~Matendou Sonata #11~ ~Celestial Sonata #11~ by Amagi Sayuri Princess Comics/Akita Shoten 1990 ISBN 4-253-07644-0 Changes from previous volumes: "God" is now singular rather than plural. "Bael" is now "Baal" "Astarot" is now "Astarte" (see Milton's "Paradise Lost," as I probably should have done before I started these translations). Micael's last name is now "Lenan." Translator's note: A rush job. There are probably some typos here and there. I did this in only four days...this manga is usually not hard to translate, but I think four days has to be my record. I also skipped just about all the authors' notes. Sorry, people...having read the last volumes, I'm kind of trying to get to them as quickly as possible. Author's note Lately, even if I sleep and sleep, I'm still sleepy! I don't have the physical strength that I had when I was young anymore. I guess I've just got to use my spiritual strength! Matendou Sonata 11 Contents Chapter 15: The Pearl that is the Earth Chapter 16: The Prophecy of the Dark Angel (prelude) 103 <> Earth-- Human spread all over this beautiful blue planet, polluting it. Forest desertification, air and water pollution, ozone depletion due to CFCs, and acid rain...the more human culture progresses, the more the Earth loses its life force. <> The Realm of Magic, which was created a long time ago with magic, was a world that reflected the human world like a mirror. <> Chapter 15: The Pearl that is the Earth <> Within eternity... <> Humans, who have forgotten how to live in harmony with nature, stand in danger of being destroyed. While they live in material wealth, their souls wither. Because of that, the Realm of Magic, too, will be destroyed. --You have returned, Elfyure, Rinezard. How did your work in the human world go? Rinezard : It was indeed hard to give dreams and feelings to their souls through art. Human souls are so varied... <> Rinezard : I doubt there is anything that could truly touch ten thousand. Elfyure : I, too, have written books for children for a long time...yet I cannot help feeling that their hearts are drying up. Adults care only about cramming their children's heads full of knowledge, not about raising them with generous hearts. --So in the end the human world will be destroyed, not by an external force, but by the humans themselves... Rinezard : Sir, the reason you've called us back here... --The very existence of the Realm of Magic is in danger. It may not be readily apparent to outsiders, but Fatale's magic has been fading over the centuries. <> Rinezard : That can't be! The sand in the hourglass is still flowing, isn't it? --It is indeed. However, the existence of the Realm of Magic depends on sorcerors like ourselves and our magic powers, and also on the positive energy in the human world. <> Elfyure : Fatale's magic is running out... Rinezard : Elfyure... What should we do, sir? At this rate, all we can do is wait for the Realm of Magic to be destroyed...all the Heavens might even be destroyed! Wari : {The whole world might be destroyed...} <> --Nothing can be done as long as humans refuse to correct their mistakes. If it is our fate, we will be destroyed along with them. Nevertheless, do not give up just yet. <> Fall : Mom! Dad! Welcome home! --Hello, Fall. --You're as energetic as ever. Fall : I missed you! Rinezard : Don't cry like that, you're not a child any more. Rinezard : I hear you met your mother recently. Fall : Yeah, last summer, in Japan. I wish you could've come too. Rinezard : Sorry, I had some work I couldn't get out of. Elfyure : You haven't been causing Wari trouble, have you? Fall : No, I've been good. Wari : {Sir? Was that just my imagination? He seemed so sorrowful for an instant...} Micael : Um... Filla : What, Micael? Micael : Never mind. Filla : What? Tell me! Micael : Never mind! Filla : Weird guy... {Guess he won't answer no matter how much I ask.} Micael : {I can't believe that I would stab Filla with a sword, like in the door of time...} <> Micael : Filla! Filla : You looked kind of out of it! Micael : Leave me alone. Filla : But you said you cared about me! Micael : {Damn, why did I have to say that?} Filla : Huh? What's that? <> Filla : Micael! <> Filla : Micael, are you all right? Micael : Yeah... Filla : I can't remember there ever being an earthquake this huge in the Realm of Magic... Micael : Filla, your arm's bleeding! Filla : Oh, I got hit by that tree branch... Why are you sulking like that? Micael : Why are you always protecting me!? Filla : I can't help it, it's a reflex. Micael : I can take care of myself. I don't want you to protect me. Filla : Micael... Micael : I can't stand seeing you get hurt because of me. So stop it, okay? Filla : All right, I'll be more careful. Filla : If the Realm of Magic was hit with such a powerful earthquake... Micael : Yeah, something must've happened on Earth. Filla : The Earth and the Realm of Magic are like two sides of the same coin...I wonder if a lot of people died. Are you going back to Heaven? Micael : Yeah. Filla : Take care, Micael. Elfyure : Are you hurt, Fall? Fall : No. --We have no time to waste. Rinezard, Elfyure, go down to Earth and bring all the sorcerors working there to the Realm of Magic. Rinezard : Right! --{The Realm of Magic must not be destroyed. We need just a little more time.} --{Until that time indicated in the prophecy...} Azyusha : {This must have happened in that earthquake...} <> Azyusha : {Now it's possible to get inside! This door has no guardian because the head sorceror is the only one who can open it. Wari said that there was something called the 'door of time' here, where many different points in space and time were connected...It's hard to believe that such a place would be entirely undefended, but fortunate for me.} Azyusha : {Bael-sama!} --{That vixen...it seems that she does love him after all...} Wari : Sir? --What is it, Wari? <> Wari : What is that "sand" you were just talking about? I would truly like to know, if it's no trouble to you. Fall : I wanna know too! --Then I must show you. Tonight, when the moon has risen, I will guide you... <> Michael : Gabriel? What were the results of your investigation? Gabriel : It was an earthquake of magnitude 7.5. It hit a large city in Europe, and in the daytime too. It also caused a large number of aftershocks and fires. Michael : How many died? Gabriel : Probably no fewer than ten thousand. <> Michael : What could it mean that so much damage resulted, and I was unable to predict it? Are the Seraphim at a loss as well? Gabriel : Yes. They couldn't prepare at all...and the angels will be overworked, with such a number of victims. I'm going to Earth too. Even one more person will be useful. Michael : I will be counting on you. I wish I could come with you. Gabriel : No, you're the ruler of Heaven. You mustn't leave it even for a second. <> Gabriel : It's your mission to protect Heaven. Michael : I know that. Gabriel : Things must be very tense in Hell. The Earth will be overflowing with the negative energy of those who died. Michael : Yes...the process of sublimating the negative energy is very painful. Gabriel : Are you worried about Satan? Michael : No, he is strong. I only regret that I can do nothing to help. <> Gabriel : It was like this, too, when the atomic bombs exploded on Earth forty-four years ago. In the end, we were not strong enough, and thousands of souls that we could not guide to Heaven remained there. Michael : And they still haunt those places...Gabriel, why are people so foolish? <> Michael : Both humans and those like us repeat the same wars over and over...why? Gabriel : {Micael...} <> <> Gabriel : {It is very difficult to guide the souls that have died from the damage because they do not yet realize that they are dead...} Micael!? <> <> Micael : Gabriel-sama... Gabriel : The Cherubim, Micael Lenan...what are you doing here? Micael : Because of my youth, I feared that I would only get in the way of the Seraphim, but I came here on the Archangel's orders. Gabriel : I see. {Is the Archangel testing this boy?} Don't worry about it. In times of great destruction in the past, Cherubim have come to the aid of Seraphim. However, this is different from the guiding of souls that you've done before. <> Gabriel : There are ten thousand souls, and you must be very careful not to let yourself become confused. <> Micael : Cross... Cross : You still need to sleep. Micael : I feel fine. What...happened? Cross : You collapsed in the evening, and you've been unconscious since then. You used too much magic power. Micael : {Right...on Earth...} I'm sorry for causing you trouble. Cross : What do you mean? They made you take a Seraphim's job. It must have been hard. Micael : Yeah...it took everything I had in me. Cross : Everybody's saying you might get promoted to a Seraphim. Micael : {I like things the way they are...} What could the Archangel be thinking? {If I become a Seraphim, I won't be able to see him...} <> Gabriel : Still, what you did was risky. You sent the boy in whom the Sky Blues are sealed to a place of great negative energy. If something had gone wrong, it would have been awful. Michael : I had faith in him. The positive energy within him is not something unstable. Gabriel : Because of the depth of the love that the golden demon has for him... Indeed, he did well. The other Seraphim were surprised. <> --There was a huge earthquake on Earth... --And lots of people died... --Hades is really busy, isn't it? --Have you heard about Fillanzea's partner? Beelze : Are you still asleep, Filla? Beelze : I heard about Micael... Filla : Yep, that's my Micael! But...if he becomes a Seraphim, then our partnership would be dissolved, and I... Beelze : You wouldn't be able to see him much, because his job would be managing the Earth. <> Filla : I really would be proud of him...but it would be hard. Beelze : Cheer up. Nothing's settled just yet. Filla : That looks good on you, Beelze. Beelze : Of course! Everything looks good on me! Well, I'm going to the bar, so you can worry by yourself for a while. <> Filla : Don't drink too much. Beelze : I know. <> --{I can feel the spirit of Hell very strongly...why?} Both of you, step into the center of this circle. <> Wari : All right. Fall : Ah! Wari, I'm falling! Wari : Calm down, Fall! <> Fall : Where are we going? Wari : We've arrived. <> Wari : That's... --The Pearl of the World. <> --When the sand stops flowing between the white pearl on top and the black pearl on bottom, that will be the end of the Realm of Magic. Wari : Was the person who made this, Fatale, really human? --"Sorcerors" and "Magic users" are fundamentally the same. In the ancient past, magic existed on Earth. Wari : Yes, I know that. <> --Many wonders lived in the human world, like fairies and spirits. Magic existed in harmony with humans. There were even many humans called magic users. Fatale became one of them at a very young age. <> --Once, a king summoned the Darkness to fulfill his own desires. Wari : A human summoned the Darkness!? --Darkness was born out on the Earth, and then sealed in by the magic users. Fall : So, the Darkness started out on the human world? --Correct. --Finally the Darkness was released from the spell and spread out all over the world. War broke out between Heaven and Hell. It was not something that only concerned humans. One by one, magic users died from fighting with the Darkness. Finally, Fatale became the last magic user on Earth. <> --At the end of a long journey, he found the Sword and Shield of Adriuma. Then, he succeeded in chasing the Darkness from the Earth, and appeared in Heaven with the Sword and Shield, and finally the Darkness was sealed in Hell. <> Wari : In the Castle of Darkness. --Correct. Fatale created the Realm of Magic using the power of the legendary Sword and Shield. It has now been thousands of years since then. Thanks to him, the war between Heaven and Hell was brought to an end. This young man who had only just turned 18 used up all of his magic power and fell into an eternal sleep, leaving two prophecies behind. Fall : That poor guy was only my age when he died... --One of those prophecies is in Filla's painting of the Seraphim. Wari : And what about the other one? --I have said all that I can, Wari. Wari : Why did a human like Fatale become so deeply involved in Heaven? Wari : I wouldn't think that a normal human, even a magic user, would be able to stop the war between Heaven and Hell and leave prophecies about the distant future. --That name, "Fatale," means "fate" in an ancient tongue. From the time he was born, he had neither mother nor father, but lived in the forests among the animals...or so it is said... and he was given the name "Fatale" by the fairies. <> --He was a beautiful young man with silver-blue hair and eyes as deep as the sea. Fall : Like Micael! --Micael's appearance does make me think of Fatale... <> --He might have been a child of God... Wari : {A child of God...} --What's wrong, Beelze? Beelze : Nothing... {Not again...} Beelze : Sometimes the pendant on my neck gets so hot it feels like it's going to burn me... --I heard that Micael Lenan was going to become a Seraphim. --That's just an empty rumor. No matter how much magic power he may have, he's dangerous because of the Sky Blues. --Everyone talks about him like he's so great for sealing them in, but there's the chance that he could already be controlled by them... <> --And he's just pretending to be an ordinary angel. --When he gets promoted, his real self will appear and he'll conquer Heaven. --Hey, Beelze... Beelze : That isn't funny. <> --Of course not. We're honestly worried. Beelze : That makes it even worse. If Filla were here, you wouldn't get away with that. --Ah, the joys of friendship! --Or is it something else? Are you just as crazy about Micael as Fillanzea is? --You bastard! --Don't make a fool out of me! --Son of a bitch! --I'll help! <> --What's this thing you're wearing? It's a really ornate pendant...let me see it. <> Beelze : Give it back. --Where did you get this pendant, Beelze? Beelze : None of your damn business. --I asked you where you got it! Answer me! --What's with it? --This black snake... <> --It's the crest of the Mizearuda clan! --Baal's clan? --Right! <> Beelze : No! It's a memento from my mother! It doesn't have anything to do with Baal! --I've seen this in an old book in my father's library. It's this black snake, I remember it perfectly clearly! Are you really Baal's son? Beelze : Give it back. <> Beelze : Give it back. --Yeow! <> --Beelze... <> --I felt an unlucky force in that pendant! --It's the seal of Mizearuda! <> Beelze : {I heard that Baal was the only person who carried the blood of the Mizearuda clan recently. In that case, this pendant...} Beelze : {What does it mean?} Filla : {I'm late!} --Really? Baal's? Filla : What's that about Baal? --Filla! It's awful! Last night at the bar... Filla : What!? Is that true? --Yeah. Everybody's been talking about it since I woke up. Filla : That can't be... {I got a black snake from Ringa...though it might bite me some day...} Filla : {Beelze...} Micael : Filla...Filla... Filla : What? Micael : What's up? You've been looking thoughtful. Filla : It's nothing...just tonight's meal... Micael : You never think about anything but food. Micael : You could think about art or literature... Filla : But I'm hungry. Micael : Filla... Filla : Yeah? Micael : If you're worried about something, tell me. Filla : Thanks, Micael! <> --Hey, Fillanzea! Filla : Xaviar. Xaviar : Have you heard about Beelze? Filla : Yeah. Xaviar : It's too bad that your best friend's connected to Baal. Filla : You don't know that for sure, just because of that pendant. <> Xaviar : No, there's no doubt about it. Filla : Even if that's so, Beelze is Beelze. Nothing's going to change that. Xaviar : But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Filla : What do you mean? Xaviar : He might take the place of his dead father and try to strike down the Emperor. Filla : Xaviar! <> Filla : Beelze isn't like that! Beelze : {Strange...I have a bad feeling about this...} <> Beelze : {Baal was supposed to have been destroyed, so why do I feel this way?} Who's there!? <> Beelze : {A woman!} <> Filla : {Beelze...Why aren't you back yet?} Beelze : {What an idiot I was...getting careless because of some woman...} <> Beelze : {But I feel like I've seen her somewhere before... It was far, but I've seen her...} Azyusha! That's the woman! I've seen her before, acting as Wari's secretary! Azyusha : You've got spirit, kid. <> Azyusha : So you've woken up...it's already midday. Beelze : Why, you...What are you doing here? <> Azyusha : This is the castle where I've been raised since my youth. Beelze : What!? Azyusha : Baal-sama is my master. Beelze : You deceived Wari, you bitch! Baal doesn't exist any more! Let me out of here! Azyusha : Well, I see you're never at a loss for words... <> Azyusha : Listen well. Baal has been revived. Beelze : {What!?} Filla : Is it true? Satan : There's no doubt. Baal lives again. Filla : Satan-sama! What if Beelze went to the Castle of Darkness and was captured? <> Satan : Worry not. That is not necessarily the case. Filla : No! You know, don't you? Beelze's at the Castle of Darkness, isn't he? I've gotta go save him! Satan : You must not go. Filla : Satan-sama! Satan : Baal will not kill him. Filla : But-- Satan : Do you not believe me? <> Azyusha : He is very tired from being sealed inside a time distortion. He will awaken soon. Baal-sama will decide your punishment, so wash your neck in preparation for having it chopped off and wait. Beelze : Hurry it up. As his son, I want to meet my dad as soon as possible. <> Azyusha : So you can beg for your life, fool? Beelze : I don't care about my life. But he is my father, much as I hate to admit it. Satan : There is one more thing about which I want to speak to you. Filla : What is it? <> Satan : Micael will become a Seraphim soon. Filla : What? Satan : I received the report from the Archangel last night. He asked me whether I had any objections. <> Filla : And what did you say? Satan : I entirely agreed with him, naturally. He will be given a sword of the Seraphim in a ceremony on November 11th. Filla : November 11th... Satan : The anniversary of the peace between Heaven and Hell. Filla : {There's only one month left...} Filla : {He's finally going to be a Seraphim.} Satan : The Archangel is thinking of appointing Micael as his successor. Filla : Micael would be the Archangel's successor!? <> Filla : {Micael...} <> Chapter 16: The Prophecy of the Dark Angel (prelude) Baal : My...? Azyusha : Yes, said in no uncertain terms that he is your son. How shall I punish him? Baal : Interesting. Bring him here. Azyusha : But he could harm your body. <> Baal : Bring him to me. Azyusha : Very well. <> Chapter 16: Prophecy of the Dark Angel (prelude) <> Azyusha : Enter. Azyusha : This is he, Baal-sama. <> Baal : You? <> Beelze : Baal? You're alive? Baal : It took courage to come break into my castle by yourself. How shall I cook you? Azyusha, you are dismissed. Azyusha : Yes, sir. Baal : Now, I could use you as bait to bring Fillanzea here... Beelze : Are you still targeting him, you bastard? Baal : He is the Moon Tear of Gold. He's a hindrance to getting Micael. Baal : Who the Moon Tear of Light is is still unknown. Someone already in Micael's surroundings, perhaps...but surely not you. Beelze : Because I carry your blood, right? And that doesn't fit with the pure heart you need to become a Moon Tear. Baal : What is your basis for calling yourself my son? Beelze : This pendant! <> Beelze : This black snake is the crest of the house of Mizearuda, right? Baal : Where did you get that? Beelze : It was a memento from my mother. For a long time I didn't know where it was, but finally it was given to me. Baal : I gave that to Leia. Beelze : Leia...is that my mother's name!? <> Beelze : Did you kill her? Baal : You may think so, if you wish. Beelze : Well, I'm sorry, but your son's still alive. Baal : Even if you are my son, my kin are nothing but a hindrance to me. I should kill you right now...but instead, will you become my servant? Beelze : I'd rather die! Baal : Give me power so that I can capture Micael. Beelze : Why do you want him so much? Baal : He has great magical power of some kind. <> Beelze : So you've gotta use someone else's power to kill Satan? Pathetic. Baal : I alone do not have the power to kill him...I will use Micael to call forth the Darkness sealed inside this castle, and then I will use the power of the Darkness to defeat Satan. Beelze : You've gotta be kidding! You're one of the Four Great Powers, and not even you can call forth the darkness! Why should an Angel like Micael be able to do so? Baal : It is something that only he can do. Beelze : But you were put in this castle in the first place so that you could guard the Darkness. Are you really so hungry for power? Do you really want to conquer the Heavens so much? Baal : I care not about the Heavens. I would not care if they were completely destroyed. Beelze : Then why? Baal : There is only one reason why I am living here. <> Baal : To kill Satan with my own hands. Beelze : {Does he have some kind of grudge against Satan-sama?} Baal : At this rate, someone else will kill Satan instead. Beelze : Don't make me laugh! Besides you, there's no one stupid enough to want to kill Satan-sama! Baal : Yes, there is. Micael Lenan. <> Filla : He's going somewhere where I won't be able to reach him... I won't be able to be with him any more... Satan : Filla... Filla : It's all right, Satan-sama...I'll offer him my congratulations. <> Filla : I was actually worried about what Lucifer-sama said before... Satan : What did he say? Filla : That what happened when we sealed in the Sky Blues was just the prologue to what was to come... "The bond between you seems like something larger. You must be walking towards a greater destiny." But Lucifer-sama was wrong, wasn't he? Micael's all right now. He's going to become a great Seraphim, and someday he's going to lead Heaven. <> Filla : I'm happy for him. From the time I was little, I thought that Micael would be an angel...I wanted him to be an angel. Satan : What Lucifer said was ambiguous, but I think that he may not have been wrong about your fate. <> Beelze : Baal, to listen to you, you'd think that Micael wasn't even an angel. Baal : And what if that were the truth? Beelze : I don't believe you. Baal : Then I have something interesting to show you. <> Baal : It is a prophecy that has been sleeping inside this castle since the distant past. Filla : There was another prophecy? Satan : Yes...Fatale left another very interesting prophecy. If the first part, the Seraphim's prophecy, represents "light," the latter part represents "darkness." Filla : Darkness...but why does that have to have something to do with Micael!? <> Filla : His eyes were supposed to have been turned into holy Sky Blues. Isn't that why the Archangel chose Micael as his successor? Satan : Indeed, at the present time the Sky Blues are no longer evil stones. Filla : Then there shouldn't be any problem! Satan : However, Filla... <> Satan : Inside Micael himself is sealed another existence... <> Filla : What do you mean? Satan : He was raised as a normal child and became an angel with his true nature sealed within him, but all of that was controlled by God. Micael is a child of fate. <> Filla : Micael is an angel...I refuse to think that God is controlling his destiny! Micael is Micael...the only one in the world... Filla : {What happened to the room? This feels so familiar...} <> Filla : Satan-sama, what happened? Satan : Surely your body and your soul remember it. Filla : {Heaven?} Yeah, this feels like Heaven! <> Satan : Filla, everything that exists in the world has a positive and negative side. Heads and tails, black and white, angel and demon, joy and sadness. Each state exists together with its opposite. One cannot exist without the other; each calls to its opposite to preserve the integrity of the world, cancelling each other out. <> Satan : Vice and virtue, light and darkness...although they seem as if they could not go together, their true essences are the same. Filla : Satan-sama? Satan : What is it, Filla? Filla : Satan-sama...just now, you looked like an angel. Satan : Did I? {Even after hundreds and thousands of years have passed...that side of myself still lives?} Perhaps it was only the light part of myself reacting with the atmosphere of Heaven, and creating an illusion... <> Satan : If darkness did not exist, light could not be light. If evil did not exist, no one could recognize that good was good. It is only because we know the feeling of sadness that we can feel joy deeply. Do you understand this, Filla? Filla : It's complicated, but I do, somehow...each side helps the other to exist, right? Satan : Yes. Satan : It is possible that male and female, light and dark, angels and demons, were originally one existence. Filla : I heard somewhere that men and women originally existed as one being that was split into two by God...and so people seek out the lost half of themselves... Filla : That men seek out women, and women men, from the time they are born, until finally destiny brings them to their soulmate and they become one... Satan : And Micael is your soulmate? Filla : Yes. But I guess they must have made a mistake somewhere, because we were both born as men! Filla : It's something that I'd like to believe in, no matter what happens. Satan : On the forty-fourth day after Micael is granted the sword, he will retake his true form... <> Filla : Beelze's still not back...he just left without even saying a word! I could always talk to him about Micael...{I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble...} I know what Satan-sama said, but I would like to go to the Castle of Darkness, just once. <> Filla : {It's hard to believe that there's someone else sealed inside him...but that was how it was for Mahito, too... Micael couldn't be a Diable, could he!?} Micael : Are you mad? Filla : No, it's just... <> Filla : Diables are born only once in a hundred years, right? Micael : Right. Filla : OK, I knew that. {And Mahito was born in this century, so it'll be at least another hundred years before the next one...} Micael : Why do you ask? Filla : Never mind...you seem bright today. Did something happen? Micael : The truth is... <> Filla : What? Micael : I'm going to become a Seraphim. Filla : I know. Micael : You do? Filla : Satan-sama told me yesterday. Filla : Congratulations, and good luck. Micael : Are you really all right with that? Filla : Well, it's something to celebrate, isn't it? Micael : But we won't be partners any more! Filla : I see how it is. It'll be hard not having me around, right? Micael : No! On the contrary, it'll be a relief. <> Filla : Well, we've got half a month left. Until then, at least... Micael : {Filla...} Yeah. <> Filla : {It's snowing...the first snow is late this winter. When I was in Heaven, I had a snowball fight with Beelze once.} Filla : {But right after that he left on a trip, and I was really lonely...you're at the Castle of Darkness, aren't you? I'm going there, right away... That other prophecy might be at the Castle of Darkness as well...} Filla : {"Baal lives again...you must not go to the Castle of Darkness." Please forgive me for disobeying you, Satan-sama.} <> Filla : {The Castle of Darkness...it's just the same as it was before, as if nothing had ever happened.} Filla : Beelze!? Filla : I'm glad you're safe! You disappeared suddenly, and I was worried about you! Filla : What are you doing, Beelze? It's me, Filla! Beelze... <> Beelze : Don't ask me any questions, just leave this castle at once. Filla : Beelze... Beelze : {Kill him! Kill Fillanzea, Beelze!} <> Filla : Wari! Wari : Run away from there, Filla! Filla : {Beelze...} <> Baal : I ordered you to kill him. Why did you let him escape? <> Beelze : Give me a break. I can't help it if he got away. And you're hardly in a position to order people this way and that while you just stand around and watch. Baal : All right. But know this, Beelze. You have nowhere to return to now. <> Beelze : {Micael wouldn't...he wouldn't...Dammit! Why do things have to go the way the prophecies said?} <> Beelze : {What, is there some God up above us preparing cruel destinies for people? Maybe people's lives are nothing but a game after all...Filla would get mad if I said that to him...} <> Wari : I see...Beelze had the crest of Mizearuda...and you're sure that was Beelze? Filla : I don't know! Why would he do that? Do you know anything about it? Wari : No...I went to the Castle of Darkness after I learned that Baal had been revived. When I saw Beelze like that... Well, maybe blood is thicker than water after all... Filla : Wari! <> Filla : He'd never do something like that, even if Baal was his father! Wari : Filla... Filla : But everyone says that he's going to betray us all and make Satan-sama his enemy... Wari : It might have been some kind of unavoidable situation... Filla : {Beelze...} Micael : Filla...have you found Beelze yet? Filla : Why do you ask? Micael : Hiyui was worried about him. Filla : {Beelze's partner...} Oh... Micael : And you don't have any clues? Filla : Not yet... Micael : I heard that some rumors were going around that... Filla : No! I'm sorry for yelling like that...but it's all lies. <> Filla : There's no need to be worried, I'm sure he'll be back soon. Micael : Right... <> Micael : {When Filla yelled like that because of being worried about Beelze, my heart hurt...that must be jealousy... I don't want his heart to turn towards anyone else. I don't want to see those eyes look at anyone but me.} Micael : {I'm despicable. My soul is as dark as night...I can't be a Seraphim. I can't, Filla!} Filla : Well, today's the last day... Micael : At least we don't have to spend the last day sleepy from working all night. Filla : Yeah, that would be really gloomy. <> Filla : Well...one more person left to go. We should go soon... What is it, Micael? Filla : Do you not feel well? Micael : {Filla...} I'm not worthy of becoming a Seraphim. Filla : What do you mean? You're getting promoted tomorrow. Micael : Take me somewhere...I don't want to go back to Heaven. Micael : Let's live together on Earth, Filla... Filla : You look as if you're gonna start to cry... I'm really happy that you're going to become a Seraphim. To me, you've been a pure white angel since we were kids. Filla : In the past, the present, and the future, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says, you'll always be an angel to me. You have nothing to worry about. I'll always be watching you, even if we can't see each other any more. <> Filla : OK, Micael? Micael : {Filla...you don't have to be so kind to me. If you knew the depths of my soul, you wouldn't...} <> <> Michael : Thou, Micael Lenan, shall become a Seraphim from this day forward. I bequeath this sword to thee, to complete the ceremony. Michael : {Micael...} <> Baal : {In forty-four days, the prophecy of the Dark Angel will be set in motion. I have little time remaining...} Filla : {I guess the ceremony must be happening right about now... it's too bad I can't go see it. On the forty-fourth day after today, Micael will retake his true form... The forty-fourth day...that's December 25. On Earth, it's celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ, isn't it? Micael...} <> Cross : Welcome back, Micael. Micael : Cross...you waited for me? Cross : I was working late anyway. <> Cross : Congratulations. This is a big step forward. Seraphims have a lot of work to do with nature, and it'll be hard, but good luck. I'm sure you'll do fine. Micael : Thanks. Cross : Even if our ranks are different now, I can still come and see you, right? Micael : Of course. Cross : Why don't we have a drink to celebrate? I've got a bottle stored away in my room. Micael : Really? Where'd you get it from? Cross : Never mind that... Micael : OK, I'll go get changed. I look way too formal. Cross : I'll be waiting. My room's #56. Micael : I'll be right there. Micael : {The color of the name plate is red now...red for "Seraphim," instead of blue for "Cherubim."} Wari : You called, sir? --Wari? Come in. Wari : {Why won't he tell me anything? He's been entirely silent about Beelze...and come to think of it, I haven't seen Azyusha in a while...} --Everyone must be tired, but since the weather is nice today, let's make a Circle. Gather all the sorcerors in the courtyard, Wari. Wari : Right away. <> Wari : {This will be the fifth Circle...it involves gathering together the magic power of all the sorcerors together and sending it to Earth...I wonder how long things can last this way...} Fall... Fall : Can't I join in this time, Wari? Wari : No...he didn't say anything about you. <> --{Forty-four days more...the sand mustn't run out!} Fall : {Why can't I help out? 'Cause my control is awful, I guess...} <> Fall : {But I'm fine with big magic...} --Falleadore, you cannot join in. Fall : But why not? --You mustn't. Fall : Why can't I do anything to help out? Character Profiles Satan-sama Born: A really, really long time ago Lives: in a castle in the middle of a lake Black hair, black eyes The Emperor of Hell It's hard to write a profile for him because I've hardly written anything about him yet! He's really old, and one of my assistants said that he probably hasn't run in hundreds of years. Yeah, that's probably true. He always walks slowly and with dignity...Run, Satan-sama! Fly through the sky, Satan-sama! It's a funny image... Baal-sama Black hair, amethyst eyes Born: thousands of years ago Lives: in the Castle of Darkness Hobbies: chasing after Micael killing women who are in love with Satan-sama Least favorite thing: Filla He's appeared mostly as just a shadow or a voice... Micael-fans really hate him, but I like villains so I have fun drawing him. I'm thinking right now about what's going to happen to him next...