Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 9, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-334099-6 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1999 This "script" was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because…we're translating the same thing silly! I'd hope they'd be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else's translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] (Translator's Note: White Day is like Valentine's Day in Japan. Girls give boys chocolate on Valentines, and boys give girls white chocolate for White Day…Which is why I can't understand why Sakura's running around giving out White Day presents to everyone…^^; ) Pg. 7 Fujitaka--[Going to meet Tomoyo-san?] Sakura--[Yeah, and after that I have a few more things to do.] Sakura--"I'm off!" Fujitaka--[oh] Fujitaka--"Just a second." (su) Sakura--"Hoe?" Pg. 8 Fujitaka--"Because today's White Day." Sakura--"Wow!" Sakura--[Dad, did you make this?] Fujitaka--[Yes.] Sakura--"Thank you very much!" Sakura--"I'm off!" (pata pata) (bring bring bring) Pg. 9 Fujitaka--"Kinomoto residence." Fujitaka--"Sonomi-kun!" Fujitaka--"Thank you for Valentine's Day." Fujitaka--"Sakura-san was very happy." Fujitaka--"What?" Fujitaka--"…Grandfather?" Pg. 10 Eriol--"Sakura-san." Sakura--"Hoe?" Sakura--"Eriol-kun!" Eriol--"Are you going somewhere?" Sakura--"Yup, I'm delivering my White Day presents." Sakura--[Today's Sunday, so I can't deliver them at school.] Eriol--[Then White Day is] Eriol--"In return for Valentine's Day?" Sakura--[Right.] Sakura--"February fourteenth is Valentine's Day and March fourteenth is White Day!" Pg. 11 Sakura--"Eriol-kun, do you know about Valentine's Day?" Eriol--[Ours is different but,] Eriol--"We don't have the custom of giving chocolate." Sakura--[What do you give?] Eriol--[Things like flowers. But those aren't from girls. Boys give lots of things to the girls out of kindness.] Sakura--[really?] Sakura--"Then you didn't get any Valentine's Chocolate?" Eriol--"…No," Eriol--" I did." Pg. 12 Sakura--[Wow!] Sakura--"From what kind of person!?" Eriol--"A very…beautiful person." Sakura--"I'd like to meet…" Sakura--[That person.] Sakura--[Ah, I have to go this way.] Eriol--"I'm heading this way.] Pg. 13 Sakura--"Then see you tomorrow!" Eriol--"Tomorrow." Eriol--"…The person who gave me chocolate…" Eriol--"You've already met her, Sakura-san." Pg. 14 (ta ta) Sakura--"Tomoyo-chan!" Tomoyo--"Sakura-chan." Sakura--[Were you waiting?] Tomoyo--[No, I just got here.] Sakura--[Sorry, I should have called.] Sakura--"Here!" Sakura--"For White Day." Tomoyo--"Thank you!" Sakura--"But it doesn't compare to the delicious chocolates you made…" Tomoyo--"To receive something from Sakura-chan." (spellbound) Tomoyo--"I'll put all of my pens in it." Pg. 15 Sakura--"I'm not good at things like sweets." Sakura--"So I sewed this." Sakura--[But I'm not good at sewing either, so Dad finished it.] Tomoyo--[No, it's wonderful.] Tomoyo--"…I'll treasure it." Pg. 16 (pou) (paaaaa) (shuuuu) Syaoran--"…No good." Syaoran--"No matter how I search, I don't understand." Pg. 17 "The owner of this coat possesses strong magic powers…" (ding dong) (pa) Syaoran--"Yes." Sakura--"Oh good! You're home!" Syaoran--"Why!" Syaoran--"Why are you here!?" Pg. 18 (look look) Sakura--[This is the first time I've been here.] Sakura--[Ah] Sakura--"Thank you." Sakura--"It's very neat and orderly." Syaoran--"It's just normal." Sakura--"That's not true." Sakura--"It's amazing since you live alone." Syaoran--"Why…Why are you here anyway…" Sakura--[Oh] Sakura--"Here" Sakura--"Because it's White Day." Sakura--[Take it.] Syaoran--"Why! Why me!?" Sakura--"Because you gave me chocolate." Pg. 19 Syaoran--"Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh What makes you think they're from me!" Sakura--"It was in the mailbox on February 14th." Sakura--[I found it on the 15th when I went to get the newspaper.] Syaoran--"Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh What makes you think they're from me!" Syaoran--[There wasn't a card with it!] [Thinking aloud] Sakura--"I just knew." Sakura--"That they were from Syaoran-kun." Pg. 20 Sakura--"But is it okay for me to get them, there's that person you like…" Syaoran--"It…It's fine…" (blush) Sakura--[Good.] Sakura--[I already ate them so I wasn't sure what to do it you wanted them returned.] Syaoran--"Thank you." Syaoran--"Ca…can I open it?" Sakura--"Sure!" Sakura--"I-I'm sorry it's bad." Syaoran--"N-no, you made me this chopstick box." Sakura--[Uh…] Sakura--"…It's a pencil case." Syaoran--[Uh…] Syaoran--"No! I mean!" Pg. 21 Sakura--"No! It's fine! It's a chopstick box!" Syaoran--"No! I can see it's a pencil case!" Syaoran--"I've never seen such an impressive pencil case!" Sakura--"…You really are nice." Sakura--"I'm glad we've become good friends." Pg. 22 Sakura--"You're really nice and wonderful so," Sakura--"I'm sure whoever you like likes you too." Pg. 23 Sakura--"So you have to do your best too!" Sakura--"Right!" (gu) Syaoran--:That's what she says but…: __________________________ Masaki Amamiya _________________________- Pg. 24 Touya--"Yuki!" Touya--"Is he gone?" (rustle rustle) Touya--[Ah, there he is.] (rustle rustle) Touya--[Whatcha' doing?] Pg. 25 Touya--"Yu…" Touya--"YUKI!" Yukito--"…To-ya." Pg. 26 Touya--"You scared me!" Yukito--"I've been so tired these days…" Yukito--"It's weird, I slept a lot yesterday…" Touya--"I said I'd come over, but that was awhile ago, so" Touya--"I tried calling, but no one was there…" Yukito--"…Sorry, I didn't hear the phone…" Yukito--"Today is White Day so" Yukito--"For Sakura…" Pg. 27 (suu) (gura) Touya--"H-Hey!" Yukito--"Sorry…" Yukito--"I'm just so tired…" Pg. 28 (suu) (gyu) Pg. 29 Touya--"…Hurry up and realize it." Touya--"…Yuki…" Pg. 30 Fujitaka--"I'm sorry I kept you." Masaki--"…No." Masaki--"I'm sorry to call so suddenly." Fujitaka--"Not at all." Pg. 31 Masaki--"…Please sit." Fujitaka--"…It's been a long time." (rustle) Masaki--"How many years has it been?" Fujitaka--"Ever since Nadeshiko-san's and my wedding ceremony." Masaki--"That long." Fujitaka--"Yes." Pg. 32 Masaki--"…I got a receipt from Sonomi-san." Masaki--"For Sakura's Valentine's present." Masaki--"The same as what Nadeshiko gave every year." Masaki--"Chocolate, a letter, and Nadeshiko flowers." Masaki--"She did her best writing the letter." Masaki--"Nadeshiko made me happy." Pg. 33 Masaki--"And now" Masaki--"…Sakura-chan also makes me happy." Masaki--"…Please give this to Sakura-chan." Masaki--"It's a White Day present." Fujitaka--"I'm sure Sakura-san will be happy." Masaki--"…There's something I should tell you." Pg. 34 Masaki--"…Thank you." Masaki--"And…I'm sorry." Masaki--"…I know" Masaki--"You're the man that Nadeshiko chose." Masaki--"I'm sure that no one could have made her as happy." Masaki--"…but." Pg. 35 Fujitaka--"I don't have any relatives." Fujitaka--"I don't know where I was born." Fujitaka--"It's natural that you don't want someone like that to take your precious Nadeshiko." Masaki--"…No, It's only my stubbornness." Masaki--"I was sad when she said she would leave after sixteen years under my care." Pg. 36 Masaki--"…I wish I could tell her." Masaki--"Nadeshiko chose a really good partner…" Masaki--"My Granddaughter was the happiest in the world…" Fujitaka--"I'm sure she can hear you." Fujitaka--"Wherever she is." Pg. 40 Sakura--"I'm home!" Fujitaka--"Welcome back." (pata pata) Sakura--[I'm home.] Sakura--[Hoe?] Sakura--"What's that?" Fujitaka--"It's a White Day present for you from Nadeshiko's grandfather." Fujitaka--"To say thank you for your Valentine's Chocolate." Sakura--"Grandfather's here!?" Pg. 41 Fujitaka--"It was delivered today." Sakura--[I see.] Sakura--"But I'm really happy!" Sakura--"…Great!" Sakura--"Wow!!" Fujitaka--"Are you going to try it on?" Fujitaka--[I'm sure it'll suit you.] Sakura--"But what if Oniichan comes back…" Sakura--[I'd have to change again.] Pg. 42 Fujitaka--"Touya-kun stopped over at Tsukishiro-kun's." Sakura--[Is that so.] Sakura--"Then it's okay." (pata pata) (BANG) Kero--"A-again." (kyu) (pata pata) Sakura--"Sorry!" Pg. 43 Kero--[These days] Kero--"This kind of nonsense." (hiri hiri) (poi poi) (basa) Kero--"Ack!" (batan) (mosa mosa) (pata pata pata pata) Kero--"Boy, she changed fast." (puha) Pg. 44 Fujitaka--"It looks great on you." Sakura--[A ha ha] Sakura--"Now that I think of it, I got a dress from one before." Sakura--[A really frilly one.] Pg. 45 Sakura--"Before at that summer house." Sakura--"There was a Grandpa living alone…" Sakura--"I wonder if he knows." Sakura--"Mom and I were both happy." Fujitaka--"…I'm sure he knows." Pg. 46 Sakura--"I wonder if I'll ever meet him." Fujitaka--"Yes." Fujitaka--"I'm sure." (koto) Pg. 47 Fujitaka--"Right Nadeshiko-san?" The End back next