TNLACC::Manga::Manga TranslationsAkazukin Cha Cha Volume 12 Story 84 -- The frigtening bus ride Legend [xxx] : narration {xxx} : translation notes //xxx// : sound effects "xxx" : character speech xxx : character thoughts Page 106 Tour guide: "Sorry for making you all wait. You are the Rainbow group of Magical Rangers right?" Flag (held by Tourguide): Doki Doki Autumn's Mysterious Bus Ride! {"Doki doki" is japanese for the sound effect of heartbeat, it means "exciting".} [Cha Cha, Riya, Shiine, Popy(with Naruto) and Heihachi are a part of this group.] Gang: "YES!!" Shiine: "It's so great that they could a arrange a ride for us so fast, Cha Cha: "We didn't arrive for very long." Page 107 Riya: "Right, why is it called 'Mysterious Bus'?" Cha Cha: "I wonder where we're going?" Tour guide: "Passengers that can arrive at the destination will be given a prize by our company. It's almost time, your bus should be coming soon." //kishi// [A bus falls in front of them from nowhere! It looks very broken down with the windows held together with tape and several dents along the body of the bus.] Gang: "WHAT?! WHY IS IT SO BROKEN DOWN?" [The gang start having very serious doubts...] Cha Cha: "May I ask... but can that bus still move?" Shiine: "Why is there so much tape all over the bus?" Tour guide: "RELAX! This bus just came back from repairs." Page 108 [So the gang board the bus and are on their way to no-one-knows-where.] Tour guide: "I want to thank everyone for taking this Doki Doki Autumn's Mysterious Bus ride. Here's wishing you a joyful holiday. Cha Cha: "Looks like the only passengers are us." Tour guide: "I am your tour guide, Tekitouni Yuuko and... your bus driver is, Mr. Taore Muscle, who is not-feeling-well today, we're here to bring you to the unknown destination" [The bus driver is on the drip... and he shivers as he speaks.]{^^;} Bus Driver: "Hi everyone, I am your bus driver..." Riya: "This bus driver looks like he's going to pass out anytime now..." Popy: Once I see something wrong we'll use 'teleport' to escape. Heihachi: "Po-chan, want to eat a biscuit?" [Heihachi calls Popy, Po-chan ^^] Page 109 //bakii// [The floor collapses under one of Heihachi's feet.] Riya: "WAAAH! There's a hole in the bus!" Tour guide: "...that's a hole for you to look through!" Heihachi: "Wow, you can actually see the road below!" Tour guide: "Holes like this can appear here anytime, that's why it's called 'Mysterious Bus'!" Shiine: "THAT'S BECAUSE THE BUS IS TOO BROKEN DOWN!" //bibibibibibibibibi// [Cha Cha's communicator starts beeping.] Cha Cha: "Oh, we have a message from Ichimatsu." Communicator: "Members of rainbow group, I'm very sorry to disturb you, but your mission this time, is for you to reach the unknown destination in this bus!" Gang: "WHAT?" Page 110 Ichimatsu: "Actually, I did a check-up on this travel company. Not a single person who signed up for the 'Mysterious Bus Ride" package has returned. Your job this time, is to look for the missing passengers. Good luck!" //sa// [The gang start to worry...] Shiine: "Why is it... like that..." Tour guide: "Let's all look to the right! It's a gorge." Gang: "OH MY GOD!!" [The bus is travelling along a very narrow road, a gorge is just below them.] Tour guide: "Mr. Taore, are you confident of dring along such a narrow road?" Bus driver: "...No... problem....... I'm only afraid... of a truck..." Page 111 //pa pa// [A truck looms in front of them...] Tour guide: "A truck." Gang: "NO WAY!" Shiine: "I WANT TO GET OFF!!" Tour guide: "NO!" Cha Cha and Riya: "WHY NOT!" Page 112 Tour guide: "Because our unknown destination could be the bottom of this gorge." Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "I WANT TO GET OFF!" //fuaaaaaaaaaa// [The bus going into reverse.] Tour guide: "We're now moving away from the truck!" Gang: "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA" //gakun// [The bus stops just as it's about to tilt into the gorge.] Bus Driver: "Looks like we didn't fall in." Heihachi [pointing to Popy]: "Because there's someone who is holding us up with his psychic powers." [Popy is holding the entire bus with all his strength...] Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "Quickly drive back!" Popy: "I...I've used up all my strength, I've got no more left..." Tour guide: "It looks like our destination is not the bottom of the gorge after all." Page 113 Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "Where the heck is our destination?" Tour guide: "Why don't you all make a guess at where you are going." Shiine: "This is a Mt. Soukuzu, we're suppose to go to the top." Tour guide: "You guess wrong." Riya: "You're going to take us to the other world!" Tour guide: "......................" Riya: "Why didn't you say anything? Quickly say 'no'!" Tour guide: "Everyone, please look outside." Riya: "Quickly say 'no'!" Page 114 Tour guide: "This is a famous gorge of Mt. Soukuzu." Gang: "WAAH!" //bari// [The roof of the bus flew off.] Gang: "AHH!!! THE ROOF FLEW OFF!!" //fuwaaaaaa// [The wind blows Naruto's hair, he doesn't like it...] //gyaaaaaaaaa// [He starts crying the bus starts tearing apart.] Naruto: My hair's all messed up! Popy: "You're still alive so be thankful for it and don't cry over every little thing." Cha Cha: "The bus is coming apart!" Shiine: "Popy, please make him stop crying!" Page 115 Tour guide: "So weird. The bus has only the seats and the floor left." Gang: "Hope nothing else weird happens!" Tour Guide: "The bus driver has fainted." Gang: "Ahh! At this time!" Tour Guide: "There is a bend in the road coming up!" Gang: "We'll all fall!" Heihachi: "No problem, let me drive!" Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "You can drive?" Heihachi: "Take a look!" //gyarun// [The bus makes a smooth curve round the bend] Heihachi: "See. Piece of cake around the bend." Page 116 Shiine: "I didn't know Heihachi already has his driver's licence." Hehachi: "I don't have that kind of stuff." Cha Cha: "Huh?" Heihachi: "But whenever it comes to racing games, I'm always number one!" //gyaruuuuu// [Heihachi speeds up.] Gang: "WAAHH!!" Riya: "SLOW DOWN!" Shiine: "STOP STOP!" [The bus stops in the middle of a rickety bridge.] Cha Cha: "We cannot stop here!" Riya: "DRIVE FASTER, DRIVER FASTER." Page 117 //buchin// [The bridge snaps at one end!] Gang: "AHH! The bridge is breaking! Quickly, drive faster, faster!" Heihachi: "One minute you ask me to stop, the next mintue you ask me to drive faster, you guys are such terrible back seat drivers." //gyarun// [The bus makes it to the other side just in the nick of time.] Gang: "We're safe." Page 118 Tour guide: "Everyone, please look up!" Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "Now what!" Tour guide: "There are falling boulders!" Gang: "WAH!" [Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine start fending off the boulders with their magic and stuff.] Cha Cha: "This is too much! Why do we always travel along such dangerous roads." Tour guide: "Everyone, please look in front." Riya: WE'RE TOO BUSY TO LOOK RIGHT NOW!" Tour guide: "We've reached our destination." Gang: "Huh?" Page 119 Tour guide: "This is our destination, the 'Orchard in the Mountain'. You can pick as many vegetables as you like here." Cha Cha: "Pick vegetables in the orchard?" Shiine: "After such a dangerous journey, the destination is such a peaceful place." Guy 1: "The Mysterious Bus is here again!" Guy 2: "Oh my! This time it's worst than before." Guy 3: "It really is so broken down." Shiine: "Excuse me, but are you all the passengers of the bus?" Guy 1: "Yes, the road here was so dangerous, the bus broke down right after." Guy 2: "While waiting for people to come and pick us up, we've have to find a way to survive here." Cha Cha: They've all become farmers. Page 120 [Cha Cha speaks to her communicator.] Cha Cha: "Ichimatsu, we've discovered the missing passengers, please pick us up." Ichimatsu: "Roger." //bara bara bara bara// [A helicopter with "Ichimatsu's head" appears.] Cha Cha: "Everyone, the helicopter is here, please board it." Guy 1: "We must sit that back?" Guy 2: "It's still better than a broken bus." [Later...] Ichimatsu: "Thank you for your trouble. Because of your help, all the passengers were rescued. As thanks, I want to sponsor you guys a trip." Flag (held by Tourguide): Doki Doki Autumn's Mysterious Train Ride! Heihachi: "We're going to sit a train next, cool! I always play train at the arcade centre." Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine: "NO THANKS!" ~End of Story 84~ Translated by and copyrighted to Michelle. ŠTnlacc (The Native Land of Akazukin Cha Cha) Akazukin Cha Cha ŠAyahana Min.Shueisha/TV Tokyo/NAS This is only a site made by a fan.