Matendou Sonata 12 [Celestial Sonata 12] by Amagi Sayuri Princess Comics/ Akita Shoten 1990 ISBN 4-253-07645-9 Contents Chapter 16: Prophecy of the Dark Angel (Finale) p.5 Eternal Silence p.171 Chapter 16: Prophecy of the Dark Angel (Finale) <> Baal : So, he has become a Seraphim? Azyusha : Yes. Therefore, he will have fewer chances to meet with Fillanzea. Baal-sama, I believe that this is the right time. <> Baal : I know. However, he is an angel right now, and there is no way for him to enter Hell. The one and only method, the Sky Blues, have the Moon Tear of Gold... Azyusha : Baal-sama! What happened? Baal : The Moon Tear of Gold! I had no idea it could cause me such pain... Azyusha : Please rest, Baal-sama. You mustn't overexert yourself. Baal : Azyusha? Azyusha : Yes? Baal : Call Beelze here. Azyusha : Very well. <> Azyusha : {Baal-sama genuinely seems interested in him. I don't know for sure, but I think that he must be his only blood relative. Leia...I was still a girl of 13 when Baal-sama brought her to this castle...} Leia : For me? Baal : It is something that my late mother treasured. I thought it would suit you. Leia : Thank this the crest of Mizearuda? Baal : Hundreds of years ago, it must surely have been forgotten by now. Baal : Azyusha, don't hide. Come out here. Leia : That girl... Baal : I picked her up in the forest five or six years ago, when she had fainted. Leia : And you raised her... Baal : No... <> Baal : I only brought her to this castle. She lives however she likes. Azyusha : {How long is that woman going to live in the castle? Leia, don't touch my Baal-sama!} <> Leia : Hello. Why did you run off before? Azyusha : You don't belong with Baal-sama! <> Azyusha : Your positions are too different, and he already has Astarte-sama. Leia : Astarte-sama? Azyusha : Right, the Queen of the Monsters' Forest. She always comes here about once every two months. Those two go together well. You're just a plaything to Baal-sama! Leia : I know that, Azyusha. We are too far apart in status. I know that there is no place in his heart for me. He always falls in love with distant people... Azyusha : Distant people? Leia : I do not know who it is that he truly loves, but I can feel that it isn't me. Azyusha : Leia... Leia : But please, Azyusha, let me dream for a little while. I have fallen in love with him. Azyusha : I love Baal-sama too! <> Azyusha : I'm much, much younger than you are, and I'm just an abandoned kid who could have come from anywhere, but I love him and only him! <> Azyusha : {Only two months later, Leia disappeared from the castle. "Did you kill my mother?" No, he couldn't have...} Baal-sama called for you. <> Baal : {With my body in this state, killing Satan is nothing but a dream. I want power...the power of Darkness. I don't yet have the strength to kill Satan! No matter how hard I tried, I could not beat him.} <> Baal : {Why have I lived so long? Long, long ago, I fought together with Satan to bring order to Hell. I should have sought out a place to die during that fight!} Beelze : {Right now...} Beelze : {I could...but...} Baal : Were you thinking of trying to kill me? Beelze : Yeah...but I decided not to. It's cowardly to attack someone in their sleep. <> Beelze : Still, even if you've been brought back to life, your body isn't as strong as it was before. Baal : You seem happy to see me constrained to my bed. Beelze : That's right! After all, you made me suffer a lot. Baal : {He does look a lot like whom I used to be...} Beelze... <> Baal : Kill Fillanzea. Beelze : No. Baal : Then is it all right with you if the seal breaks and he Micael kills Satan, as prophecied? Beelze : That won't happen. Me and Filla will stop it. <> Baal : Kill the Moon Tear of Gold in my place. If he is gone, Micael will no longer be able to repress the Sky Blues. Beelze : I see...and he'll be able to enter Hell as well... Sorry, but Filla is my close friend. I can't kill him, and I don't want you to use Micael. <> Baal : I see. In that case, I shall just have to use you as bait. Beelze : Owww... <> Baal : Fillanzea will be helpless if I use you as my hostage. Beelze : I won't let that happen! Baal : What? Beelze : If I'd be a burden to Filla... <> Beelze : Then I'll kill myself right now instead! <> Baal : {What? Is that how much he cares about the Moon Tear?} Beelze : {"Stop disobeying him. Even if you are his son, the next time you go against him will probably mean your death." Baal...did you spare me?} Baal : {Why did I stop him? His life is of no use to me... But his eyes are the same color as Leia's...} <> Filla : {"Leave this castle at once..." "Baal will not kill him." "Blood is thicker than water." You won't let yourself be controlled by Baal, will you? After all, you have your own mind, right, Beelze?} Azela : I'm Azela Ijia. I'll be your partner from now on. Filla : Azela? In middle school... Azela : Yes, it's been a long time. Filla : Oh, that Azela! You've gotten really pretty! Azela : Thanks! <> Azela : It's too bad about Micael. Filla : I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard on me...but he has to follow his own path. Besides, it's not like we'll never see each other again. Azela : Right. Cheer up, Filla. I'll bring you news from Heaven every day. Filla : Thanks, Azela. <> Filla : {I'm a jerk...sometimes I actually think Azela looks like Micael...} <> Filla : {He's really a Seraphim now...24 days more...what will happen if the seal is broken? Why can't I be with him then?} <> Filla : {Isn't there one thing I can do, either for Micael or for Beelze?} Micael : {I'm tired...} Micael : {I was surprised at how deeply hurt the Earth is...I don't have the power to restore it to its original state. As soon as it's purified a little, humans go and pollute it again...} Micael : Sorry... Ishuma : Wait, Micael. How are things as a Seraphim? It must be hard for a kid like you. <> Micael : Yes, I'm still very new at it. I get tired easily, and can't handle my full share of the work. Ishuma : I saw Fillanzea recently, with a golden-haired woman. She's probably his new partner. Micael : {A woman...his new partner...} <> Ishuma : Anyone would say that they looked good together. --Hey, stop that! Satan : {I hope that the seal will be broken safely, but...if it is broken before December 25, in an incomplete form, it might be necessary to use that sword. I do not wish to see Filla suffer.} <> Satan : {Fatale, protect Micael.} Micael : {How many days has it been since we've seen each other? You were always right there beside me. Always.} Micael : { aren't my partner any more.} <> Micael : {It's been such a long will be fine as long as I'm back by noon. I should've tried to get in touch with Filla...but he probably had to work anyway.} <> Micael : {Filla? Yeah, that's Filla!} Azela : Fillanzea! Micael : {That girl...} Filla : Hi, Azela. <> Micael : {Gold hair just like him... /No...I don't want those eyes to reflect anyone else... My Moon Tear...I won't allow it.../} [This part is in katakana...I'm not *quite* sure what significance it has in the context of the story, but it could mean that the person thinking this is not Micael himself but another part of him...which might become clearer later in the story...] <> Azela : Eek! Filla : Azela! Micael!? Micael, wait! <> Filla : Micael! Micael : Let me go! Filla : Why did you run away? Micael : I did that just now! I can hate people and hurt people so easily! <> Micael : Let me go... Filla : Micael! <> Azela : Was Micael there? Filla : I'm sorry, Azela. You've gotta get treated quickly... Azela : It's okay, it's nothing serious. --There's nothing to worry about, Miss. There won't be a scar. Azela : Thank you. Filla : I'm really sorry about this. Azela : Oh, Filla, you have nothing to apologize for. It must have just been a fairy's prank. {Filla?} <> Micael : {What have I done? That girl didn't do anything wrong. Ow... My eyes hurt! Is it...because of the Sky Blues?} <> Micael : {No, that couldn't be! I won't let you control me! The Sky Blues were sealed...Filla and I sealed them...} <> Filla : That's right, Micael. You don't have to be afraid any more. Micael : Filla...Wait, Filla! Where are you going? <> Filla : Everybody's waiting...'bye, Micael... Micael : Filla...Filla... Fall : Micael! Micael : Fall? Fall : You scared me! You fainted in the middle of the city! I called and called and you didn't wake up, so Wari took you here. Micael : Here...? Fall : The Tower of Light. Wari : Are you up, Micael? Micael : Wari... Wari : Drink this, it'll warm you up. Micael : Thanks. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. Fall : Not at all! Wari : Don't worry about it. You should rest, Micael. Micael : {I'm not alone. I'm not alone, but...} Micael : {Filla isn't here...} Wari : I contacted Filla too, but he's on Earth working. Fall : He'd have been able to see you if he wasn't working... Micael : That doesn't matter...we're not partners any more. He's busy, and I have my own work to do. <> Micael : I have to go... Fall : No, Micael! You still don't look well. Micael : I'm fine, Fall. Thanks for taking care of me. Fall : Stop him, Wari! Wari : Don't forget this, matter where he may be, he is thinking of you. <> Micael : How would you know? Fall : Stupid his sleep, he was calling out for Filla. Wari : He was? Fall : He really wants to see him! Wari : Is that true, sir? Fall : Micael... --I cannot say for certain, but it is said in the prophecy that the seal would be broken on December 25th. The Realm of Magic itself acts as a kind of seal... <> --However, Fatale's magic is running out too quickly, which is why we have been supporting it with our own power. It is because of that that the Realm of Magic exists now. Therefore, I thought that things would go well...until seeing Micael just now. Wari : What did you see? --This may be pure speculation, but I think that the Sky Blues are awakening in him. <> Fall : But I thought they weren't evil stones any more! --They have merely been hibernating in Micael's body. If Micael is unable to suppress the Sky Blues' evil power now... I fear that the seal will be broken before December 25, while it is still incomplete. Wari : By that do you mean that Micael wouldn't return to his true form? --Instead, the power of the stones might change him into a Dark Angel. <> Wari : A Dark Angel... --A creature in the form of an angel, but dyed with evil. Fall : But that's not in the prophecy! --That's true. However, Fatale worried until his death that his magic would not hold out until that day... "If my own power is gone, please protect the child of fate from the Sky Blues..." Fall : But it'll be all right, 'cause it's Micael! Last time, he beat the Sky Blues! --At that time Micael and the Sky Blues were two separate things. Now, they are one. And, Wari...the Moon Tear of Gold is not with him. Filla : How could that happen to him? Wari : But Filla... Filla : The Sky Blues won't wake up! It's all right, Wari. Micael is a Seraphim. <> Filla : And someday he's going to follow in the footsteps of the Archangel. Wari : The Archangel? Filla : Yeah, Satan-sama said so. He's a great angel, and I believe in him. Wari : But it doesn't seem that he believes in you. Filla : Did he say something today? Wari : No...but, Filla... <> Wari : I'm sure that Micael wanted you to always be his partner. I think he wanted you to say, "Don't become a Seraphim." Filla : I wanted to say that! But that was just my selfishness. I didn't want to upset him. It is his own life, isn't it? <> Filla : On that last day, Micael looked as if he was going to start to cry, and I wanted to put my arms around him so much I couldn't stand it. But I was scared that he wouldn't be able to go back to Heaven...I'm always being selfish... Filla : And ever since I heard that he was going to become the ruler of Heaven, I've been thinking that he wasn't just my Micael any more. So I tried to be mature and press down my feelings... Wari : Filla, Micael loves you and needs you much more than you think he does. Filla : Wari... <> Wari : This morning, he was calling your name in his sleep. Even if he becomes a Seraphim or the Archangel, Micael is still Micael, isn't he? And Filla is still Filla. You should open your heart and let your feelings show like you always have. Filla : I... Wari : It's because you're not acting like yourself. Fall : Micael won't become a Dark Angel, will he? --Not even I know the answer to that. <> Fall : Isn't there anything I can do? I can't join in the Circles... can't I be useful at all? --Fall, the reason you haven't been allowed to join in the Circles is because we need to save your magical power. That is also the reason why you have been slow to mature. <> --Your body conceals a huge magical power {greater than my own}. Fall : It does? --The time will come when it will be useful. Fall : Really? I'll be able to help out Micael and Filla? --Yes. Fall : Good! --{Falleadore...} Filla : {"I did that just now! I can hate people and hurt people so easily!" I'm sorry, Micael. Without even realizing it, I hurt you and made you sad...} Filla : I tried to be strong, but without you here I don't even feel like living. Micael... Micael : {My eyes hurt!} <> Filla : {I wish things could be like they were before...} Micael : {Filla! Filla!} Filla : I love you. {Can you hear me, Micael?} <> Filla : I love you... <> Michael : Are you well now, Micael? Micael : Yes. I'm truly sorry. Michael : It's been a month since you became a Seraphim. You should go and see Elysium. Micael : Elysium? Michael : Yes...and you should meet the Anges as well. I will have Gabriel guide you. <> Micael : All right. Michael : Micael...are you lonely because you cannot see Fillanzea? Micael : No...I believe in him, no matter how far apart we may be. Michael : The bond between you two will not be broken, will it? <> Micael : No. {Filla doesn't need me any more...} Gabriel : Is something wrong, Micael Lenan? Micael :, it's nothing. Gabriel : Climb on, Micael. I'll take you to Elysium. Micael : All right. Michael : {There was a shadow in Micael's eyes...perhaps, after all, because he has been separated from was said that the Seraphim's Prophecy would be fulfilled and things would go well, so why do I feel so uneasy?} <> Micael : No! Filla! <> Ishuma : Micael? Micael! Ishuma : {Damn! Why does that dream...I wish it would just go away!} --Ishuma? Is something wrong? Your expression just now was scary... Ishuma : No, nothing. It'll soon be time. Let's go. --Right. <> Gabriel : It's come into view, Micael. That's Elysium's Gate. <> Micael : Elysium is on the other side... Gabriel : The Pure Souls are asleep. Gabriel : So that they can be reincarnated on Earth, the Anges confer on the souls as much positive energy as they can, then send them to Earth. No matter what sins a human may have committed in his past life, they all are reborn as pure white souls to start from scratch. Although, of course, their next lives aren't necessarily human... Micael : All humans are filled with positive energy when they are born... <> Gabriel : That's right. After they're born, as time passes, the souls absorb the negative energy on Earth. Then they can become complete, with positive and negative energies in harmony. But as humans grow, the balance between positive and negative may be upset, and that soul may turn towards evil. Even the purest souls may be stained with the color of night. <> Micael : {The color of night...} Micael : {This place is so bright, and overflowing with light.} <> --Welcome, Micael Lenan. <> --I am the eldest Ange, Cecilia. Micael : {The Anges...} --Yui Marie. --Freya. --Danae. --Merveille. --And the youngest, Flore. Micael : {Elmelia-san?} --Is something wrong? Micael : No... {That girl looks like Elmelia, the angel who died because of me...she, too, was filled with light.} <> Micael : {And Erinoa died as well...why am I still alive?} Gabriel : {Micael?} --Oh, no! Negative energy is being created inside you! <> --Come this way, I will give you light. <> --Eek! <> Gabriel : What happened, Flore? --Gabriel-sama... Micael : {What was that attack just now?} <> Filla : Oh, I see...sorry for disturbing you. Fall : Micael wasn't there? Filla : No, he hasn't returned to the White Castle. Fall : I'll go to Heaven. Filla : You will? Fall : I'll wait for Micael to come back. Fall : You stay in Wari's house, and I'll bring Micael back. Filla : Thanks, Fall. Fall : 'Bye! Filla : {I miss you...} <> Micael : I don't want to see him. Fall : Why not? Micael : Fall, it's getting late. Go home. Fall : Filla's waiting for you! And you're lying when you say you don't want to see him! Micael : That's enough, Fall. <> Micael : Tell him thank you for loving someone like me. Fall : Micael... Micael : And tell him that I want him to live freely. Fall : {No, Micael! The Sky Blues have started to wake up!} Fall : I won't tell him that! Pull yourself together, Micael, or else you'll lose to the Sky Blues! Micael : Fall...I thought that I had won, but I hadn't. Until the day I die, I'll just be the puppet of the Sky Blues. Micael : Good-bye, Fall. Give my regards to Wari and Filla. Fall : Micael! I'm not going home! I'm staying here until you come with me! <> Michael : The Anges...? Gabriel : That's right. All five of them felt the same thing. <> Gabriel : They felt that Micael Lenan was not an angel. Michael : What does that mean, Gabriel? Gabriel : I don't know, but it seems that he's no longer who he used to be. His fundamental nature is changing...perhaps you should give up on the idea of making him your successor. <> Micael : {She tried to give me positive energy, but my soul resisted body wouldn't accept it...} /You understand, don't you? You are not an angel./ <> Micael : Ishuma... Ishuma : I'm sorry about before. Micael : It's all right. <> Ishuma : Are you going to see Fillanzea? Micael : No, I'm not. Ishuma : Why not? He's your Moon Tear. Micael : I'm scared. Like you said before, the Sky Blues are only sleeping. The Moon Tear of Heaven died for me...will the still-unknown Moon Tear of Light and the Moon Tear of Gold lose their lives too, when they get involved with me? <> Micael : I was told so once, long ago, by a fortune-teller... For a while I beat the Sky Blues, and didn't have to lose Filla...but after all, in the end... Ishuma? Ishuma : I thought that you might disappear. <> Micael : Why? I thought you hated me! Ishuma : Micael... <> Ishuma : I don't know myself! When I look at you, it hurts, and I want to hurt you! I want to tear your body and soul to pieces! But...but...somewhere in my heart, I also feel like I want to protect you... Micael : That's a lie! You always hurt me! Ishuma : You're right. But it's your fault that I'm like this! Since long ago, you've been driving people crazy with those eyes! <> Micael : The reason you feel evil in my eyes is that there's darkness lurking within yourself. You've just found in me the shadows that were already in you. Ishuma : No! Micael : You say you want to protect me? No. The only one who's allowed to touch me is the Moon Tear of Gold! <> --/The seal is already broken, Micael./ Micael : Quiet! --/You've become the real Micael. I told you that there was darkness in the depths of your heart./ <> Micael : Vanish! <> Ishuma : Micael! <> --What happened!? --Hey, get a grip! <> --I'm going to tell Joviel-sama! --Micael? Micael : No! Ishuma : Micael! <> Ishuma : Micael, hold on! {Is this because of the Sky Blues?} <> Ishuma : {Such a tragedy...} --It's an emergency! Micael is all bloody! --He's hurt? --Micael Lenan... Fall : {Micael?} <> Micael : {"Micael...Micael..." Someone's calling's so eyes hurt...} <> Micael : {I have to run...I have to get away...yes, I'll be safe here. I can sleep here.} <> Micael : {I've been here since I was very small..."Micael...Micael..."} Ishuma : {Isn't there anything I can do? Or does it have to be Filla?} Micael : {Don't call me...I've already lost to the Sky Blues... I couldn't fight with them until I die...the shadow Micael controls me now...} <> Micael : {No, that isn't it. Maybe that always was the real Micael. I've always been the shadowed one...but he sealed in the real Micael. The one he loved, the one he protected, was a shadow, my false self.} <> Micael : {You wouldn't love the real Micael, the one who belongs to the Sky Blues...but could you do me the favor of killing me? If you have pity on me, born as the puppet of the Sky Blues...} <> Micael : {That is my one last wish: to bring an end to everything. Filla...} <> Filla : Wari! Wari : What is it, Filla? Filla : I just heard Micael's voice! He was saying that he wanted to end everything...saying goodbye... Dammit! I can't go to Heaven! {If the seal's broken...} Filla : I don't understand anything! Wari : Filla... Filla : I'm going to see Satan-sama. Wari : All right, I'll go too. <> Ishuma : Micael!? <> <> Ishuma : {The Sky Blues!} --Those eyes! --The Sky Blues! --The dark gems! <> Baal : The Dark Angel...Micael! <> Fall : {The seal...} Cross : Micael! What the hell happened? <> Ishuma : Stop, Cross...he isn't Micael any more. Cross : Do you recognize me? Ishuma : Cross! Cross : {Micael!} <> Cross : Ishuma! Why did you do that? Fall : {No...Micael wouldn't! This can't be happening!} <> Ishuma : If he had killed you... I feel sorry for the angel he used to be... Cross : Is that why you protected me? Ishuma : What happens to me doesn't matter... {Fillanzea, if you are the Moon Tear of Gold...} <> Ishuma : {Please, save Micael.} It's only natural that he'd kill me...I've many cruel him... {Maybe I was jealous of Filla...} <> Ishuma : {He was the only one who could make Micael smile...Only in front of him could he be himself. Yes, that's it...} <> Ishuma : {I wanted to be your Moon Tear.} <> Cross : Ishuma! <> Micael : How foolish. You are next, Cross. Fall : Micael, stop! Fall : Open your eyes! The real Micael is still alive, so don't give up! Don't lose to the Sky Blues! Micael : Don't be ridiculous. Who I am now is no one but Micael himself...the Micael who was buried until now in the depths of his spirit. <> Fall : No! You're the Sky Blues, a monster that bit Micael and took his life! Micael : You really know nothing. From the very beginning, Micael was only born to give a body to the Sky Blues. Fall : {No!} Micael : Now that I have become one with the Sky Blues, I am the real Micael Lenan. His former self was nothing but a shadow. Fall : {No...} --The Archangel! Michael : Micael? What happened? <> Micael : So, you've come. Unfortunately, your successor has taken back his true form. Now you must have no more use for me. Micael : {The Sky Blues have awakened!} <> Michael : {Was I wrong in choosing him as my successor?} Micael : I'll summon something interesting for you to contend with. Michael : Follow him, Gabriel! <> Micael : Monsters sealed in the earth of Heaven since ancient times, awaken now, through my power! <> Micael : Fight with them all you like, Archangel. Michael : {I truly did make a mistake in separating him from Fillanzea...} Michael : {After I was so confident, why did the Sky Blues awaken so easily? Even the Emperor of Hell was in favor of making Micael the next ruler of Heaven! How could this happen?} Gabriel : Are you all right, Michael? Michael : Yes... <> Michael : {I wonder if Satan was hiding something from me...I feel as if there's something I don't know...} <> Fall : Micael! Micael : You're a persistent brat! <> --A very fearful evil is being reaches as far as Elysium. --{I wonder what's happening...} <> Fall : Go home, you! Sleep deep within the earth once again! Micael, stop! Gabriel : Damn! We're getting nowhere! Michael : They just keep on coming! Baal : {Leave things that way, Micael.} <> Micael : That's Baal, isn't it? Baal : {Will you come to my castle? You've become completely assimilated with the Sky Blues. You don't belong in Heaven.} Micael : Even if I say no, you will force me to come, won't you? Baal : {Yes, if I am strong enough to do so.} Micael : That's an awfully weak statement. <> Baal : {Because the true extent of your power is still unknown.} Micael : All right. Baal : {I invite you to my castle.} <> Fall : {Micael...} <> Cross : {Micael...} <> Filla : {Micael!} <> Baal : Come to me, silver angel. <> <> <> --Fyuda! Were you waiting long? Fyuda : You're 15 minutes late. --Sorry! I'll treat you to something to make it up to you. Fyuda : Let's go to Alpha Street, then. It's the closest from here. <> --You've got your final exams for the Yusteria tomorrow, don't you? Fyuda : Yeah, I think I can definitely pass them. I really want to go to Earth. --Earth, huh? It's really far. I'd rather stay here. Fyuda : Earth has a real sun, not like Luma, and the plant life that was once destroyed is living again. Fyuda : Everything is shining and alive under the light of the sun. --Plants? You mean those green things? Fyuda : That's right, they use sunlight to create oxygen by photosynthesis. --We learned about them in class, but I can't imagine them... 'cause there aren't any here. Fyuda : That's why I want to go to Earth! --You're really dedicated, aren't you? Well, good luck. After your exams, I'll meet you at 2:00, at the usual place. Fyuda : OK, I'll tell you how my exams went. <> Fyuda : {The Yusteria is a spaceship that goes to Earth once every two years, to transport and bring back raw materials. In the past, only men could go, but recently the number of women on the crew has increased. And I'm going to go on the Yusteria too.} <> Fyuda : {I can't sleep...I guess I'm too nervous. This bed is supposed to modulate your nerves...I guess I'll drink some Earth wine.} Fyuda : What was that just now? {That was the cold sleep system's lamp...why did it do that?} Ceres, did something happen? Ceres : Luma has broken down. <> Ceres : It will require 200 days to accumulate enough R-H 20 wave particles to repair it. [Um...if this is completely absurd, I don't know any physics, and I doubt Amagi knows much more than I do...] Fyuda : What!? So that's why everyone has been put in cold sleep temporarily? Open the visor right away, please, I was locked out. Ceres : If the visor is lifted, the cold sleep program would automatically shut down. Fyuda : Couldn't you reset it? Ceres : Impossible. <> Fyuda : So I'm supposed to live all by myself for 200 days? That's a year. A whole year, all alone. Answer me, Ceres! Do something! Ceres : Fuyuda Ballendy, the present time is 2:44 am. It was your mistake to leave the sleep system after citywide lights-out. I do not protect those who disobey the rules of the city. You may order your meals from the Center. You will live by yourself for the next 200 days. I will be busy repairing Luma. Fyuda : {"You will live by yourself for the next 200 days." I can wait for 200 days...I have to go on the Yusteria. Why did this have to happen?} Fyuda : {It's as if tomorrow will never come! A week of pure darkness passed...and the next day never came. It feels as if the eternal nights will continue forever.} <> Fyuda : {I am the only one awake on all of Zephuros... The only one alive on the whole planet...} Someone wake up! Someone say anything to me! I'm going crazy with loneliness! <> Fyuda : {I saw you running in the sunlight, in a golden robe that waved in the wind, talking with the trees in the forest like a green-haired fairy. The sun, the sun, the soft, warm, light...} Fyuda : {A dream... How many days has it been?} <> Fyuda : I can't take it any more! No one's here! No one's moving! There's nothing here but the darkness of the night! I've had enough! I want to see the sun...I want the sunlight... I don't want to be in the darkness anymore. Someone, save me! <> <> The sun... This was the 33rd day after the whole city had gone into cold sleep. The 167 days after that passed peacefully, and Zephuros woke in the morning for the first time in a year. --I slept well! Today is June 13th. Fyuda must be in the middle of her exams right now. <> --{That's strange...Fyuda's never late. I wonder if she went home?} You there, Fyuda? --{No, she hasn't gone home...} No one knows the unchanging mornings and afternoons. No one knows the silence of two hundred nights. No one but Ceres knows the two hundred days of darkness. <> Character Profile: Michael-sama Hair: platinum blond Eyes: turquoise He's in charge of Heaven, and called the Archangel. Born: How should I know? Lives: in the Temple of God A calm and proud person. There are lots of people who think that something happened between him and Satan-sama a long time ago. I'm thinking that I'll definitely write about his past, so wait for it! [She does so at great length around volume 16.] It's too bad that I couldn't draw him some really great clothes to wear as the ruler of Heaven. If I put a lot of decorations on, it would just be too hard to draw. Gabriel-sama Hair: gold Eyes: green The right hand of Michael-sama. Called the "Vice-Archangel." Lives: in a castle near the gate of Elysium. He kind of looks like a more mature version of Filla. When I was trying to draw him, I wondered what I should do about the hair, and thought I'd like to draw a character with one eye hidden by hair, so this is what I came up with. He's probably a Leo with blood type O. (Michael-sama might be a Pisces or an Aries...) So then...this is the end of volume 12! See you soon!