TNLACC::Manga::Manga TranslationsAkazukin Cha Cha Volume 8 Story 40 -- The Love of Access Legend [xxx] : narration {xxx} : translation notes //xxx// : sound effects "xxx" : character speech xxx : character thoughts Page 4 At the "Pretty knick-knack" shop... Shiine: "This ring is so cute! I'll make this a present for Cha Cha... hee hee" [He leaves the shop and heads to over to Cha Cha and Riya but...] Riya: "Cha Cha this is for you! It's a little goblin..." Cha Cha: "Waaah! What a cute dolly! Thank you! I like Riya best!" Page 5 //gaaaaaaaa// [Poor Shiine is so shock!] Shiine: Oh..oh no! Riya beat me to it again! Shiine (feeling sad): I still can't beat him... Cha Cha: "I also bought for Riya a rabbit hair accessory! Here let me help you put it on." Riya: "Wow! It's so cute!" Access (hiding behind a corner): "Father has seen it all..." [The trio are unaware of his presence start walking off.] Cha Cha: "Shiine hurry!" Shiine: "Wait up!" Access: "My poor Shiine, you must really love that red-hooded girl." [Access decides to play cupid.] Access: That's it! I'll help Shiine get the red-hooded girl's attention. As your father, I'm going to play Cupid!" Page 6 [Access goes after the trio, who are walking in single file (Riya is the one right behind). Access prepares to net Riya with a butterfly net.] Access: First I must create the right atmosphere. [But Riya turns his head...] Riya: "Oh! It's Shiine's father!" [Access panicks, grabs Riya and disappears. Shiine and Cha Cha turn their heads a moment too late.] Cha Cha: "Huh? Where's Riya?" Shiine: "Where did he run off to?" [Riya is being carried away by Access, unaware of his situation.] Access: "Uncle will buy some meat buns for you!" Riya: "Great!" [Riya is stuffing his face right after the packet of buns was handed to him.] Access: "Wait here a minute, ok?" Riya: "Ok." Access: Great, the third party is out of the way. Page 7 [Access heads to where Cha Cha and Shiine are.] //hee hee hee hee hee hee// Access: Now, on to the attack... [the act begins...] Access: "Hi Shiine! Never thought I'd see you here! Shiine: "Ah! Father!" Access: "Are you having a DATE with this cute little girl?" [Shiine turns kinda red...] Shiine: "No... it's not like that..." Access: "Oh yeah! Father's got a couple of tickets to catch a movie, why don't the 2 of you go and watch it?" [Suddenly Riya comes running towards them.] Cha Cha: "Ah! Riya!" Access: "What!" //DON// [In desperation, Access pushes Cha Cha and Shiine, sending them flying!] Access: "Shiine, just try your best!" Riya: "Ah!" Page 8 Access: "What in the world did you come here for? Didn't I ask you to stay there!" Riya: "But... but I wanted to share the buns with Shiine and Cha Cha." [Access drags Riya off.] Access: "You cannot play gooseberry!" Riya: "Blueberry?" Access: "Nevermind... do you want to have a cold snack?" [At an ice tidbit shop...] //munch munch munch// Riya: "This tastes great!" Access: "There's no hurry, eat up slowly..." Access: So that I can buy some time... I wonder how Shiine is doing? That movie is a horror film that every girl is afraid of... [He imagines Cha Cha feeling scared and Shiine comforting her in the movie theatre...] Access: "Right now, that girl must be appreciating Shiine's manliness!" Page 9 [Access is now hiding behind the poster board for the movie.] Access: The movie should have ending now... let's see what the situation is like... [but...] Access: "Ah?" Cha Cha: Are you alright? If you were so frightened, you shouldn't have watched all the way to the end..." Shiine [looking very pale]: "But... fa..ther gave us... the tickets..." Access: Oh..oh no, I didn't know that Shiine is afraid of horror...!! Page 10 Access: I'm the cause of Shiine's unhappiness... I'm such a bad father." Riya: "Cha Cha! Shiine!" //gashi// [Riya tries to head over, but Access grabs him from behind.] Access: "WAIT A SECOND!!!" Access: If I let the 3 of them get together now... Shiine will look worst off that this other boy. [Access' imagination... Cha Cha: "Shiine is so useless..." Riya: "How in the world did you get so scared!"] Access: After that they'll make fun of Shiine! My poor cute Shiine-chan! Access [yelling at Riya]: "Why is there such a horrible kid like you?" Riya: "What are you shouting at me for?" [In answer to his answer, Access just picks Riya up and walks off...] Riya: "Waahhh! Shiine's father is so scary!" Access: "I'm... I'm sorry! Let's go to the toy store, I'll buy you whatever you want!" Page 11 [At the toy store.] Riya[holding up a doll]: "I want this one!" Access: "Huh? A doll?" Riya: "That's because Cha Cha will like it, but my pocket money is too little to buy such an expensive gift! When Cha Cha gets it, she'll be sooo happy!" Access [with a twinkle in his eye]: "Hm..." Access: (Plan 2) If I hand this over to Shiine and ask him to give it to that red-hooded girl... [Access' imagination... Cha Cha: Oh I really wanted this... Shiine you're the best!] Access: "Shiine can then triumph after his defeat! This plan is just too good..." Page 12 //guoooo// [Access buys the doll, gets it gift-wrapped and runs off leaving Riya staring in amazement...] Access: "Wait here for me, and don't move!" [Back at Cha Cha and Shiine, they are in the park...] Cha Cha: "Shiine, you rest here while I go get something to eat..." Shiine [still looking very pale]: "I am so useless..." Access [appearing from behind some bushes]: "Shiine! Shiine!" Shiine: "Ah! Father!" Access: "I'm sorry for letting you watch that horror film, this is to pay back! Inside is a doll that little red-hooded girl wants very much!" Shiine: "Huh?" Access: "If you give it to her, she'll be very delighted!" Shiine [getting better all of a sudden, he smiles] : "Really! Thank you very much, Father!" [Seeing Shiine smiling... Access couldn't resist hugging him...] Page 13 //gyuuuu// [Access hugs Shiine and the box!] Access: "My cute little Shiine-chan! You must do your best!" [Riya comes running at them!] Access: "Not again..." //don// [Access quickly hurls Shiine into the air!] Access: "Shiine you must try your best!" Riya: AH! Page 14 [Access grabs Riya and runs off.] Access: "Why did you have to come again! You are such a disobedient dog! Didn't I tell you to wait for me" Riya: "But the doll... I also want to see Cha Cha's face when she gets it... let me go!" Access: "Let's go to the bookstore over there, I bet you love stories!" [At the bookstore...] Riya: "Wow! The latest book about the "Adventures of little rabbit" has come out!" Access: "I'll buy it for you, but you must keep me company ok?" [Yakko was in the bookstore! What she heard didn't sound very good...] [At a fountain... Access reads the story out-loud to Riya...] Access: "Someone called little rabbit from behind..." Page 15 Access: This is so much like story-telling to Shiine. Access [continuing the story]: "Come with Uncle, I'll buy you anything... Because he was a familiar person, little rabbit didn't suspect a thing. Actually this 'Uncle' is a very scary kidnapper!" Access and Riya: "Ah!" {Doesn't it sound like something ^^;;} Access and Riya: "......." [Riya distances from Access.] Riya: "I...I think I'd better go off now. Thank you for buying so many things for me." [Riya walks away real fast, but Access walks after him quickly as well.] Access: "Wait up... you're misunderstanding..." Riya: "No way! I'm not misunderstanding..." Page 16 //guooooo// [Access gives chase.] Access: "You're lying! You've misunderstood!" Riya: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" //ga boki baki baki// [Access grabs Riya and hugs him!] Access: "I never wanted to hurt you, all I wanted was to create some chances for Shiine!" [Riya passed out! Access had hugged too tightly again...] Access: "Ah! Oh no!" Page 17 Access: "Ah!" [A crowd was staring at Access, what he did to Riya had been witnessed by everyone!] [Somewhere else, where Cha Cha and Shiine are...] Cha Cha [turning red]: "What! A long-hair English doll!" Cha Cha [to Shiine]: "Thank you! Thank you so much! I really wanted this!" Shiine: "Ha ha ha! Seeing you so happy, I'm happy too!" Cha Cha: "Can I open and see? The package looks kinda squashed.." Shiine: "Oh. It must've happened when Father hugged me..." {wanna guess what happen ^^;;} Page 18 //meko// [The doll had been damaged and it looked terrible! Cha Cha and Shiine are very shocked!] Cha Cha: "OH MY GOD!!!" Shiine [burning up with anger]: "FATHER..." [Back to where Access is. Access had been corner up a tree!] Access: "Shiine! Come and save your father!" People: "Come down!" Yakko [telling a policeman]: "I saw it all... he must be a crazy kidnapper!" ~End of Story 40~ Translated by and copyrighted to Michelle. ŠTnlacc (The Native Land of Akazukin Cha Cha) Akazukin Cha Cha ŠAyahana Min.Shueisha/TV Tokyo/NAS This is only a site made by a fan.