n d i n g k i s s r e v e r y w i t h o u t b r e a k u n p e r i s h a b l e b l i s s ] P.32 [take me] [Those leaves... a clover?] [I want happiness] P.33 [A MAZE] KAZUHIKO Is this the destination? SUU No. KAZUHIKO Stay still. P.34 P.35 KAZUHIKO Are you all right? SUU Yes. KAZUHIKO Why are we getting attacked all of a sudden? P.36 KAZUHIKO Sorry. Was it heavy? SUU No. Your right arm. KAZUHIKO It's gone. This is a fake. Military weapons _are_ made better. The radiation is not stable. P.37 P.38 [THE CAT] KID (Xiaomao leader) You came here, but not because you wanted to? KAZUHIKO That's right. KID (Xiaomao leader) And, where were you planning to go? KAZUHIKO Dunno. KID (Xiaomao leader) You do not want to answer? KAZUHIKO Where we go on a date is our little secret. SUU A date? KID (Xiaomao leader) Your date does not seem to acknowledge that fact. P.39 KID (Xiaomao leader) Do you like cats? SUU Yes. It's real. KID (Xiaomao leader) Real cats are valuable. I have it mimicked because there are fools that think about stealing it. How did you know it was real? {take "mimicked" as "turn into cyborg-esque" in this context, that is how I think you're supposed to take it.} SUU Meow CAT Meow P.40 KID (Xiaomao leader) I will have you stay here until we find out your identities. KAZUHIKO I'm in a hurry. KID (Xiaomao leader) Tao-fua. Escort them. [A RADIO] P.41 KAZUHIKO The wall is 5 centimeters thick. The door, of course, is locked. I guess the rumors -- that the leader of the Xiaomao, a group pretending to be Robin Hood, still being a kid -- are true. If we're in Xiaomao territory, that means we're still inside the Peak. SUU Peak? KAZUHIKO We haven't crossed the border yet. You really are clueless. SUU Oh. RADIO [I want happiness] P.42 [I want happiness I seek happiness to cause your happiness to be your happiness] KAZUHIKO I applauded because I thought you were good. Was that bad? SUU Nobody has applauded me before. KAZUHIKO This is very unlikely, but there are no humans in that building? SUU No. KAZUHIKO Just the dolls? SUU Yes. KAZUHIKO You were there since you were born? SUU No. KAZUHIKO Is someone keeping you in there? SUU Not really. P.43 SUU I'm there because I wanted to be. [take me to a true Elsewhere please take me there magic that lasts never-ending kiss revery without break unperishable bliss take me] P.44 KAZUHIKO %Lan never screws up his jobs. %Someone got in the way. %That means that there is something worth the interruption. %In this child. P.45 KAZUHIKO %The ones that attacked first.... Those were Beams* from Azurite. %This involves military force. Just as I thought. Damn that gramps. %Azurite. %The country with the guy that I least get along with. P.46 [A TRACE] MAN (Barus) Still energetic as ever. But Kazuhiko. This is our, the Azurite military's, new creation. It can trace the noise that follows the usage of a Modem*. P.47 MAN (Barus) I'm coming now. Prince. P.48 [A DEBT] KAZUHIKO Yo. SUU ... You're not sleeping? KAZUHIKO I'm working. SUU Grandmother said that you were an all-purpose person. KAZUHIKO I do everything, but this is the first time that I'm escorting a person. SUU What about the other person? The one that brought us here... KAZUHIKO Lan? He's Gingetsu's roommate of two years. P.49 SUU .... Lucky. P.50 XIAOMAO LEADER We figured out who you are. KAZUHIKO That was fast. XIAOMAO LEADER Kazuhiko Ryuu is a celebrity among locals of the Junk. KAZUHIKO Guests? XIAOMAO LEADER Looks like they're after you. We will handle the guests. Please leave from the back door. KAZUHIKO Why aren't you handing us over? XIAOMAO LEADER Why didn't you use the weapon on your right hand when one of my people captured you? P.51 KAZUHIKO They didn't have a threatening aura. They were only trying to capture people who came into their territory. XIAOMAO LEADER No needless killing. Just like the rumors. I will return the favor. CAT meow SUU meow P.52 XIAOMAO LEADER Looks like the farewells are over. Tao-fua, guide them. [A FLOWER] P.53 TAO-FUA Please, continue your date. P.54 KAZUHIKO Let's go. [ Else.... take me to a true Elsewhere please take me there] P.55 [birds sing song of unknown tongue though winged, they still fail to reach the sky a place not to be treaded alone so take me to a true Elsewhere to cause your happiness to be your happiness] P.56 VOICE The Azurite army has started to move. [PARLIAMENT] OLD MAN 1 Information, no matter how well-hidden, always manages to leak. More so if they are important. MAN 1 Is that man good enough? MAN 2 He was an efficient military personnel, but we also had a lot of problems with him. MAN 3 If your words were not given, he definitely would have gone to jail. VOICE Kazuhiko Faye Ryuu. Former vice captain of the Secret Colors Battalion. P.57 VOICE He seems to be doing something like private investigation in the Po-fuh district now. He was working under Lieutenant Colonel Gingetsu. Why wasn't the lieutenant colonel assigned with this mission? KOU He is the only one that can take her. P.58 LAN Kazuhiko. Kazuhiko. [CLOVER] A Four-Leaf Clover. It really exists. P.59 [A TELEPHONE] P.60 SUU Who are you calling? KAZUHIKO Lan. I need to contact him for a re-transport. P.61 KAZUHIKO What's up with this? We were in a hurry, right? SUU Yes. KAZUHIKO Then I guess we'll take a more mundane route. P.62 [WINGED FISH THAT FLIES THROUGH THE NIGHT] P.63 KAZUHIKO Is this your first time on this? SUU Yes. [I want happiness I seek happiness to cause your happiness] P.64 KAZUHIKO You like this song, right? SUU Like? KAZUHIKO You don't? SUU I don't know. [take me to a true Elsewhere please take me there] P.65 [birds sing song of unknown tongue though winged, they still fail to reach the sky a place not to be treaded alone so take me to a true Elsewhere] P.66 KAZUHIKO Evergreen eyes. [to cause your happiness to be your happiness] SUU You're not going to ask? KAZUHIKO What? SUU Things. KAZUHIKO Do you want me to ask? P.67 SUU Not yet. [take me] P.68 SUU Can I ask about you? KAZUHIKO What are you going to do by asking? SUU I want to know. KAZUHIKO On one condition. Stop calling me "you". It makes me feel like I'm back in the military. SUU What should I say then? KAZUHIKO Whatever you like. P.69 [I want ] SUU Then. [ happiness] Kazuhiko. P.70 [A LEOPARD] MAN (Barus) Long time no see, Prince. KAZUHIKO I told you to stop calling me that. Barus. BARUS Prince. It's the perfect name for such an energetic, cute person like you. P.71 BARUS We're having trouble with the Xiaomao... most of our battalion is still being stopped by them. KAZUHIKO How did you know we were landing here? BARUS We searched most vehicles. A Prince and a Princess are noticeable, so it was relatively easy. KAZUHIKO It must be a big deal for you of the Special Information Collection Bureau to come out here. But you have no need for me. I'm retired. BARUS We want the girl. I personally want to play with you, the Prince. It's a legitimate excuse. P.72 KAZUHIKO She was lent to me. BARUS >From the Wizards. Pretty classy to call the elders of the Supreme Parliament as Wizards. Those old geisers hold all the secrets behind this country. P.73 KAZUHIKO I'll take you on if it's one-on-one. BARUS Here? KAZUHIKO Idiot, of course I mean in an alleyway. BARUS I wouldn't mind if we fought here. KAZUHIKO I mind. BARUS Don't want to involve civilians. You haven't changed, Prince. P.74 [AN ALLEY] {note: this chapter is not in the table of contents ^^;} KAZUHIKO When I signal, run east. SUU Okay. KAZUHIKO No matter what happens to me, you have to run away. P.75 BARUS I'm happy that I can play with you again, Kazuhiko. KAZUHIKO Nobody wants to play with Barus the White Leopard, it seems. You're hated. P.76 BARUS Your right hand. It adorns my bedroom. I take care of it everyday... in bed. Can't you feel it? P.77 BARUS You're really cute, Prince. P.78 KAZUHIKO Figures that you're like this. BARUS I said that I would take you on one-on-one. I did not promise anything for the girl. P.79 P.80 KAZUHIKO Go! RUN! P.81 KAZUHIKO ... Gingetsu. [THE SCAR] P.82 KAZUHIKO Hey. Why am I lying down? GINGETSU Barus's two-handed sword had a Shock Shot* on it. KAZUHIKO That pervert. Where is he? GINGETSU He retreated. KAZUHIKO How did you know where we were? GINGETSU Lan found you. P.83 KAZUHIKO I hate how this painkiller tastes. GINGETSU Then don't drink it. KAZUHIKO Why didn't you run away? P.84 SUU I didn't want to go. KAZUHIKO You know.... SUU I don't know why myself. But. I didn't want to be away from you. P.85 KAZUHIKO Tell that only to the guy you fall in love with. P.86 SUU Is it something I'm not supposed to say? KAZUHIKO It's not that. P.87 SUU Does it hurt? KAZUHIKO No. I had some of that awful-tasting medicine. SUU There's a scar. KAZUHIKO It's an old scar. P.88 SUU What about in here? P.89 KAZUHIKO Who knows? P.90 KAZUHIKO I'm going to change. You want to watch? SUU Is it better if I didn't? KAZUHIKO I'm kinda shy. P.91 KAZUHIKO So you're on duty now. GINGETSU Why do you think that? KAZUHIKO You're normally too busy working to sleep in Lan's home (that house). You surely can't be bored enough to be chasing me around. What I told you when I was working under you is still valid. KAZUHIKO Gingetsu. P.92 GINGETSU Barus has the Public Moves* covered. P.93 [A SONG] RADIO There was an explosion in the Lao Sia Hong district. All routes in that district are closed....... KAZUHIKO The Xiaomao. P.94 [I want happiness I seek happiness so take me someplace far away I want happiness I seek happiness take me to a true Elsewhere please take me there] P.95 [wet feathers, locked fingers, melting flesh, fusing minds take me I want happiness] KAZUHIKO Are you not happy? SUU Why? KAZUHIKO Because the woman that liked this song was not happy. SUU Who? KAZUHIKO A singer. P.96 [to cause your happiness to be your happiness] SUU Your lover? KAZUHIKO Something like that. SUU Even now? [I want happiness] KAZUHIKO No. She died. P.97 SUU Tell me her name. KAZUHIKO .... Oruha. SUU I know. I like her songs. KAZUHIKO Oruha never publicly released an album. You possibly can't know...... [not your past but your present is what I seek,] SUU I know. P.98 KAZUHIKO Although you were in that building the whole time? [carefully winding back its fragile thread please take me there] SUU I'm not happy now. Because you haven't taken me away. P.99 KAZUHIKO Will you be happy if I do? SUU I don't know. [I want happiness] I hope so. P.100 [NONEXISTENT] GINGETSU The two are on their way to the destination using the car we provided. KOU Azurite is not the only ones that want that girl. Continue to support (follow) them. P.101 GINGETSU Ryuu has caught on. KOU To your mission? Even if it wasn't an order, you would have done the same thing. Although he is lucky, this ending might be different from others. Because he is carrying a top secret of the government. Suu has one more "Leaf" than the boy you are protecting. P.102 KOU She is a "Four-Leaf Clover" -- something that cannot exist in this world. P.103 SUU What are you doing? KAZUHIKO Getting ready to greet the rude guys that jump in on us. [GOODNIGHT.] SUU This is a pretty place. KAZUHIKO There is a higher possibility of them coming after us if we stay in a cheaper inn. High-end hotels are safer because they have better security. I'm sure Barus doesn't want to make a commotion at such an eye-catching place either. P.104 SUU Do you always sleep like this? KAZUHIKO No. But this time the requested goods is very popular. SUU Nobody wants me because they love me. P.105 SUU Was that guy your friend? KAZUHIKO Who? SUU The one in the sunglasses. The one that saved us earlier. KAZUHIKO Kind of like a friend... I've been stuck with him ever since I joined the military. P.106 SUU He.... here.... KAZUHIKO What about Gingetsu's head here? SUU In here..... KAZUHIKO Broken? SUU You don't know? KAZUHIKO What? SUU It's okay if you don't know. P.107 KAZUHIKO I don't know what will happen between here and the destination. Sleep while you can. SUU Aren't you going to sleep? KAZUHIKO Well, we might have guests. SUU Are you going to stay awake for a long, long time then? KAZUHIKO I use drugs* when I'm working. Don't worry, I won't doze off. SUU I'll stay up. I'll keep watch to see if anyone comes. So sleep. KAZUHIKO Hey now... P.108 KAZUHIKO You're so eager. Do you like to sleep that much? SUU I can forget when I'm asleep. P.109 SUU That I'm alone. P.110 KAZUHIKO Okay. When I want to sleep, I'll wake you up and you can take my place. SUU Were you sad when Oruha died? KAZUHIKO Yeah. SUU Did you cry? KAZUHIKO ..... dunno. P.111 SUU Even if I die, nobody will cry for me. KAZUHIKO Why? SUU Because I'm alone. P.112 SUU Oruha had such a sweet voice. She sang this song often at her live concerts. [wet feathers, locked fingers, melting flesh, fusing minds take me I want happiness] P.113 [I seek happiness] SUU .... Kazuhiko. KAZUHIKO Good night. P.114 KAZUHIKO I have to get there before I run out of this. To Fairy Park. P.115 KAZUHIKO .... Alone. P.116 [PURSUIT] BARUS The lieutenant colonel is coming out. I was thinking that maybe Kazuhiko was the false lead -- that the real thing was being transported elsewhere. But if Gingetsu of the Secret Colors Battalion is coming here... This is the real thing. P.117 BARUS Damn, he really slashed me with that sword. That's why I hate him. He's not cute. In that respect, Kazuhiko's so good. So cute. I just want to harass him so much because he's so cute. The Prince is waiting. Let's go. P.118 [FEATHERS] KAZUHIKO You guys aren't from Azurite. P.119 KAZUHIKO Isn't it a little troublesome to be making a commotion in a hotel that the VIPs of the government like to use? P.120 P.121 KAZUHIKO You guys have worked with me before. I see. Military personnel of this country can snuff out the press even if something happens. SUU Kazuhiko. -----to be continued----- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** Short Glossary of terms. (unfortunately the kanji and the yomigana are different like in RayEarth so....) word page meaning ---- ---- ------- AGENT p.7 engineer (kousakuin). CORD p.9 symbol (in). along the lines of a "code word". CODE p.10 a chart of understanding and/or perception (ninshikihyou). I used different spellings to differeniate from "cord" although the katakana are identical. SPELL p.10 code (angou). AUTO-DOLL p.15 killer weapons (satsujin heiki). Seems like they are robots that are programmed to protect and kill if necessary. BUS p.27 near-distance transmission device (kinkyori tensou souchi). BRAIN p.27 instantaneous transmission device (shunkan tensou souchi). MODEM p.27, weapon summoning device (heiki shoukan p.46 souchi). BEAM p.45 manual laser (shudou koujyuu). SHOCK SHOT p.82 mental shock-inducing option on a weapon (shinkei shougeki tsuki). PUBLIC MOVES p.92 traditional transportation devices (seiki no norimono). DRUGS p.107 in this case, stimulants along the line of No-Doz. ***** And Now: the script writer's appendix ***** ** Censorship, but then Kazuhiko-san wouldn't cuss, right? On P.21, I had Kazuhiko saying "I'll do you in." -- but that was actually a bit toned down. I just didn't want him saying "fuck you!" (which would be the more literal way to translate "okasuzo", which is "rape, I will") so I apologize here. Yeah, reread that scene and replace the conversation with "Fuck you!" "What was that?" "Fuck you, Gingetsu!" ...... a little censorship can't hurt, really, I can go through a whole script without cussing, really I can! ^^;;;; The following are remnants of my pre-alpha scripting right off AMIE. ** First off, an apology: In the pre-alpha scripting I translated "feathers" as "wings" in the April 1997 issue -- sorry about that if you actually read the pre-alphas. ** Some of the chapter titles that I got off AMIE lack articles, and I sometimes used "other possibilities" than CLAMP's translator. If you are so bored, you can go compare them with the chapter titles that are buried up there in the script ^_^ [LEAF] [LITTLE WINGS INSIDE THE FOREST] [THE SINGING GIRL] [BIRDCAGE] [MAZE] [CAT] [RADIO] [TRACE] [LOAN] [FLOWER] [CONFERENCE] [CLOVER] [TELEPHONE] [A WINGED FISH THAT FLIES THROUGH THE NIGHT SKY] [LEOPARD] [ALLEY] [PAST] [SONG] [SOMETHING WHICH CANNOT BE] [GOOD NIGHT] [CHASE] [FEATHERS] Note that the chapter entitled "THE SCAR" (kizuato) in the tankoubon was entitled "PAST" (kako) in the March 1997 issue of AMIE. ** And how differently did I translate the songs compared to CLAMP's translator? Here, have a look. This I'll type up their version next to mine. ^_^ Me CLAMP's translator -- ------------------ If you find a four-leaf clover If you find a four-leaf clover, You will be happy. It will bring happiness; But But keep it a secret don't tell Anyone Where the white flower Where its white flower of the clover was blooming blooms How many leaves it had. Or how many leaflets from its stem extend. A four-leaf clover. The four-leaved clover. I want to make you happy I only want your happiness, knowing but I cannot be yours. I can never be yours to share it. ------------------------------ I want to be happy I want happiness I want to be happy I seek happiness I want to be happy with you to cause your happiness I want to be your happiness to be your happiness so take me so take me take me far away someplace far away someplace that is not here to a true Elsewhere take me away please take me there everlasting magic magic that lasts never-ending kiss never-ending kiss a dream you cannot wake from revery without break happiness that can't be erased unperishable bliss take me away take me I want to be happy I want happiness the birds sing birds sing a poem in foreign words song of unknown tongue an unreachable sky though winged, they even with wings still fail to reach the sky someplace where you cannot go a place not to be treaded alone alone so take me so take me someplace that is not here to a true Elsewhere drenched feathers wet feathers entwined fingers locked fingers melting bodies melting flesh hearts piled up fusing minds take me away take me I want to be happy I want happiness I want your present Not your past more than your past but your present is what I seek, pulling on the future (tomorrow) carefully winding back its fragile that is about to fall apart thread take me away please take me there I want to be happy I want happiness ** And publisher's blurbs while I'm at it! Kodansha's comment for episode 1 (LEAF ~ RADIO) The Request from the Government was the Transportation of a Wondrous "Girl". '97, the curtain rises on a brand-new CLAMP world! The start of a shocking new series! Kodansha's comment for episode 2 (TRACE ~ PAST/SCAR) Take me.... Someplace that is not here...!! Kodansha's comment for episode 3 (PAST/SCAR continued ~ FEATHERS) Suu and Kazuhiko. The two travel to a new step... ** that's it, thanks for reading all the way down here! ^_^