The Native Land of Akazukin Cha ChaAkazukin Cha Cha Volume 6 Story 29 -- A visitor from Momiji Gakuen (Red-Maple School) Page 33 [Momiji Gakuen is a school at rival with Urara Gakuen. It is a extreme talent-bound school.] [Principal Momiji is reading the newspaper in her office.] Principal Momiji: "Again....!" Arrow: "Principal Momiji." Principal Momiji: "Another star student has just come from Urara Gakuen!" [Prinicpal Momiji tears up the newspaper in fury.] Principal Momiji: "Why? Why is it not a talent from our school? But a talent from Urara Gakuen? This is too much! " Page 34 [Principal Momiji begins to spectaculate about Principal Urara.] Principal Momiji: "She purposely acts dreamy but in actual fact is carrying out some special training secretly." [Principal Momiji picture Principal Urara... Principal Urara: "Ha ha ha ha! Urara Gakuen is the best!"] Principal Momiji: "Principal Urara! You're such a scheming person! SPY! I want a spy! Go seek out the secret of Urara Gakuen!" Narrator: "And so because of this, this young boy was sent to spy on Urara Gakuen." [We see Popy walking towards Urara Gakuen.] Popy: "Is this the rival ground of Momiji Gakuen, Urara Gakuen?" Page 35 [Popy is standing in front of the flowery clock tower.] Popy: "It looks just like a kindergarden... what kind of secret could it possibly hide?" [Popy senses the thoughts of some people close by...] Voice: "I saw him! Voice: He's over there! Voice: He's right above! //boko// [... and just manages to escape from a hand which came out of the ground, right where he had been standing!] Popy: "Wah!" //hyo hyo hyo// [Before he could get over the shock, arrow heads come flying toward him!] Popy: "What!" //ba// [Popy tries to fire a blow, but...] Popy: "No..." //pishi// [... he is coiled by a whip which grabbed him away from the arrow heads and the grappling arms of Teacher Bara-bara-man!] Page 36 [Teacher Rascal had Popy coiled up in his whip.] Teacher Rascal: "Wah ha ha ha! I caught him!" Popy: Oh no, you mean that my secret identity as a spy has been revealed? Teacher Rascal: "This transfer student is going to Banana class!" Popy: ...then again maybe not. //da// [Teacher Rascal dashes away with Popy.] Teacher Bara-bara-man and Teacher Maya-chon: "Rascal! Wait up!" [In Principal Urara's office.] Principal Urara: "So you're the transfer student, Popy right?" Page 37 Popy: "Errr... yes." Popy: She's the enenmy that I must keep an eye on at all times, Principal Urara! Principal Urara: "Since Rascal was the first person who brought you here, you'll be transferred to Banana class. Teacher Rascal: "Ya pi!" Teacher Bara-bara-man: "It's always Banana class!" Teacher Maya-chon: "Give us a chance!" Popy (referring to Principal Urara): No matter how dreamy you act, you just can't fool me. Because I'm a psychic, I can easily see into your inner thoughts! [Popy uses his ESP and tries to read Principal Urara's mind.] Page 38 //kaka// [But all he saw were her real big happy eyes! Popy collaspes in shock!] Teacher Rascal: "What's the matter Popy?" Popy: ".............." Principal Urara: "Are you not feeling well?" Popy: "No.. I'm okay." Popy: Her inner thoughts only reflect her dreamy eyes! This is no easy task! Teacher Rascal: "Fine! Then let's go to class then." [Popy reads Teacher Rascal's inner thoughts.] Teacher Rascal: I can't wait to show him to the other students. Popy: So... I can easily read the thoughts of this person. [Teacher Rascal skips happily to class, dragging Popy by the arm.] Teacher Rascal: Popy! What a cute name Popy is. Popy: But he's still a weirdo. Page 39 [At Banana class.] Teacher Rascal: "HE'S A NEW STUDENT FOR BANANA CLASS! YOU GUYS HELP HIM SETTLE DOWN." [Banana class is elated.] Cha Cha: "YEAH! A NEW FRIEND!" Riya: "A NEW FRIEND! A NEW FRIEND!" //ya ha ha ha ha ha// [The classroom becomes noisy.] Teacher Rascal [waving his whips]: "Hey! Keep quiet! Quit making noise!" Popy: These students are just like kindergarden children. Popy: "Are they really the same age as me?" Teacher Rascal: "Huh? The class has the same average age. I could be wrong..." Page 40 [Popy uses his ESP on his classmates.] Popy: This is strange. How can a talent from here beat a talent from Momiji Gakuen. They all just like kindergarden kids! Cha Cha: A new friend! Friend! Friend! Yakko: No matter what kind of guy appears my heart belongs to Seravi... Shiine: It isn't often we meet a level-headed person like Popy, hope I can make friends with him. Riya: His face is so smooth! Suddenly I feel kinda hungry... Popy: They think like kids too! I'll need to spend a bit more time to analyse the situation. Teacher Rascal: "Right Popy, since you are a new student here, all new students must... perform a trick with your own skills. Popy: "Trick?" Page 41 Yakko: "That's right, it can be anything! Just go for it!" Shiine: "I made flowers appear with my magic!" Cha Cha: "Ha ha! I made a cow!" Riya: "I transformed..." Popy: Trick... If I use my psychic powers and raise an object in the air they're bound to get a shock. But I'm here to spy on them, think it's better I keep my powers a secret. If I'm discovered for having such powers... [Popy looks kinda sad.] Popy: "......" Teacher Rascal: "Why don't you say something Popy?" Popy: "Who wants to do that kind of crap! Stupid!" Page 42 [Silence. Then...] //WAAAAAAHHHH// [The whole banana class goes into an uproar.] //biku// [Popy is shocked till his eyes nearly popped out!] Riya: "HE ACTUALLY WENT AGAINST TEACHER RASCAL!!" Shiine: "WHAT A DAREDEVIL!" Teacher Rascal: "You little..." [Suddenly Teacher Rascal rubs Popy's head.] Teacher Rascal: "You're very brave! I like that!" Teacher Rascal: I've never met a student like this before! Popy: What's with these people? Are all the other classes like that? I really must do some checking out! Page 43 [After class.] //do do do do// [Charge in the trio.] Trio: "POPY! WE'RE HERE TO PLAY!" //da da da da da// [But Popy wants to be alone. And he runs away.] Trio: "Don't go!" Popy: These fella are so annoying, don't they have anything else to do? [Popy turns at a corner. Before the trio could make it.] Popy: Teleport! Page 44 [Popy disppears and reappears inside the classroom, the trio are just outside.] Cha Cha: "Huh? Where did he go?" Riya [transforming into a wolf]: "Leave that to me!" //gara// [The classroom door suddenly opens!] Riya: "I found him! He's right here!" Popy[startled]: "Waah!" //do do do do do// [The mad chase begins...] Principal Urara: "You guys are playing catching?" Cha Cha: "That's right!" Popy: No we're not! //ding dong// [The bell rings, rest period is over. The trio and Popy have tire one another out.] Popy: Wasted my rest period just like that. Cha Cha: "Popy can really run." Riya: "That was fun!" Narrator: "Even with all this, Popy still continues on with his investigations! In order for Cha Cha and the gang to not bother him, Popy would occassionally skip lessons to discover the secret of Urara Gakuen." Page 45 Narrator: "But he could never find out anything... because there wasn't any secret to begin with!" Popy: I really don't know, but whether it their outside appearance or their inner thoughts, these people are just like fools. It's been 3 days and I've not found a clue... //hee hee hee// [Cha Cha, Riya and Shiine still tail Popy all over the place.] Popy: "Are you guys finished! Quit following me!" Cha Cha: "But Teacher Rascal said we should socialise with you a bit more." Shiine: "That's right. We're very perservering good children." Riya: "Right! We're good children because we listen to our teacher!" Popy: "I like to be alone, so keep your distance! Stop bothering me!" Trio: "........." Popy: "Hm." Page 46 [Popy reads their thoughts.] Cha Cha: Ooh... how do we make friends with a person who wants to be alone. Riya: Because we like one person, three of us have to chase him at the same time. Next time, I'll chase him alone. Shiine: "There's actually a person here who enjoys lonliness, like a lonely little wolf. This is so great! Popy: What in the world? Shiine: "Some more this school is full of accidents. "Normal people" can get hurt very easily. We're magicians, we'll help if you're ever caught in an accident." Popy [not feeling very pleased]: I'll get hurt just because I don't have your help? Fine, from now on give your best shot and chase me! Use your magic and try to catch me!" Cha Cha: "You don't mind if we use magic?!" Page 47 [The chase begins...] Popy: "If you guys can catch me within this rest period, I'll be your friend." Popy: This way, I can find out exactly how powerful the students of Urara Gakuen really are. //BOM// Shiine: "Appear, fishing net! I've got you!" //ba// [Shiine tries to net Popy. But Popy spots the falling net.] //ka// [He uses his ESP.] //berun// [The net turns... Cha Cha: "Wow! It turned!" Page 48 [...and grasps Shiine instead!] Shiine: "Hey! I'm trapped!" Cha Cha: "Huh? How did that happen?" Popy [raising a lot of objects in the air.]: "My strength is my psychic powers! Feast your eyes on my mind attack!" [Popy hurls the objects at Cha Cha and Riya with his mind!] Popy: "GO!" Cha Cha and Riya: "AHHH!!" Page 49 [Crashing and bashing sounds are heard, Cha Cha and Riya shut their eyes fearing the worst, but... the objects neatly blocked up the entire corridor.] Cha Cha: "Ah! The corridor is block!" Riya: "He scared away my appetite..." [Shiine appears on his broom.] Shiine: "Cha Cha, we'll go through the window!" Riya: "And I'll follow the land path!" [Before long, the catch up with Popy.] Cha Cha and Shiine: "Wait up!" Cha Cha: "I'll use a psychic person to challenge you! Appear psychic person!" Page 50 //BOM// [A tall rabbit in a magician's hat appears.] Popy: ?! [The rabbit takes out a spoon and concentrates, and slowly the spoon bends!] Cha Cha and Shiine: !! //JA// [The rabbit raises his arms in triumph!] Cha Cha and Shiine: "Alright!" [But Popy wasn't impressed. He kicks the rabbit...] Popy: "Get lost!" [...who disappears in a puff of smoke.] Page 51 Cha Cha (kinda angry): "Fine! Appear pac-man!" //BOM// //pakun// [A corridor-wide pac-man appears!] //paku paku paku// [Cha Cha and Shiine chase Popy riding the pacman!] Cha Cha: "Capture Popy!" Popy: "Now I'm chased by a weird thing. Ah!" [Popy spots Riya behind a wall with his X-ray vision.] Popy: "That dog is hinding over there!" Page 52 //ba// [Riya springs his attack!] Riya: "I got you!" Popy: "Teleport!" [Riya sees Popy vanish in front of his eyes and...] //waahh// [...the next thing he knew was being engulf by a pac-man!] Cha Cha: "We caught Riya..." Popy: "I'm here!" [Popy is floating in the air outside the window!] Trio: "Wah!" Cha Cha: "Ha ha ha! Popy is so powerful! In that case I'm delivering the final blow!" Page 53 Cha Cha: "APPEAR GIANT PAC-MAN!!!" //boshi// [A enormous pac-man appears above the school, with a mouth large enough to eat up Urara Gakuen in one gulp!] Popy: "WAAAHH! What the...?" [Popy tries to use his powers.] Popy: "Mind attack! I can't, it's too big. Tele... but I can only travel a short distance!" Page 54 //zuzun// [The pac-man eats!] Cha Cha: "The whole school has been swallowed!" //waha waha waha// [The trio merrily dance round popy, whom they've finally captured.] Popy [sweatdropping all over]: "You guys... are just... way too rash." Cha Cha: "We caught him! We caught him!" Riya: "Play with us! Play with us!" Popy: "Why do you guys want to play with me so much?" Cha Cha: "That's because..." Riya: "It's kinda silly to play by oneself!" Cha Cha: "...Popy looks very lonely." [A serious mood sets in.] Popy: "Maybe you're right. Because, heroes are always alone..." Page 55 Popy: "Perhaps it's because I can see into people's inner thoughts, nobody likes it and hence nobody wants to be with me." [Recalling the incident... Girl 1: "Don't go near him, he can read your thoughts." Girl 2: "That's terrible." Guy: "Ahh! Popy is here!"] [Popy gets kinda sentimental...] Popy: "It's the same everywhere! No matter where I go, I'm always treated like an alien!" //wai wai wai// [But the trio are happy that he can read inner thoughts!] Cha Cha: "That way it'll be so easy to play cards!" Riya: "And play ball!" Shiine: "And play mind-teasers!" {Actually I don't know what kinda game Shiine mentioned.} [Popy collaspes in shock!] Popy: "You guys are WEIRD!" [The trio are startled at this.] Cha Cha: "Huh? Weird? You mean the way we think is weird?" Riya: "Cha Cha and I are good children, Shiine may like to bully, but still..." Shiine: "You don't mean to be our friend?" Popy: " that wasn't what I meant!" Page 56 [Popy is blushing!] Popy: "Then I'll keep my end of the bargain, I'll play with you guys." [Popy is received with a lot of happiness. Cha Cha merrily shakes his hand and Riya jumps onto his head!] Popy: Are these guys complete fools? Or just plain full of goodness? [Rest period had ended and Teacher Rascal was yelling for his students to return to class.] Teacher Rascal: "HEY! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Narrator: "For the first time, Popy has made some friends. And he really likes the feeling." [Later, Principal Momiji receives Popy's report.] Report: "After all this, I don't want to be a spy of Momiji Gakuen anymore, goodbye! Popy." Principal Momiji: "WHHAAAT?!" [We see Principal Urara in Princess Holy-up outfit!] Narrator: "She(Urara) is really a wonder..." Princess Holyup-Urara: "Ah?" ~End of Story 29~ Translated by and copyrighted to Michelle. = Volume 6 = ŠTnlacc (The Native Land of Akazukin Cha Cha) Akazukin Cha Cha ŠAyahana Min.Shueisha/TV Tokyo/NAS This is only a site made by a fan.